HCG Diet

Looking at posts here, some peple are using this. See this article:



"But the F.D.A. has also reiterated a warning, first issued in the mid-1970s, that is required on hCG packaging: It has not been shown to increase weight loss, to cause a more “attractive” distribution of fat or to “decrease hunger and discomfort” from low-calorie diets.

"the hormone carried risks of blood clots, depression, headaches and breast tenderness or enlargement."

"aside from the issue of side effects, the use of hCG as a diet tool was “manipulating people to give them the sense that they’re receiving something that’s powerful and potent and effective, and in fact they’re receiving something that’s nothing better than a placebo.”

"Doctors who prescribe hCG for dieting say that experience is in their favor, even if the research is not." YES, BUT THEY MAKE "upward of $1,000 a month for a consultation, a supply of the hormone and the syringes needed to deliver it."

???? I DON'T GET It DOCTORS "“manipulating people to give them the sense that they’re receiving something that’s powerful and potent and effective, and in fact they’re receiving something that’s nothing better than a placebo.” SO YES I CAN SEE THE DOCTORS POINT OF VIEW $$$, BUT IT IS NOT ETHICAL, TO SAY THE LEAST WITH THE HEALTH RISKS INVOLVED.

BEING ON " a diet that some say mimics anorexia" WITH 500 CALORIES A DAY, YES, ANYONE WILL LOOSE WEIGHT. THEN WHY DO PEOPLE SEEM TO RESPONDS TO THIS DIET: "But several studies concluded that the ritual of the daily injection and the instant gratification of quick weight loss helped motivate people to stay on the diet." WELL YOU MIGHT TRY STICKING A FORK IN YOUR BELLY, COMBINED WITH A DIET. HEROINE ADDICTS DO THIS TO GET A BUSS. SAME PAIN EFFECT.

Capitals are my words, quotations are from the article and sorry for the shouting.


  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I know 5 women who have tried HCG. Two of them lost around thrity pounds, two of them lost around ten pounds, one of them quit on the second day because she just couldn't eat 500 cals.

    All five of them gained the weight back within four months of being off the diet. ALL five of them were total *****es to be around! None of them looked healthy or acted happy.
  • glol4729
    glol4729 Posts: 2
    I know a few people who have done this.. It not only changed them as a person in a social environment, but they put on twice the amount of weight after the quitting the HCG.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    My best friend started it just before I started this journey. She lost about 40lbs, and has gained it all back. She hates that I've kept my weight off and continue to lose weight AND tone up more than she has. And yet she's going to do it again :( I wish I could talk her out of it.

    I just can't see how that would be good for your body, and it must be hard on your heart to do all that yo-yoing.
  • Scrappy3232
    I did the HCG diet back in Sept 09. I did the shots along with the cookie diet. I lost 18 lbs. I felt great and looked great. I promised myself i would eat better and excercise. I ate better but no exercise and then started gaining the weight back on. I'm currently 4 lbs away from being back to my original weight before HCG.

    The diet works only because it is a starvation diet.. anyone will lose weight eating only 500 calories. I am going back to the bootcamp classes i used to take and the proper eating and losing the weight the proper way and the cheaper way. I did it before and lost 20 lbs and had gaind muscle tone, something the hcg diet will not do.

    just wanted to throw in my story.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I also think this works only because of 500 cals a day. Its really not a long term solution... but some people just need to learn on their own... its a learning curve, bla bla:D Good luck to everyone trying it...
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Thank you for posting this! Everyone gets mad when we tell them "no legit scientific studies in the US support the hormone for weight loss." Yes...you will lose weight on this diet...who wouldn't at only 500 calories a day! I have some more links too...about studies and registered dieitians talking about it...I'll compile them and post it later.

    This is just a fad diet...in my opinion. It's not one that can be sustained, and the long term results vary from person to person. I think the best way to lose weight and keep it off, is the slow and steady healthy diet, that can be maintained for the rest of someone's life.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Here's an article from a registered dietitian.

