I'm sorry for the absence...
I am so sorry for the sudden disappearance. My laptop's motherboard flat out died on me. I don't have a tablet and I don't have a smart phone to access the internet. So I have been without. I am currently at the library in order to post this. I don't have the funds with the holidays coming up to get a new laptop or get the…
10/25 Tuesday Day 25 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Today's challenge is to review your last 3 weeks. What's working and what's not? Are you sitting less and is it become easier and more natural? If not, why not? What needs to change? If it's just drudgery for you, maybe it's time to shift gears and try another way to be less sedentary? Is your “One…
10/24 Monday Day 24 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Because most of us spend a lot of time sitting at work, we are going to have a second daily challenge focused on reducing our work time sitting. For today's challenge, look for ways you can reduce your work time sitting. Maybe walk over and talk with a co-worker rather than sending them an email? Have a…
10/23 Sunday Day 23 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Let's keep the activity going! Enjoy your Sunday but make it an active one. How will you spend today? Supplemental Weekend Reading: The Science of Why You Do Your Best Thinking While Walking http://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/the-science-of-why-you-do-your-best-thinking-while-walking.html
10/21 Friday Day 21 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Pick one (or two!) moving activities today that you know you'll enjoy. Do what will make you happy! Tell us, whatcha got planned? Alternative Challenge: When you put on music don’t just SIT there. Get up and dance!
10/20 Thursday Day 20 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Today's challenge is to check out an exercise video on You Tube and do it! Why not try something new? Maybe Tai Chi or that heart pounding dance video your friend has been raving about? It doesn't matter how intense the activity is. What counts is that we get up and MOVE! Alternative Challenge: Go out…
10/19 Wednesday Day 19 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Most of us have more flexibility on the weekends and it's often easier to be more active then. So let's start thinking about the weekend now (isn't that what Wednesday is for?) and pick some “moving” activities that we'd like to do. What going on in your neighborhood or city this weekend that you might…
10/18 Tuesday Day 18 SLBC
Today's Challenge: How about kick-starting each morning with a morning move? Morning Move is a daily, 1-move workout delivered by email every morning. Routines are equipment-free and come with complete instructions. Today's challenge is to do the first exercise, the Leg Kickbacks pictured below. Like the idea of getting a…
10/17 Monday Day 17 SLBC
Today's Challenge: When the TVs on we tend to sit, but when the radio's on we want to move. Today's challenge is to trade in some TV viewing time and crank up the music instead. Spontaneous dance party....oh yeah!!! Alternative Challenge: Plan an active date with friends and family today. Call a friend to go to the gym or…
10/16 Sunday Day 16 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Let's keep the activity going! Enjoy your Sunday but make it an active one. How will you spend today? Supplemental Weekend Reading: Here's the easiest way to undo the harms of sitting all day http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-undo-the-harm-of-sitting-2016-6
10/15 Saturday Day 15 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Enjoy your Saturday but please make it an active one. How about a walk outside today? Supplemental Weekend Reading: Two suggested readings about habits: How I Finally Quit Making Excuses and Got Healthy Habits to Stick http://greatist.com/live/healthy-habits-tips-that-finally-made-habits-stick 8 Steps To…
10/13 Thursday Day 13 SLBC
Today's Challenge: What clean-up project will you accomplish today? We've all got small projects around the house that we've been meaning to get to...let's get her done! It's a great way to keep moving and you'll feel great afterwards! Alternative Challenge: Download a fitness app for your tablet or phone. Most of them are…
10/10 Monday Day 10 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Most of us sit a lot at work. For today's challenge, look for ways you can reduce your work-time sitting. Maybe walk over and talk with a co-worker rather than sending them an email? Have a walking meeting? Use a restroom on a different floor or further away than the restroom you normally use? Take the…
10/12 Wednesday Day 12 SLBC
Today's Challenge: The total amount of sitting we do throughout the day has a big impact on our health, but so does how long we've been sitting at any one time. If you've been sitting for an hour or more, that's too long! Make a point to stand up, move around, or walk a little throughout the day, every 20 to 30 minutes or…
10/11 Tuesday Day 11 SLBC
