This is eat, you choose THREE foods that..
EDIT: This is IT (not eat). Strong brain fart No matter how much you eat of them, you can only look BETTER. But this is ALL you get to eat for the rest of your life. -Taco Bell (since this is technically a restaurant, not food, I go with the steak grilled stuft burrito) -Blue Diamond Toasted Coconut Almonds -Snickers Ice…
FLEX Friday pic drop
Want to see flexes from all ages, genders and body types :)
Do any of you know someone who "used to lift"?
and all of the hilarious claims they make about when they did lift? I made a video in their honor. Attempt to enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PLyjFNFzT4
12,000 calorie food challenge feat. Sylvester Stallone
My buddy said he could do it.. so of course, we had to film it. He almost died. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd70Y22PgEU
How do you get pumped for deadlifts?
A few methods are shown here, what's yours? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkcVzi_I5Cc
It only made sense for my to vlog my cheat day.
me* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUUAynxYIUE Bye bye shreds :)
Made my friend a funny shaped protein cake for his B-Day
BBC cake of peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xDJhoyjCes hilarious. Watch it
Trying to improve my back
Delt/Arm workout video
Just sharing my delt/arm routine if you're interested. you will also be provided with lols enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjjYbyNAmUY
7 month recomp
Still have a ways before truly getting lizard shredded this year, but I'm excited I get to push the bar ~170 in left, september 2013 just about end of cut ~180 in right, yesterday, at least 10 weeks of cutting left
phaggots everywhere
If you want results, you need to eat CLEAN, like so...
Flex Friday.
Surely you are ready for Flex Friday this time around?
Drop em like it's hot MFP'ers :happy:
Three Months Cutting Progress (pic)
Granted.. the variables of both pics are a little different.. It's easy to tell progress was made. Feeling pretty good right now. Oh, and I ate snickers ice cream and taco bell during this cut :)
If you've heard "70% diet, 30% training".....
Don't listen to that non sense.
Your hungry. It blows, this helps
YOU'RE* crap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3v0UuSHhm8
Ask yourself "If not this, then what?"
A little monday motivation for my MFP friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ-XE6LR3SY
Gods at Olympus say that you can only perform three lifts..
from here on out. Incline Barbell Bench Press Overhead press Deadlift Your three, GO
Setting macros is SIMPLE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBdCLXxeKT0 All should watch.
Need help setting macros?
Post the ONE physique you admire greater than all.
Frank Zane Your turn..
You must train legs.
Dieting down is a SLOW process. (pics)
My progress thus far, still have a ways to go. It took three months (march-june) to properly taper cals down slowly (50-100 a week!) from my winter bulk and finally cut correctly. (coming from improper excess of cals) that's three months of no muscle gained, and no fat lost essentially. Which resulted in this: June 1st…
Mind breakfast is just as important as food breakfast.
Well I guess this goes here (vid)
You like pancakes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfkuso2Gouw
Hi I am Vincent and I want to entertain you.
via YouTube of course. I love being able to post whatever the heck I want (within fitness and improvement of course - to stay on topic) but for the sake of being consistent with a nutrition based forum. This one here is getting some good feedback here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDyY8mfrjP0 Open to all friend…
WAIT. Disregard that boring breakfast you were going to eat.
Weight gain and loss is SIMPLE
For those of you new to how gaining and losing weight works. This video explains it in three minutes. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDyY8mfrjP0
Smashing shoulders and hammies today :)