Who's from London?
Living near london. Anyone in the area please add me.
Annoyed to always eat on my own!!!
Hi, I work on night shifts and have a special schedule. Consequently, I have been eating on my own in the last 5 months (it sounds a bit depressing). This makes me loose any desire to have a normal meal (i.e. with carbs, protein and fat). I have ended up having tiny healthy snack throughout the day. I would like to know…
Risk of training everyday
Hi all. I have recently started training everyday for a few weeks but i dont really feel tired. I run 4 hours per week, 3h30 weight and 1h30 HIIT. What would be the risks if i keep doing that on a long term? Thanks, Jamal
Training program for obstacle races
Hi, Can anyone recommend me a training program for obstacle races? I am planni g to take on spartan in september. I am quite fit, i run 4h a week, 3h30h of weightlifting and 1h30 of hiit. Thanks,
Chest pain after a long run (or strong coffee)
Hi, In the past weeks, I have increased the volume in cardio (Run and bike), I am preparing for a sprint duathlon next February. I went for a long run yesterday (15km) and felt a pain in my heart/chest. I sometimes had this pain when I take a strong coffee. Do you think this pain is caused by the coffee? or the Run? Should…
Risk of running or cycling too much
Hi, I have been regularly running since I am 15 (i.e. between 3 and 4 times a week), and I am 27 now. I would like to know the risk on my body if I keep running that often. In addition, I also start cycling two times a week. Basically my routine is 3 run (15k each) and 2 rides (45k each) a week.
Pain in the shoulder after long run and ride
Hi, I am preparing for a duathlon, I have done a lot of long runs and rides recently. Today after one of my long run, I felt a big pain in my shoulder. How can you explain this?
Training program for duathlon
Hi all, I just found three training programs for duathlon: http://www.bhf.org.uk/get-involved/events/training-zone/triathlon-and-duathlon-trainin/triathlon-and-duathlon-trainin.aspx These training programs do not include any strength training, what do you think? What will be the impact of not doing any weight lifting?…
Is too much whey protein hazardous?
Hi, I am trying to gain weight and added 2 daily scoops of whey protein to my diet. 2 scoops of whey protein is approximately 60g. I was wondering if too much protein can be hazardous for my health? Do you recommend me to reduce the whey protein? For the training program, I am trying to do two session of weight lifting per…
Side effects of drinking too much diet coke
Hi all, I am trying to reduce my beer consumption, so I tend to replace beer with diet coke. I was wondering the side effects of drinking too much diet coke. On internet, they are saying it can damage your kidney, mess up your metabolism, rot your teeth... also do you really believe there is no calorie in a diet soda?
Help to calculate my TDEE
Hi, I am planning to change my training program in the next weeks. I would like to know which exercise level I should consider with the training program below: Monday: Free weights work out: Arm Curl (6x8), Tricep Extensions (6x8), Bench press (6x8), Crunch (6x30), Shoulder press (6x8), Lying Fly (6x8), Supine bicep curl…
Help me to find a good challenge
Hi all, Can you please help me to find a good challenge to motivate me to work out? I usually do a lot of weight lifting, running and cycling. I was thinking about tough runner but it's a bit too expensive for me. Or triathlon but I cant swim :s Thanks,
how to loose body fat?
Hi, I just got back from holidays with my friends and have been eating a lot of junk food. I would like to drop my body fat. I usually do 4 sessions of weigth lifting per week and 2 sessions of cardio. Which advises can you give me to loose body fat: more cardio? Stop eating fat? Reduce my calorie intake? Thanks
Training program for tough mudder
Hi, I would like to run a tough mudder next november. I was wondering if you have any training program to recommend for that. At the moment, I am doing a lot of weight lifting and not a lot of run (see my training program below): Monday: Workout A on machines: chin up(6x8), Lat pull (6x8), Dips (6x8), Lying Triceps (6x8),…
why do i gain weight so easily?