Today's Challenge: If you have a Fitbit activity tracker, chances are you have the ability to track your hourly activity, with a goal of getting at least 250 steps per hour. If your Fitbit has this feature, are you using it? (Sadly, it's not available on the Fitbit One model). If not, today's a great day to start taking…
10/09 Sunday Day 9 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Let's keep the activity going! Enjoy your Sunday but make it an active one. How will you spend today? Supplemental Weekend Reading: If you'd like to read more about sitting and it's impact on our health, check out Start Standing's Sitting is the New Smoking guide:…
10/08 Saturday Day 8 SLBC
Today's Challenge: Enjoy your Saturday but please make it an active one. There are lots of ways to keep moving. Gardening and yard tending, walking with a friend, checking out a local farmer's market or going for a bike ride are a few of the many possibilities! Supplemental Weekend Reading: A neuroscientist says there’s a…
10/07 Friday Day 7 SLBC
Today's Challenge: You selected one action in particular to focus on this month that should result in you sitting less. How is this priority action going? Is it becoming easier to do and maybe even a habit? Stick with it and give it some attention. New habits need regular practice! Alternative Challenge: Make a point to…
10/06 Thurdsay SLBC
Today's Challenge: Stress is an inevitable part of our lives and it also has terrible health consequences. Sometimes a short walking break is all that's needed to bring our stress levels way down. So today, when you feel stressed, take a quick 5 or 10 minute break and go for a quick walk. If you can walk outside, even…
10/04 Tuesday Day 4 SLBC
Morning, Everyone! This has an alternative challenge but why not try and do both? Today's Challenge: If you watch TV this evening, make a point to get up and walk during commercials. These commercial “breaks” are an easy way to increase your step count for the day and keep your body moving. Alternative Challenge: Walk…
10/03 Monday Day 3 SLBC
Today's challenge: make your plan to sit less and move more. Using the input form on this page: http://www.quittingthesitting.org/act-now.html specify your top priority for sitting less (your “One Thing”) and your activity goal. Will you be going for the bronze, silver, or gold level of activity? Or maybe the platinum?…
10/02 Sunday Day 2 SLBC
There are lots of ways to ditch the chair and some of the most popular actions are listed here: http://www.quittingthesitting.org/ideas.html Which do you think would work for you? Since we want to be sitting less long after the challenge has ended, it's important to find ways to sit less that work for us and fit into our…
10/01 Saturday Day 1 SLBC
Welcome to the Sit Less Boot Camp Challenge-A-Day! We are glad that you decided to join us in October for 31 days of sitting less and moving more. Over the next few weeks we'll give you lots of ideas and resources to sit less and move more. Some of the daily challenges will be more appropriate for some folks than others,…
09/30 Friday Day 493
Morning, Everyone! Themedalist posted this yesterday but I think I will add this in myself. When we did the last Sit Less Boot Camp in May, a lot of you asked us to send out reminders of when the next one is. Well with the hard work of my friend, themedalist, you can now sign up for email reminders! When you sign up,…
09/29 Thursday Day 492
Morning, Everyone! In continuation of the Quitting the Sitting Bootcamp coming up here is another challenge to help you get in the zone! Today's challenge: For every 15 minutes sitting, get up and walk 30 seconds. Not only are you being active but you'll be getting your steps in for the day!
09/28 Wednesday Day 491
Morning, everyone! Today, in homage of The Sitless Boot Camp coming up in a couple of days, we are going to be doing challenges that can help get you into the swing of things! For more information, check out the announcement at the top of the group page or go to: quittingthesitting.org Today's Challenge: whenever you sit…
09/27 Tuesday Day 490
Morning, Everyone! Today we are going to build our self esteem a bit because it is something that is rather hard to do. Self-esteem is so easy to break but sometimes nearly impossible to boost. So let's give it a try. Today's Challenge: List 5 things you like about your body. 1. I love my eyes because of how bright they…
09/26 Monday Day 489
Morning, Everyone! Today we are going to start this week off right with a fun balance exercise. Today's Challenge: Twist an imaginary jump rope and lift your heels off the floor 20 times
09/24 Saturday Day 488
Morning, Everyone! It's the weekend so let's do a food challenge since it would be easier to plan for. Today's challenge: try 2 new healthy dips for veggies Some examples would be: hummus, salsa, almond or peanut butter, Greek yogurt, pesto, and cottage cheese. What else could be good?
09/23 Friday Day 487
Morning, Everyone. We did some funny walks yesterday well today we are going to be active whenever we sit! Today's Challenge: Do a seated "walking" exercise to build balance and core body strength at least 5 times today. When you sit, pretend you are walking! It's a good way to keep active when you have to sit a lot!