The Mirror
During my run this morning, my mind was all over the place. From my upcoming state board exam to my new running shoes that my mom ordered me for Christmas. At one point, my mind wandered into the frightening world that is "the mirror". While I am aware that I'm an attractive, young woman. There is more to me than my face.…
Running: The physical and the mental
Three weeks ago I woke up feeling angry, frustrated and generally unhappy. Instead of opening up the fridge or the cupboards and feeding into the emotions, I grabbed my mothers running shoes and hit the treadmill. I've never been a runner, actually, up until that morning I despised it. But as soon as my feet hit those…
Being Gluten-Free
Living a GF lifestyle is actually easier than you might expect. When I was told that I was gluten intolerant last spring I really struggled with the idea. How on earth could I give up pasta, breads, and all those yummy things made with wheat? For about 5 months I didn't give it up. I ignored my doctors advice and remained…
Dinner/Drinks TONIGHT
Hey pals :) So I was thinking it would be fun for a group of us to get together enjoy some food and a few drinks together and get to know each other outside of the internet. I thought maybe somewhere simple like Flannigans or Ale House would work best since they have a large variety of things and multiple locations. But…
Oh, plateau.
Being stuck at a certain weight really does being to weigh on you. Literally and figuratively. I've been stuck at 141 for months and I would love love love to see some change. I eat well, exercise regularly but honestly, I think stress is really playing a key roll in my inability to a) be motivated and b) lose the weight.…
Oh my goodness, I love eating fruit. However, I find that a majority of my carbs/sugars come from fruits. Living in South Florida, I am surrounded by fresh fruits whether it be fruit stands, the grocery store, or those delicious mangos that grow in my back yard. But really, I don't need those extra sugars! Your options on…
Mood Swings & The Downfalls
Lately I've been having terrible, debilitation mood swings. One moment I feel fantastic, like nothing can stop me. And in the next, I feel like absolute shicaca. As a mental health professional, I know this isn't a normal thing but am reluctant to seek treatment for it because of medication and it's side effects. I have…
What are you passionate about?
Other than fitness and eating well, what drives you? What shapes you into the person that you are? Any particular moment that defines why you do what you do? For me, it's animal rescue. I've been doing animal rescue for years, probably since I came out of the womb. My mom rescued animals, mostly cats, and I followed in her…
Not Losing
I've been at this for a few months now and have yet to lose even close to what's expected. I eat a well balanced diet and exercise 5-6 days a week (cardio & strength). I have a setting at 1 lb per week which is approx 1400 calories and a 40carb, 35protein, 25fat balance. I take measurements and try not to rely on the scale…
Stationary Cycling (Spinning)
If anyone is interesting in attending a really great spin class & getting to know a fantastic group of people, check out the Secret Cycling Society. It is located off the Palmetto on Okeechobee. It's $4 per class or $20 a week with no contracts or anything of that nature. Pay as you go, so if you don't go you don't pay!…
I feel like I eat way too many carbs and therefore hindering my goals. What is the ideal amount of carbs consumed per day? I'm wondering if I should go low-carb for awhile and see how that effects my loss...
Summer Arms Challenge
I came across this on Pinterest today && thought I'd share with my MFP friends. http://skinnyms.com/summer-arms-challenge/
Extra boobs/Rib fat
Any suggestions on how to target those "extra boobs" (as I call them)? You know...that lovely roll of chubs that sits on your ribs. This has always been a trouble zone for me and whenever I lose weight, it doesn't go away. It just hangs out and chills there.
My fellow readers
Any good book recommendations? I am looking to get a few new books and would love some recommendations. I am not overly particular about what I read...but I do not like romance novels :) Currently, I am re-reading the Hunger Games Triology as the first time I read all 3 in one week so I'm sure I've missed something. I tend…
No Changes
So, I've been at this for awhile. Unfortunately I totally exhausted myself and my body by doing cardio 6 days a week and weight training a few days a week. Because of this, I've had to take a 4 day break in my usual routine of exercise since I can barely get out of bed. Anyway, I am at a loss...sadly not a weight loss. My…
Losing Body Fat
Any advice for losing body fat? I am doing cardio 5-6 days a week and I am weight training as well. However, I'm not seeing my BFP going down. I've lost 9lbs but I my body fat has only gone down 1 percent from 28% to 27%. My goal is to be at 22% and about 135lbs. I'm hoping to trim the BFP and tone up but it doesn't seem…
Healthy Eating
What are some of your favorite local restaurants? Particularly those that have a healthy-ish menu.
