HCG Diet



  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I think there are about 6 studies here against it. I haven't looked at the whole studies myself, I don't have time to do that right now.

    From http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/truth-about-hcg-for-weight-loss
    "In 1995, the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published an analysis of research showing no benefit of hCG in promoting weight loss. A December 2009 position paper of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians concluded they did not recommend hCG as a weight loss aid.

    Quack Watch.org director Stephen Barrett, MD tells WebMD that "scientific studies have demonstrated that hCG injections do not cause weight loss.”

    He describes the protocol as extreme, nearly impossible to adhere to, and senseless, especially because the clinical trials have demonstrated that hCG is ineffective as a weight loss aid.

    Since 1975, the FDA has said that hCG is not a weight loss drug. Keep in mind that the FDA doesn't regulate web sites selling hCG and doesn't oversee whether the hCG product you order is safe, free of contaminants, and in the correct concentration."

    From http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-katz-md/hcg-diet-for-weight-loss_b_809660.html

    S Afr Med J. 1990 Feb 17;77(4):185-9.

    Human chorionic gonadotrophin and weight loss. A double-blind, placebo-controlled

    trial. Bosch B, Venter I, Stewart RI, Bertram SR.

    Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch,

    Parowvallei, CP.

    Low-dose human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) combined with a severe diet remains

    a popular treatment for obesity, despite equivocal evidence of its effectiveness.

    In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effects of HCG on weight loss

    were compared with placebo injections. Forty obese women (body mass index greater

    than 30 kg/m2) were placed on the same diet supplying 5,000 kJ per day and

    received daily intramuscular injections of saline or HCG, 6 days a week for 6

    weeks. A psychological profile, hunger level, body circumferences, a fasting

    blood sample and food records were obtained at the start and end of the study,

    while body weight was measured weekly. Subjects receiving HCG injections showed

    no advantages over those on placebo in respect to any of the variables recorded.

    Furthermore, weight loss on our diet was similar to that on severely restricted

    intake. We conclude that there is no rationale for the use of HCG injections in

    the treatment of obesity.

    PMID: 2405506 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    2. Am J Clin Nutr. 1976 Sep;29(9):940-8.

    Ineffectiveness of human chorionic gonadotropin in weight reduction: a

    double-blind study. Stein MR, Julis RE, Peck CC, Hinshaw W, Sawicki JE, Deller JJ Jr.

    Our investigation was designed to retest the hypothesis of the efficacy of human

    chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on weight reduction in obese women in a clinic

    setting. We sought to duplicate the Asher-Harper study (1973) which had found

    that the combination of 500 cal diet and HCG had a statistically significant

    benefit over the diet and placebo combination as evidenced by greater weight loss

    and decrease in hunger. Fifty-one women between the ages of 18 and 60

    participated in our 32-day prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison of

    HCG versus placebo. Each patient was given the same diet (the one prescribed in

    the Asher-Harper study), was weighed daily Monday through Saturday and was

    counseled by one of the investigators who administered the injections.

    Laboratory studies were performed at the time of initial physical examinations

    and at the end of the study. Twenty of 25 in the HCG and 21 of 26 patients in the

    placebo groups completed 28 injections. There was no statistically significant

    difference in the means of the two groups in number of injections received,

    weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per

    injections, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the

    effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction.

    PMID: 786001 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    3. West J Med. 1977 Dec;127(6):461-3.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the treatment of obesity: a critical

    assessment of the Simeons method. Greenway FL, Bray GA.

    Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) have been claimed to aid in

    weight reduction by reducing hunger, and affecting mood as well as aiding in

    localized (spot) reduction. We have tested these claims in a double-blind

    randomized trial using injections of HCG or placebo. Weight loss was identical

    between the two groups, and there was no evidence for differential effects on

    hunger, mood or localized body measurements. Placebo injections, therefore,

    appear to be as effective as HCG in the treatment of obesity.

    PMCID: PMC1237915

    PMID: 595585 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    4. Arch Intern Med. 1977 Feb;137(2):151-5.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) treatment of obesity. Shetty KR, Kalkhoff RK.

