The Soccer Kids are hitting door to door.............
And I am following a new path.....healthy eating Low Carb....but their 6 year old puppy dog eyes are killing me.....and I know if I am following a proper eating way of life I should not condone this but........I bought a candy..............and gave it to the lil boy who sold it to me :) But I am so proud of ME for not…
Woot Woot...10 pounds....1 week.....Low Carb
Yup, it't been 1 week since I saw the doctor at 269.....1 week ago I started looking into Low Carb, started Atkins on Thursday and now 1 week into Induction and I have lost 10 lbs, I am NEVER hungry anymore....I am satisfied with the amounts of food I am eating and I am just overall EXCITED! I have 100+ more pounds to…
Washing my dog.....
Trust me this is not an easy feat.......he is 100+ pounds of total uncooperative fur......so my husband has to get in the tub WITH the dog cause he is just too much for me to handle on my own...............let me tell you....this is a workout. My core is burning, my arms and legs are on fire....it is 15 mins of full on…
Just a reminder.......I live in the Central Valley of CA - it is 108 degrees here RIGHT NOW. If you live where it is hot, please be sure to check on your elderly, handicapped folks, keep your kiddles inside and be sure that your animals have plenty of water.......I know that alot of peeps have AC (I do not....we have swamp…
Doctors Appt. - Reading last weeks bloodwork.........
So, went to the doc last Weds and he put me on Low Carb diet, at that visit, he checked my blood for Thyroid and for Arthritis cause of my complaints......when I went I was kinda hoping I had a Thyroid issue (I know sick right?) maybe that would explain my weight issues and my inability to lose weight, aches and pains,…
Hansens Diet Soda's - yup, they have no carbs and no cals an
My husband is sensitive to diet soda....meaning he is a soda freak and not for diet ANYTHING. He and I both are in Induction with Atkins....and honestly we are both having some carb cravings..... These sodas are really really great!!! So no matter what you are doing, low fat, low cal, low carb..........Hansens ROCKS!
Anuny LLC-ers up....having a sugar fit!
Ok, so I have been low carb for 1 week now, going over last night with nectarines.....I am really happy with the 8-9 lb loss this week and I am confident I will get through this too......but I am having a carb craving something awful! I am on Atkins and in the induction phase....no more than 20 grams of Carbs a day. SO is…
Any other Low Carbers here?????
So I have been here for a while, my first go round was over a year ago and I threw myself in and lost 22 pounds in 5 months, it was tough. I started going to school full time and gained all the weight +25 lbs back. I have since gained another 25+ lbs that put me at 271 lbs. I have been here for a couple weeks and am back…
Doctor says I need meds.....and no carbs
So I went to the doctor....told him of my troubles, aching, hurting joints, cold, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, plantars Fischiatis, weight troubles (270 lbs) and he said......your depressed....but we will do your bloodwork and check the thyroid, but you are depressed and you need to lose weight (DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) He…
Going to the doctor tomorrow...need advice
So over the last 2 years I have been gaining weight or trying to lose, have been feeling overall sick, tired, dizzy, insomniac.....on top of a million other things. a year ago my grandmother was diagnosed with a Hypo Thyroid issue, 6 months later my younger sister diagnosed with a thyroid issue, then my grandmother…
Watercraft....I want a Waverunner...sooooo
I have always wanted a boat or waverunner....my husband and I talked and he said that when we get a few bucks we can get a couple of them. (used of course) Then I got to thinking......I really wanna be a water sporter...not a fat girl on a floating device. SO I am going to lose this 135 lbs, and next summer.....I am gonna…
The "I don't eat that bad" story
I am using today as an example to myself that I DO eat that bad.......so far 2 scones and 2 mountain dews.......this is not a typical day, usually ,y typical day involves 1 Mocha Frap and no food all day......or occasional piece of fruit..................and I wonder why I am fat..............
Have you BMI checked
So some of you may remember me, I started this about 2 years ago and went away, came back left etc.....well a bit over 1 year ago, I was hypnotized to quit smoking.......and well it worked. So my hyptnotist is actually "the Fitness Hypnotist" So we did a trailer filming for Oprah on weight loss and during that filming he…
Ok, I am back.....again....
Ok, so I am back here again....alot has changed in my life over the last year.....I lost 22 lbs, gained 37 lbs back, started cosmetology school, got married, moved, graduated cosmetology school, moved farther away, had an anniversary, quit smoking.....and a ton of other things I am sure I will remember later.......Oh and I…
Ok, I am back.....again....
