Success Stories
Okay, folks - this is the requested sticky post on Success Stories - so let's hear 'em! Here's mine: Once upon a time, I was hugely, morbidly obese. Incredibly unhealthy. Completely sedentary. While I had never been stick-thin, as a teen to young adult, I was just overweight. A bit curvy. I was never athletic, but I wasn't…
Cake batter flavor protein pancake recipe
Totally yummy, high protein, healthy fat, very low carb. (Note - I actually have cake batter flavor protein powder - the brand is Optimum Nutrition, and I got it on amazon. You could substitute vanilla flavor, though it wouldn't taste as much like cake batter, obviously...) Step 1: In a bowl, combine: 2.5 tablespoons cake…
Anyone WOD at a "regular" gym by him/herself?
Hey all, I used to belong to a Box, now I'm at a more traditional gym, and I'd like to start WOD-ing again. I don't have the cash for both memberships, and I'm staying where I am, at least for the time being. So. Anyone? Tips/tricks/hacks/advice very welcome... I would be grateful for any shared wisdom! Thanks... :) Amy
Sticky post requests
Thanks to Dragonwolf for reaching out and requesting that the Recommended Reading post be a sticky in this group. Are there any other threads that people think should be "stuck"? Thanks... Amy
High temp/humidity affecting rate of calories burned?
So I did an hour of brisk walking this evening outside on a high school track. I do this activity at the same location twice a week, during my son's track practice. It was really warm and sticky there today, and though I always try to work hard through the walk, I was more sweaty than I usually am when I do this. Cut to…
My Bodymedia FIt just DIED!!!!
Out of nowhere! It was plugged in, I got the message that it was fully charged, I disconnected it and went to put it on - and DEAD. No lights, no nothing. Of course, this was 45 minutes past their customer service hours, so no one was there to answer the phone. I've had it less than 6 weeks - this is NOT okay!!! Anyone…
Whole30 - completed :)
Last night marked the end of the 30th day that I rigorously followed the rules of the Whole30 program. I lost 16.6 pounds in those 30 days. I ran a half marathon to completion on day 29, which isn't really related to the Whole30, but worth noting, since I totally had the energy, stamina and strength to do that without any…
I ran a half marathon today
I ran a half marathon today. The whole thing. I've only ever completed a 10K race before, and I only got up to 7 miles in my training for this event before the summer heat and life's happy distractions derailed my training schedule. So I was definitely not conditioned for this, but I decided to participate and do my best,…
Health history of meat-eaters and grain-eaters
http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/paleolithic-diet/books-that-changed-my-life/ Very interesting read... check it out. :) Amy
One year - 146.3 pounds lost (with photos)
On March 21, 2011, I started this weight loss journey. On June 15, 2011, I discovered the Primal Blueprint, and truly changed my life and lifestyle. In this year, I have been 100% committed, every single day. I have not had a single "cheat" - nor have I wanted to quit at any time. I do not feel deprived, or overworked, or…
Negative self-talk and the power of the voice in your head
I just sent a message to a person on my friend list, and as I wrote it, I realized that I want to share it further. So here it is: I'd like to gently suggest that you abolish the negative self-talk. We are so hard on ourselves - harder than anyone else could ever be, and it's our inner voice that matters the most, since…
How do we feel about Crossfit?
I'm seriously considering this... Would love to hear from those who have done it. Thanks! :) Amy
Looking for PCOS-knowledge gyno in Oakland, CA area
Hi all, I was diagnosed with PCOS 14 years ago, ended up having infertility treatment to have twins, and now have regular cycles due to a strict low-carb lifestyle (which I advocate strongly). My beautiful cousin, who is in her early 20s, was recently diagnosed, and she feels her gyno isn't addressing it, just giving her…
Wild scale fluctuations at one time - what the $%#&?