    After a nine-day control period, six hospitalized obese women were placed on 500

    calorie diets and were given 125 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

    intramuscularly daily for 30 days. Another five obese women received injections

    of diluent only and consumed identical diets for the same period. Mean weight

    loss in the HCG-treated group was nearly identical to that achieved by women

    given the placebo. Reduction of triceps skinfold thickness or circumferential

    body measurements of the chest, waist, hips, and thighs were not different.

    Patters of change of a variety of plasma and urine substrates, electrolytes, and

    hormones were similar in the two groups and consistent with semistarvation and

    weight loss. These results indicate that HCG has no effects on chemical and

    hormonal parameters measured and offers no advantage over calorie restriction in

    promoting weight loss."
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    To those of you who are thinking about trying this...do not read this forum and let the posters deter you. People simply can not wrap their heads around the idea that REAL HCG actually works, and has worked for 50+ years when used in conjunction with the directions as provided by Dr. Simeon in "pounds and inches" which is available free all over the internet. In addition, to each study that discredits HCG, there is another that backs it up, and I find it humorous when I start seeing links pop up because they definately are only posting what backs up THEIR argument. At least when I provided links I provided studies for and against HCG so people could make up their own minds. When of the previous posters said that personal experience can not be scientific...okay, but personal experience defiantely shows a trend. And for every primary source that said they were not happy with HCG (of which I have only one, who by the way kept the weight off for two years with doing NO exercise, there are at least 100 people who have had a great amount of success). However, if you are not willing to change your current habits to a healthier life style then why bother? You will gain all the weight back just as you would with any other diet or exercise plan once you stop. Dont buy HCG drops from some online snake oil salesman, and dont buy them from your local pharmacy. Either get a prescription from your doctor, or order the actual HCG hormone from an online pharmacy like alldaychemist or reliablepharmacy...I have people all the time ask me where to get the REAL HCG from and they send me a link and it disgusts me the way companies are taking advantage of people. In one instance this woman bought "Real HCG Drops" that was on the bottle...and then a disclaimer that it was "100% Hormone Free" like that was a good thing. HCG isnt for everyone, you should have a good amount of weight to lose, have a plan for after the protocol is over...to include exercise, and be dedicated in your weight loss. I personally lost 32 pounds in one round (starting weight 252), (men will generally lose more), and during that time I began sleeping better, had more energy, and was just generally a more pleasant person, and that was during my 500 calorie days...to be honest I didnt miss those extra calories one bit and it was actually an effort to double that intake once the round was complete...I went from over 30% body fat to begin with and on the last day of the protocol I recorded a body fat % of 19%...which equals about a 2% loss in lean muscle mass...and that is pretty damn good. If I gain the weight back it will be my fault not the HCG's, I go to the gym now two hours a day, eat clean and healthy, and generally feel better about myself. Believe it or not alot of men also will go through an eating disorder at some point in their life, the difference is that it is not nearly as severe, and we never talk about it...mine was when I was a sophmore in college. I weighed a strapping 175lbs, which by the way was just within the normal range of the BS BMI. I weighed that 175lbs through what is called anorexic exercise. I started that year weighing about 218lbs, I wanted that six pack, I wanted to be in shape, get the girls...I mean it was college. I began eating "right" with a reduced calorie diet, about 1800 calories a day and really good stuff like salads, whole grain pasta, chicken breast, boiled egg whites, turkey...all that "Mens Health" food. In only