Ok, so I am back here again....alot has changed in my life over the last year.....I lost 22 lbs, gained 37 lbs back, started cosmetology school, got married, moved, graduated cosmetology school, moved farther away, had an anniversary, quit smoking.....and a ton of other things I am sure I will remember later.......Oh and I…
Trail walking/walking in open space reserve
My husband and I are taking the dog on a walk through an open space reserve....so it is essentially trail walking moderate uphill, downhill and flat......its not hiking and it is not flat walking either.....what would I put this under?
Painful Plantars Fischiatis (sp?)
So I am heavy...5'5" and 255lbs. I just graduated cosmetology school.....and well I have been suffering with the WORST feet pain EVER. every time that I get up on my feet I am crippled...it is excrutiating. I went to several shoe stores, tried on several pairs of shoes and shoes with insoles and nothing helps. I have an…
Boo! Guess who
Again....3rd times a charm. See that things are movin along nicely here! Been tracking in Facebook..... So I graduated beauty school and gained 30 pounds on top of the 22 I lost while here the first go round, so I am frustrated beyond belief....heavier then I ever have been...and was already that heavy......argh. So here I…
So many groups I am lost.....am I in your group?
Ok you all, I have joined a few groups and now I am lost cause there are a couple that sound the same, and you all look familiar. Greens, 10 pounds at a time and one of the 200 +.......but which one.HELP ME I AM LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blushing: :ohwell:
All of my Sassy group friends.....
Hey all, I am tired.....pooped out, sick dog, long days at school, husband working late, carpooling...........blah blah blah life. I am too tired to check in to all 3 groups I am part of ........so here is a shout out to yawl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM OK, IN MY CALS, DRINKIN MY WATER, NOT WHERE I SHOULDA BEEN ON EXERCISE BUT…
YAY New Biggest Loser tonight......
Please don't spoil for the rest of the season. I am on the West Coast.....I am bound and determined to be THIN THIN THIN by the end of this season!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is with me?>? :drinker:
More then Ground Turkey....can you say Turkey Mush
Ok, so times are really tough and I just happened to notice in the 99 cent store freezer section there are 1 pound pack of what is called Ground Turkey and Ground Chicken, so I have bought 1 of each, when I opened the package....it looks like mush, pattay.......spread. What is the difference between this and regular Ground…
Yep me again....have ya missed me?
I an't get on and stay on the wagon it seems........MOTIVATION MOTIVATION MOTIVATION. I need a buddy...someone who is on when I am, someone to chat with when I wanna eat and someone to motivate (or workout) with me daily...some one to hold accountable and someone to hold me accountable....please.
Ok.....I am back again...this time for good.
Well as some of you may know, I started my journey here on Jan 25th this year and had some major steam 5 months!!!! 22 pounds off! Well I started school Jun 30th and since then I have gained most of it back :sad: Finances got tough, so eating whatever we could afford happened AGAIN..........argh on and on... SO here I am…
Hey yawl....did ya all miss me!?!?!?!
Well, I fell off the wagon, gained a few pounds (12) back.......and now trying this again. $$$$ has been TIGHT, so eating whatever we can to survive...finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed ya all...............have ya' all missed me?????????????????? :flowerforyou:
Off the wagon for 2 months...trying to figure it all out aga
So I got off the wagon for about 2 months. and gained 8 pounds :frown: Started school full time on 6/30. As of about 5/20/09, I have not been following how I should. Prior to the that I was really good for 5 months.....so I just started logging again this week, and I actually thought I was making the correct choices....but…
I am back! Did anyone miss me?????
Hey everyone! I am back. And I am hitched! We got married this Sat in Las Vegas! The ceremony was short.......5 mins, but, my hair looked GREAT, my makeup rocked and my dress was cute. Sad side is I have stopped all logging for about 2 full months and I have gained back 10 pounds. So I am gettin' back in the swing of…
Yep...I did it....
I frickin ate a huge Carrot cake...and a supreme taqueria burrito today........this is my bachelorette weekend, and I have been awful, next week is Vegas and my wedding............. Have not logged cals in at least 2 months....yep, I am 1 pound for now...... I have got to get back on the ball I tell…
Stressing out on Wedding dress..........
Ok, the new dress came in....if you saw my posting last Monday then you saw that my Wedding dress came in and it was too big!!!!!!!!! I was soooooo excited. Well the smaller one came....it is a bit snug around the middle, but it zips and I have 1 month to get a few more pounds off to make the snug not so snug.....but I…
Only allowed to eat 2 ounces of food at a sitting.......
or 1/4 a cup of food to total 1200 cals. How in the hell is this possible?????? who can eat 2 oz as a meal? It is supposed to be the size of an apple......that is nuts! I was hypnotized yesterday.. The session is called the Hypnotic Gastric Bypass. I can follow everything I just cannot follow the 2 oz meals.......what do…