My "My Fitness Coach" for Wii came in the mail today- so what did I do? Run downstairs and put it in and ran through my fitness test and did my first workout! Thank you all so much for recommending it for me! I have to admit, it was pretty humbling to be doing the fitness test and get to the part where you have to do 2…
Ratio for breaking up your calories per meal?
Do you wing it? Or do you plan a set amount of calories for each meal? What's a good ratio to break your calories up for breakfast/lunch/dinner and an afternoon snack? I haven't been planning well and usually end up with what I end up with for dinner- today I was out running errands and ended up going for chinese food for…
8 More pounds and I'm at my half-way point
I'm going from 353 to 153lbs. I'm at 267 as of today! 253 is my half-way point AND IM ONLY 14lbs away from it! Hurray! Sorry I am just excited to be so close the the half way mark!
It's been awhile
I posted a thing in Motivation and Support talking about positive thinking and attracting what you put out for the world. ANYWAYS- I can't find how to change it in the settings- so I thought sharing with you all would work just as well- (orignially when i signed up i put the weight i was when i signed up- and i was wishing…
Oh my
I am starting to count calories and excercise yada yada- today (I had my 3rd child 3 months ago and got off track while i was pregnant). Anyways though- one thing I always do is cut out fast food and completely stop eating it. So yesterday- like we do lots of times- dh gets us taco bell late at night after the kids are…
Wii Game Recomendations
I am looking at getting a Wii game for excercise- but didn't realize how many there are! Wii Fitness Coach Jillian Michaels Gold's Gym etc... etc... What would you all recommend?
"ideal" and goal weight
I'm sure this gets asked often- how do you determine your ideal healthy weight? I always thought i wanted to get down to 150... but it was just a number I pulled out of my head.... are there any tools I can use to help me figure out what a good goal weight would be?
WiiFit a good substitute?
For the past year I've said I need to join the gym... but then I got pregnant again with our 3rd daughter etc... she's now 3 months old and I'm ready to get back on track with my weight etc... but with our finances and time and work schedules right now- going to the gym just isn't going to really be an option for me.…
Set yourself up for Success
I believe that many times we set ourselves up to fail... I know that happens to me, when I don't prepare meals and am busy and need to quick eat something and then I "fail"... so instead of setting myself up to fail- I set myself up to be successful. This means, I do meal planning for the week etc.. so that I always know…
Something to think about
How many of you believe in "positive thinking" or putting good energy out- and attracting things you are giving off? I am a big believer in this- and was reading through some really old topic posts I've made and noticed someone had the signature, "Expect Failure, and hope for the best". If you are expecting failure and…
You "ah-ha" moment
I always read weight loss stories to help get me motivated! And everyone always has this epiphany, where it just clicks and then they loose 100lbs. (or whatever). I feel like unconsciously I feel like I can't lose all the weight I want to, until I have the ah-ha moment and since i've yet to have it- I don't stay serious…
Had the baby & now I'm back!
Last April I "stopped" on here because I was pregnant for my 3rd child! I gave birth to our 3rd daughter on November 14, 2008- and now I'm ready to be back here =) Since my last "weigh-in" which was like April 28, 2008- to the weigh-in I did today- there is a difference of 22lbs! WOOHOOO. Having babies doesn't always…
8 year old daughter.
My oldest is 8 years old. We moved in with my grandparents about 3 years ago. We never had a problem with her weight until then. At the time we first moved in, I was working and they would watch her. Often I would come home and they would rave about how she had eaten 2+ cans of Ravioli or spaghettie-o's. You can imagine my…
YAY! I Broke a habit!
Thursdays are my LONG days at school. (9am-10:30pm). I've gotten into this horrible habit of going to Taco Bell on my way home after school. Tonight I had the urge- but instead called my mom- and my sisters (ie my mom does a 3 way call between me and one of them and then my other sister does a three way with us and my…
I think I need a new scale!?!?!
When I first started MFP on a Sunday I weighed myself on my scale at 303lbs. The next sunday (last sunday) I weighed myself on my scale at 300lbs. Today I had a Dr.'s appointment in the a.m and their scaled weighed me as 293 lbs. Tonight (right after i went for my walk) I weighed myself on my scale at 305lbs. What the…
What speed did I walk? When I have no clue!