about two weeks I had dropped down to 197, about two months later I was down to 175. I went to the gym in the morning for two hours, ran outside in the afternoon, and then returned to the Gym for two more hours, I did this five times per week. The whole purpose was to burn more calories than I was consuming, and I definately made sure of that, if I needed to stay at the gym longer I would, I also made sure to burn as many calories as I thought I would consume or "drink" over the weekends. But even during the weekends I was nervous and scared about what I was eating...yes scared...I can remember eating a pizza and kept reaching down to check and make sure my abs were still there...I felt so guilty after eating that Pizza I drank water till I puked...yeah thats a great way to live, so scared you will lose your physique that you cant even eat a damn slice of pizza. I was running two miles in under 11 minutes, bench pressing nearly 300 oh yeah I was in shape alright...so much so that when I sat down with my shirt off and turned in one direction every one of my ribs showed, my face was sucked way in, my mother thought I was sick, and I was incredibly paranoid about missing even a single workout. I had my body fat measured and it was below what would be considered healthy even for elite athletes. What I found funny is that nobody was concerned, except mom...I heard alot of "you look great" and "you are like a new person," even my old high school coach who did my body fat test for me didnt seem to be concerned about how low it was. Seems like despite how unhealthy you really are if is coming from eating right and good old fashion exercise it is "A OK" I stayed like this until the end of junior year when we had a very significant family tragedy. It wasnt feasible for me to exercise for several weeks, my very selective diet wasnt available, and it generally a very unpleasant time. By the end of the summer I was not only heavier than when I started, I would NEVER be able to maintain my weight again, or at least bring it below 200 where I would like to be. Dieting, exercise, ephedrine, phentermine, weight watchers, more exercise, starvation, accupuncture...on and on and on, to say I have "tried it all" would be an understatement. Since I graduated college eight years ago my body has been a roller coaster of fitness and weight. In fact I have consistently exercised over those eight years, Im in the Army I have no choice but to exercise in the morning. My weight is up, my weight is down generally bouncing between 230 and as much as 270...up down up down. Then I found HCG, I was having sleeping problems, I was having energy problems, and after just a month I am at a weight I have not seen in nearly nine years, I am sleeping better, thinking better, and feeling better. I have a drive to exercise more than just the one hour in the morning..to get and be fit...and it was all because something finally was able to push me past the stumbling blocks that I have faced for EIGHT long years. Let someone say I didnt try my *kitten* off the last eight years, I will punch them right in the face, because chances are I tried TEN TIMES as hard as someone who simply eats what ever the hell they want, does a little exercise, and then has the body of a fitness model...I will defend HCG regardless of any study that is EVER published...I know what it did for me, I know what potential it has to do for other people, and while this testimonial might not be scientific I think it is damn inspiring.
  • Ziggysgirl
    Ziggysgirl Posts: 1 Member
    My Doctor reccommended this "Diet" to me and I have read this forum and alot more on the web. I feel I was completely informed of the risks and the possible rewards for trying HCG. I have struggled with weight my entire life and I am a very active person, I have done several 5k's and even Triathlons at plus 300 lbs. I started phase 1 of the "Diet" on March 1st I have tried and tried to stick to 500 calories which I have found impossible to do, but I have stuck to the portocol of 5oz protien 1 cup veggie 1 cup fruit (from the approved foods) and have positve results. I have been averageing about 600 calories a day and had little hunger and no cravings. This is working for me I am down 13 lbs I can't remember when I was below 300lbs. I have noticed that is changing the way I eat and that is a positvie. I am learning that alot of veggies that I would never have tried in the past I actually like.

