Mirena coil? Weight gain or loss?

I had mine put in 4 days ago, although I eat little, I have found it hard to lose weight for the past month from when I started the patch. I got off it lost the water weight from the patch then got the IUS. I have lost 2.25 pounds in 4 days, (I don’t know if this is from dieting or the coil) I am looking at my weight carefully, and want to see if I lose or gain since having it. How long after you got I did you start gaining. Is it possible for it to cause weight loss?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    On almost every birth control method one of the possible side effects is weight gain.

    But let's be frank if you are gaining weight it is because you are eating a surplus of calories, this can be caused by "increased" cravings due to the hormone changes but that being said.

    I have used Mirena for almost 7 years (recently removed but that's because it almost fell out) and I have managed to loose over 45lbs in the last year, prior to that it was depo and I lost weight on that too.

    I am not a special snowflake who does not feel side effects of birth control, I do but at the same time I get it is hormonal and I do what I need to do to prevent the weight gain from eating too much.