protein powder while preggo?
My apologies if this has already been discussed--but what are your thoughts? I'm really struggling to get above 40 grams of protein a day btwn being a semi laco-ovo vegetarian and having terrible food aversions. I was going to make a smoothie or similar with some of DH's protein powder but it actually says not to consume…
"I Used to be Fat"-on MTV
Has anyone else seen this show? I watched it yesterday and it really inspired me. The girl lost 90 pounds in 111 days which probably isn't reasonable but I'm thinking if I put my mind to it I could lose these 15-20 I want to in 60 days. Thoughts?
Please "weigh" in-elliptical or jog tonight?
I'm still extremely sore from some unusual weight bearing activity on Sunday, especially in quads and behind knees. I have Disney 10 miler on Sat (woo!) and haven't run in about a week. Given the sore muscles VS desire for fresh legs, do you think it would be better to do elliptical to shake out the muscles or get a light…
Getting fit for trapeze
I've done it a few times (25 lbs heavier) and I know it will be easier just from the weight loss, but I want to tone up arms and abs. Ideas advice appreciated. I'm going to do it in 3 weeks.
The laziest way to eat healthfully
I'm almost to my goal weight and trying to figure out what to do/how to eat after Jenny Craig. I think part of the reason it's worked for me is the "not having to think" aspect. Getting home late from work, then trying to slap something together always lead to not so great choices. So, my question is, what is the laziest…
Need T-shirt ideas for Disney race
Hi! Some friends and I are doing the Disney Tower of Terror run late September. There are 5 of us and I'd love to have a shirt made up. Can anyone familiar with the ride/Disney/Halloween give us some suggestions? I would love it to be a combo of running and scary/Tower of Terror. Any and all ideas welcome! Thanks!
Looking for a 30 day "program"
I have a trip coming up in 30 days or so...would love to tone up. The trip is also a race so I'll be mostly jogging for cardio, just looking for something to do a few times a week for toning. Are there any 30 day dvds that come close to meeting these requirements? Thanks!
Allergic to George Foreman grill?
I don't know where to post this and I'm looking for serious help. I'm a vegetarian. I have never cooked meat in my life. When my husband cooks on the GF grill it gets smoky in the house and I start coughing and wheezing uncontrollably. My extremely serious question--is he doing something wrong (like not cleaning it between…
Knees give out on elliptical
This is a rather recent thing. I can run/jog half marathons with no problems, but lately about 15-20 mins into an elliptical workout both of my knees will "give way" or give out. Besides messing up my rhythm, it kinda hurts! I haven't changed my form on the elliptical, and the fact that it's both knees makes me think it's…
When (Will?) I be bikini ready?
I'm currently at 142 down from 157 and even though I'm at a healthy BMI etc, I am in no way ready to be in a 2 piece. I have never worn one so I really want to this summer. At what weight do you think I'll be close to ready? I'm 5'4". Just looking for suggestions/feedback from similar body types, I know there is no…
how do you really wash fruits & veg?
I do nothing but rinse them in water then pat them with a paper towel and call it a day. Should I be doing something else?
my pants look terrible!
I have lost 8 pounds in the last month since starting Jenny Craig. Yesterday I noticed that my pants were pretty big/saggy. In fact I could put them on and take them off w/o unbuttoning! I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to see some real progress, off the yo-yo rollercoaster. But, do I buy new pants or wait a while longer?…
What do you wish you'd done sooner?
I started wearing glasses at age 5, and was in real Coke bottles by my teens. I finally had LASIK type surgery at 28 and find myself saying I wish I'd done it sooner. Not including starting a weight loss journey, what do you wish you'd done sooner?
How can carbs be bad when ppl have eaten them for thousands
Look at all the civilizations that eat carbs, like white rice daily, up to 3x/day. How can it be that bad for us? When I lived in Europe we had white crusty bread with EVERY meal. Most people in the areas where they eat a lot of carbs are (or have been) healthy. And yes the walk more than Americans but I live in a city and…
Looking for running and/or veggie friends!
I am not new, but seriously ramping up my participation in and use of this site. I've got a birthday at the end of the month which is my goal for losing 8 ish pounds, then I want to really focus on my running and complete a full marathon as a "no meat athlete" (great site, bought his training program). Have been wishy…
realistic first marathon time-advice please!
