To those who've lost over 100 pounds in a year, please respo



  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I lost about 100 pounds from about March to December 2009. The rest I lost from December 2009 to October 2010. No pills, No Surgery. No fad diets.

    I honestly paid more attention to my Activity Level/ Exercise than I did to Calories. I try to exercise 2 hours a day, total. Make yourself a Priority, and teach your family, friends, and co-workers that your exercise time is NON-NEGOTIABLE!!!

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck
  • i have not lost 100 pounds but ive lost 42 roughly and yes this was due to cutting down my calories to 1000, and to exercise 5 times a week, this was only to give me a head start, then i went back up to 1500 after i got to goal weight.
  • I lost 72 pounds last year but I got pregnant before I made it to my goal weight. Anyway, I ate about 1400 calories a day and walked at least 2 miles day 6-7 days a week. A lot of days I walked 4-5 miles. I was also pushing a double stroller at that time, not sure if that helped me lose more on the walks. I didnt really do anything other than walking though, honestly. I did try Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, but didnt do it for long and that was after I had lost about 65 pounds and I was stuck on the scale for a while. I drank lots of water and ate salads, oatmeal, and pretty healthy all around. Good luck to you!
  • joyfulnoise27870
    joyfulnoise27870 Posts: 32 Member
    This will be my first post but wanted to hopefully give you some encouragement. I am a 41 year old female and am 5'3" tall. I started dieting 8/15/10 along with my husband. To date I have lost 96 lbs and he has lost 65 lbs. You can do this! I recommend setting small goals. I always go in 5 lb increments- that way you are never really far from a goal. We walk 45-60 minutes per day and have recently added weights for toning (wish I had started this earlier). When I first started I was on 1640 calories per day and tried to eat most of my exercise calories back. I am now on 1200 calories a day and still eat most of my calories back. We both feel great and have lots more energy. I have been able to stop all blood pressure meds and my BP runs about 90/60. You can do this- just please do it the healthy way and I can tell you - if you try to go under 1200 calories a day you are going to do more harm than good. Good luck :happy:
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    It really is about diet AND exercise. some days I burn an extraordinary amount of calories from exercise (ran 17 miles last Thursday for example), I ate over 2500 calories that day (based on a recommended 1520 daily total) but burned 2926. I am one pound under my original goal weight and only 14 more to go to reach my goal.
  • While I havent hit 100 lbs yet (currently I am at 94 lbs lost- in about 8 months), I am almost there. I almost never eat 1200 calories a day. My average is probably near 1000. While I do eat, I make sure I eat pretty clean. I also work out 6 hours a week. Message me if you want more info.....
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
  • I've set myself a range from the start. I started on July 31st 2010 with a range of 1500-1800 (I was 340) and kept to that range for about 6 months (mostly closer to 1500 than 1800). All this was before I was on MFP. I never wanted to go to low on the calories and at my high weight, I felt that this was a good adjustment level to start. Then at about 6 months I moved to a 1200-1500 range. This is where I am at even now. I lost almost 130 lbs in 1 year. I matched this with working out twice a day for most of the year as well. If I had only been working out once a day, I would not have lost as much or would have moved my calorie count lower to accomodate not burning as many calories in the day.

    Keep in mind the best weightloss will come from burning more calories than you take in so if you are only working out once a day, your ratio will be lower than mine and you may want to have a calorie range lower than what worked for me.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Always remember, what works for some people, may not be healthy for you. Or it may. But make sure to consult a doctor before making any changes to your diet and exercise work load. It is really cool to see so many people achieving their goals.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Loving the advice! It is so helpful to hear from someone who has been there.
  • BUMP!
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
  • Saving for future reference.
  • missyeighmy
    missyeighmy Posts: 24 Member
    Saving bump
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26

    can you please tell me what MFP MEANS ?

