SSRI making me gain weight?!?!

UGH! I'm going crazy. I'm taking Celexa and I've been on it since February and I've gained between 5 and 10 pounds. The last two days, I have weighed 115. That's the highest weight that I've been in over a year! I managed to stay at 105 for like 8 months. Has anyone else had this problem or any luck with other SSRI's? I'm taking them for body dysmorphic disorder and anxiety.


  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I was on Celexa for quite awhile. I couldn't understand why I kept gaining more and more weight. I quit taking it even though I wasn't sure that it was causing (or contributing) to my weight gain. I didn't even tell my doctor (which is not a very smart thing to do) I just tapered off gradually and then quit altogether.

    It is interesting that you should post this today because I was just thinking off going back on something like this because I have been crying at the drop of a hat lately. I think now I will do some investigating into these type of drugs before I go see my doctor.

    Perhaps discuss with your Doctor and see if there is something else you couid take that wouldn't have those side effects. Good .luck. :flowerforyou:
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    There are different drugs you can try, but they aren't in the same class. I would talk to the dr about it.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I just checked the Mayo Clinic website. SSRI's can cause weight gain...but Celexa is supposed to be one that doesn't. You couldn't prove it by me though...and perhaps you.
  • Bookworm_Chris
    Bookworm_Chris Posts: 26 Member
    One of the reasons I am so heavy (besides poor diet habits) is my health, and a contributing factor to that is that I have been on anti-depressants (SSRI's) of one form or another since 1998. Prozac, Celexa, Serzone, Zoloft., (currently on Lexapro). Also had to deal with other meds for mood disorders at one point, like Depakote, Trazodone, and Risperdal. It got difficult after awhile to remember what med caused which weight gain. SSRI's can be wonderful, especially if you need help maintaining that balance, but there are some out there that will not cause the weight gain. I have done quite well on Lexapro for the past 9 years. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, and see what your other options might be. Good luck!
  • tmhaile
    tmhaile Posts: 1
    Since you've already had issues with this type of drug, I would definitely try something more natural than a class of drugs that you already know causes unpleasant side effects.

    Magnesium deficiencies can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, constipation and nerve issues. Magnesium Oxide is NOT as easily absorbed. Someone recommended Concentrace mineral drops. Juice covers up the mineral like taste. I've been using them for about 3 weeks and have seen improvement in my mood, sleep, and has made me more regular...which makes me happy.

    B6 can be low in women, especially if they are on birth control pills. b6 is necessary for you to manufacture serotonin which keeps you happy.

    Melatonin can help you relax and sleep better- again, happy.

    I am not a doctor. Do your research then approach your doctor with your findings and work together to come up with a plan that will benefit you without as many side effects and without interacting with medications you are presently taking. Good luck.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    I was on Celexa for quite awhile. I couldn't understand why I kept gaining more and more weight. I quit taking it even though I wasn't sure that it was causing (or contributing) to my weight gain. I didn't even tell my doctor (which is not a very smart thing to do) I just tapered off gradually and then quit altogether.

    It is interesting that you should post this today because I was just thinking off going back on something like this because I have been crying at the drop of a hat lately. I think now I will do some investigating into these type of drugs before I go see my doctor.

    Perhaps discuss with your Doctor and see if there is something else you couid take that wouldn't have those side effects. Good .luck. :flowerforyou:

    Did you lose weight when you quit taking them?
    I've read that Celexa is known for causing weight gain, up to 60 pounds in a year (!) and then I read that it's less likely than other SSRIs to cause weight gain. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor for next Wednesday. Hopefully they can put me on something that's known for causing weight loss. I'm so upset that all this hard work is now gone because of a stupid pill!
  • HannahPTA
    HannahPTA Posts: 39
    I have been on a myriad of these types of meds for PTSD and I went from weighing 130 to 185 in two years! I am still on the meds but on a lower dose and am trying to wean myself off of them. I am not sure if I will be able to but I am going to try. The weight is just too much and messing with my health. It will be a toss up...physical or mental health. My doc is o.k. with me trying to see if I can cope with no meds. Good luck.
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    I was taking Pristiq which was a SNRI, and have taken other SSRIs. Pristiq was, if anything, had the side effect of weight LOSS. However, I found I was much hungrier on it and gained weight over time. I only realised how hungry it made me when I came off from it, I hadn't noticed as the change was so gradual.

    So, be careful if you ask your doctor for another and they mention the 'weight loss' side effect - it's not always the case. Plus, Pristiq was a hellova a drug to withdraw from.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I was on Celexa for quite awhile. I couldn't understand why I kept gaining more and more weight. I quit taking it even though I wasn't sure that it was causing (or contributing) to my weight gain. I didn't even tell my doctor (which is not a very smart thing to do) I just tapered off gradually and then quit altogether.

    It is interesting that you should post this today because I was just thinking off going back on something like this because I have been crying at the drop of a hat lately. I think now I will do some investigating into these type of drugs before I go see my doctor.

    Perhaps discuss with your Doctor and see if there is something else you couid take that wouldn't have those side effects. Good .luck. :flowerforyou:

    Did you lose weight when you quit taking them?

    I've read that Celexa is known for causing weight gain, up to 60 pounds in a year (!) and then I read that it's less likely than other SSRIs to cause weight gain. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor for next Wednesday. Hopefully they can put me on something that's known for causing weight loss. I'm so upset that all this hard work is now gone because of a stupid pill!

