Wild scale fluctuations at one time - what the $%#&?

Okay - after over a year of weighing daily, about 2 weeks ago I threw out the batteries from my scale, because I really didn't feel like it was accurately reflecting my progress. I cited water weight, monthly cycling, weightlifting, and other various reasons as the cause for this.

Today I decided to check in. I actually have 2 scales, one which I always thought was 3-4 pounds low, and the other which I thought was accurate. Well, I stepped on the "accurate" one - and my weight was up a couple of pounds. I really couldn't believe that - it makes no sense with the way that I eat and exercise, it's not my TOM, I didn't eat heavy sodium yesterday... etc. So I got on the other scale - it showed 6 pounds lighter! 6 pounds!! So I got some dumbbells out to use as a reference - the heavy scale weighed 28 pounds of dumbbells at 27.5 pounds, and the lighter scale showed 28 pounds of dumbbells as 28 pounds!!! I'll repeat this - the scale that weighed my body as 6 pounds lighter, weighed the dumbbells as .5 pounds heavier.

Do the rules of physics not exist in my bedroom??? Is it literally impossible for me to weigh myself???

I really want to log that 6 pounds down number. My weight has been up and down the same couple of pounds for the past several months, but my measurements have gotten smaller, so it would seem to make sense that I was losing weight as well, wouldn't it?

I know - many of you will say ditch both of my scales for good. Maybe some of you will say to log the low number. I don't know. I would like to hear what the general MFP community thinks of this.



  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I'd always go by the lighter scale. :) I only use a single scale and it's not the one in our Nutrition office.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think you need to pick one scale, accept it, and weigh yourself at the same time each day. And deal with the fact that the scale might not tell you what you want to hear.

    I have a scale at the gym and scale at home. And, yes, they tell me different weights. And yes if I weigh myself over and over and over in a day, it gives me different readings.

    My "official" weigh in is on my gym scale, at the same time of day, usually on the same day of the week. The end. Do I REALLY weigh 148lbs? Maybe or maybe not. But I HAVE lost almost 40lbs. So what I weigh over here or over there is kind of irrelevant.

    Pick one scale and one time of day to weigh yourself. And go with that. And stop looking for reasons to invalidate your weight gain.
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Mine is doing the same damn thing...really? I also know muscle weighs more, and if inches are being lost I assume the scale doesn't have to go down, but I'm still pretty new to this concept so I don't have a clue. Come on experts chime in we wanna know :)
  • julepgirl
    julepgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Are the scales on a soft floor? A scale on carpeting cannot weigh correctly... That's the only thing I can think of... unless you're undergoing gravity fluctuations, or breathing large amounts of helium....
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I only use one scale for my weekly weigh days, and I always weight twice (immediaely), and if there is a difference I use he higher of the two numbers. If there is a large difference I weigh a third time because I know that I moved on the scale. Pick the scale you like the best and use it every week. Pesonally I would wait a day and remeasure before I recorded anything.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    If it were me - i'd go with the scale that weighed the dumbbells accurately. This is just for me, but the dilemma you posted is exactly the reason why I have no scales at all. That scenario would drive me absolutely bat**** crazy and no matter which scale I picked, it would always be in the back of my mind to keep checking the other one. Now I just go by the tape measure and how my clothes fit.
  • mommakatmack
    mommakatmack Posts: 13 Member
    I had the same problem recently except mine was one scale that would vary by five pounds within a few minutes!

    I bought one scale, weigh only in the mornings on Fridays and accept whatever it says. I've learned that if I shift my weight around, that can "change" my weight on the scale (ex. putting my weight on the balls of my feet as opposed to on my heels) so try to be conscience of how your standing.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I think you need to pick one scale, accept it, and weigh yourself at the same time each day. And deal with the fact that the scale might not tell you what you want to hear.

    I agree. Use the same one each time so you know your actual loss. That's what's most important to me.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    28 pounds of dumbbells weighing correctly would tell me to ditch the other scale and log that 6 pound loss!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    And stop looking for reasons to invalidate your weight gain.

    Woah - hold off on the judge-i-ness - I don't invalidate ANYTHING. I've logged gains before - my point here is that there is very conflicting information that cannot be accurate - should I congratulate the dumbbells on losing a half a pound? Because that's IMPOSSIBLE.

    I've edited my initial response to your post down to just the above, because maybe you actually think your statement above is helpful. You're on my friends list, so you must know that I have logged gains before, that I take this incredibly seriously, that I NEVER go over calories, I NEVER "cheat", or eat processed foods, grains, or sugars (real or artificial). You've got 6 months and almost 40 pounds lost - good for you, really - but I've been 100% unwavering in my weightloss and healthy lifestyle for more than 15 months and more than 140 pounds. I don't lie to myself about any part of it, and I'm not doing that with this scale question.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Just put my son on both scales - he got weighed at the doctor recently - the scale that showed me up 2 pounds showed him up 2.6 pounds, and the one that showed me 6 pounds down was .2 lower than what he weighed at the doctor.