    Here's an article by an MD, and he cites and explains about 4 studies against it.

    I found this one too, I can't figure out how to get the whole article, but it's by a department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, of the University of Stellenbosch, Parowvallei. This is the abstract posted by U.S. National Library of Medicine, but I think, for this one at least, we would need to see the rest of the study to look at the variables and the methodology, this is just a summary.


    Hope these help some! And one thing I think a lot of people need to remember, is that personal experience if not scientific evidence! (unless you're participating in an experiment of course :)

    And...I think this diet is so controversial because some people see it posted on here, and personally...I don't think it's safe. I know they have you make sure you get enough supplements and nutrients, but...when I was in HS, I developed an eating disorder...and this "diet" reminds me SOOO much of that! (without the drops or shots of course.)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I think it's another scam. I think it's really sad that so much money is made on people who're desperate to take off weight quickly. I want to know how many people gain the weight back after spending all that money on HCG.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    There is a whole different side to this with several double blind studies proving that it is in fact effective. Also I trust the FDA and their decisions about as much as I trust any other government agency. Just because the FDA has issued a statement doesnt meant these doctors are wrong, also the HCG can be taken sublingually, and since 1959 when this first made its way to the United States there has been NO report of side effects from the standard weight loss dosage...also those side effects you mention are pretty insignificant when you think of some of the side effects from other medication most of the US is now taking from quack psychiatrists, which by the way is a "medical science" that is not grounded in any type of significant research...but thats another story. So yes HCG is both effective, the real deal, and if it could be a money maker for the big drug companies, you bet it would be prescribed for weight loss.

    Looking at posts here, some peple are using this. See this article:



    "But the F.D.A. has also reiterated a warning, first issued in the mid-1970s, that is required on hCG packaging: It has not been shown to increase weight loss, to cause a more “attractive” distribution of fat or to “decrease hunger and discomfort” from low-calorie diets.

    "the hormone carried risks of blood clots, depression, headaches and breast tenderness or enlargement."

    "aside from the issue of side effects, the use of hCG as a diet tool was “manipulating people to give them the sense that they’re receiving something that’s powerful and potent and effective, and in fact they’re receiving something that’s nothing better than a placebo.”

    "Doctors who prescribe hCG for dieting say that experience is in their favor, even if the research is not." YES, BUT THEY MAKE "upward of $1,000 a month for a consultation, a supply of the hormone and the syringes needed to deliver it."

    ???? I DON'T GET It DOCTORS "“manipulating people to give them the sense that they’re receiving something that’s powerful and potent and effective, and in fact they’re receiving something that’s nothing better than a placebo.” SO YES I CAN SEE THE DOCTORS POINT OF VIEW $$$, BUT IT IS NOT ETHICAL, TO SAY THE LEAST WITH THE HEALTH RISKS INVOLVED.

    BEING ON " a diet that some say mimics anorexia" WITH 500 CALORIES A DAY, YES, ANYONE WILL LOOSE WEIGHT. THEN WHY DO PEOPLE SEEM TO RESPONDS TO THIS DIET: "But several studies concluded that the ritual of the daily injection and the instant gratification of quick weight loss helped motivate people to stay on the diet." WELL YOU MIGHT TRY STICKING A FORK IN YOUR BELLY, COMBINED WITH A DIET. HEROINE ADDICTS DO THIS TO GET A BUSS. SAME PAIN EFFECT.

    Capitals are my words, quotations are from the article and sorry for the shouting.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    1) I wonder what they were using as HCG, as most drops sold over the counter have zero HCG in them
    2) I have to wonder if ANY diet or weight loss method, to include exercise and eating healthy would work for these Women if they simply refused to change their overall lifestyle
    3) I have to wonder if they actually completed the diet to protocol
    4) This is another second hand story of someone who knew someone or had a friend that was unsuccesful...yet there are well over 10,000 posts of individuals that have had success, loss only 2-4% of their total weight in muscle mass (most nutritionist recommended diets result in +10% loss of muscle mass).