Okay - after over a year of weighing daily, about 2 weeks ago I threw out the batteries from my scale, because I really didn't feel like it was accurately reflecting my progress. I cited water weight, monthly cycling, weightlifting, and other various reasons as the cause for this. Today I decided to check in. I actually…
Chi running, anyone?
After looking at many half marathon training programs, I chose Chi running. Wondering if there are others out there using this... or something similar... Let me know! :) Amy
Have patience - because it's working!!
I found this forum and started upping calories about 6 weeks ago, after months of plateauing, despite diligent calorie deficits and exercise. I will be honest - when my weight kept rising through these weeks of eating more to weigh less, it was discouraging. Even in the face of good news with the tape measure, it's…
Reporting on progress - feeling good :)
Hi all, So I've been doing this EM2WL thing for just over a month now, and even though the scale is up, my measurements are down, and overall I'm feeling really good about this. I just wrote a blog post that gives details, but here are the highlights: After more than a year of severe caloric restriction, it's very likely…
Half Marathon training - thoughts?
Hi all, I just registered for my first Half Marathon - I have 142 days, or just over 20 weeks to train. I recently completed a 10K, and ran the whole thing. Some thoughts that may guide your advice: 1. I'm not really interested in speed, I'm interested in finishing. 2. I'm torn between trying to run the whole thing, and…
Bodymedia Fit vs. Fitbit - opinions, please!
Hi all, I am interested in getting a true representation of my calories burned and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), and I think that a monitoring device may be necessary to eliminate the guesswork. The Bodymedia Fit is more expensive than Fitbit, but if it's significantly better, I would consider that a worthwhile…
Colonic hydrotherapy, anyone?
I've been curious about this for a very long time, and I just got a notice about a Groupon that would let me have a session at a really good price. Thinking it might be a good cleansing, and possibly helpful with some mild bloating/digestion issues. Anyone done this? Thoughts? Thanks in advance, Amy
Newbie - requesting help determining activity level
Hi all, Quick background - been on MFP for 1 year and 1 month, and have lost 148 pounds. This happened at a very quick rate, until about 2 months ago, when the weight loss slowed dramatically, and then stopped. I have at least another 15-20 pounds to go before I'm done. I agree that I probably damaged my metabolism with…
For all my MFPals - the MOST important thing to remember
No negative self-talk, no hating ourselves. We can be crueler to ourselves than all of our enemies put together - or we can be our own biggest fan. With love, Amy
How do we feel about Crossfit?
I'm seriously considering this... I know that Crossfit and Primal/Paleo go well together (in fact, the Crossfit gym by me specifically mentions it on their Website). Anyone done it? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks. :) Amy
9 months, 120.5 pounds (photos)
Today completes 9 months since I started using MFP and losing weight, and as of this morning, I've lost 120.5 pounds. Here's what it looks like... Start photo - March 21, 2011 9 months later - December 20, 2011 Now let's see what I can do by my 1-year anniversary... :)
What 6 months of Primal living did to me (photo)
Saying hello
Hi all, I posted the kind of recent message board topic "How do we feel about CrossFit?", not realizing the... uh... let's say close-minded things that would be posted in response by a few annoying people. To those of you who posted with intelligent support, thank you. I did 3 foundations classes, and have done 2 regular…
Miracle Noodles?????
Mark Sisson says they're okay! http://www.marksdailyapple.com/dear-mark-apple-cider-vinegar-dna-damage-lactaid-and-miracle-noodles/#axzz1hrkgPPM6 Anyone here try them?
Soy sauce with my sashimi?
I have a sushi dinner coming up, which is something I haven't done since I've gone Primal, pretty much because of the soy sauce. And now I'm wondering just how anti-Primal it would be to just dip some sashimi in some low-sodium soy sauce. I won't do edamame, and I'll do mushroom broth instead of miso soup with tofu, and I…
6 months Primal
Hey all - I wrote a blog post on this - I thought the people on this forum might be interested. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/4milesat40/view/6-months-primal-179202 :) Amy