    Could the lower scale be the more accurate one??
  • ThatsNotMine
    ThatsNotMine Posts: 75 Member
    Try putting one of your scales in the exact spot your other scale is currently in, and try again. Maybe the floor is warping the readings....I can't keep a scale in my basement bathroom because the floor is slightly uneven, maybe you have a similar situation?
  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    28 pounds of dumbbells weighing correctly would tell me to ditch the other scale and log that 6 pound loss!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!

  • njdoll
    njdoll Posts: 106 Member
    I had a scale that was inaccurate. The greater the amount of weight, the bigger the discrepancy. So if I weighed my son who was about 35 pounds at the time, it was pretty accurate. If I weighed myself, it was about 5 lbs off. My husband even more.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    And stop looking for reasons to invalidate your weight gain.

    Woah - hold off on the judge-i-ness - I don't invalidate ANYTHING. I've logged gains before - my point here is that there is very conflicting information that cannot be accurate - should I congratulate the dumbbells on losing a half a pound? Because that's IMPOSSIBLE.

    I've edited my initial response to your post down to just the above, because maybe you actually think your statement above is helpful. You're on my friends list, so you must know that I have logged gains before, that I take this incredibly seriously, that I NEVER go over calories, I NEVER "cheat", or eat processed foods, grains, or sugars (real or artificial). You've got 6 months and almost 40 pounds lost - good for you, really - but I've been 100% unwavering in my weightloss and healthy lifestyle for more than 15 months and more than 140 pounds. I don't lie to myself about any part of it, and I'm not doing that with this scale question.

    Bravo. Well said.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    Batteries being low can give wonky results, minor imperfections in the floor can affect "how" it reads from one weigh-in to the next... Try moving the scales to a different spot and see if they read differently.

    Pick a scale.. doesn't "really" matter which one and use the numbers it gives. One scale gives me enough problems I'd hate to have 2 as no two scales are in total agreement due to calibration differences.
  • jkeily
    jkeily Posts: 3
    "Weight" is just a number, period. Why does it matter?????? How your clothes fit and how you feel are the best indicators of if you are achieving your goals. Please ignore any comments etc from rude, obnoxious people. They are not important.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    sometimes my scale under-weighs if i step on it strangely. if i see a strangely low number, i move the scale to a different place and jump back on.

    i'm always more inclined to trust the heavier weight because a scale can't over-weigh. a bit of rock stuck somewhere, unevenness in the floor, or stepping too far to one side can all cause it to under-weigh though.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Move the scales to a different floor. Then try again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pamfm
    pamfm Posts: 93 Member
    I had a scale that was inaccurate. The greater the amount of weight, the bigger the discrepancy. So if I weighed my son who was about 35 pounds at the time, it was pretty accurate. If I weighed myself, it was about 5 lbs off. My husband even more.

    ^^ Yeah, this is the key. How many pounds of dumbbells do you own altogether? Any other items of verifiable weight, like a sack of rice? Stack 'em up, try to get it at least 50 lbs, and then recalibrate your scale (there should be a little dial if it's not digital), and then don't move it from that location.
    The last time I got weighed at my doctor's office, I got on my scale at home, and adjusted the dial until it read the same weight (which happened to be about 2 pounds more :grumble: ).
  • I say ditch the scale completely!!! If your clothes are fitting looser, you are losing inches, and feeling strong and healthy, does it really matter how much a scale says? Go on how you feel physically and visual results. Its a hard concept to accept because so much pressure is put on weighing a certain amount and what is a healthy weight but I have found it so much less stressful to not worry about what the scale says rather how I feel and look. Just my opinion!! Either way keep up the awesome work!! :happy:
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I say ditch the scale completely!!! If your clothes are fitting looser, you are losing inches, and feeling strong and healthy, does it really matter how much a scale says? Go on how you feel physically and visual results. Its a hard concept to accept because so much pressure is put on weighing a certain amount and what is a healthy weight but I have found it so much less stressful to not worry about what the scale says rather how I feel and look. Just my opinion!! Either way keep up the awesome work!! :happy:

    ^^Ditto to this! Throw that darn thing away! If you want to see real, substantial progress, instead of random fluctuations in a number on multiple scales, give yourself enough time between weigh-ins. By that time, you'll probably already feel a difference in your clothes. If you can't give up your scale completely, limit your weigh-ins. The energy you spend stressing over numbers could be spent on getting some good exercise, burning calories, or eating healthy and delicious food.
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    I think so. Toss the one scale and keep the other. BTW, congrats or your weight loss, down 146! Amazing :-)