    This "Diet" may not be for everyone, we are all different, that is what makes the world go around. There is eveidence to support both sides of this debate. My feeling is that it is like every other "Diet" it works for some and doesn't for others.
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight

    I agree that you have to decide for youself..100%! My only problem is that there is NO scientific evidence (besides 2 studies done by a person closely associate with the hcg "diet,"...which is a red flag to anyone reading statistics) shows that it is the hcg hormone. If you want to lose weight following the diet at 500 calories a day...fine! You'll lose! I don't think ANYONE is doubting that. It's the hcg hormone I have a problem with. I have not read ONE THING BY AN RD that says it's good, and NOTHING BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DATA. That's where my problem is at.

    That...and I'm worried about people developing an eating disorder from this. I know there is no scientific evidence for this, just my personal experience....but I remember when I developed my eating disorder, and you do feel good with the low calories. You get to a point where you feel hungry, and you tell yourself "ok....just get past this and it will pass." Which...it does, and then your floating on a high of overcoming the hunger...and seeing the scale go down. My point...the hcg part, is a scam for people to make money. Do the diet on your own without the drops...you'll get the same results.

    Take care all who do it! I would LOVE to hear follow up stories after a month or 2 or 3 of stopping it.

    ANYONE EATING 500 CALORIES A DAY WILL LOSE WEIGHT...ther is NO argument about that!

    (And jstalittlecrzy...this is NO means meant at you....you just provided a statement that worked perfect with what I wanted to say. So thanks:)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Oh...and so it is the hcg that does the job. Then....not cutting your calories and using the drops, should equal weight loss...right? I mean...if it is the hormone..right?

    Yep....probabaly isn't going to work. I'd LOVE to have someone try that though...not change anything up, and add the drops. Because...according the the hcg plan.... "HCG drops can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss."

    SO...if it TRULY is the hormone that makes you lose weight....then adding it to ANY persons diet would help them lose weight....right?

    Probably not. Pretty positive it's the 500 calories a day that causes people to lose weight...not the hormone.
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    just another thought - this "diet" is not meant to be something you are on forever. Normally done for 23 days or 40 days, then slowly increase caloric intake to your maintenance level, always watching your weight and being aware of what your body is saying. You go at least 6 weeks, eating normally, watching your weight before you start another "round" of hcg, and another 23-40 days of losing weight. The main idea is to lose weight quickly (good for ones self esteem) without losing muscle mass, and learning to eat normally inbetween the diet. There are mounds and mounds of information with hundreds of people who have used it successfully, and not so successfully, out there for everyone to read. Most are people who have had great success with this diet and want to let people know about how they did it. (we do like to talk about ourselves, don't we?) And most (most!) will forward you to a legit pharmacy that you can purchase it from. There are those out there trying to take advantage of the public, trying to sell anything that is suppose to have hcg in it. Do your homework, read all information, pro and con, and decide for yourself if it is for you. And make sure you have the real thing - test it !
    Just a question?? Is weight watchers or any other "diet" program any better/worse? They are selling a product to make money. For some it works, for some it doesn't. For some, it sends them into a spiral of fasting/gorging just to have a loss at that weekly weigh-in. Been there - done that. Don't want to do it again.
    I'm eating 2 cups of vegtables, 8 ounces of lean meat, 2 fruits and 2 bread servings a day, more "good" food than I have eaten in a long time, and quickly losing the weight. I'm active (have horses, dogs, snow to shovel and plow and a house to keep up) and do not feel hungry, deprived. weak, tired or any other symptoms that I had when I tried other ways of "dieting".
    If you do not believe in this way of taking off pounds, and want to follow the normal way of dieting - i think that is wonderful and I hope you have much success. This is just an alternative. There is absolutely no medical information that states in any way/shape/form that taking hcg can harm you.
    Good luck to everyone embarking on a weight loss. Great success to all. I just want to do it quickly, then get on a great
    "forever" meal program (I won't call it a diet)
    Not getting down on anyone - just stating how I feel. Everyone...... have a great eating day.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Of course it's a scam. Look at tons of people on MFP who did not do the "diet" and lost the SAME AMOUNT OF WEIGHT as people on the HCG thread. Even the defender guy here, there's another guy here who lost 35 lbs in one month using MFP alone, ie, cal counting in a HEALTHY WAY. I have another friend on here who has lost 30 lbs in one month NOT DOING HCG, just doing cal counting in a healthy way on MFP!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Nobody is jumping down your throat but dont think Im not going to defend the other side of this with verocity either.
    Here's a thought I have...take it or leave it. But I said that this 'diet' reminds me of my eating disorder I developed in HS. So, I found this on: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/anorexia-nervosa/anorexia-nervosa-what-happens

    "Anorexia Nervosa - What Happens
    Anorexia nervosa almost always begins with a plan to follow a strict weight-loss diet. Limiting foods then leads to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss. As malnutrition sets in, the brain and metabolism change. This limits the appetite, how the body can use food, and the person's ability to think clearly and make good decisions.

    After anorexia starts, it is very difficult for the person to return to normal eating without help. When left untreated, anorexia can continue for a lifetime. This leads to long-term malnutrition or starvation-and sometimes death.

    If you struggle with anxiety, tend to finish the things you start, and strive for perfection, you may be at risk for crossing the line from dieting to anorexia.4, 2 For some people, anorexic eating habits can meet a need for personal control and self-esteem. Some teens may fall into this pattern as a way to cope with big changes and challenges.

