_Amy_Budd Member


  • I lost over 140 pounds in my first year (I started almost 3 years ago). No drugs, no surgery - just clean eating (Paleo/Primal) and exercise. I started somewhere around 1,600 or so (maybe 1,700? I don't remember), and dropped down slowly as my bodyweight dropped. I briefly dropped down to 1200 calories a day at an early in…
  • Anyone still going? I'm just completed day 25 - 5 more days to go! :)
  • I'm still going... Today was day 12. :)
  • Hey all - I'm on Day4 of my Whole30 - started Tuesday after Labor Day. This is my third - I did one 6 months ago, and another 6 months before that. I didn't plan it that way, but I'm liking the Whole30-every-6-months pattern. :) Amy
  • My ABSOLUTE favorite is nomnompaleo's Slow Cooker Korean Grass Fed Short Ribs recipe. Literally every person I have made it for has loved it. And it's in the slow cooker, so there's zero skill or work involved. Just blend up the marinade, char the ribs, and then dump it all in the slow cooker and set it to low all day.…
  • Here's the whole thing when it comes to "the cost of eating healthy": You know what's really expensive? Medication for high blood pressure/heart disease/endocrine issues. Insulin shots and prosthetic limbs for diabetics. Painkillers and chiropractors for the aches and pains of having a heavy, unhealthy body. Being fat and…
  • Bumping up for additional ideas...
  • I've been Primal/Paleo for more than 2 years. Took me less than a year to lose the first 100 pounds, and I've continued to lose. I'm at around 130 pounds down total now - my lowest was 149 pounds lost, when I was in training for a half marathon.
  • Well, I'll do a whey protein shake, but when I'm Whole30-ing, I'll have a big plate of eggs after a workout, or a can of tuna or sockeye salmon... Also, I like to always keep a bunch of cooked chicken in the fridge (either roasted legs/thighs, or grilled chicken breasts), so I could always grab a big serving of that after…
  • Okay, so let's try to keep this thread bumped up and active for the next week or so, and people can say which things they feel are important enough to "stick", and we'll keep the top... let's say 5, as a soft target. :) Amy
  • All - I didn't realize there were reports for the group - I don't get a notification email or anything. I've now blocked her from this group. Thanks, Amy
  • I've done the Whole30 twice, and I love it. My advice to you: Use Pinterest to search for Whole30 recipes. Variety is key to making it not just successful, but also enjoyable. Invest in a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet if you don't already have them, and source great ingredients like coconut aminos and Red Boat Fish…
  • Hi there, I'm usually Primal (Paleo + dairy), but after my most recent Whole30 (Feb-March), I've been dairy-free, so Paleo. I'm at the start of Stage 2 of NROL4W, so I lift heavy 3x a week. And I also have PCOS, although my symptoms completely disappear as long as I stay grain- and sugar-free. My diary is open. Feel free…
  • My main goal,too... I just started Stage 2. Over the 6 weeks in Stage 1, I only lost a couple of pounds, but I went down 2 jeans sizes. Also, the strength I gained by lifting has resulted in the ability to run longer, Zumba better, and has just generally improved my ability and endurance at doing cardio, which I know will…
  • I love how I feel following Whole30 rules too - my Whole30 has been "over" for 31 days, and the only things I added back were whey protein powder (for after lifting workouts) and 85% dark chocolate (because... it's chocolate). I'm not at all tempted to add back anything else, at least not yet. :) Amy
  • Hi all... I am planning to start Monday and lift M/W/F as well - so I'd love to be a part of a supportive team, all going though it together. :) Room for one more? Amy
  • I'm on day 11 of my second Whole30 - I completed one this past September. I also love nomnompaleo, as well as theclothesmakethegirl.com. I feel amazing. Energetic, no cravings - and am enjoying many new recipes from sites above, as well as stuff I find on Pinterest. I recently invested in a new programmable slow cooker, a…
  • It sure has worked for me. :) Very happily Primal for almost a year and a half, and just completed a Whole30. I am the smallest and fittest I've ever been - not to mention the happiest. I don't care if it gets press or is "trendy" or whatever - I care that I am no longer addicted to food, and I feel healthy and free for…
  • Feel free to add me - I've been Primal for well over a year, and a week away from completing my first Whole30. Eating this way has absolutely changed my life - not just my weight, but also my overall health, activity level, stress level, and happiness - all for the so-much-better. :) Amy
  • For anyone on the fence about doing this... I am currently in day 18, and loving it. I feel great, I've dropped all of my August vacation weight and then some, and I'm not even struggling with the loss of my dark chocolate, bacon, occasional dairy, or protein powder. I'll add those things back sparingly when I'm through,…
  • Thank YOU, MJ. :) I'm not in your head, Shannon - but it's nice to realize that we're not alone. :) Denise, I love you right back - and you, my dear, rock just as hard. :)
  • I agree with the above poster. Being fat is WHY YOU'RE RUNNING. It may not be the way we like to think of it - believe me, I know from experience. For me, I had to break down and really confront the horror and sadness of being so fat in order to make a lasting change - to realize that I didn't want to be that person - not…
  • Hey all, I started the Whole30 on Sunday (9/9), so today is Day 3. I'm super-pumped on this - it's challenging, but I need the reset. August vacations, back to school stress, the resolution of my custody case (which was very positive, and also incredibly emotional), and my kids' birthday - I just got too casual about my…
  • I am Primal for over a year, and have added the EM2WL principles to it a few months ago, and have seen great success. Yes, Primal eating is healthy. Yes, one can do it for a lifetime. My macros are 55% fat, 15% carbs, and 30% protein. :) Amy
  • Respectfully, you absolutely can be addicted to bread. The blood sugar rush-and-crash is a cycle that the body tries to maintain, unless you end it completely. I've read in multiple sources that the effect of wheat on the brain is very similar to the effect of morphine. I was addicted to nicotine once, too, and it wasn't…
  • Agreeing with all the above posters - it is totally normal, and it will pass. And I know this has been said above, but I want to stress it - make sure you're eating enough fat! We're so programmed to avoid fat, but that's not the way Paleo/Primal works. Keep the fats natural and healthy, and keep 'em coming! Scramble a…
  • I've been completely Primal for just over a year, in which time I've lost just over 100 pounds - truthfully, I hit the 100-pounds-lost-Primally mark a couple of months ago, and have stabilized since then. With only around 10 pounds to my goal, the losses have all but stopped, but the measurements continue to drop, and I…
  • Just put my son on both scales - he got weighed at the doctor recently - the scale that showed me up 2 pounds showed him up 2.6 pounds, and the one that showed me 6 pounds down was .2 lower than what he weighed at the doctor. Could the lower scale be the more accurate one??