I'm new to yoga.
Yay!!! I'm starting yoga for the first time in two years on Wednesday!! If it goes well ill go on Fridays as well. Im excited for something new but nervous. I used to dance for 13 years and now the majority of my flexibility is gone. I would like to start back up again and gain it back. I have a few questions, does yoga…
Vitamin help
I used to take omega-3, hair growth and women's daily vitamins. I am considering starting back up on those, what other vitamins should I take? Vitamin D?
cravings at work
What do you randomly crave at work? I'm in the mood for pizza and breadsticks. I know this is not on my diet but I want some so bad. lol
I'm back!
I need to find a good medium for me. I haven't had red meat or pork for a year now but I want to get back to my old routine of being a vegetarian. Any good tofu recipes or anything like that? I used to always eat an apple for breakfast and have a yoplait light. For lunch I usually eat hummus and a sandwich. I go to Zumba…
I'm back!! You all missed me!!
I disappeared for about three months because school and work got way too crazy! I ended up finding myself eating mall foods and drinking soda. I'm back to help myself out. I am just happy that three months isn't like 3 years of being out of shape. I also graduate college in May so I want to look good for interviews and…
I disappeared for about three months because school and work got way too crazy! I ended up finding myself eating mall foods and drinking soda. I'm back to help myself out. I am just happy that three months isn't like 3 years of being out of shape. I also graduate college in May so I want to look good for interviews and…
I need help getting back on track!
Its hard to get back on track once you have lost focus for awhile. I haven't been on here much because I am so busy but I still manage to hit the gym once a week. I got into the habit of drinking sprite because I work two jobs and I go to school FULL time (graduate in May). It’s hard to find places that serve caffeine free…
I've come a long way!
Hey hey I love this website and I love all the motivation you have all given me to move forward. I used to have an ED 3 years ago and I have never really overcome that and chosen a better road till I really joined this site. It has made me eat and stay healthy though exercise. Now I am a licensed Zumba instructor and I…
I wanna be happy and healthy again. :(
So I have a dilemma… I’ve been a pecitarian for about two months now and I love it!! I like not being a full vegetarian and still having the option to eat fish. When I was getting in the shower, I noticed that I could kinda see my spine and my back ribs. This freaked me out because I haven’t looked like that since my ED. I…
Taste ah-mazing and I love the chocolate or apple/cinnamon ones. But are they actually bad for you?
Weight Supplements in other countries.
I heard that snus, the teabag tobacco used in Sweden (now in USA) can also be used as a weight loss supplement. This is kinda weird for something that is bad for ur teeth. Is this very odd to you or is it just me? Any other odd supplements u can think of?
Trying new foods.... MUSHROOMS!!!
I hate mushrooms.... idk if its the way they taste or the look of them. I know that they are really good for you but does anyone have any good recipes for me to learn how to tolerate or like them?
I Don't Feel Good
I haven't been feeling great for the past few days and I have no idea of why. The lower part of my stomach hurts from time to time and I have no idea of what it is. I eat yogurt, protein bars, crackers, bread and other good things that are healthy. I usually wake up in the middle of the night with a aching pain. I tried…
I don'
I haven't been feeling great for the past few days and I have no idea of why. The lower part of my stomach hurts from time to time and I have no idea of what it is. I eat yogurt, protein bars, crackers, bread and other good things that are healthy. I usually wake up in the middle of the night with a aching pain. I tried…
Unappetizing foods.
Are their any types of food that u used to love and die for but now you just cant eat it anymore? I feel that way with peanut butter.
Discouraged... Diary help.
I'm not loosing any weight. UGH this is so frusterating!! I'm either a pound over or at the same weight every time I weigh in. I hate this!!! I eat and exercise everyday, can someone look at my diary and help me out?
Birth Control Pills.
Random but does it have any affect on losing or gaining weight? I have always wondered that.
Amazon Kindle.
I already have an ipad but I don't like the "ibooks" because they don't have as many to choose from. I might get a kindle, should I go Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi with 3G? Should I even get a kindle? My parents share a nook but I want my own reading thing. The Wi-Fi only is $114 while the Wi-Fi + 3G is $140
Any pescetarians on here?
Or am I the only one? lol. For those who don't know, pescetarians are basically vegetarians, they will eat fish but no other type of meat.
Since we're all on MFP together...
Here are some helpful eating tips I found in "Hers" magazine. I really liked this article so I thought that I would share it with everyone else. - When eating a sandwich, cut it in to 4 pieces. This helps you space out your portion and helps you digest it slower instead of shoving it all in your mouth. You need to pace…
Different kinds of milk
So I don't like organic 1% because I feel its so rich and has too many calories. I moved to Almond milk but its so watery. Any other suggestions? I could try soy, hemp, coconut or rice. All of them have pros and cons but in Women's magazine it says that rice milk is good for losing weight, almond milk has tons of Vitamin E…
I needa get back on track.
So I always forget my workout routine! I am always so focused on Zumba I never have time or want to do ab work anymore. This sucks cuz my abs are suffering. I used to go do ab work before Zumba but then I never left my house early enough. Then I decided to work out more after Zumba but I get so tired. Any suggestions or…
Why is food ah-mazing?
I literally sat at work thinking of how to answer this question. Their are so many answers, you can create a new dish ever time you cook food.
I want to help u all out with working out and having fun!
For those of you who love Zumba, wanna try it, can't get out of your house or can't find a place that teaches Zumba would it be helpful if I posted or gave you the link to my Zumba work outs? I know its rough sometimes getting out of your house to workout but this way you can do it from home. Zumba is really fun, its tons…
Eating right and hair growth.
I heard that eating broccoli and having tons of protein helps your hair grow. Truth or myth? I take good care of my hair, take biotin pills along with BC pills and I eat right. My hair is just taking forever!! Any suggestions? oh FYI- I'm a vegetarian.
Family reunion= My Big Fat Eating Family Reunion
So my family reunion is coming and I am super excited!! We will be out in the wilderness, hiking 3 miles everyday, canoeing, swimming and having a great time. Problem is that their is SOOO much food!! Its like one eating festival with fish, fried chicken, shrimp, beans, salads, tons of deserts, meat all around and overall…
Scale discouragement.
Do you ever step on the scale and constantly worry about what the number are? I've only lost 3 pounds and I get discouraged because I don't think i can loose more weight unless I get sick or something. I recently turned vegetarian but I feel like that not even helping me. I work all the time so all I can do is snack. When…
protein shakes.
I'm new at trying them out. I went to the sunflower market and bought raspberry and chocolate. Pretty good but it all didn't get mixed when I shook it. Kinda sucked getting powder in my mouth. Does anyone have suggestions on good brands, flavors or how I can mix it all up? Lol I want something that's low in fat, calories…
I love my parents but dang...
I just got done having a protein shake an I'm full. I normally eat ONLY when I'm hungry but I go to my kitchen and there are like crackers and everything in my pantry. My mom said she went to the store and to help myself. Im full but I did snag a few, I feel so guilty. Does anyone else have this issue where you cut…
Zumba help.
I'm running out of ideas for choreography. UGH I don't want it to be so repeated. My moves are about the same for the versus of the songs. Having repeated choreography for the chorus is fine but everything else I wanna change it up a bit. Any advice?