Anyone with experience with Same day supplements, body building.com, etc
What's the story with these places? I priced my pre workout through them (nitraflex) and it is almost 18 bucks cheaper through them vs GNC or other supplement places. Are these sites ok? Is the product ok? Anyone have any experience?
Spartan race competitors, get in here....
I completed my first part of the trifecta this weekend at Fort Campbell and had a great time.. In order for me to complete the "trifecta" it say that you must do it from Jan -Dec 31. The problem with that is, i need to run the beast and a super before the new year. I am in decent shape and didnt really train a ton for the…
My guilty pleasure is wings.... anyone have a healthy recipe?
Its been over 52 days since ive had some. I would love to make my own since it would be much healthier.... plus im the type person that cant eat just 4 or 5... haha any tested true recipes?
How long does it take for lifting water retention to fall off?
I added lifting back into my regimen after my diet bet ended. Since then, the scale is up about 4 pounds in that week and a half time. I know i am weighing and measuring my food as i have lost about 26 pounds and am rolling at about a 1000 cal deficit a day. So i am 100% sure i haven't eaten over 28k extra calories. The…
Random question... microwave popcorn caloriea
I must be overthinking it. When i need a different snack ill eat a1/2 bag of popcorn... when you goto log it, there are 1 million different options... popped unpopped, etc. The way i read it is if i were to eat a full bag of popcorn which is about 4 cups according to package and my measurements... it says 40 cals per…
How much difference can i realistically make in 9 weeks?
As some of you know, i signed up to do my first spartan race on August 20. I currently sit at 257 pounds and standing at 6'1. I am a teacher and have roughly the next 6 weeks or so free before school starts back. However, i have 9 weeks from my race date. I am nervous about how i should attack training for this thing. I…
Thinking about doing a spartan race
I am currently 257 pounds and can run 3-5 miles without stopping (not fast but steady). I have some friends that i goto church with that are doing 1 in 2 months... approx 10 weeks. I am currently in the process of cutting weight and changing my life. Is this something i should do. I love sports and love a challenge.…
Almost finished with dietbet from work... typical progress question with adding lifting to daily rou
I am a teacher and during the last month of school some of us took part in a diet bet as a way to help motivate and give us a competition. We are near the end of the month long 4week 4% loss challenge. I have successfully lost my 4%. However, when i began this i knew that i would not be able to lift weights during this…
After follow up, more reading, etc.. my apologies on protein shake and meal replacements question
I came today to ask about making protein shakes as a possible mean replacement for breakfast or lunch.... after alot of reading, it seems that this just isn't conducive in what i need. I am fearful that a"shake" that would essentially replace a meal would be very calorie heavy... and that isn't what i need. I needed a…
Protein powder shakes/smoothies and overnight oats
How much do you all use protein shakes or smoothies during the day/week? Do you use as a meal replacement, entirely pre/post workout, etc? Also, while eating healthier, we are incorporating more egg whites into our mornings instead of our normal cereals, peanut butter toasts, etc. We are shooting for hitting macro counts…
Weekly grocery bill
My wife and i are almost 2 weeks in to eating clean again and this is something that came up in our discussion. We are also working on tightening the reigns of our spending and waste for financial reasons. We have a 4 year old daughter as well. We calculated that in the last several months, we are spending nearly 850…
I'm looking for some fitness friends....
I have been away for a bit and want to start this thing over and do it correctly. I feel the best way is to not try to do this by myself but instead have some friends i can talk to on here that have either been through it or are going through it. I just recently found out my father has stage 4 lung cancer that had spread…
Treadmill v. Elliptical v. Running outside
It's that time of the year that the weather is changing and the opportunity of going outside is there. The question i have is do you foresee a huge difference in benefit to one or the other as far as calorie burn and fitness benefits? I know the machines mimic running etc, but depending on the type of setting you use, you…
Random question... How long did it take for your onset water weight and repair weight to drop off
after starting a lifting program? I was at the gym yesterday and was talking to a couple that I know from work that had just started out and they were bummed that their weight had gone up a few pounds in their first few days after lifting. I reminded them that this was normal and that the weight would magically start…
anyone ever have a nagging muscle pain in leg?
Granted i have played sports all of my life and worked out most of it, I know what a sore body feels like. However, about 2 years ago during a non lifting time (that followed a pretty intense couple of months of stonglifts 5x5 in which you squat each lift), i started to notice my left quad was tender almost as though i had…
Anyone have their own Elliptical at home? If so, what kind do you have?