    Early treatment of anorexia offers the best chance of recovery. The more irrational eating habits that a person develops, the harder it is to return to a healthy outlook on nutrition. Because people who have anorexia tend to strongly deny that they have a problem and are secretive about their eating, family members or loved ones usually seek help for them on their behalf."

    Paragraph 3 was the one that made me think mostly of this "diet." Also, I know the malnutrition may not kick in for awhile, but that's why to me, paragraph 3 is the red flag paragraph. I also know that there hasn't been research that link hcg diet to anorexia, so this is just my observation.

    When I lost 20 pounds in a month, and was a perfectionist and tried to be perfect, losing weight was like a drug. It was a high for me not to eat over 500 calories and then weigh myself the next day. It's scary how it can take over your life.

    DISCLAIMER: Like I said....this is JUST my opinion and some stuff I've noticed. Please don't jump down my throat for MY own observations. I know there is no scientific data to back this up, that's why I'm saying it as my own observation.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    No not at all that right there proves you are pretty ignorant on how HCG works.

    Oh...and so it is the hcg that does the job. Then....not cutting your calories and using the drops, should equal weight loss...right? I mean...if it is the hormone..right?

    Yep....probabaly isn't going to work. I'd LOVE to have someone try that though...not change anything up, and add the drops. Because...according the the hcg plan.... "HCG drops can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss."

    SO...if it TRULY is the hormone that makes you lose weight....then adding it to ANY persons diet would help them lose weight....right?

    Probably not. Pretty positive it's the 500 calories a day that causes people to lose weight...not the hormone.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes but I have done it the other way and it didnt work for me. Why is that so hard for people to understand? If it was a scam then my total weight loss should have consisted much more of muscle mass, and much less of fat loss...why is that such a difficult concept for people to swallow?

    Of course it's a scam. Look at tons of people on MFP who did not do the "diet" and lost the SAME AMOUNT OF WEIGHT as people on the HCG thread. Even the defender guy here, there's another guy here who lost 35 lbs in one month using MFP alone, ie, cal counting in a HEALTHY WAY. I have another friend on here who has lost 30 lbs in one month NOT DOING HCG, just doing cal counting in a healthy way on MFP!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Yes but I have done it the other way and it didnt work for me. Why is that so hard for people to understand? If it was a scam then my total weight loss should have consisted much more of muscle mass, and much less of fat loss...why is that such a difficult concept for people to swallow?

    Ok, you were counting cals and exercising, and doing under 1400 cals a day & not losing?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes but I have done it the other way and it didnt work for me. Why is that so hard for people to understand? If it was a scam then my total weight loss should have consisted much more of muscle mass, and much less of fat loss...why is that such a difficult concept for people to swallow?

    Ok, you were counting cals and exercising, and doing under 1400 cals a day & not losing?

    why does it matter so much to you what he does or any of the othe hcg users?It is their choice and if they are happy with it people should back off.Insted I see people on here just being rude about it.If you are so against it dont do it.Ive know a few people that have done it lost weight and kept it off and still havent gained it back years later.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    why does it matter so much to you what he does or any of the othe hcg users?It is their choice and if they are happy with it people should back off.Insted I see people on here just being rude about it.If you are so against it dont do it.Ive know a few people that have done it lost weight and kept it off and still havent gained it back years later.

    This isn't the HCG cheerleading thread....this one starting out by criticizing it......I don't go to the HCG cheerleading threads, this is mostly a bunch of antis. Defend it if you want...but the guy responded to me, and I responded back, I'm waiting for his reply. If this thread bothers you because there's so many critics of it on here find the HCG cheerleading threads around here.

    I will await for this guy to reply to me, I am curious about what he was doing in the past. And if you want to be one of the HCG defenders, I will ask you the same question. As I stated, it's a scam, and there are tons of poeple on here that have lost the same weight or more than the people on the HCG threads in the same amt of time. Eating 500 cals a day is not healthy for you!
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    Sorry, but it just seems like a stupid idea to me. Personally, I hate seeing people voluntarily restricting themselves to such low amounts of calories simply because it rings my 'disorder' bell. I don't understand why everyone has to lose weight quicklyquicklyquickly - slow and steady wins the race, after all. Does it really have such massive impacts compared to normal weightloss (that isn't attributed to the very low calories)? For the record, I'm not a fan of weightloss surgery, either.