Hi, I have just been on holidays with my friends. We went to the french mountains and did a lot of climbing, walking, hiking and running. I ate much less than most of my friends. This evening I checked my weight and gained almost 5 lbs. None of my friend gained weight. How can you explain this? I am much taller and heavier…
Best running shoes
Hi, I spotted three running shoes: - Nike Flex 2014 Mens Running Shoes - Nike Flex Run 2014 Trainers Mens - Karrimor Duma Mens Running Shoes Do you have any of these? Which one do you prefer?
do you have more appetite on rewt days?
Hi I have more appetite and tend to eat more on rest days. Is it normal? Do you eat more on reat days?
does heavy weight lifting give you headaches?
Hi, I noticed i have recurrent headaches since i started doing heavy weight lifting. Do you have the same feeling?
Why am I always hungry?
Hi Community, I recently started doing serious weight lifting training (i.e. 4 times a week). Before I was doing only one or two weight lifting session per week and the rest was cardio. I noticed my appetite has seriously increased and I am always hungry.... I was wondering what happens to me? Why am I always hungry? I…
TDEE calculation: how many times of exercise per week?
Hi Most of TDEE calculators ask how many of exercises we work out per week. Below is my training program, how many times of workout should i consider: 5 or 6 times per week? Monday: Workout A on machines: chin up(6x8), Lat pull (6x8), Dips (6x8), Lying Triceps (6x8), Shoulder press (6x8), pull up (6x8), Cardio (20 minutes…
What Is The Best Intermediate Bodybuilding Workout?
Hi all, I think the title says it: What Is The Best Intermediate Bodybuilding Workout? Thanks, Jamal
How to get big arms?
Hi, Just need some advice for weight liftting sessions. I would like to have bigger arms. What should I do: more tricep or biceps exercise? eat more? more rest? Below is my training program: Monday: Workout A on machines: Arm Curl (6x8), Lat pull (6x8), Dips (6x8), Lying Triceps (6x8), Shoulder press (6x8), Chin up (6x8),…
Need advice to bulk up
Hi community, I am trying to bulk up and weight training 4 times week. I dont follow any training program, I am trying to train each muscle once every week (arms, chest, back, shoulder and legs). I was wondering if I should train to failure during my workout? Is it really good to bulk up? Thanks, Jamal
Gained 50 pounds while keeping training
Hi all, Since October 2013 I gained 50 pounds. I was wondering whether I gained some muscle at least... In the past 9 months, I kept training (50% cardio and 50% weight lifting). I managed to increase the loads in my weight lifting routines so I presume I gained a bit of muscle... However, how can we estimate the ratio…
More food, less cardio or more rest days
Hi, Why do you think of this training program and meal plan? Monday: Workout A on machines: Arm Curl (6x8), Lat pull (6x8), Dips (6x8), Lying Triceps (6x8), Shoulder press (6x8), Chin up (6x8), Cardio (20 minutes running) Tuesday: moderate cardio (cycling 26 miles) Wednesday: Free weights work out: Arm Curl (6x8), Tricep…
More food, less cardio or more rest days
Hi, Why do you think of this training program and meal plan? Monday: Workout A on machines: Arm Curl (6x8), Lat pull (6x8), Dips (6x8), Lying Triceps (6x8), Shoulder press (6x8), Chin up (6x8), Cardio (20 minutes running) Tuesday: moderate cardio (cycling 26 miles) Wednesday: Free weights work out: Arm Curl (6x8), Tricep…
Recharge period
Hi, A fitnness magazine recommends to take a full week off after 2 full months of solid training: weights and cardio. I was wondering when do you take a week off from the gym? Jamal
best program to get stronger
Hi, Can someone recommend me some training program to get stronger? I heard about the 5x5 strong lift but i find this a bit too light. Thanks Jamal
Do you trust mapometer?
Hi, I cycled to work two times a week. According to mapopmeter, I burnt around 600 kcal each way. I was wondering if you trust the metrics provided by mapometer? Thanks, Jamal
Do we loose muscle when we starve oursleves?
Hi, I am just curious to know what happen when we dont eat when we are hungry: do we lose muscle or fat? Talking with a bodybuilder, he was saying "it was too late" when you are hungry and we should always keep a snack with us. But what do you think he exactly meant by "too late"? Jamal