NSV!!! - Time to go Belt Shopping
I came into work this morning, and one of my colleagues said 'you look very happy' to which the other replied, 'Well I would be if I was him he's lost so much weight' !!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing as I barely notice any changes in myself... And for the first time in years, my work trousers feel a little…
What's Your Motivation?
Seriously lacking motivation right now... Help! Inspire me please
Body Weight Exercises or Weight Lifting?
Which one should I do? Basically I have a choice: 1) Stay at my current gym - Lift heavy etc 2) Join the boxing gym which focus on body weight exercise, speed and punching drills. Both would cost £30 per month & I would have to quit one to afford the other. What would be more effective for fat loss? Please let me know.
Tube Boxing
I have been invited to attend a free session at: www.tubeboxing.co.uk What do you guys think? 45 mins of instructor led boxing over 12 'rounds'. They're trying to replace the regular health clubs and have no treadmills etc... just the above classes and a weights room. what do you guys think?
Calling All Endomorphs!!! Need Inspiration And Advice With m
I was in the back of the queue when good genetics were being dealt out, so I would really appreciate it if other endomorphs could post up there diets and success stories? I really need help with the diet as I haven't seen the scale move for a while. What foods would you reccommend? What would you avoid? And are there amy…
Stronglifts 5x5 Support group
I'm looking to start this on Monday, I would appreciate if other people wheater experienced or beginners could share there experiences and advice. Please also feel free to send friend requests for motivation.
Circuit Training & Weight Training
In theory if you went to the gym twice a day, could you get away with doing circuit training in the morning and heavy weights in the evening? Or would you do running in the morning instead?
I used to be fat
Does anyone know where I can buy the season one dvd online? I'm from th uk and so far cant seem to get hold of it over here.
Circuit Training
My gym is currently trying to push me into circuit training. Is it any good? I'm a simple man, all I do is eat healthy, lift heavy & run on the treadmill. If i'm feeling fancy I might take a multi and some fish oils. So if any of you have tried it please let me know what your thoughts are
Protein Shakes
Does anyone here use protein shakes in their diet? I've heard stories about them having loads of sugar, and actually making people gain weight? If you use them and are successful, then please reccommend a good brand? (i'm in the UK)
Healthy Snacks
What would you recommend? Ideally this would be something I can keep at my desk
My motivation has gone.
Literally I don't know what to do. I think the initial buzz of working out and losing weight has gone, now i'm cheating on my diet and not going to gym as much. I have a long way to go, but i'm seriously lacking the drive! I've also lost gained, lost and regained the same 4 pounds over the last 3 weeks.
I Cant Stop Binging on Chocolates
Seriously, I gave up for weeks, and now i'm back to eating like 2-3 per day!!!!!! HELP
Gym stalker. What should I do?
For the past few days, when i've been doing weights, I have some dude who just stares at me! Literally he'll be on whatever machine he's on, and i'm on the dumb bells and he just keeps looking at me. I've tried talking to him but his english isn't great so i'm stuck. If he wants help or advice why not ask? Should I just…
The Negative Aspects of NSV's (Non Scale Victories)
Please don't all shoot me at once! Over the last few weeks I have been getting compliments from lots of people about how much weight i've lost.. And i'm buzzing because of it! However as weird as this sounds, each compliment is making me feel lazy and work less harder in the gym! I feel like I can relax for a bit and cause…
What's the most over-played song at your gym?
Mines the lazy song by bruno mars. Now i'm not a violent man, but I feel the urge to punch him in the face, cause the song is on all the time!
First NSV in Over A Month (Finally!)
I went over to my sister's and she said my face looked thinner! Great success! It's the little things lol, I was really struggling last month and gained 6lbs! But since getting back into it and being serious again i've finally seen progress!
Am Cardio Pm Weights
I will be trying the above as of today for at least 2 weeks! Cardio will be steady state on the treadmill for 30 minutes. (6.0km and 5% incline) Weight training will be split into upper and lower body, and on the days I don't do weight i'll throw in another cardio session. I will report back with my findings as well! I…
Should I even bother with them? Someone said to me that for rapid FAT loss, I should not bother with weights that much, and instead focus on HITT cardio everyday. Sure i'll lose muscle as well but I can always get that back when I start strength training again. That is apparently the reason why my weight loss is slow. What…
The last few days, I have been feeling it. Feeling it a lot infact. Maybe it's cause i'm off work and I have more time to focus on these things? Who knows? Right now i'm taking stock of my life, I will be 30 next year.. That's right 30.. Alongside having to wear sensible jumpers and own a people carrier, I will have to…
Chest hair or no chest hair? What do you prefer?
A Special Thank You Message to my MFP Family on my 100th Day
I just wanted to take a little time out to thank all my mfp family for all the love and support they have given me over the last 100 days. There is no way I would've got this far or stuck with it for this long if it wasn't for you guys. I genuinely can't believe that it's been a 100 days since I posted an introduction…
Why are you fat?
The answer is simple. For many years the body has consumed more cals than it has burned, therefore leaving leaving me with a spare tyre or 2! The battle for weight loss is definitely physical.. But it's worth not ignoring the mental aspect of it as well. Really look within yourself and find out WHY you got to the stage…
Gaining 6lbs in 2 weeks
How many more times can I believe that 'i've gained water weight'? Or put on muscle? really? I've lost 10lbs in 10 weeks, and then gained 6 of them back over the last 2 weeks.. Something must be going wrong somewhere
Ramadaan (Fasting) in August
Hi Everyone, Every year muslims around the world fast for one month, this year it falls in August. Typically I cannot eat or drink anything from Sunrise to sunset (4.30am - 8.30pm) during the whole month. My question is will I still be able to lose weight during that month? If so how should I adjust my diet? I really dont…
Anyone Doing Ramadaan. (Fasting) This Year?
Feel free to add me. It would be nice to share recipe ideas and exercise tips.
Who else manages to maintain or lose weight whilst fasting. I've heard of the IF diet and eat stop eat. But what about when a person cannot eat or drink for most of the day?
Water Retention
www.personal-diet.com/water-weight_loss.htm Great article which explains water retention. I gained 4lbs last week and now I know why!
How do you deal with stress?
Apart from eating? I really need some alternative methods
Help! Feeling Really Frustrated!
I'm working my *kitten* off weight lifting, cycling, and running. I'm eating as best as I can and I have so far lost 10lbs. All good stuff, however I had my body fat measured at the gym and it's barely changed! I'm afraid i'm losing muscle and it has really got me down