Severe Acne Caused by Stevia?
About a week after I started using Stevia, my acne became out of control. I had horrendous cystic type acne on my forehead and chin and it wouldn't stop. I thought it was my birth control, so I switched to Yaz because it's supposed to help with acne and it didn't do much at all. Recently I looked back on when the acne…
Gaining muscle but not losing fat?
Hello everyone, I've been working out for two months. I've read that, the more muscle you gain, the more calories your bodie burns in a resting state. So I've been doing cardio on a recumbent exercise bike for 20-30 minutes (20 minutes during the first month and 30 minutes during last month and this month) with anywhere…
Anyone gotten in shape w/ body weight exercises?
It seems like every fitness resource claims that we can only get fit from lifting heavy, but I have some physical limitation that won't really allow that (at least not now). I've been doing body weight exercises for 6 weeks now and I feel much stronger and I can tell I'm making progress, but I'm worried that I'll never…
Anyone with Muscular Dystrophy?
Hello :) So, I have MD, specifically CMT type 2. What have you learned through working out and losing weight? What works for you? It seems that I can't do more than 3-4 exercises per body part because I feel so much intense pain the next day, to where I have to push myself to get out of bed. I also feel like I have to be…
Bloated vegan; Different protein source ideas?
I've been a vegan for nearly 8 years and I thought that sodium was causing my bloating, but now I've cut way back on sodium and am still bloated. I've realized that it's all the beans I eat that's really causing the bloating. If I need about 50g of protein a day, can you give me some bean-less ways to get to that many…
Is this a good bench/weight set for a beginner?
http://www.walmart.com/ip/CAP-Barbell-Deluxe-Standard-Bench-with-100-lb-Weight-Set/17217218?findingMethod=rr It's an awesome deal. I'm pretty small (5'0" 120) and I'm looking to lift to tone up and lose body fat. I don't think I'll need anything heavier than 100 lbs to lift for a while. Thanks!
Are MRT and circuit training the same?
Are metabolic resistance training(MRT) and circuit training the same? And are either effective if I'm only using body weight? Also, can someone give me a sample workout for either (without basic lunges, I can't do them)? I've been doing this: Squats with side leg lift Slower mountain climbers (the impact hurts my ankles if…
Lower Impact Cardio Circuit Training?
I love the 30 Day Shred, but I find that it's killing my poor knees. I actually had to miss a workout today to recover. I'm only 21 years old, but I do have a disability (Muscular Dystrophy), so my joints aren't really the best. Is there any lower impact circuit training DVDs that you would recommend or are there moves you…
Doing the 30 Day Shred, looking for replacements for jumping
For anyone unfamiliar, Jillian likes to do a lot of jumping jacks, jump rope, butt kicks, high knees, etc. I was doing okay at the beginning, but I have a hard time with the jumping because of some past foot surgeries, joint problems, and a spinal fusion (you use your back SO much more for jumping than you think haha), all…
Donkey-kick is hard on my back....
Any exercise that is done on all fours where my leg goes higher than my back (donkey-kicks, some exercise where you pulse your straight leg from even with your back, to slightly higher, etc.) are tough on my back because I have had a spinal fusion (years ago, but my back is fused from the bottom of my neck to the top of my…
Gained weight from SSRI. Anyone else in the same boat?
Alright, I was on an SSRI (Celexa) for about a month and a half and it caused a 15lbs weight gain, which is 2lbs shy of everything that I had originally lost. Have you ever been on an SSRI that caused weight gain? How long did it take for your metabolism to return to normal? Was it harder to lose the weight that you gained…
SSRI making me gain weight?!?!
UGH! I'm going crazy. I'm taking Celexa and I've been on it since February and I've gained between 5 and 10 pounds. The last two days, I have weighed 115. That's the highest weight that I've been in over a year! I managed to stay at 105 for like 8 months. Has anyone else had this problem or any luck with other SSRI's? I'm…
Mama Mio Get Waisted Body Shaping Serum...
Has anyone tried it? I'm interested, especially after reading this review http://sabrinaomalone.com/2010/12/13/mama-mio-get-waisted-review.aspx . Do you think it actually would work?
