How can I find out how many of what ever = how many grams
How can I find out how many of what ever = how many grams eg. Allen's Red Frogs which is 20 grams per serving? I also want to know for other things as well thank you.
Just want to know if
I would just like to know if I am using the food and exercise diary the right way. I do have a few fitness games for the wii but I can't actually find a way to count these calories that I have burnt. With the food I am wondering if I am eating the right kinds of food, Water is the main thing that I drink every day with…
Does anyone know if this could be true
I weighed myself on a couple of games on the Wii using the balance board and I apparently am 4 ft 9 inches and 94 ibs but I honestly don't see how this could be, I was going to weigh myself using proper scales today but forgot so I am curious as to whether or not you can accurately weigh yourself using some of the fitness…
Very upsetting for me
I was told by my pop today that I was getting a bit of a pot belly and I should start walking more even though I walk a lot already, this upset me because I am already not happy with my weight and have only just started to like wearing tight tops so now I'm not wearing them until I lose weight, I weigh roughly 47 kgs and…
Am over this
My stomach is sore and feels hard to the touch, my boobs are sore and my calves are hard and swollen, am so over my body hurting like this and am so over throwing up every once in a while and feeling sick, am so tired.
Does this work
I was told by a few people that keeping your stomach sucked in at all times with a belt helps you lose weight but I didn't know if it really worked.
I have stopped counting calories (only for a little while)
I have decided to stop counting calories for a little while as I was getting obsessed with trying to lose/maintain my weight and just ended up getting frustrated when I ended up gaining 3 kgs since last August so now I weigh 46 kgs. :(
Tongue Piercing
I have decided to go and get my tongue pierced, I have wanted to get it done since I was 16 but never actually said ok this is it, I am going to get my tongue done so now I am, I will get it done after Christmas so am very excited.
Damn I am failing miserably
I have been doing so well with my eating habits and then tonight I was craving Montes so I gave in but had not one biscuit but 5 and I feel fat now since I ate them, I was doing really well but didn't plan for them in my dally food limit so am now way over my calorie limit, please help me find a way to get past this. (DAMN…
Letters to family members (Random)
Letters to family members that they will never see lol, I am just venting and doing this before I go to bed so that I have a clear head. Dear Mum I know that you have such a hard life with all the stress at work and with my 3 younger brothers but I am not here to look after them all the time, I have a life and don't need…
I can't resist them :(
Bloody hate the Monte biscuits, well actually I lied I love them and they taste so good but I need to be able to resist having 4 of them instead of one or none. I need help to be able to resist the temptation and should I put in my log that I ate 4 Montes today, I really don't want to because they will probably put me over…
Is it ok to not exercise as much
Is it ok to not exercise as much when your not feeling 100%, I have been really tired and felt like crap on and off for the last few weeks so I have not pushed myself quite as hard. :(
This was weird and not normal
I went to have a can of lemonade but to my surprise I only had a sip and nearly threw up so I ended up not drinking the rest and just had water but on a completely different note, I discovered that I loved using the skipping rope to jump so I am going to buy myself one. :)
Don't know where to post this
I have a question but don't know if this is the right place to post it and even if I should post it. All I want to know is if it's ok for me to post a link to an album in photobucket and see if you guys think that some of my tops look alright on me and if they make me look fat, I suppose I won't know unless I try and sorry…
My teeth are discoloured
My teeth are so discoloured and I was wondering if any one from here might have some tips for me to get the white again or at least a decent colour, I don't smoke and drink plenty of water and this was caused by antibiotics that I was on when I was born. Thanks and sorry its not about my weight or diet. :)
I have not had anything from McDonald's in a long time but I am having McDonald's for lunch today with the family and I can't exactly not eat anything so I was wondering if there is anything remotely healthy and that won't have too many calories? Thank you
Is looking for sites
I am looking for websites with nutrition information about food and drinks, I am looking for Woolworths Homebrand Full Cream Milk at the moment but can't find the information. :(
Do we add things like milk and sugar to what we eat
When we use sugar and milk and things like that, do we have to add them into our diary.
What can I eat
I am over my protein goal by 17 but under my goal in everything else so I was wondering if any one has any ideas about what I could eat that has no protein.
I probably should introduce myself
Hi my name is Samantha, I am from NSW, I am 19 and have recently joined this site. I joined so that I could be aware of the calories in what I eat and so that I can get my weight down to 35 kgs from roughly 43 kgs, I am roughly 145 cms tall but not actually sure about that. I guess that you could say that I just want to be…
I am going to finally learn to cook
I am finally going to learn how to cook so was looking for healthy one person meals that include things like bananas, my nan is going to help me learn how to cook vegies and meat so I want to learn how to make meals and desserts that are low in calories and fat. I am going to write down recipes and put them in a few books…
When I walk
Every so often when I walk to Tafe or walk my dog, my legs hurt like hell, I was wondering what it is.
Just a couple of questions
I have only been on this site for 1 week, this is my 2nd week and I am finding this site very helpful, I am trying not to get under my 1200 calorie goal although last week I was because I didn't understand what the extra calories meant and I still don't so can I have some clarification. I was also wondering about when the…
Wanting to eat chocolate
I am 19 years old, weigh roughly 43 kgs at least I did weigh 43 kgs when I went to the doctors in August and am roughly 145 cms tall, I am trying to lose just a little bit of weight just because I am not happy with how I look, I used to eat a lot of chocolate and have lost 3-5 kgs in the last year, I used to weigh roughly…
Does walking by it self help
I love walking so I walk roughly 2 hours a day 5 days a week if not more, I am trying to lose weight, not to much but just a little bit, so was just wondering if walking by it self helps as I am not interested in anything else, if you would like more information just ask, also can walking 30 mins after dinner do more harm…