I have a gym membership and use it a great deal. However, I am looking to add an elliptical to the bonus room so that my wife or I can use it during the evenings or during a time that an extra workout can be taken advantage of. I am looking for a good one (something similar to what is in the gym). Was wondering if anyone…
What has been your experience with near top target heart rate zone cardio
I have my polar ft7 heart rate monitor that i wear during my workouts. I have done this for years. As i get a little older, my max heart rate obviously drops.... During the time i did insanity, my heart rate stayed well above the target heart rate zone which is generally 60-80% of your max..... my question is this... is…
Anyone else have issues with their spouse and weight loss?
I would like some kind advice from you all on this matter..... I am a football coach and during the season, i am a major stress eater... I am not a drinker, smoker, drug taker, etc.... Stress eating is my thing.... However, during this time, my wife almost fuels it by bringing nasty stuff into the house all the time....…
I put my exercise into MFP tonight for the first time... DO you all do this?
It already calculates your daily needs based on exercise during the week which is of course estimated.... however, do you even worry about logging what your heart rate monitor says for cardio, etc? Is their a benefit? I do not eat back my workout calories, at least i havent. Is their a benefit for that? Thanks as always
Anyone had any experience with the Chris Whited workout on Bodybuilding.com?
Im starting this today and am intrigued by it. I am in the process of trying to trim up and lose a little weight. This guys transformation over the 12 week period was incredible. I will be eating right at maintenance or a touch under during this process. The opening workout was tough today it ended up about 30 sets with…
Random question.... How do people really not lose weight doing insanity?
I first achieved over 100 pounds of weight loss with the help of insanity. Since then, i put some weight back on and have been reading these boards and others on the web with folks saying that they arent losing any weight. How is that possible aside from the obvious eating more than you are spending.... I am back on the…
Ok, I am finally at a breaking point. I have done this before, why am I struggling?
Back story in cliffs version... lost over 125 pounds by doing insanity, running and making a major dietary change. This transformation took over year. After i got down to the weight i was happy at (225), i was happy with my weight for the first time in a great while. However, over the past 2 years or so, i have gained back…
I have changed it up a bit, let me know you opinion...
I only have about 30 pounds left to go and would be about 25 if the holidays didnt happen. Nonetheless, i am where i am. I generally worked out at home doing t25 or some insanity type program. However, i found myself bored and getting burnt out. So i have made the following changes. Let me know what you think will happen…
Tdee vs eating back calories, etc
So I am interested in the difference in these two? I've genrally used my estimated calories and used exercise multiplier. Thus, I eat at a deficit and exercise accordingly. I do not eat back calories etc as I don't really understand the reasoning. The tdee method has me intrigued. Can you guys give me some input? I…
Losing weight after a break from exercising..
I had been on a 1000 calorie a day cut for about 4 months. During this time, i lost about 22 pounds which i am very happy about. After going on vacation with my wife and coming off the deficit, I went a week or so without weighing, knowing that i would have lost some of my progress. To my surprise, my weight dropped about…
Thoughts on lifting while cutting
I am currently still on a 1000calorie a day deficit. I lift 3 days a week and cardio 6 days a week. Am I just spinning my wheels with lifting? I'm doing mehdi's 5x5 and am getting to the heavy lifts. During the time I've been doing this, I have dropped about 18 lbs which leaves only about 25-30 more to go. I truly enjoy…
Blood pressure 126/60 good?
Recently I was at Walmart and did the blood pressure machine. It was reading about 135/90 to 140/90. After hearing those are not accurate due to calibration and my bicep size, my wife told me to get my school nurse to check it ( I'm a teacher). She checked it today and it was 126/60. Is that a good healthy bp for an active…
Ok so I'm confused about eating exercise calories back
I have had a bit of time tonight to look over thee forums. A great tool. I had some questions. I lost a little over 100 lbs two years ago by getting my diet under control, doing insanity and jogging. This was done by basically getting my bmr with exercise modifier, etc. plus a lot of subway. I know I know. After losing my…
Wife needs help with WW and weight lifting
My wife is doing weight watchers and is having good progress while doing spin classes 3-4 days a week. She is wanting to possibly add some weight lifting to the mix to raise her metabolism and to start tightening up her muscles. Will the weight lifting cause her weight loss on the scale to stall if she continues to eat her…
couple questions about bmr and the like
I lost a ton of weight with insanity a couple years ago... since then I have lost my mother, had our first child, well I guess you could say life happened... Anyhow, I have calculated my bmr for maintenance, loss, etc. On the activity modifier there are a couple options. I tend to pick low using the 1.55 modifier so that I…