what bmi did you start with and what bmi did you end with?
Just interested. What was your starting bmi and what was the bmi you decided to maintain on?
cutting out red meat in the week?
I don't eat a lot of red meat and generally if I am offered red meat in the week I don't really think i should eat I as it's usually a higher calorie food. Do you think there is a benefit to cut out red meat from my diet five days a week?
I need to pee ALL the time?!
This isn't about weight but I had no idea where to put it. But I'm needing to pee all the time. I've always been fairly frequent, I started to drink a lot more due to dieting, so this may be it, but I don't see how drinking the recommended 8 glasses, could make me want to pee every few hours or more. I thought it was…
How to maintain my weight after my diet?
Okay so I’ve only got 9lb to lose, (going to 125lb). This wont take long as I haven’t dieted consistently in 4.5mounths so my metabolism is up and the weight is falling off as if I’ve just started (I’ve lost like 3lb this week) yay! Anyway I have to stay at the right weight after, its essential. How can I ensure I maintain…
it possible for stress to cause weight loss?
I decided to eat on my maintenance or just below for 3 or 4 weeks. This was a about 12 days ago. However a lot has happened which has really stressed me. One, money is always a pain to organise, I have a busy job and have been stressed due to that, my dog died :( , the washing machine broke and to top it off my mum has (me…
Anyone deliberately stopped and restarted their diet?
I'm on holliday (pretty much) and the next weeks include easter and my birthday and going to see my family (who live a while away so I'm always going to meals), I have between 7lb and 10lb to lose in about 14 months. I'm 5'7 and 136lb (uk size 8-10) I know if stop for a bit it won't cause me to give up as that's just not…
Anyone dislike the food you loved before dieting?
Last year I did night classes (equine qualifications) every 2 weeks and I work with horses, so I would have a 14 hours, in - degree weather, with 2 hours brake from 4 till 6. So we always went to mcdonalds just down the road. I think because of the warmth and hot food, it was just heaven. Once I'd finished I hadn't had one…
How long did it take you to lose weight?
Just curious how it's diffrent for people. What weight did you start at, how much have you lost and in what length of time? I weighed 170lb and lost 33lb in 10 months, I have 11 to go.
Upping calories. But by how much?
I decided to up my calories due to not losing weight in 4 weeks. I was eating between 1100 and 1300 calories a day (averaging at 1200). I upped it to 1400 a week ago, but still not loss (although I have to be patient) do you think 1400-1500 is okay? I am 137lb and 5'7ft
Have you lost weight by eating more?
Basically I struggle with the eating more part of dieting, I still need to lose weight (10/11lb) to get to 126lb. I have noticed I'm tired ALL the time atm and I haven't lost eight in 4 weeks now. So I finely think I'm in the right mind set to eat between 1400-1600 a day to lose instead of the (utterly ridiculous)…
Struggling to get below natural weight!
My natural weight is between 136 and 140 I think. Atm I'm 137 and its so hard to get lower. I need to be 126lb and must be at leased 133lb by august, its really important. Its just killing me atm, I took a (rake this week (partelly because I've gone to 2 birthday things and I'm also recovering from the flu so I need the…
Starting to feel sexy, do you?
I was never really fat, my bmi was 26.9 so I was slightly overweight, but never really big, I was size 12-14 (US 8 – 10). I was referred to as chunky or chubby, it crept up on me a bit just one day I woke up and thought, god you’re so fat, all of my skinny friends didn’t help. For about 2 years I would say to myself, don’t…
This must be impossible, I gained weight?!
I was eating too little (1000 to 1200 a day) so I upped my calories to 1400 because eating little was starting to get me really stressed and tired. But 3 days running I've weighed 63.5kg when I was 62 a week ago. I know I'm eating more but its just below my bmr. Also, yesterday I went out and had a really big meal…
Tired, irritable, depressed. Should I take a brake?
