So...desk jobs kill?

I recently transitioned from teaching kids (on my feet ALL day and easier to maintain weight) to a desk job. While I find the desk job much less stressful, I guess the news last week was that it doesn't matter how much you exercise away from work, sitting all day is going to shorten your life.

My questions are:

1. Who besides teachers, builders and fitness instructors DOESN'T sit all day at work?
2. What can we do about it??


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    A lot of people recommend just making sure you get up and walk around when taking a call (if possible), that you walk to someone's desk to speak to them rather than e-mailing, and that you walk on your lunch break.

    Personally, I work in an office four days a week and barely move for the whole day due to my busy schedule, Other days, I'm working from home and I do one or two runs, get up and walk around or fit in some exercise.
  • MelissaT81
    MelissaT81 Posts: 123 Member
    Well for me instead of emailing someone here in the office, I get up and walk to their desk. I also take the stairs every day to and from the office (every little bit helps). I know it sounds silly but they have exercises that you can do at your desk or you could just get up every so often and walk around the office for a few minutes.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    was that the truth about exercise horizon programme?

    didn't he also show that even in a desk job, you can get up and move quite a bit more than you think?
  • featherfun7
    I'm right there with you. Went to school for teaching, was student teaching (In Wisconsin,) graduated 3 years ago (a terrible time in education here,) and have been at a desk job for over 2 years now. Was ok when I was in roller derby but once I stopped that and had a baby, all went downhill from there. trying to get back on track! Good luck!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I spend my lunch time walking... And take something I can grab and eat! X
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Cops, Probation officers, Prison gaurds, firemen, and almost any tradesmen are on their feet most of the day. The today show did a piece on a treadmil for your desk. It looked weird, but I would you use it.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I have a desk job.....I think it is the stress that is going to kill me...not the sitting on my butt!!

    There are several posts on here about:

    people sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs.
    little exercise routines you can do while sitting - hand weights, etc..
    things you can do throughout your day to "sneak" in more exercise.

    I seriously thought I sat all day...until I started really paying is amazing the number of opportunities I have to get up and move....just now I make sure I take them all the time.

    Anyway, not sure if that even answers anything...I just know I have read some stuff on this before :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I walk around a lot. I drink tons of water. I bring my lunch.

    I'm also lucky at my work though, because I have a pretty flexible schedule. I can take long lunch breaks and do, and when I do I take a Pilates class 2 x a week and go running on other days or right after work. I also bought a balance ball chair for my desk which I also think helps.
  • butterfly10398
    I have a desk job, and have for the past 8 years. We get 3 breaks a day, 2 15 minutes and 1 30 minute. I take all of my breaks and use them to walk... it helps me get away from my desk and stay active. i also try to squeeze in a work out whenever I get home from work as well.. every little bit helps.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have a completely sedentary job working with computers. I sit in a windowless office for 8-9 hours a day, every day, Monday through Friday. Here's what I do to avoid all the sitting:

    1) Always use the restroom farthest away from my desk
    2) At 9:15, 11:15, 1:15 and 3:15 I take a ten minute break to climb 12 flights of stairs and make 2 'laps' around the perimeter hallway of my building. Some of my co-workers have even joined me in this!
    3) Whenever I can, I drop paperwork off in person instead of sending it through inter-office mail. I work on a university campus, so sometimes taking paperwork in person means I get an extra 1-2 miles of walking into my day.
    4) I walk to all my meetings and avoid elevators like the plague
    5) I park far away

    These little steps have been enough that according to my BodyMedia Fit, I'm classed as 'very active' during work. Usually by the time my work day has ended, I've taken close to 10,000 steps and have a couple hours of 'moderate' activity.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I used to be a Parole Officer and out and about all day. Then I got bumped into a prison job and I sit all day. My steps per day PLUMMETED. And because I work in a prison, it's not exactly relaxing to walk around and stretch my legs as I have to deal with catcalls/rude comments from inmates any time I show my face. I love my job but it has SUCKED for my health. I've really had to make an effort to just move a lot more at home, park at the far end of the parking lot, etc.
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    I have a desk job.....I think it is the stress that is going to kill me...not the sitting on my butt!!

    There are several posts on here about:

    people sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs.
    little exercise routines you can do while sitting - hand weights, etc..
    things you can do throughout your day to "sneak" in more exercise.

    I seriously thought I sat all day...until I started really paying is amazing the number of opportunities I have to get up and move....just now I make sure I take them all the time.

    Anyway, not sure if that even answers anything...I just know I have read some stuff on this before :)

    I love the idea of sitting on an exercise ball rather than a chair. I might just do this! People might think I'm nuts, but oh well! :tongue:
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    I have a desk job, and it does get to you that you're sitting all day so I make sure that I take a walk on my breaks (unless it's raining or snowing) and I also walk for part of my lunch, but if you need the whole time to eat than I wouldn't, but I'm just sitting in the breakroom anyways. I don't walk fast or anything, but it's a way to get moving and let the blood circulate so you don't get so stiff.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    One of the things I used to do was ALWAYS take the stairs between floors in my office building...even all the way to the 5th floor. I would also take 30 minutes of my lunch to go for a walk.

  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    There are plenty of jobs that aren't desk jobs.
    Sales people, nurses (pretty much anything in health care), waiters, dog walkers, post office/package delivery, etc.

    I feel your pain though. I went from preschool teacher (dear good god, what a stressful job) to a stay at home mom. I ended up gaining after I left chasing 15 kids all day. lol.
  • bethybear8990
    I am a student but half of my day is spent working in the College Archives. I manage to do a few small exercises a day, and they make me feel better. Hope this helps!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Exercise throughout the day. Studies have shown that even 10 min of exercise has heatlh benefits, so when you get a break, get up and move. Take a walk if you can, shut your door and do a few exercises, walk the stairs (if you have them).

    You don't have to have a full sweaty workout to counteract that effects of sitting all day. You just need to not sit ALL day.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    It's not going to cut your life short!!!! I just make sure I get up and use my legs at a given opportunity.
    Walk to get a drink
    Walk to the loo
    Walk to do some printing
    Walk to talk to a colleague
    Walk at lunchtime
    Eat well and regular exercise outside of the desk job and you should be just fine. Standing around on your feet (i.e. in a static position) is not much good for you either.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I rigged my computer area so that I can stand most of the day and sit, when I feel like sitting (I just make sure I'm not sitting for 9 hours a day)... When I stand, I move around a lot. It burns more calories and it keeps the blood flowing.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    As a receptionist, I make it a point to run back and forth instead of emailing. I'll run back to my Doc if I have a question rather then emailing (Drives her nuts) or I'll literally RUN down the 4 flights of staires to the basement for supplies instead of calling for someone to bring them up. Get up and walk when on a call, stand at your desk if you can, park at the back of the lot, walk on lunch (walk to GET your lunch... extra motivation!)... there's plenty of ways to squeek in movement so you're not stagnet all day.

    Someone mentioned sitting on exercise balls... I LOVE mine! Great for posture and good core engagement :)