    I know 5 women who have tried HCG. Two of them lost around thrity pounds, two of them lost around ten pounds, one of them quit on the second day because she just couldn't eat 500 cals.

    All five of them gained the weight back within four months of being off the diet. ALL five of them were total *****es to be around! None of them looked healthy or acted happy.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Another second hand story, I know plenty of people who have done this that have lost 100+ pounds and kept it off for over three years now....and you can read those peoples stories...or watch them, on myfitnesspal, HCGforums.com, and even youtube.

    I know a few people who have done this.. It not only changed them as a person in a social environment, but they put on twice the amount of weight after the quitting the HCG.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Your friend could have done weight watchers, phentermine, or good old diet and exercise and if she refuses to change her lifestyle then she will always gain it back. The protocol is built to embrace healthy moderate eating, it is not simply a lose the weight, do the protocol and then go back to life as normal, there is a graduated plan that you are supposed to stick to after you complete a round of HCG, when done properly most people have had an incredible amount of success.

    My best friend started it just before I started this journey. She lost about 40lbs, and has gained it all back. She hates that I've kept my weight off and continue to lose weight AND tone up more than she has. And yet she's going to do it again :( I wish I could talk her out of it.

    I just can't see how that would be good for your body, and it must be hard on your heart to do all that yo-yoing.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Here's a thought I have...take it or leave it. But I said that this 'diet' reminds me of my eating disorder I developed in HS. So, I found this on: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/anorexia-nervosa/anorexia-nervosa-what-happens

    "Anorexia Nervosa - What Happens
    Anorexia nervosa almost always begins with a plan to follow a strict weight-loss diet. Limiting foods then leads to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss. As malnutrition sets in, the brain and metabolism change. This limits the appetite, how the body can use food, and the person's ability to think clearly and make good decisions.

    After anorexia starts, it is very difficult for the person to return to normal eating without help. When left untreated, anorexia can continue for a lifetime. This leads to long-term malnutrition or starvation-and sometimes death.

    If you struggle with anxiety, tend to finish the things you start, and strive for perfection, you may be at risk for crossing the line from dieting to anorexia.4, 2 For some people, anorexic eating habits can meet a need for personal control and self-esteem. Some teens may fall into this pattern as a way to cope with big changes and challenges.

    Early treatment of anorexia offers the best chance of recovery. The more irrational eating habits that a person develops, the harder it is to return to a healthy outlook on nutrition. Because people who have anorexia tend to strongly deny that they have a problem and are secretive about their eating, family members or loved ones usually seek help for them on their behalf."

    Paragraph 3 was the one that made me think mostly of this "diet." Also, I know the malnutrition may not kick in for awhile, but that's why to me, paragraph 3 is the red flag paragraph. I also know that there hasn't been research that link hcg diet to anorexia, so this is just my observation.

    When I lost 20 pounds in a month, and was a perfectionist and tried to be perfect, losing weight was like a drug. It was a high for me not to eat over 500 calories and then weigh myself the next day. It's scary how it can take over your life.

    DISCLAIMER: Like I said....this is JUST my opinion and some stuff I've noticed. Please don't jump down my throat for MY own observations. I know there is no scientific data to back this up, that's why I'm saying it as my own observation.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Well at least this is a primary source, but what you are saying is that you did HCG, but failed to follow protocol...pretty sure the cookie diet is nowhere on the protocol. It is a starvation diet, a starvation diet in terms of food being put in your and that is possible with minimal muscle loss or hunger BECAUSE of the HCG, which releases calories into your blood stream from fat stores. How long did it take you to put the weight back on? Two years of not exercising...not bad.