    If I eat 500cals a day and lose tonnes of weight (which I struggle not to do), I'm 'starving myself' but just because you get some supplement something, it's suddenly okay? Hm.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    why does it matter so much to you what he does or any of the othe hcg users?It is their choice and if they are happy with it people should back off.Insted I see people on here just being rude about it.If you are so against it dont do it.Ive know a few people that have done it lost weight and kept it off and still havent gained it back years later.

    This isn't the HCG cheerleading thread....this one starting out by criticizing it......I don't go to the HCG cheerleading threads, this is mostly a bunch of antis. Defend it if you want...but the guy responded to me, and I responded back, I'm waiting for his reply. If this thread bothers you because there's so many critics of it on here find the HCG cheerleading threads around here.

    I will await for this guy to reply to me, I am curious about what he was doing in the past. And if you want to be one of the HCG defenders, I will ask you the same question. As I stated, it's a scam, and there are tons of poeple on here that have lost the same weight or more than the people on the HCG threads in the same amt of time. Eating 500 cals a day is not healthy for you!

    Any statistics on how many people have died from it yet?All the people on the hcg "cheerleading" threads seem just fine to me.
    And didnt I see you asking him if he did under 1400 a day which I was always told is UNHEALTHY for a man.Its not just the anti hcg threads,ive seen people start a thread asking questions about it and basicly being attacked. The 7 people I know in real life that were are very succsesfull with the diet are all healthy and happy and have never gained it back.I myself am not on it but thats my choice who are you to condem others choices? I just dont see what the big freakin deal is. It comes down to choice
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    "Dr Oz: HCG Diet Side Effects

    Dr Oz said that some side effects of the HCG Diet include a loss of your menstrual period, hair loss and mood swings. Kimberley and Nicole both were on the HCG Dr Oz HCG Diet DangersDiet and stopped after noticing scary things. Kimberley actually passed out after two weeks and her physician told her to stop the diet immediately. Nicole said that she started to lose her hair, was cranky all the time and nauseous, plus she found it hard to sustain because she was hungry all the time.
    Dr Oz: HCG Diet Causes Cancer

    Dr Oz asked Dr Sheri Emma if she thinks there could be a link between Cancer and the HCG Diet. She said that if someone has a pre-existing cancer that is hormone reactive, then she does not recommend the HCG Diet, but up until now nobody has been able to prove that HCG causes any form of cancer.
    Dr Oz: HCG Diet Concerns

    Dr Oz asked Dr Pieter Cohen about his concerns about the HCG Diet. Dr Cohen said that being on such a low calorie diet has serious side effects including Cardiac Arrest and Gall Bladder Disease. He said that the side effects of the HCG Diet are 10 times more common than the happy stories where HCG worked well for people. Dr Pieter Cohen believes that there are no active ingredients in the HCG Drops, so it is just the power of suggestion that is helping people to eat smaller amounts of food in that case.

    Keri Gans, a Registered Dietitian, said that a 500 calorie diet is too low and that 1200 should be the minimum. Gans said it is impossible to meet your vitamin and mineral needs on a daily basis with only 500 calories. She thinks that people say they are not hungry because of a placebo effect or the power of suggestion. So if people are told that they should not be hungry, then they are not hungry. But what is wrong with being hungry anyway? Being healthy does not mean never being hungry.
    Dr Oz: Cardiologist on HCG Diet

    Dr Oz brought on Dr Sanjeev Patel, a cardiologist, who said he tried the HCG Diet and was one of Dr Sheri Emma’s patients. He said you can survive on a 500 calorie diet and when he weighed the risks of being obese against the low dose of HCG, he thought it was worth a try in his case. Dr Pieter Cohen said that the weight loss is no surprise when you only consume 500 calories, but that 14 trials were done and all of them found no difference between using HCG Shots and salt water placebo shots."


