Really look at yourself
I got hit in the head tonight with a BIG breakthrough for me when I changed out my profile pic. It made me think about perceptions. All my profile pics are close-up head shots. Why is that? Well, it's easier to see a persons face that way. That isn't my real reason. I don't like anyone to see the rest of me. There is no…
Just curious, Where's everyone from?
What state or country do you live in? I'm in Michigan.
Some personal thoughts about rewarding yourself
"What are you doing to reward yourself for hitting your goals?" It is a fairly common post and the answers are pretty much new clothes, a night out, or dinner somewhere. Maybe it is my age, maybe I've been there done that one too many times, I don't know. I've changed my thinking regarding what an actual reward is. At 10…
Let's Talk about....hitting plateau
I had 40 lbs WHOOSH away in four months. Then the plateau hit. I've been patiently waiting for it to end, sticking to what I've been doing for the past two months. :/ It's been long enough. I've re-entered my info in the keto calculator on Reddit. Sure enough, I've lost enough weight some changes needed to be made.…
Post the differences you are noticing in how you feel
This morning I woke up and all my joint pain was gone. Normally I'm popping aspirin and hobble around because my knees, ankles, and feet feel like they are sprained. I don't care if it is water weight, inflammation going away, or actual fat loss. Feeling good, now that's the ticket.
Clean eating, saving money, and cooking faster.
There are time savers and tips that make eating clean convenient and cheap. Here are my shortcuts, what are yours? 1. Can your own food. Soups, fruits, meat, vegetables, jams, sauces, even broth. 2. Freeze a couple of casseroles. 3. Prep veggies when you get home from shopping. They go into my fridge diced and ready to be…
Apples, non-soluble fiber, and gut bacteria.
Here's an article someone put a link to out on Reddit. Enjoy. https://news.wsu.edu/2014/09/29/an-apple-a-day-could-keep-obesity-away/#.VCrVghbDXNV
Brag-As fresh as it gets!
Yesterday I made Pumpkin Creme Brulee, Pumpkin Coconut Curry Soup, and Pumpkin Ravioli with browned butter and sage. The pumpkins came from my neighbor to the east, eggs from my hens, sage from my garden, and cream from anoter neighbors cows. I used it to make the butter as well as the Creme Brulee, eggs from my hens. I…
What are you struggling with?
I've had a few weeks of meh. Events have prevented me from being as consistent as I would like with food. I'm still struggling with exercise. Being motivated enough to just start exercising it is a problem. I find something else that is a higher priority EVERY TIME. I sabotage myself regularly. I think I'll have a talk…
Work out buddy? IN/OH border
I thought it might be neat to meet with a few folks at the gym, go walking, or even do support stuff at the library. I'm located very close to the border where Indiana and Ohio come together. Anyone located out my way? It's kinda in the middle of nowhere.
Anyone done 30 Day Shred?
I picked up 30 Day Shred at Goodwill last night. ($2.99 I loves me some thrift stores!!) Has anyone used this DVD before? Is it going to kill me?
I refuse to weigh myself this week - girl stuff
I've been watching steady weight gain this week despite staying within my calorie limits and exercise. I have decided that the week before my "ladies time" is the week I do not step on the scale for any reason. So friggin' depressing. Any thoughts, comments, or ideas?
Meals: What are you doing?
I thought I'd just share with you all what I'm doing as far as meals go. It may help others out and maybe you can share what you are doing. Personal experience tells me going on a specific diet plan is not the way to loose weight. Life happens and if I'm on a super strict diet I've set myself up to fail...again. I am all…
Things I learned along the way
Below is a direct copy/paste from someone who posted on a weight loss forum I go to on another site. I found what they had to say to be very true, at least for me. Enjoy. (Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/2ddv0v/i_learned_a_few_things_about_diet_plans_on_my/) How to detect a faulty weight loss plan: 1. You…
Your Fat Has a Brain. Seriously. It is Trying to Kill You.
Interesting article someone shared a link to http://www.outsideonline.com/fitness/Your-Fat-Has-a-Brain.html
NSV: Lost a race today
So, how is loosing a race a non-scale victory? I RAN!!!! I have not even tried to run in over 10 years. I think I'll even do it again. I was not planning on running at all yet, here's what happened. Zombies were chasing me (Zombies Run app) and I was just going at an easy walk when I heard a non-zombie gaining on me. I…
NSV: Lost a race today
So how is loosing a victory? I RAN!!!!! For the first time in 10 years I ran! Not for long, not for very far but it doesn't matter. I did it and I'll do it again. It happened like this, I was being chased by zombies (Zombies Run app) as I walked along the road when I heard a non-zombie gaining on me. I thought it would be…
What is your motivation?
Sometimes it is good to reflect on just what made each of us decide to change. Most of us can identify with these feelings, struggles, and victories. Share what your tipping point was. What made you take a serious look at what the extra weight has been doing to you and give you serious resolve? How did you feel about…
Experimenting with Diet
My insurance company has me working with an insurance counselor. At her suggestion I changed my menus to vegetarian. I like meat but it wouldn't kill me to give it a shot for a week. The meals are huge and still balanced so I'm getting enough protein, in fact I'm usually kind of stuffed. It has been all of 3 days and I'm…
Self-reporting: How's your plan going?
How are you handling meals? Still on track? What are you doing about it if you've wandered? I've had a little trouble when we've had things come up that pulled me out of my routine. A huge save for me has been having the MFP app on my phone. I'll put in info on whatever I'm thinking about eating before I pull the trigger.…
Rant: Dudes
Venting a little here. Dudes suck. No offense intended to the guys in this group, just roll with it. I'm moody and bloated and stuff. I've been exercising, planning, pre-cooking meals, drinking my water....the whole shebang. My husband isn't exercising and eats roughly DOUBLE the calories I get. I've lost 6 pounds. He's…
Virtues of a Rice Cooker
At first I thought, "Cool, now my rice won't burn when I forget it." I love my rice cooker. It beeps 3x to tell me it is done and then just keeps it warm for about 45 minutes. Then it shuts itself off. One day it was too hot to bake and I wished I had a way to bake chicken without heating up the house. Hmmmm, didn't the…
Goal, Motivation, & Conflict
Goal, Motivation, & Conflict is the title of a book about writing. Somehow, I've tied it into this part of my life. For me I've got a goal of loosing over 100 pounds and being able to run. I want to be very active.My motivation is I feel as if life is passing me by. I don't want to be old, sick, and in pain and have…
Making meals with a Rice Cooker
I've recently discovered I can cook all sorts of stuff in the rice cooker. It had some weird stuff in the manual that came with it but nothing sounded good. I forgot about it. A couple days ago it was too hot to fire up the oven. Epiphany!!! I can steam sweet potatoes in there. I can cook an entire chicken. I can make…