    I did the HCG diet back in Sept 09. I did the shots along with the cookie diet. I lost 18 lbs. I felt great and looked great. I promised myself i would eat better and excercise. I ate better but no exercise and then started gaining the weight back on. I'm currently 4 lbs away from being back to my original weight before HCG.

    The diet works only because it is a starvation diet.. anyone will lose weight eating only 500 calories. I am going back to the bootcamp classes i used to take and the proper eating and losing the weight the proper way and the cheaper way. I did it before and lost 20 lbs and had gaind muscle tone, something the hcg diet will not do.

    just wanted to throw in my story.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    You may "think" that but you would be wrong. There is as much evidence that it works as there is that it doesnt, your right the 10s of thousands of people who have had tons of success need to learn on their own.

    I also think this works only because of 500 cals a day. Its really not a long term solution... but some people just need to learn on their own... its a learning curve, bla bla:D Good luck to everyone trying it...
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    A fad diet that has apparently lasted 50+ years.
    Thank you for posting this! Everyone gets mad when we tell them "no legit scientific studies in the US support the hormone for weight loss." Yes...you will lose weight on this diet...who wouldn't at only 500 calories a day! I have some more links too...about studies and registered dieitians talking about it...I'll compile them and post it later.

    This is just a fad diet...in my opinion. It's not one that can be sustained, and the long term results vary from person to person. I think the best way to lose weight and keep it off, is the slow and steady healthy diet, that can be maintained for the rest of someone's life.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes and then the naysayers get mad when you provide them with TWO DOUBLE BLIND studies that say it DOES work...even you agreed that there is as much evidence against as for and there needs to be new testing.

    Thank you for posting this! Everyone gets mad when we tell them "no legit scientific studies in the US support the hormone for weight loss." Yes...you will lose weight on this diet...who wouldn't at only 500 calories a day! I have some more links too...about studies and registered dieitians talking about it...I'll compile them and post it later.

    This is just a fad diet...in my opinion. It's not one that can be sustained, and the long term results vary from person to person. I think the best way to lose weight and keep it off, is the slow and steady healthy diet, that can be maintained for the rest of someone's life.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes, as I am sure those people who have lost over 100 pounds think it is a scam as well.

    I think it's another scam. I think it's really sad that so much money is made on people who're desperate to take off weight quickly. I want to know how many people gain the weight back after spending all that money on HCG.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Yes and then the naysayers get mad when you provide them with TWO DOUBLE BLIND studies that say it DOES work...even you agreed that there is as much evidence against as for and there needs to be new testing.

    Thank you for posting this! Everyone gets mad when we tell them "no legit scientific studies in the US support the hormone for weight loss." Yes...you will lose weight on this diet...who wouldn't at only 500 calories a day! I have some more links too...about studies and registered dieitians talking about it...I'll compile them and post it later.

    This is just a fad diet...in my opinion. It's not one that can be sustained, and the long term results vary from person to person. I think the best way to lose weight and keep it off, is the slow and steady healthy diet, that can be maintained for the rest of someone's life.

    2 studies, compared to I think it was 8? or 4? Only 2...NO study can be generalized to the whole public, or verified to be accurate if there are only 2 studies! ALL studies need replications to yield the same results over and over again, to provide evidence of them being true, and to reject the null hypothese. 2 studies, is not enough to show validity. Espcially when one that you're talking about was done by a person closely associated with hcg.

    Just a thought. :)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Ok...I don't know if this site is 100% what I'm trying to find. But...it does say :


    Replication means that a researcher who uses the same study method in the same situations or contexts as another researcher can make the same observations and obtain the same results. (Alternatively, the same researcher can obtain the same results on two different occasions.) Generalization refers to how much the results can be replicated in different contexts and with different populations. When the results of a study can be replicated and generalized, the results can be trusted more than results from studies without these characteristics. Usually, many research studies are needed to produce a body of knowledge that provides this information. "

    from http://ecs.org/html/educationIssues/Research/primer/appendixB.asp

    Notice the last 2 sentences.