Before anyone suggests I've been under eating, I just want to say...I have. I've only been eating between 7800 and 8600 a week which works out on average between 1000 and 1250 a day. I'm doing this because I have to (right weight to ride racehorses) but I just want to quit, I'm happy with how I look, I'm hungry,…
How have i lost weight? I've done everything wrong.
I don't understand how I'm losing weight. Not as if I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth. However I seem to work so hard to lose weight then nothing happens, but suddenly of the weeks I effectively give up (as in binge on unhealthy food, have chips for dinner and burgers) I list a pound. I then went back to being healthy…
Finding it really hard at the moment! Should I eat more?
I've been worrying about my state of mind when it comes to dieting. I don't eat calories a day I eat calories a week so my metabolism doesn't get used to it. I am eating (or should be eating 1200 as day so 8400 a week) I have recently been craving carbs in the evening, even when I'm not hungry, its like my body is…
Is this too much to eat in one day
Is this too much to eat in one day (before I’ve had dinner). Two slices of toast (I only eat toast once a week) A bowel of porridge and honey Some pineapple A yogurt An apple 2 (only 40 calorie) hot chocolates A crab stick A rice cake And half an oatmeal cookie I feel like think I’ve eaten a lot, but when I wrote it down…
?wish your parents had been strict about what you ate?
Do you ever wish your parents had been more strict about what you ate? My parents looking, back let me eat too much unhealthy food. I really wish they hadn’t sometimes so I wouldn’t have to lose the amount of weight I have. Don’t get me wrong may parents are great, I have a really good background, but if I could have…
Under 500 Kcal recopies please! here are mine
I just thought I would share some recopies I use and would love to hear some of yours. I’ve lost 32lb so far and these have been a real help, only 12lb to go! My favourite being: Barneys Monday night rice m(only 350 calories a portion) http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1848/barneys-monday-night-rice I am losing weight for…
Only 5lb lost in 12 weeks? Losing the will to diet.
I've only lost 5lb since the 31st October. How can i speed it up a bit. Admittedly i had a 10 day brake over Christmas so i possibly gained a little but even so. I need to be at a max of 130 by September (preferably 126) Meaning i have between 10 and 14lb to lose. I know that doesn't sound that bad but the 5lb wasn't…
Ribs show more but have gained weight! How?
I had a break from my diet for Christmas (partly because it was Christmas partly to shock my body so I loose better after Christmas, I have had brakes before like this and they have worked very well) I know I would probably gain a pound or 2 but I didn’t mind. 2 weeks post charismas and my ribs were showing more, my waist…
I’m making myself crazy calorie counting!
I’m 18 and next year around July I want to go to racing school (horse racing that is) The weight requirement is126lb. I have 12 mouths to lose this weight. I used to be 172lb then wanted to go down to 140. Until I decided to race. I am now 141lb and I’m making myself crazy. I eat between 7500-8200 calories a week. So about…
Mirena coil? Weight gain or loss?
I had mine put in 4 days ago, although I eat little, I have found it hard to lose weight for the past month from when I started the patch. I got off it lost the water weight from the patch then got the IUS. I have lost 2.25 pounds in 4 days, (I don’t know if this is from dieting or the coil) I am looking at my weight…
Mirena weight gaing/loss? How did you find it
I'm getting mine tomorrow and my only concern is weight gain. Is this very common with this IUD. i didn't have any symptoms when i was on the patch other than retaining water weight which made it hard to lose (if i wasn't that sensitive to hormones will it mean i'm less likely to have weight gain). I hated having the thing…
How many calories, after xmas?
I started my diet in June (only just joined this site tho) I've gone from 170lb to 143lb. i have to go down to 126 because of my job. So as its xmas i'm having 1500 until the 25th then I'm not dieting until a few days after new year. (do you think this will be okay as a calorie intake) How many calories should i eat from…
Weight gain and birth control? HELP!
I was 143lb (1 pound a week weight loss) then i had a relapse from my diet and had a few meals with very high salt, so i put on a few lbs of water weight. Two weeks ago i went on the birth control patch, and my weight has not come down from the water weight (i am 2 and 1/4 lb heavier) Is this because of the birth control,…