    Those are some of the risks per Dr. Oz.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Any statistics on how many people have died from it yet?All the people on the hcg "cheerleading" threads seem just fine to me.
    And didnt I see you asking him if he did under 1400 a day which I was always told is UNHEALTHY for a man.Its not just the anti hcg threads,ive seen people start a thread asking questions about it and basicly being attacked. The 7 people I know in real life that were are very succsesfull with the diet are all healthy and happy and have never gained it back.I myself am not on it but thats my choice who are you to condem others choices? I just dont see what the big freakin deal is. It comes down to choice

    You're wrong about 1400 a day for men. 1200 a day is the minimum recommended for men & women.

    See above from Dr. Oz, that I linked.....

    So what is it to you that got your panties in a twist if YOU DON'T DO IT? I don't do it either and find it DANGEROUS.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    just another thought - this "diet" is not meant to be something you are on forever. Normally done for 23 days or 40 days, then slowly increase caloric intake to your maintenance level, always watching your weight and being aware of what your body is saying. You go at least 6 weeks, eating normally, watching your weight before you start another "round" of hcg, and another 23-40 days of losing weight. The main idea is to lose weight quickly (good for ones self esteem) without losing muscle mass, and learning to eat normally inbetween the diet. There are mounds and mounds of information with hundreds of people who have used it successfully, and not so successfully, out there for everyone to read. Most are people who have had great success with this diet and want to let people know about how they did it. (we do like to talk about ourselves, don't we?) And most (most!) will forward you to a legit pharmacy that you can purchase it from. There are those out there trying to take advantage of the public, trying to sell anything that is suppose to have hcg in it. Do your homework, read all information, pro and con, and decide for yourself if it is for you. And make sure you have the real thing - test it !
    Just a question?? Is weight watchers or any other "diet" program any better/worse? They are selling a product to make money. For some it works, for some it doesn't. For some, it sends them into a spiral of fasting/gorging just to have a loss at that weekly weigh-in. Been there - done that. Don't want to do it again.
    I'm eating 2 cups of vegtables, 8 ounces of lean meat, 2 fruits and 2 bread servings a day, more "good" food than I have eaten in a long time, and quickly losing the weight. I'm active (have horses, dogs, snow to shovel and plow and a house to keep up) and do not feel hungry, deprived. weak, tired or any other symptoms that I had when I tried other ways of "dieting".
    If you do not believe in this way of taking off pounds, and want to follow the normal way of dieting - i think that is wonderful and I hope you have much success. This is just an alternative. There is absolutely no medical information that states in any way/shape/form that taking hcg can harm you.
    Good luck to everyone embarking on a weight loss. Great success to all. I just want to do it quickly, then get on a great
    "forever" meal program (I won't call it a diet)
    Not getting down on anyone - just stating how I feel. Everyone...... have a great eating day.

    Thank you for sharing your experience....I know everyone has different outcomes, and ANY diet has different outcomes for people. And I appreciate that you shared your experience..thank you:)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    No not at all that right there proves you are pretty ignorant on how HCG works.

    Oh...and so it is the hcg that does the job. Then....not cutting your calories and using the drops, should equal weight loss...right? I mean...if it is the hormone..right?

    Yep....probabaly isn't going to work. I'd LOVE to have someone try that though...not change anything up, and add the drops. Because...according the the hcg plan.... "HCG drops can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss."

    SO...if it TRULY is the hormone that makes you lose weight....then adding it to ANY persons diet would help them lose weight....right?

    Probably not. Pretty positive it's the 500 calories a day that causes people to lose weight...not the hormone.

    First of all..don't you dare call me ignorant. You have no right to call me ANYTHING. Are you a Dr. or an RD? I didn't think so. I deal with STATISTICAL ANALYSIS and QUANTITATIVE DATA on a DAILY basis!

    I know this 'diet" is "supposedly" to work because it's combined with the restricted calories...I get that. However, to tease apart whether it is the calorie restriction or the hormone that makes the difference...this needs to be done.

    And..if you haven't noticed Mr. hcg...this thread if anti hcg. Why not just go back to your pro hcg thread.
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