Paleo freezer lunches and dinners
On Sundays, I like to cook for the whole week. Dinners I can do... Though it´s usually a full day of measuring everything and dividing it into portions. Lunches on the other hand, I find them to be very difficult. Get some leftovers you say? Usually my dinners are filled with (healthy) fats... If I'd eat them for lunch as…
I'm developing a binge eating problem
Alright, I've always had quite an appetite. I rarely ever feel satisfied. But now I'm almost 23 and things are getting worse. The worst part is, I don't know how to stop it. On normal days, it takes me 3000 calories (or more) to feel alright.. And I'm a 5f2 girl, not some huge bodybuilder. Of course, I'm gaining weight,…
30 min cake recipes for pupils
Hello everyone I'm looking for a cake recipe that only takes 30-40 minutes, preferably without an oven. It has to be very easy as it is for pupils (age 12-14). The cakes need to be stapled on top of each other, to create a big wall of cake. I have a budget of 10 euros per student. Thanks in advance for helping me out with…
Listening to your body
Today I was feeling rather weak at the end of the day and I had this nagging feeling in my stomach. So I decided to eat an extra 150 kcal. Guess what, I feel much better now. :blush: When do you listen to your body? How do you decide when you do and when you don't? I can stand hunger, but if I get dizzy or feel weak, then…
Post your problem? (and solution!)
Hello everyone! In this topic, I'd like to post a few problems that I (and probably lots of other people) have when it comes to food. I'd love to see the solutions/tips/ideas of other members.. Just simply share your experiences, what has worked for you (and what hasn't!) Of course, if you want to post one of your issues…
What's my activity level?
I'm unsure what my activity level is (sedentary, lightly active and so on...), perhaps someone could help? :) I aim for 10.000 steps a day, which I usually reach (sometimes it's 8000 or 9000). I get those from walking the dog mostly (two times a day). Other than that, I have a standing desk at home. I'm a student, so I at…
Yoghurt makes me sick, protein snacks ideas?
I have something strange going on and was wondering if anyone else has expierence with this. For some odd reason, I get bad acid reflux from yoghurt and quark. Yet I have milk in my oatmeal every morning and feel fine. Cheese is no problem either. Danone's oikos yoghurt with blueberries strangely enough doesn't seem to be…
Help me learning how to cook?
I'm a young woman in her early twenties.. My mom always disliked to cook and while the food wasn't bad, you could taste that there was no passion behind it (if thet makes sense). Now me, I don't seem to be able to put something on the table that makes me go 'Yum!'.. Especially now I'm trying to watch my macros (why do all…
Night owls and exercise
All of my life, I've been a night owl. If I dare to run in the morning or during the day, my legs feel heavy and I'm getting cramps halfway through. During the late evening however, I seem to be flying while running :smile:. I run faster and am not even really tired as I recover incredibly quickly. Anyone else who…
lactose intolerant breakfast, needs protein
Morning everyone (or evening, depending on where you live) Though I never got it checked, the fact that my stomach burns and that I feel bloated after eating any kind of diary product can only mean one thing (I think?). I don't handle lactose very well. Now I never let that stop me from eating diary. Since it's the only…
Normal pain vs bad pain
Hello everyone! So I just started working out at 22. I've never been very athletic, quite the contrary. I'm extremely inflexible as well, can't even touch my toes. I try to get more flexible doing a stretching routine of ten minutes a day. Next to that I wanted to try body weight exercises 3 times a week and the from coach…
Soup lovers?
My bf loves soup, so do I. It's often a good way to get my daily veggies and it makes a light evening meal. However, how do you measure it? When I cook soup, I do it for a whole week (I'm a student with a job who already struggles with time) Now how do I measure how much cal there is in one bowl of soup? Does it even…
Is this a good start?
Hello everyone, So I just started exercising and I wonder if it's enough. 3 days of strength training and 3 days of cardio. Like I mentioned in an earlier topic, I can't afford a gym membership (or weights) Strength: all sets x3 - 20 body weight squats - 10 push ups - 20 walking lunges - 10 dumbbell rows - 15 second plank…
No-gym workout?
Hi everyone, (Firstly: sorry if there are any mistakes in my grammar/spelling, English isn't my mother tongue) I'm a student who lives on her own with a very strict budget. I've already made some big changes to be able to afford healthy food but a gym membership.. Well, I just can't find a way to make some room in my…
Trouble with protein
Hello everyone, Before I start, English ain't my mother tongue so sorry if there are any mistakes in my grammar and/or spelling. Well, now that's out of the way... I seem to have a problem with consuming enough protein. I eat mostly whole grains, veggies, fruit and eggs. Which leaves me with an average of 20-30 grams of…
tight hips
Hello everyone, I'm new here. Though this isn't the introduction category I'll just introduce myself very quickly: I'm Nath, a 21 year old woman. English isn't my mother tongue so excuse me if there are any mistakes in my grammar and/or spelling. Even though I used to be an active outdoors kid, during my teen years I…