Kettlebells are on sale on Amazon
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Have you seen these KB?
Does Coconut oil go bad?
I decided to finally try Coconut Oil in my tea. I didn't realize that my unopened jar of Luannes (?) had a "best used by date" of January 2014. Is it still good? Should I buy a new jar and just use this a body lotion?
Decent DVD workouts?
Hi, I like to workout to DVDs. For some reason, using a book or pictures doesn't work for me. I like to follow along, class style. I need to be able to see the workout, so using my little laptop screen doesn't work well either. Suggestions? I already have: Amy Bento's workouts, Paul Kattimani (sp?) kettlbell drills, and am…
Are there any foods you actually miss eating?
I realize that most people sometimes want bread, if they are around freshly cooked bread. But, I'm wondering if there are any foods you just sometimes wish you could eat? For me, it's some fruits. I miss bananas. I love them and would like to have one occassionally. Yesterday, I was craving pineapple/mango salsa. I was…
suggestions for a day away
I mistakenly posted this in the wrong room....wanted Keto specific suggestions. My daughter is in a soccer tournament tomorrow. We will be at the fields from 9am until 4pm. I will have a cooler, but it will be filled with water and "cooling towels" for the girls. I can take another cooler, but am not sure what to pack. I…
Suggestions for food for a day away
My daughter is in a soccer tournament tomorrow. We will be at the fields from 9am until 4pm. I will have a cooler, but it will be filled with water and "cooling towels" for the girls. I can take another cooler, but am not sure what to pack. I guess I can throw in a chicken breast, but that means packing utensils. We don't…
Anyone know where I can get cider vinegar?
Not apple cider vinegar, just cider vinegar?
Can't seem to get ketostixs to show that I'm in Keto
which, probably means, I'm not. I'm getting very frustrated. I know I had a bad weekend 2 weeks, ago, but since then I've been good. I drink a ton of water, eat bacon (has salt), etc. I stay near the 20 mark for net carbs... ideas?
Those of you with kids (still living at home)
Last night, after my daughter's soccer game, she asked to go to Menchies (frozen yogurt). I said yes and took her. When we got there she asked why I wasn't getting any and then said "you never eat treats with me anymore". I then grabbed a bowl and got a small amount. It got me thinking about what I'm teaching her. Am I…
Is a Bodybugg worth the price?
I really hate the chest strap things that come with most heart rate monitors and wondered if anyone thought the Bodybugg was or was not worth the $100+ price tag. thanks
Met with an RFC trainer today
I've always done KB workouts via Dvds. I strained my back in January and decided I should see a trainer, certified, to see what I might be doing wrong. So, I forked over a chunk of money for a 90 minute session. It was well worth it. He said my form was darn good, especially considering I'd learned from DVDs. However, he…
Is there a FAQ for this group?
I've done Atkins in the past, tried WW (which was actually a success for me, until I ate my way through boxes of cocoa puffs during my divorce last year) and have now tried to go back to a low carb diet. I do find that when I eat lower carbs, my body responds better (meaning better skin, stronger finger nails, etc.), but I…
Looking for a good lower body workout that does NOT include
lunges or squats. My ortho says I should avoid both, but especially lunges as they tear up the knees quickly. So, I'm looking for a good workout dvd that emphasizes the lower body but avoids lunges and minimizes squats. Any advice? To note: My ortho says this to me - it may not apply to others. I've had 5 knee surgeries…