Letters to family members (Random)

TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Letters to family members that they will never see lol, I am just venting and doing this before I go to bed so that I have a clear head.

Dear Mum

I know that you have such a hard life with all the stress at work and with my 3 younger brothers but I am not here to look after them all the time, I have a life and don't need to take care of 3 boys that don't listen to me because I'm not their MOTHER.

Love your cranky daughter.

Dear Boyfriend

I know that you have a tendency to never be on time but please remember that when you say that you will be here at a certain time then I usually rearrange what I have planned so that I can be on time but you never are so please make an effort to be on time.

Love your punctual girlfriend

Dear Step mum

I love that you worry about me and are worried about why I have been so exhausted lately but I am fine and there is no way in hell that I can be pregnant so don't stress and i it turns out that I am then I know that I have your support and my dads.

Love your step daughter that worries you so much. :)

I will probably have some more but these are what I came up with so far.


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have to join in!

    Dear husband,

    Yes, I'm exercising hard, and yes it makes me tired and complain of aching muscles from time to time, but this is a GOOD thing! Please quit telling me to stop. I know that you love me what ever shape I am, but I'm doing this for ME.

    Your soon to be fit wife x

    Dear Mum,

    Yes I'm loosing weight, for the first time in almost 3 years my BMI is well within the normal range and all that exercise has really improved my asthma. No, I don't look ill this is what HEALTHY looks like.

    Your now health conscious daughter.

    Dear 2 year old daughter.

    Its your fault I put on weight during pregnancy. If you didn't make me sick everytime I went more than 30 minutes with out eating anything for the whole pregnancy I wouldn't have ended up gaining 4.5 stones by the end of it. However I love you dearly and wouldn't want it to have been anyother way. But now I'm loosing the weight please refrain from climbing through my legs and trying to sit on my back while I'm trying to exercise.

    Your, loving mother.
  • Tems
    Tems Posts: 16
    So so funny! I am laughing so hard:laugh:
    Thanks ladies...
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Ha!! All great stuff!
  • Dear Dad,
    i am NOT too skinny. i am not unhealthy! i am, however, dedicated and determined. so no thanks, i won't "increase my caloric intake" just because you think i should. i still have 3 more lbs to go.
    your HEALTHY daughter.

    Dear Sister,
    I won't take a cheat meal just because you feel like going out to eat or ordering pizza. Stop asking me!!!
    your little sistahhh

    Dear Friends,
    stop giving me that look just because i will only allow myself 1 low calorie beer when we go out (or none if the bar doesn't offer 55 or 64 or none just because i don't freakin feel like drinking!!)
    your friend who can have fun without alcohol

  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Must join!

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Thank you for all of your support and advice through everything. Most importantly thank you for being my work out buddies! You both inspire me to take better care of myself when I see how hard you're working out. And best of all...Thank you for bringing me to Japan! Everything is working out so well and I want you to know I love you. Please...please stop lecturing me about random things that cross your mind. I love you and I don't want to get into the habit of tuning you out!

    Always, One who listens.

    Dear Almost Ex-Husband,

    My life is improving every day. I'm in school, I'm getting fit, I'm about to start a wonderful well paying job. I almost have to thank you. If you had not been unfaithful I would still be state-side living paycheck to paycheck in our canneverstayclean-apartment. I am in a country I have always wanted to visit with two of the best people I know and thanks to you I got the chance and could take it. Now sign the divorce papers so I can go from 99 to 100% free.

    Your BetterWithoutYou soon to be Ex-Wife
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Dear Husband,
    Thank you for coming home that day in June 2010 and yelling at me for being in my pajamas still. I have found ME again! I have learned that I am worth the beauty, pain, and sacrifice it takes to be happy again. I still have a ways to go, but Thank You for supporting me, loving me, and knowing what I needed to get my butt in gear.

    Love you always,
    Your Incredible Shrinking Wife
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Might as well join in the fun -

    Dear Husband,

    It's great that you are exercising and counting calories with me, BUT, up until the last couple of years you have been thin. Even now you're not in the "obese" category like some of us are. This is all new and exciting to you. So go ahead and cut your calories way short every day. Go ahead and exercise your a** off. Go ahead and drop your excess weight as fast as you can. Me? I'll be the tortoise to your hare. I'll still be at this long after you reach your goal weight. Just do me a favor; this time, after I've reached MY goal, PLEASE NOTICE!

    Dear Mom,

    It's your fault that I look like this. You're the one who told me as I was growing up that I was "pleasingly plump" and who asked sales people where the chubby girls' dresses were. You're the one whose highest compliment to me was "If you lost 10 lbs, you'd look good in that." As I look at photos from me as a girl, I wonder, what the hell were you looking at? I wasn't fat. I wasn't even chubby. I just wasn't built like you. You were tall and small boned, I was short and broad. But not fat by any means. I believed you, though, and allowed myself to actually become what you said I was. But I'm working on it now, and I'll bet any money that once I reach my goal you might notice, but you won't say anything positive about it. (And by the way, who now weighs 3 times what she weighed on her wedding day???? Not me!!!)

    Dear Daughter,

    How did I end up with such a sweetheart as you? Thank you for noticing when I look good, and thank you for gently pointing out when I don't. When you were a baby I prayed and prayed that I wouldn't do to you what my mother did to me. Guess I did alright.

    Dear Sons,

    This is your mother speaking. I know you love me. You are both good sons and I think we have good relationships. But I'm wondering, if you had to, would you be able to pick me out of a line up?

  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    All of them are great letters lol.

    I have another one and this one is a bit more serious.

    Dear Dad

    No I don't eat as much as what I used to eat and yes I probably have lost a little bit of weight but it is not because of you always commenting on how I looked when I was younger and a bit "chubby", I am doing this for myself no one else so don't feel guilty about making snide remarks about my weight and how much I used to eat because they didn't hurt me because I believe that you were only joking.

    Love your daughter who is trying to be healthy. :)
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    Me next! These are so great! Here I go!

    Sister-in -law~
    You think you are so perfect, you work out day and night...YOU are your focus in life, even though you have 2 kids and a mother in law that lives with you. You are ungreatful and pathetic. I pray that someday get real! You don't even acknowlege your sister is dying of cancer!...and I have to reach out and encourage her, because I know YOU won't! EW! One day, inthe next year, MY BUTT will be fabulous, and its because I will work it off!

    I get my weight from you, I am an emotional eater, and I need to change. I AM. I look at you in disgust! YOu are now retired and getting fatter and fatter. You don't care. You have your letters behind your name, yet you are so unhealthy, and its so sad. BUT, I am changing my life, NOW! Almost married 20 years..I can do this, by Gods mighty grace! Its hard, but LIFE is hard right. Its my time..my decision and I am chosing MY God to help me beat this. You are so cold and unloving. I don't think you've ever said I love you to me, and thats who you are :(
    I could go on and on....its not worth it.

    I'm sorry to say I am NOT doing this for you! But for me and my health. To change this house! What we eat, how we eat. etc. I love you dearly, but I need to change, and that means you too. No more eating in bed. I just can't. I am not doing it for you, but YOU will enjoy the results. You are a wonderful man, and I am blessed to have you...for 19 years :)

    Ahhhh, I feel better! Thanks for this. Its great!!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I saw that someone else had a topic like this and I loved it so then decided to start my own to clear my head before going to bed and to get out some of my frustration in life.
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