I'm back once again, this is the third time. the good news: I'm still down 6 pounds and exercising atleast twice a week about 30 minutes each time (usually more) The bad news: nightime snacking is still keeping me fat, plus I'm still a drive thru junkie (atleast four times a week) ANY SUGGESTION ABOUT LATE NIGHT SNACKING…
I'm back
Haven't had my computer for almost three weeks due to a move, a change in workplace and some technical issues, but overall I've tried to stay the path, count my calories, get in some excerise etc... The good news....I haven't gained a pound, still at 218lbs as of this morning This means: - Myfitnesspal.com has helped me…
Bad day
Okay so I overate today, by about 259 calories....someone tell me to get on my stationary bike and burn thoes extra calories as I've been doing really good this week until today...don't really want to wreck my week. Doesn't help I tried to take my bulldog for a walk and she sat down on the pavement a block away from our…
Car accident
Did okay with exercise this week (missing 30 minutes, which I’ll do today) Calories weren't so good, but not aweful either Did great with my water (soda water is a Godsent) Didn't get any strength/core in and I was going to do one session today after church and of course as I'm pulling into the church parking lot I get…
Worst Day ever... I had an awweful day at work, two people yelled at me for things that weren't my fault, but because everyone else quit I took the heat (I'm a department one in right now, except for my boss, who is great but I still work mostly alone because all my coworkers all quit), someone ate my lunch at work so I…
Thank you RandJsmomMary, whim, Metco 89, Mattysmomma, roshon
As per my post today ("Worst Day Ever"). Just wanted to thank the following people: RandJsmomMary, whim, Metco 89, Mattysmomma, roshong86, AmyNVegas, Purplepanda, Spikes121, PRPlang14, Avr1321, dragonfly11, songbrydsweet You gave me just what I needed, a little encouragement. I went for a walk after reading the replies and…
Hope all is well
I hope you had as good of a day as I did, I: -exercised 25 mintutes this morning -am about to take the dog for a walk (although she's a old, lazy bulldog and can't walk every far...so I'm not sure if it counts) - Just finished supper and have 300+ calories left (so a good 7pm snack should keep me on track for the rest of…
Okay, just finished 45 minutes walking inside (it's minus 21 in Edmonton, Alberta right now). I don't have treadmill or a gym membership so my fiance watched me to make sure I kept up my pace (when I slowed down he yelled "faster, faster" and made whipping motions). But get this, while watching me he cleaned (woohoo!)....…
I love this site :)
So today I had a bad day.... my coworkers were sweet enough to throw me an early birthday party (I'm a boxing day baby) and they bought me a cake (darn) and cashews (my weakness), so I thought the day was a bust, I stopped counting calories, but I realized that I could turn the day around and ate a great supper...only…
Hi all: Have to say things are going pretty well, have only lost a pound but I feel different and my wedding dress fits better (bought it 11 months early). My issue is I seem to have headaches (almost migraines) every night since starting two weeks ago. I tried drinking tea (herbal), eating a smaller sugary treat (80 cal…
Well, I'm not exactly new, but when I started in February this year, on this site, I never really used the site, or atleast not properly....you know posting on good days, ignoring the site on bad. Now I'm back and I'm committed, I've realized that I need to make time for exercise and posting my daily food (good days and…