I'll keep it simple: I've done 5 halfs, best time 2:33 so far, worst 2:49 I really want to do a full in VEGAS in December but cut off is 4:30 If I bust my butt/follow a serious training program for the next 8 mos, do you think I could I finish a full in four and a half hrs??
which is more accurate-bar code or Nutrition Facts?
I bought some ciabatta at a discount store. When I scan the barcode with MFP the brand comes up a different name and the nutrition is different than on th elabel--a difference of a 100 calories or so per serving and 200mg of sodium. Which do you think is more accurate?
So...desk jobs kill?
I recently transitioned from teaching kids (on my feet ALL day and easier to maintain weight) to a desk job. While I find the desk job much less stressful, I guess the news last week was that it doesn't matter how much you exercise away from work, sitting all day is going to shorten your life. My questions are: 1. Who…
is there such a thing as salt weight?
I know there's water weight, but what about when you eat a lot of salty things and drink basically no water on a given day? Could that possibly explain the 2+ pounds I "gained" overnight and the fact that my rings hurt and fingers feel puffy?? Remedies? Going to chug as much water as possible today.
never thought I'd be this person
I have started eating fast food every day...and I'm on a so-called diet! We moved to a BIG city and there is takeout everywhere. Everyone at work gets take out for lunch. Well I discovered a TB a few blocks away, and I haven't had it for months (it's like the only one in the city), it's cheap and delicious. For a long time…
Would I do better if I stopped being vegetarian??
I know it's probably an excuse but I feel like all the magazines show chicken wraps, rice w/fish etc as great, filling meals and I'm basically a carb-atarian. Would I do better if I started eating meat again? Or is this totally an excuse??
If you could only have 1 workout DVD...
What would it be? I don't need cardio, I need more strength/weight/stretching. Since Exercise TV is GONE and the replacement is quite inferior, I'm thinking I need to invest in a DVD.
massage's effect on weight?
I kept to my cals yesterday, didn't exercise but got a little bit of walking in. I got a massage late in the evening...wake up today and I am "up" TWO POUNDS?!?! Could this be at all related to the massage? What a terrible start to the day. :sad:
What would you do with the last 10 pounds?
Let's say you are 10 lbs from your goal. Do you: a) go hardcore for 2 weeks (maybe less?) eating very little "fun" food to try and get 'em off b) go the slow and steady route? I always try for B but it has never worked out. Part of me is thinking to do A, get all gung ho, get to my goal weight and then be more balanced.…
can't run outside today-need indoor ideas!
Here in FL I can't run until dusk (or at 6am which did NOT happen today!). Due to an appointment I won't be able to run this evening, and it's time I got some cross training in anyway. I need advice on in house workouts that would burn about 300 calories (my usual for running 1/2 hr). Ideas welcome!!
how to lower my sugar?
I was just reading the guidelines from "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" (LOVE that show!) and they recommend no more than "25 grams of added sugar per day." I've been eating Athenos greek yogurt every day for the protein & I just looked and it has 24 grams of sugar!! What can I replace that yogurt with? Are there…
DIY boot camp
I went w/a friend to a boot camp she's been doing for a while...it was a circuit of exercises that need no equipment. I definitely felt worked out afterwards but it was 25 mins of exercises. Anyway it costs $160/month! I got to thinking that it has to be cheaper to do that at my house (like, free). I managed to do the…
I know I can't spot reduce but...
I am definitely turning in to an apple shape! Is there anything extra I can do to target the weight around my tummy? I've never had kids, this is just my shape and I want to get it in check before I do get pregnant. Any help?
losing my motivation completely
I'm convinced my body absolutely rejects any attempts at "real" weight loss. I had 3 really good days, then a weekend (Aggh! plus TOM) and now I'm up 5 pounds in a week. I think my body has its set weight and if I try to go below it it revolts. But I don't WANT to weigh 155. HELP!
the harder I try to harder I fail :(
I am SOOOO frustrated! I had 3 "perfect" days, fell off the wagon (I blame TOM) and now I'm up 5 lbs from this time last week. I'm starting to wonder if my body just wants to weigh 150 lbs and nothing I do will change that. Ready to throw in the towel...