Cutting while running hypertrophy?
I'm playing around with the idea of cutting to the 57kgs because if I were in that weight class, I'd have a qualifying total for my powerlifting fed's raw national. However, I want to have a proper off season before competing again which means I'm going to have to run some volume work which means hypertrophy training and…
3" Deficit Deadlifts
My new meet prep programming has me doing deficit deadlifts from a 3" surface. I recorded one of my sets today during which I was using a lever belt and I noticed my starting position was NOT pretty at all! I did all the steps I do to maintain positioning for normal conventional deadlifts. Soo I have 2 main questions…
Benching and unracking struggles
My new programming calls for low rep bench sets at 80% plus of my 1 rep max. I can bench this weight no problemo on my own for low reps; however, once I get past 115lbs (80%), I struggle to be able to unrack the weight independently. I am able to get the weight out of the hooks but just don't have the ability to bring the…
Dragon Flags and Breasticles
This is a lady related issue so unless you are a large breasted man, no commentary pls!! I recently started incorporating dragon flies as an auxiliary exercise and I have the core strength to do them successfully. However, even when I wear the most supportive of bras, I feel like gravity turns on me and I get boobed in the…
So this is a topic I haven't really seen in this forum very often. But after playing around with strongman toys like logs, axle bar of death, yolk, etc I was thinking about trying a strongman competition between now and whenever the heck my next powerlifting meet is. I was wondering if anyone on these forums has done any…
Water cutting for a powerlifting meet.
So I'm about 7 weeks out from my meet and I want to list somewhere around 6-8lbs to help my wilks score while staying in the 63kg weight class; I'm currently 136lbs so on the heavier end of that spectrum. I heard that water cutting is a great strategy to lose weight in a short period of time, but I have never done one…
5/3/1 and cardio.
I know jims a big proponent of tire flipping and hill climbs with weighted vests but it's cold out and I have unlimited space to do these things anyway. I saw wendler has made some suggestions for metcon training indoors; I did a jump rope metcon that he created today and it was awful. What confuses me about this though is…
Deficit Rack Pulls?!?
I'm all for accessory work in the name of fixing sticking points of your deadlift but this variation just makes no sense to me. Since going to golds, I've been noticing more and more bros doing rack pulls whilst standing on a block. I know that deficit deadlifts are supposed to help you with your initial pull from the…
GZCL vs Wendler 5/3/1
Soo I'm just wrapping up my 3rd 5/3/1 cycle. I like it and I am definitely making notable gains, going up by at least 10lbs in 1rms since starting. However, I get bored with programming super easily, and a lot more people I know have started jumping on the GZCL bandwagon or are saying that GZCL is better programming. So I…
Powerlifting/Weightlifting and Cardio
I just switched completely to strict powerlifting programming from Crossfit in July, and I noticed that I am gaining a bit of weight, although eating relatively similarly to what I was when I did crossfit. So, I have decided to dedicate 1day a week to cardio training--since I am doing 4 days of powerlifting programming. I…
How to listen to music while lifting weights
I normally don't listen to music while I am lifting, but I thought I would give it a go. Today, I was a dumbbutt and put my iphone in my bra while I worked out sooo sweat damage ensued :[. Sooo how do you guys listen to music while you workout? I know for runners, armbands are always a good bet, but I need something I can…
Wendler 5/3/1
Soo I am on by deload week of the first week. So far so good. AMRAPs have been pushing me and helped me realize I can tackle volume well--other than with deadlifts :o . Still, I have many questions for those of you who have been following the program for the while or had one followed it: 1) How many cycles do you perform…
High Bar vs Low Bar
I am guessing most of you all have a preference towards low bar, but I was wondering if anyone felt comfortable with one style of squats vs another? I got into powerlifting originally because of crossfit so because we practiced high bar so much, that is what I became the most comfortable with.
Central Jersey Powerlifters
Hey guys! I know you are out there. Just wondering where you all train? I am looking to start going to a legit powerlifting gym. The closest that I know of are Apollon and Chiseled. I have heard some iffy things about Apollon's equipment, and I emailed Chiseled but they never got back to me. I also am aware of Whippany…
Bruising from Lever Belt???
I recently noticed that after wearing my new lever belt, I have a bruise on the left side of my waist. Does anyone else have this problem after wearing lever belts? If so, is there a way to prevent this from occurring? I honestly feel that my belt is at the perfect tightness level right now; I am able to close it on my own…
I am always lost with what to do for mobility, particularly when prepping for lifts. I do some body weight glute bridges, iron crosses, pigeon pose, and some lacrosse ball rolling. Anyone have suggestions for a more solid routine that helps them feel more flexy and ready? PS: I've considered ROMWOD but I can't afford that…
Split Jerks vs Push Jerks
What is everybody's favorite? For some reason, the heavier I go with weight, the more fond I become of the push jerk. I just end up feeling more stable and the heavier I go with the split jerk, the harder it is for me to get under the bar. So yeah, push jerk--the one you never see done in oly comps-- all the way.
How bad are my kettlebell swings?!?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV8oP4Nm-Hg I have been working on these for over a year, and I am finally starting to feel comfortable with them at 35lbs. But please, form nazis of MFP, tell me if my form is bad, how I can improve, and if I should stop doing kettlebell swings altogether. PS: I am doing them overhead on…
Spot me Breh!
So today I was at the gym and some guy offered to spot me for benches and deadlifts. With benching I felt like all I needed was some help just lowering the bar from the rack. But this guy does more than that. From what I could tell, he kept his hands on the bar the whole time!!! I honestly felt like I was being helped too…
Tips to Prepare for Powerlifting Competition
I have set a goal for myself that I will be competing in a powerlifting competition. I recently did stronglifts 5x5 but then realized I was hitting some plateaus and that this was not necessarily helping in my ultimate goals. I also am a crossfit enthusiast so I enjoy working on oly lifts and gymnastics movements and…
I'm wondering if anybody has tried it on here. It looks intense but worthwhile to me. Plus, I want to use it as a training mechanism of sorts for Tough Mudder.