I walked at a brisk pace for 40 minutes today. How do I know if I walked 2.5mph or 3mph or 4mph???? I dont know how far I walked- I just know I walked for a good 40 minutes at a brisk pace-- (i was breathing heavy and pushing myself to keep my pace.) Anyways-- how do I know for today? We walked on a trail and from where we…
Does this count and how do I figure it in (Pushing a strolle
I was pushing a stroller today on our brisk paced walk with my 30lb niece in it. When my daughter goes (24lbs) or i push a niece or nephew in a stroller while we walk on the trail- does it count for 'extra'???? I mean it's basically 'pushing a weight' in front of you as you walk?! So how do I figure in how much more for…
Gassy during and after exercise
So I started exercising again yesterday and did again today. Why when I'm exercising do I get really gassy?????? Is it just making things 'move' in there? Is it because the exercise is effecting my digestion/digestive system?
The closest without going over?
If I exercise and it 'gives me more calories' for the day- am I still supposed to use them? Should I be trying to eat as close to daily calorie allotment as possible without going over every day? Or am I wrong? Had 200 calories left for the day- and got 300 and some back for my walk tonight- so now i have 500. Should I go…
As if the feeling I get after exercising isn't awesome enough-- when i logged onto MFP- i found out that my 40 minute- brisk walk with the family earlier tonight- gave me 300+ calories back!!!!!!! I thought i might be like 100? So now i've still got 500 calories to do something with! haha YAY! Sorry- today is the first day…
Last Time I'm Asking
Changed my research paper to marriage and gender roles. I need help with my Hypothesis? We need 5 hypothesis statements. My topic is Marriage and Gender Roles. The thesis statements need to be like this: Individuals who are ___________ are more likely to be __________ than individuals who are not ___________. All of our…
Feeling VERY disappointed in myself
:embarassed: :sick: :embarassed: :sick: :frown: Last week i went over on calories but still managed to lose 3lbs. THis week is going to be different= excpet that today my emotional eating kicked in hard core and I didnt even "think about it"... .Well it's exams at school- and my 10 page research paper is due in a few hours…
Can hardly wait!
This is my first full week of MFP- sunday is exactly one week. I haven't hopped on the scale ALL week- and cannot wait until TOMORROW-- i'm so excited to see what I have accomplished this week! (I dont know if i've ever been soo excited to jump on a scale before.. lol)
Do you ever wonder....
Do you ever wonder if you're encouraging someone to lose weight- when in reality you shouldn't be encouraging them? Maybe it's just me and my anxiety/paranoia/ocd/trust issues/whatever but tonight I was looking at a profile of someone who recently joined the site. Their picture would lead me to believe they have NO weight…
I'll ask this another way...
trying this again but asking my question another way. A social problem would be health. And since it's relavent to my life- why not use it for my research paper. So-- what I need from you- are some "statements about health". Ex: -Obesity is genetic. -As long as you are your ideal body weight you are healthy. etc etc...
Sociology Research Paper- Topics/Hypothesis'?
I know... I know.. it's very very last minute-- tomorrow I have a 10 page research paper due for my sociology class. Well, I haven't even picked a topic yet! It basically can be any topic that would be covered in a Sociology Journal. Anyone have any ideas? Also our papers need to have 5 different Hypothesis that we state…
No more Chicken Salad
Made lunch today- and I did really well on calories for breakfeast (measured out my cereal, milk and fruit even).. thought I would make a chicken salad sandwich. I knew it would be a lot of calories.. but not over 700!!!!!!!!!!! I even used whole grain bread and measured out the mayo - but alas.. it used up like half of my…
Fat Free Foods - and "stereotype"
Growing up my mother was always big into nurtirion/ healthy food etc. (i am the only one in the family of 6 with a weight problem..) Anyways though- we were always told/taught by her that you shouldn't get the "fat free" and "reduced" versions of foods because the other things they added instead are just as bad for you or…
A few questions about menu planning/grocery shopping/recipes
Ok I will try not to make this confusing. Here is some background info: we're living with my grandparents while I finish college to save money and because it helps them out a ton. So anyways, I cook dinner everynight but it's for our family of 4 (me, dh, and 2 daughters ages 8 and 14 months) and then my grandparents- and…
Frist week results
Considering the fact I went way over on calories 4 of the 7 days.. (and I didnt really do any 'real' exercise) i'm pretty happy with the fact I have lost 3lbs! Hopefully with menu planning this week and actually going out for walks (my 8 year old is begging me to take her for a walk on the bike trail.. she's good…