  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member

    can you please tell me what MFP MEANS ?

    my fitness pal
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I hoped to make it to 100 pounds this year, and haven't quite made it, but I'm close. I had a couple of heart procedures that slowed down my exercise. I eat at or slightly below 1200 calories and do not eat back my exercise calories. I've tried it both ways and for me this is what works best. I don't feel like I'm starving at all, but I am making better choices, with more fruit and chicken. I work out about an hour per day. I am 58 years old and 5'4" tall. I started at 302 and am today 211.2 pounds, which makes me deliriously happy. I have not been this small since 1982. Still about 60 pounds to go, but my life has changed so much already. I've gone from 4x, 26,28, and 30's, to XL and size 20 jeans. Even those are getting a little baggy. I can climb stairs easily, I can reach my feet, I can turn over in bed without being out of breath. I can hike uphill! I'm less self conscious in public. I don't have to use the handicapped stall in the ladies room. My knees and hips don't hurt much at all anymore. I can lift my arms over my head! I can fit in an airplane seat - without an extender. It goes on and on. This would not have been possible without MFP of something like it. It feels like something I can stick with for the rest of my life, so I'm not terrified it will come back.

  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I lost over 140 pounds in my first year (I started almost 3 years ago). No drugs, no surgery - just clean eating (Paleo/Primal) and exercise. I started somewhere around 1,600 or so (maybe 1,700? I don't remember), and dropped down slowly as my bodyweight dropped. I briefly dropped down to 1200 calories a day at an early in the process (hoping for faster results), but couldn't stick with an intake that low and still enjoy life and have energy for exercise, etc. I popped it back up to about 1,450 then... and have popped up higher at various times, depending on type and frequency of exercise, and my general energy levels.

    That being said, I do NOT believe that "a calorie is a calorie" - I think that our bodies treat different kinds of foods differently, and while some kind of caloric deficit is necessary for weight loss, it need not be extreme.

    I've got around 10ish more pounds to go (give or take a few - we'll see), and I currently aim for around 1,575cals on weightlifting days, and around 1,450cals on all other days.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    I was wondering if I may ask a question of those who have achieved this remarkable weight a very respectful time frame.

    I too have lost about 170lbs, it took me far longer than what you guys have managed and thankfully have been maintaining for over a year.

    My question is this given the parameters of the OP original question with the calorie count of 1200 or less.....for those that followed this plan has it been difficult or necessary to adjust this calorie amount the closer you get to your goal? If so, do you increase that, or decrease even further?

    I was just wondering whether you run into problems with being a overall much lower body weight but you are already at the lowest/or even under that point which is recommended.
  • warrenrose12
    warrenrose12 Posts: 22 Member
    Bravo well done , i wish you well in your lifes journey i have the yoyo thing happening to me for years, since i logged on here mfp i see many people who have turned there lives around like you and these stories of success are what will get me through, i,m very happy for you so go get your life back and live it hard . i know i will when i get this dredded weight off take care. :happy:
  • warrenrose12
    warrenrose12 Posts: 22 Member
    That post was for you mollywhippet. :)
  • craziwrld
    craziwrld Posts: 43 Member
    A friend of mine recently lost 100lbs in 10.5 months. She said she religiously ate 1200 calories a day the entire time. Now that she lost the 100lbs she is working on toning up. She bumped her calorie intake up to 1800 and started excersicing.
  • I. too, have been very inspired by Success Stories about losing 100 pounds in one year.
    That is my goal, too, for the last week of July, 2014. I'm hoping to overcome diabetes.
    So far, I've lost 47-50 pounds since I began in late June of this year. All my blood test
    statistics have improved, including resting blood glucose levels, creatinine, and cholesterol.
    My calorie intake started at 1800 calories per day, per my BMR, for a deficit of 490 calories,
    with no exercise. I'm following the Paleo/Primal lifestyle very happily: I'm never hungry. I plan
    to start exercising in January, being careful of my arthritic knees and weak lower back.

    Merry Christmas!
    Best wishes to everyone for 2014!
  • meganuhl1
    meganuhl1 Posts: 26 Member
    I think mine is set to 1540 cal/day I exercise like crazy and eat back almost all of my calories which is between 500-1500 cals depending on how long I am on my treadmill and what workout videos I do that day. I lost the first 60 lbs by cutting portions sizes by half in 13 months with no excercise then I got my treadmill and have been eating more (but healthier choices) and counting calories I have lost 70 lbs in the last 10 months. It is so doable without surgery! Determination all the way baby :bigsmile:
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