Help !! :) —

Help !! :)

Hello am a 17 year old girl
so, here's my story.

2years ago i weighed about 93kg
i lost abt 28kg during those two years ( not in a continuous way :p i have been cheating and having a break from time to time )..

Now my weight is 65kg for 169 cm and i wanna to be weighing 59 or even 60 ^^

after school has finished this year, i decided to lose more weight so i was doing from 30 to 45 of workout (cardio) for 4 times a week and going on a diet
i lost 2kg (63 kg ) in 3weeks maybe? i dont really remember

i kept doing the same diet and workout i ve been doing but a week later i weighed my self and i found it 65kg..
i wasnt doing something wrong, i read some articles and they said that it s totally normal and i should keep my hard work and i ll notice some weight drop after a while ..
So did I but i didnt nothing has changed ( it has been 2 weeks now)
since discovering that my weight didnt change i kept eating a huge amount of food for about 4 days (more than 2500 Kcl) and i stopped exercising ( excepting walking )
Can anyone help me and tell me if those 4 days of eating disorder can affect my weight in a real serious way,please?
am feeling feeling that this eating disorder won't end and that i've been doing it like if it was a sort of revenge, revenge against my own self :((
i really wanna lose weight before summer break ends

if anyone has an idea that would help me get over my problem and make me lose weight please please don't hesitate to give me the right advice
Thank you :smile:


  • Seb678
    Seb678 Messages: 47 Member

    Just don't focus on your weight because it's fine 65/169 but focus on your daily exercices.

    Get Shaped, Get Firm. 2-3 kg doesn't matter, finally. Just add some extra 15 minutes of Hiit or Alternated Walk/Jogging in your actual training.

    Just keep Strong.

    Bref, sinon est-tu française ? NOr, where are you from ?
  • iamwii
    iamwii Messages: 3
    thanks for ur advice :)
    but is it necessary to exercice a lot? u know they say workout represents 25% from the weight loss
    am not french am arabic :)
  • annchloep
    annchloep Messages: 4
    Sorry for my english...

    If you want to loose weight fastly, you can try to do 1h30 of work out the first day and 2h of work out second day and body-building for 30 minutes. Altern this 2 days on a week of 5 or 6 days. I can tell you what I do as workout;;

    Day 1:
    25 minutes stop and go;; 1 min to 8.5 km/h, 1 min 12.5 km/h 5minutes cool down
    25 minutes continue, just run in stair 5 minutes cool down
    25 minutes stop and go;; I do it on a "precor" I don't know if you know what is it to 10 resistance-10 hillside for 3 minutes and 15-20 for an other 3 minutes and 5 minutes cool down

    Day 2:
    25 minutes stop and go;; 1 min to 8.5 km/h, 1 min 12.5 km/h 5minutes cool down
    Body-building; I try to do a move 21 times, if I can, I increase my weight, it doesn't matter if the first time you do 20, the second 19 and the final 15
    25 minutes continue on a precor 10-10 and 5 minutes cool down

    Also, I replace my breakfast by a shake

    -1 banana
    -1 cup milk
    -1 cup fruit (as your choise)
    -Some ice cube
    -1 scoop of protein iso chocolate

    Good luck, sorry for my english again :)
  • iamwii
    iamwii Messages: 3
    thanks but it seems a bit hard to be done lol
    i kinda understood what u tried to say so there's no problem with ur english :)
    thanks again