Challenge! Beat the Clock.
OK, now's the time to see if we've made any progress. At the beginning of the group, I posted that this challenge was coming, so that we could get starting numbers. Now to get finishing numbers, and see how far we've come. This summer, I ran a 5k in 34 minutes. On Saturday, I will run another 5k. I'll post my new time…
Week #8 Weigh-in
I disappeared the last couple weeks. I had given up a bit on this challenge, but today I decided that was not acceptable, especially since I am the moderator and all. These last few weeks have been challenging. I started a new job that takes a ton of prep, and my lo has not been napping at daycare, so I haven't been able…
Week #8 Challenge
Get some accountability! Whether its logging your food, posting your weekly weigh-in, or working out with a friend, it's a proven fact that success is more likely with some accountability. I know I could use some. For those of you still around, thank you for staying strong, even when I didn't!
Week #5 Weigh-in
I thought I'd get this started early since I know some of you weigh in on Fridays. It seems we are dwindling fast, which I find a bit discouraging. How are you doing? Are you going the right direction? How can we help motivate and support you?
Challenge #5
This is another idea that I got from my challenge thread. Let's make this fun. Get some exercise the same way you did as a child, whether the hoola hoop, climbing a tree, or playing tag. Have fun. Post a pic, or tell what you did. I thought it might help if the challenge and the weigh-in numbers matched. It seems people…
Challenge #4
I know people join these groups all on fire to lose weight. Many quit within the first few days, others slowly dwindle. This weeks challenge is rekindle the fire. Last week there were almost no responses to the challenge. First, I asked for ideas, then I used those ideas. Now it is your responsibility to respond. Anywhere…
Challenge #3
Movie Workout! This is one that was suggested when I asked for ideas. Pick your favorite movie, TV show, or if you don't like TV/movies you can use a deck of cards. Either make up your own, or Google "title of movie" workout. You want around 10 different exercises you can preform every time something somewhat common…
Challenge #2
Find a friend or more, For most people accountability and motivational support go a long way with weight loss. This week's challenge is to work together. Having looked at the workout thread, I know many of us are doing similar things. Whether you've been doing it for years, or are just getting started having people and a…
Group Ideas
I know everyone wants to lose some weight, but I also believe that everyone wants to get something slightly different out of this group. This is the place to share with me your expectations, hopes, ideas, etc...anything you think could help make the group better. Also, feel free to post ideas for the weekly challenges,…
Welcome and introduction
Hi, I joined MFP Jan 1, 2013. Its been a slow journey, but I am headed in the right direction. I tried going at it on my own and only lost a few lbs in 2 months, so I decided to come back. I really need the accountability of weigh-ins and challenges. I couldn't find a group to meet my needs, so I made one. Introduce…
Challenge #1 (The first challenge)
No matter where you are on your weight loss journey, it is important to set realistic, measurable, and obtainable goals. The first challenge is this: Post 1-3 goals you can achieve by the end of 12 weeks that you want others to help hold you accountable to. Then post 1-2 goals for the week. At least one of them should be…
Starting Weights
So here it is... the dreaded weigh-in. I will start. As of today 7-13-13 I weigh 162. When I joined MFP 1-1-2013 I weighed 194. Down 32 lbs so far. I like to post mine in a small chart like this: MFP SW 194 FSC SW 162 W1 W2 W3... Feel free to post yours however you like.
Godly Motivation
What helps you stay on track? I like to pray while exercising if I am tempted to eat more than I should or extra junk.
Christ is Risen!
The reason for everything :-)