GZCL vs Wendler 5/3/1

Soo I'm just wrapping up my 3rd 5/3/1 cycle. I like it and I am definitely making notable gains, going up by at least 10lbs in 1rms since starting. However, I get bored with programming super easily, and a lot more people I know have started jumping on the GZCL bandwagon or are saying that GZCL is better programming. So I am curious-- for those of you who have done both programs-- which do you personally like better and why?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So- I'm not much of an expert- GZCL seems like it's not really the same- mostly because you're building your own program based on what your needs are which is a little different.

    But. Honestly if you're getting bored and you feel like you aren't gaining- finish the cycle and try something new. As long as you are safe and you feel like you're progressing and making gains to your goals- it doesn't matter what you do.
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- I'm not much of an expert- GZCL seems like it's not really the same- mostly because you're building your own program based on what your needs are which is a little different.

    But. Honestly if you're getting bored and you feel like you aren't gaining- finish the cycle and try something new. As long as you are safe and you feel like you're progressing and making gains to your goals- it doesn't matter what you do.

    Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I mean I haven't hit any plateaus yet which is good. And I know progress with wendler is supposed to be super slow, but I would like more variety in my training. And yeah I get the impression that GZCL is customizable but I feel like I'd go a little haywire if left to my own devices with programming. But I'll for sure see how I'm feeling first after next cycle!
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    Take a look at some of the variations that Wendler suggests, Joker sets, First Set Last, BBB, etc. You can do the working sets and then throw in some variations to keep things interesting. Jokers make progression pretty amazing actually, nothing like doing 5-10% increases after your working sets until you fail :smiley:
  • mike_bold
    mike_bold Posts: 140 Member
    Can't really comment on GZCL but from my own experience of 531, 3 months isn't really long enough to get the most out of this program to be honest, so if you are getting bored now, it may not be for you. I was doing 531 for a good year, and it took about 6 months before the 1+ rep cycle was a true 1RM. Once I started setting PB's every month motivation was very easy for me.
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    shor0814 wrote: »
    Take a look at some of the variations that Wendler suggests, Joker sets, First Set Last, BBB, etc. You can do the working sets and then throw in some variations to keep things interesting. Jokers make progression pretty amazing actually, nothing like doing 5-10% increases after your working sets until you fail :smiley:

    Yeeah I mostly end up doing the triumverate and boring but big--which is all in the name. Maybe I'll test out some joker sets next cycle. GZCL just looks so cool. My friend's doing it and one of his accessories is slingshot bench which looks super cool!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- I'm not much of an expert- GZCL seems like it's not really the same- mostly because you're building your own program based on what your needs are which is a little different.

    But. Honestly if you're getting bored and you feel like you aren't gaining- finish the cycle and try something new. As long as you are safe and you feel like you're progressing and making gains to your goals- it doesn't matter what you do.

    Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I mean I haven't hit any plateaus yet which is good. And I know progress with wendler is supposed to be super slow, but I would like more variety in my training. And yeah I get the impression that GZCL is customization but I feel like I'd go a little haywire if left to my own devices with programming. But I'll for sure see how I'm feeling first after next cycle!

    yeah I like boring and consistent so I'm probably not ANY help- but Wendler makes it pretty clear- don't eff with the programming- I have a friend giving me grief right now about my lifting- because I've been using Sheiko as my base program (I alternate it but that's the one I use for going up) for almost 3 years- but every year my lifts go up. And Honestly- I don't want to change because- well- my lifts keep going up and I mostly injury free despite lifting 6-10 hours a week and dancing 10-15 hours a week as a professional performer.
    So- I'm a big fan of if it's not broke why change.

    But I realize I'm not "normal" LOL
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited October 2016
    Really, the biggest difference between GZCL and 5-3-1 is that you base your maxes for your next cycle off of what you did in your final week of the GZCL cycle, while 5-3-1 has automatic 5-10 lb increases from cycle to cycle.

    There are a few minor (IMO) differences between the two. For instance - and I guess one could argue that this is a potentially big difference - 5-3-1 has each set specifically planned out, with the last set AMRAP. With GZCL, you can choose how many sets and reps you do at your working weight - just so long as it ends up at 10-15 reps. With GZCL, you still (generally, unless you're doing "The Rippler" version) go AMRAP on your last set.

    As far as assistance work goes, both programs let you choose your particular lifts. With GZCL, you do 20-30 total reps, whereas 5-3-1 depends on exactly which template you're following. And then your third lift (2nd accessory/assistance) you end up doing 40-60 reps of whatever in GZCL.

    Like Jo mentioned, you have more freedom with GZCL to see how you feel a particular week. As long as you do the work, it should work. I'd still go in with a plan of attack each session, but I weren't feeling 3x5 for a week, GZCL would allow me to go 5x3 - still 15 reps at whatever weight is programmed, but I could get through it all. Currently, I'm using the GZCL Rippler for my OHP programming. OHP isn't one of the big three, so I'm taking it a little slowly with that one.

    eta: Duh, I had this mentioned in the original, but deleted it when I changed how I wanted to say something. As has been mentioned previously in the thread, 5-3-1 also allows - less so than GZCL - you to go by feel on any particular day, with Joker sets and/or down-sets.