I love snacks. I actually prefer snacks over full meals (don't worry, I eat full meals!). I picked up some mini Teddy Grahams (only 130 cals for 47 teddy's) today and am wondering if you all have any suggestions as to what I could pair with them. Years ago, I used to dunk them in Nutella. I realize that that is no longer a…
I've been told by various people that bananas are not good for someone trying to lose weight. Now, they were not reliable sources by all means but I was wondering if there is any validity to that statement. I freaking love bananas and eat one during my post-workout breakfast. They are full of nutrients and are low in fat…
Ladies, I'm talking to you
Do you weigh yourself when you're on your period? Do you change your diet at all? I tend to gain a bunch of weight, mostly water (I hope). It is NO fun to see that number rise when you know it's not muscle mass. I also tend to want different foods during that time...particularly things that are high in iron.
I have read a lot of posts here about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I'm thinking of adding it to my usual cardio/weight training routine. I need a boost and it seems like this is a good option. If you've done it, where can I find it? What results have you had? What type room do you need for it (I have an itty bitty…
Foods i'm Proud I've Never Eaten
1. Hamburger Helper 2. Big Mac and/or Whopper 3. Double Down Chicken Sandwich from KFC 4. Big n Tasty from DD 5. A McDonalds breakfast 6. Stouffer's frozen meals (other than lasagna but that was a mistake on my part) 7. Spam
Stomach Bloat
For months I've been dealing with the severe stomach bloat. I look pregant and it isn't very comfortable. Actually, it has some very painful moments. I cannot for the life of me figure out what causes it. Thought it was gluten, nope. Too much water, nope. Too much...something else, nope. But when I wake up in the morning,…
Am I doing something wrong?
I've been attending spin classes for about one month at approx 5 days a week. I recently upped it to 6 days and am incorporating a weight training regime into my day. I feel like I am eating right and nourishing my body properly but I do not for the life of me understand why I cannot see any noticeable differences. I feel…
Stress Eating
One of my biggest inhibitors in weight loss has been stress eating. Luckily, I have found that exercise and meditation have really helped reduce this. However, today, I feel this need to stress eat. Short story: On Monday, my ceiling began leaking really bad and sagged down. Today, my landlord decided to fix it. As I was…
Help Me!
Figuring out how BMR, diet, and exercise work together. As per the BMR caculator, my BMR is 1470. Since I am moderately active, I multiplied that by 1.55 and got 2278. Does this mean my maintence calories are 1470 or 2278? I spin 6 days a week for approx 45 mins and weight train 4 days or so. Right now, my calories are set…
10 Reasons Why I...
10 Reasons Why I....Spin & Lift: 1. To find myself. 2. To strengthen both my physical and mental state. 3. To lose weight. 4. To challenge and push myself to new levels. 5. To have that necessary "me" time and be void of thought for an hour or two. 6. To be the girl people look at and think "dang, she's fit". 7. To see my…
The Scale
While the number on the scale is not important to me, as I am building muscle and doing cardio at the same time, I have an obsession with seeing what my numbers are. On some scales I'm one weight and on others I am something totally different. I trust the scales at my gym more than those elsewhere. But geesh, how…
My Proud Squat Moment
This morning before my cardio class, I decided to add weighted squates to my usual lifting routine. I have to say, I was VERY proud of myself. I was able to sucessfully do 15 full squats with 100lbs on. Not too shabby if I do say so myself!
When to Fuel Your Body
I've always gotten mixed messages regarding working out on an empty stomach vs a full stomach. Personally, I do both. On days when I have just cardio, I do it on an empty stomach and days when I have boot camp and cardio, I eat first. Now, what should I eat and what should I stay away from?