Skinny Fat & at Goal Weight
Well, essentially at goal weight. It fluctuates between 100-105. ANYHOW, I'm curious; Should I be focusing more on strength training now to become more toned? What strength training routines would you recommend and how much cardio/strength training should I be doing? Thanks for the help :) **Edit: I'm 5'0" tall**
Sunscreen smell!
I'm trying to find a sunscreen that smells either like nothing or less like summer. I'm all about changing my perfumes and lotions with the seasons but it's so hard when my sunscreen smells like... sunscreen and therefore, SUMMER. Any ideas? What's your favorite sunscreen? I'm currently using Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch…
Everything in moderation is a load of crap?
I find this extremely interesting! Check it out. I'm not sure if I believe it entirely, but it's interesting anyway =P What do you think? http://www.youbeauty.com/nutrition/everything-in-moderation
I have the most intense hip cramp! I can't walk :/ How do I
I have less movement in my right hip flexor, possibly just because of how my body is put together (I have Muscular Dystrophy, CMT type 2) however, I've been doing small stretches lately to increase my range of motion in that hip and I guess I pushed too hard yesterday or something because now I can barely walk! I kept…
The most amazing breakfast ever! (Or desert-y snack!) *vegan
Oh man, I feel like a genius. Both recipes are adapted from other recipes (the french toast is from healthytippingpoint.com and the cookie dough hummus is from chocolatecoveredkatie.com) Enjoy!! French Toast 1 english muffin (I'm all out of bread but this worked perfect, I have Orowheat 100% whole wheat english muffins)…
How do I calculate the amount of carbs I burn...
while exercising? Or does it not work like that? Just curious (:
Looking for vegan friends!
Add me if you're a vegan or vegetarian :D I could use some good recipes and such <3
Love handles and/or saddle bags: What's worked for you?
My biggest body hang-up are my love handles (mainly on my lower back area. My right love handle has more fat on the side than my left one due to scoliosis. But the lower back fat is pretty even. If that makes any sense) and saddlebags. It seems like they won't go away! What exercises/diet has helped you shrink yours?…
Plateau Question
So, when I hit the dreaded plateau, will I gain weight or just quit losing? That is, if I keep up with the same exercise regimen. Thanks <3
Information on Sugar that I think is really interesting :)
http://www.self.com/health/2011/07/how-much-sugar-is-too-much-slideshow?mbid=enws_hl0701#slide=1 Check it out :)
If I haven't met my caloric intake goal...
By midnight (or later), If I haven't met my caloric goal of 1,200 calories should I just go to bed or should I try to consume those calories?
I've read that 16-19 MPH is considered vigorous pace for bik
Is it the same for riding a stationary recumbent bike? I hate having to choose between biking at a moderate or vigorous pace when I log my workouts because I have no idea what type of pace I'm riding at but I do know that I go between 16-19 mph.
GENIUS! Folks who love nut butter must read!
http://ohsheglows.com/2011/05/05/abu-half-the-calories-double-the-fun-almond-butter-2/ Basically, use half nut butter and half milk of choice and you've slashed the calories and fat in half! This may have made my life complete because this girl LOVES some nut butter and can't limit herself to just 2 TPSP per day! I don't…
How do I help my boyfriend ween off the sugar? And other fat
I cook for my boyfriend and he's very serious lately about eating healthier, I'd really like to help him, not push him. I'm looking for healthier alternatives to sugar, and other unhealthy foods like butter, white carbs, cheese, and I'm looking for more ways to incorporate veggies into his diet because he's kinda picky…
My weight fluctuates between 105-110....
It used to be between 110-115. So how to I actually keep track of my weight? And how much weight have I lost? I weighed myself 3 times yesterday, I was 110, 105 and then 108. Also, does anyone know of a really accurate scale for around $40?
WTF is going on with this part of my body??
http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad185/kelsiehoagland/Untitled.png Sorry if that's just way too much skin, but really, what the hell is that indent?? It's been there for as long as I can remember. Is it just because I have love handle-age to lose or what? It's been driving me nuts forever. So my body goes in at my waist,…