
I am always lost with what to do for mobility, particularly when prepping for lifts. I do some body weight glute bridges, iron crosses, pigeon pose, and some lacrosse ball rolling. Anyone have suggestions for a more solid routine that helps them feel more flexy and ready? PS: I've considered ROMWOD but I can't afford that life right neow.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I would base it around the particular lifts you're about to do, and any specific mobility issues that you have (neither of which i know) - as opposed to a one-size-fits-all routine. Doing extra stuff that isn't required before lifting can be counterproductive in my opinion. It's sort of like loosening guitar strings that don't need it. :+1:
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    As above, have general drills that you do for all workouts, then add in specifics as needed.

    Example based on myself.

    Before any lifting, I will do basic maintenance: ankle rotations, knee flexions, leg swings, torso rotations, wrist rotations, elbow rotations and shoulder rotations, followed by a light general movement, like an overhead squat with a bar.

    Before lifts which use trouble spots, I will additionally target specific areas: roll T spine, lacrosse ball into teres major, band pull aparts and band shoulder drills.

    When not lifting, but doing mobility work to increase mobility for an area, I will be more aggressive with the roller, lacrosse ball and bands, hitting my shoulder and also a bit of hip work.

    Hope that makes sense?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member