    No...not right away. I also found I had an intolerence to wheat products, so when I quit eating wheat as well then I was finally able to start losing weight. The weight loss you see on my ticker is since December. By then I was off Celexa and off wheat. So it is hard to tell which was the real culprit.

    One of the worst things for me coming off Celexa was the constant "brain zaps" that suffered through. Thank God that is over with now.

    I think I may go to a health food store and investigate some more natural ways of dealing with the depression.
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    I've been on Pristiq for about 2 yrs. I went from 138lbs to 163! I work out a lot and eat healthy yet never lose weight, only gain. :-( Right now (as of today) I am going to try to wean myself off completely. I am starting with 1/2 a pill, then smaller and smaller until I can be completely off. I've tried it before and had terrible brain zaps, dizziness, etc. I'm determined this time though because the weight is just too much. (I'm only 5'4"). Initially I went on it for terrible anxiety attacks but I'm hoping to manage them with other means-fish oil, vitamins, exercise... If I could give anyone advice, it would be NEVER go on them unless you absolutely have to, or pick one that isn't so hard to come off of. Pristiq has been said to be one of the worst to withdraw from. I'm not looking forward to it.
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    how long did you suffer from the brain zaps?
  • Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I started with Lexapro, but had an allergic reaction. I am suposed to start Wellbutrin next week, but am curious to know if there are any weight gain/loss side effects.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I tried a variety of SSRI's and didn't get on with any of them - they all seemed to make things worse! St John's Wort (but you have to do your research to get a good type which has enough of the useful stuff in it, not a token out of date amount) was helpful mentally but can cause menstrual cycle problems. These days I do healthy diet, exercise, self care, supplements (D3, B12, omega oils) ... and a low dose of amytriptyilne (old fashioned tricyclic) which definitely helps me and dosen't have side effects if I keep the dose low. Sometimes it's having a few things which seem small in themselves but accumulate that helps...
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    I gained my weight on a psych drug. When I go off the drug the weight will come off...but for now I'd rather be happy and healthy mood wise and trying to manage my weight with healthy eating and exercising than having mood swings like I use to have. I found that eating healthy, exercising, taking fish oil, getting good healthy fats, v B (100) has made a dramatic improvement in my moods.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I started with Lexapro, but had an allergic reaction. I am suposed to start Wellbutrin next week, but am curious to know if there are any weight gain/loss side effects.

    I gained about 20lbs within 1 year, first on Prozac and then Celexa (the 20 came on with Prozac & stayed around with Celexa).
    My doctor put me on Wellbutrin a few months ago - because its suppose to actually help w weight loss - but its more of an "upper" then an SSRI. So it can actually elevate your heartrate, make you more jittery, etc.
    I didnt experience any weightloss - and while i didnt have any panic attacks specifically, my head hurt ALL.the.TIME.
    so i quit.
    Im off everything now & feel SOOO much better.
    good luck
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    how long did you suffer from the brain zaps?

    For me the 'brain zaps' lasted at least a couple of months, although they gradually reduced in frequency over that time. They were at their worst in first two weeks.
  • Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I started with Lexapro, but had an allergic reaction. I am suposed to start Wellbutrin next week, but am curious to know if there are any weight gain/loss side effects.

    I gained about 20lbs within 1 year, first on Prozac and then Celexa (the 20 came on with Prozac & stayed around with Celexa).
    My doctor put me on Wellbutrin a few months ago - because its suppose to actually help w weight loss - but its more of an "upper" then an SSRI. So it can actually elevate your heartrate, make you more jittery, etc.
    I didnt experience any weightloss - and while i didnt have any panic attacks specifically, my head hurt ALL.the.TIME.
    so i quit.
    Im off everything now & feel SOOO much better.
    good luck

    Thank you for mentioning the jittery -- I am already on a beta blocker to slow my heart rate and the warnings on Welbutrin said it could interfere with that. Maybe I'll talk to my dr about not doing it at all. Sounds like it may not be the right path for me. Thank you!
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    how long did you suffer from the brain zaps?

    I'm not sure if this was directed to me, but I actually never experienced these. The only thing that happened to me was intense moodiness when I quit taking them.

    However, I quit taking Busbar and lost all ability to function. It was also finals week. Needless to say, I failed a final. Luckily my good grades earlier in the term helped me keep afloat, finishing with 2 B's and an A+. But seriously, I'm never taking another pill for as long as I live.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I started with Lexapro, but had an allergic reaction. I am suposed to start Wellbutrin next week, but am curious to know if there are any weight gain/loss side effects.

    I gained about 20lbs within 1 year, first on Prozac and then Celexa (the 20 came on with Prozac & stayed around with Celexa).
    My doctor put me on Wellbutrin a few months ago - because its suppose to actually help w weight loss - but its more of an "upper" then an SSRI. So it can actually elevate your heartrate, make you more jittery, etc.
    I didnt experience any weightloss - and while i didnt have any panic attacks specifically, my head hurt ALL.the.TIME.
    so i quit.
    Im off everything now & feel SOOO much better.
    good luck

    Thank you for mentioning the jittery -- I am already on a beta blocker to slow my heart rate and the warnings on Welbutrin said it could interfere with that. Maybe I'll talk to my dr about not doing it at all. Sounds like it may not be the right path for me. Thank you!

    You may want to google "wellbutrin and meningioma". My mother was on Wellbutrin for awhile and it caused weight gain and may have been a causal factor in her benign brain tumor. Scary stuff.