tight hips

Hello everyone, I'm new here.

Though this isn't the introduction category I'll just introduce myself very quickly: I'm Nath, a 21 year old woman. English isn't my mother tongue so excuse me if there are any mistakes in my grammar and/or spelling.

Even though I used to be an active outdoors kid, during my teen years I escaped a shaky household (and chronic depression) by sitting in front of the computer pretty much all day long. On an average day I don't even reach 1000 steps. And if I really let myself go, I could stay indoors, I'd only come out to go to the store.

Long story short, I'm lazy. Incredibly shamefully lazy. And I'd like that to change, so I'm getting back to a healthier lifestyle.

I got one huge problem though and that is my extremely stiff muscles and horrible posture. I can't do the simplest of yoga exercises.
My hips are by far the worst of them all, and I mean really horrible. I've been trying some stretching exercises but it all seems to be too difficult. Quite shameful when someone twice my age can spread her legs way wider than me or touch her toes without grasping for air. I'm far from fat (depression tends to lessen my appetite), my muscles are just one tight and weak mess.

So... Could anyone point me in the right direction please? And perhaps give me some hopes that I'll be able to do a split one day (that would be my ultimate goal) and that it won't take forever (years) to get some results.

Thanks in advance!


  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Not sure if you're working out now or not but if you're out of shape, that will definitely slow your progress toward reaching that goal. Next, just start doing simple stretches every day, maybe even twice a day. After a good cardio workout, stretching usually allows you to go a little further.

    As tight as your muscles sound now, I'd say it's going to be awhile to get there. But like anything that's worth it, take one day at a time and do little by little and you can get there. Anything's possible with regular work and dedication. ;)
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I use a foam roller for my hips since I squat a lot of weight.
  • lemurcatta85
    Everyone starts somewhere different. I've been running for almost three years, and doing yoga off and on in that time, and I still cannot touch my toes most days. I recently learned that it's the nerves in my legs that are limiting my flexibility, not my hamstrings like previously thought. Just keep practicing! The beginner level videos on doyogawithme.com might be a helpful source. There is one for the hips, hamstrings, and inner thighs (I think that's what it's called) that really helps my hips open up.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I've got tight hips from a longer chronic condition of being a desk-jockey.
    Stick with the stretching. Yoga is great, keep at it. You are your own benchmark. Don't worry about what other people are doing, and look for improvement over the LONG term. Fixing chronically tight muscles is NOT a quick thing.

    1) IMHO - see a good chiropractor to help ensure everything is in line. Otherwise you'll always be fighting against your body.
    2) Designate time of day for stretching. I've had to cut back on my "workouts" to focus on stretching. So I currently lift 3 times a week and do cardio / stretching 2-3 times a week.
    3) Start your day with a little yoga, dynamic stretching or a foam roller session.
    4) You're looking to change the length of your muscles when you're stretching. With good form, hold each stretch for 2 mins. If you can't do 2 mins, work up to it. From there work up to 5 minutes.
    5) It'll be uncomfortable and it will totally suck when you're doing it,but you WILL start to feel better pretty soon.
    6) Here's a link to 3 hip openers that are really working well for me right now. Remember though, start slow and work towards deeper / longer stretches. Hip Openers: --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5EO8mPonO0
    I prefer to do these in the order of 2,3,1 myself (referencing the order presented in the video)
    7) Lunge stretches - these are REALLY important. Do them EVERY day if you can.

    Hopefully some / all of that helps you out. I'm focusing on the stretching as there aren't any yoga sessions in my gym when I can go. Write back and let us know what's working, what's not working and if you found out anything on your own that you like!!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Stretching and Mobility work will help you to increase the elasticity of flexibility or your muscles, not elongate or make longer. It sounds like you would benefit from some self-myofacial release, so buy a Lacrosse Ball and Foam Roller. Then go to YouTube and watch "Limber 11" by Joe DeFranco. It's a very complete lower-body mobility session; do it when you wake up and a 2nd time during the day.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance


    This guy is the king of mobility.