Baby Steps



  • Golfah40
    Golfah40 Posts: 9 Member
    hey aaliceinw thanks for sending me this group.
    I need to work exercise into my daily routine and having a tough time at staying consistent.
    First few weeks were great but has fallen off and vanished since the holidays :(
    how about some ideas to help me jump back in???
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome Golfah40!

    Have you thought about making a plan to phase exercise back in? First week 2-3 times, next week 3-4 times; something like that?
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    My 1st weigh in is tomorrow. I'm a little nervous but excited too. REALLY? Who gets excited about stepping on a scale :o LOL! I really have made some changes :p

    MdwstQT~ We ARE killing it! YOU included!

    Golfah40~ Welcome to L.O.S.T. Glad to have you! Do you use a pedometer at all? It REALLY pushes me...I challenge myself to do a little more and a little more by seeing the step count and wanting to push those numbers a little higher! I have tried many different ones from the little $10 Walmart specials to the Polar Loop, the Bodybug...I got a Garmin Vivofit for Christmas and I am HOOKED!!! It measures my steps, mileage, calorie burn, sleep patterns,and it compatible with this site so I can track calories in and calories burned BOTH! I think the key is finding something you enjoy doing. Feel free to look at some of the other threads and post there too! We have one called 10 Things you didn't know about let's you learn things about each other! Looking forward to getting to know you better!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    So excited I can't stand it!!! I know it just because it's the 1st week and is probably mostly water weight but I did my 1st weigh in and.....
    I'm down 9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you are all having a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!
  • Golfah40
    Golfah40 Posts: 9 Member
    thanks - I have a Samsung gear live coming today. will figure out what it measures and if I can link to MFP not sure it will. But I already use Wii Fit to track weight so as long as I can get data off device I can manually input on MFP.
    I need to be accountable to myself for exercise. I do great at calories in but always seem to blow off exercise
    so here goes simple to start as you suggest
    goal 1 week 1 starts now!!. stationary bike 3 times week 30 minutes/ each. AND log to MFP

  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    sindnjim wrote: »
    So excited I can't stand it!!! I know it just because it's the 1st week and is probably mostly water weight but I did my 1st weigh in and.....
    I'm down 9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you are all having a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!

    Congrats Sind! I don't care where those 9 pounds came from! You lost 9 freakin pounds
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    I hope you ladies are having an awesome day! So far so good from this end
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    sindnjim wrote: »
    So excited I can't stand it!!! I know it just because it's the 1st week and is probably mostly water weight but I did my 1st weigh in and.....
    I'm down 9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you are all having a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!

    I am so envious of you! I know you worked very hard though to get to those amazing results. Well done! Your rock even more :D
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Golfah40 wrote: »
    hey aaliceinw thanks for sending me this group.
    I need to work exercise into my daily routine and having a tough time at staying consistent.
    First few weeks were great but has fallen off and vanished since the holidays :(
    how about some ideas to help me jump back in???

    So glad you joined and hope you will find some of the inspiration you are looking for here. Check through the posts to see what our baby steps are. They may give you some ideas :wink:
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Had my fitness assessment today for my Medical Aid application:

    Blood pressure - Excellent :D:+1::+1::+1:
    BMI :-1::-1::-1:
    Cholesterol :-1::-1:
    Fitness :-1::-1:
    Upper Body Strength :+1::+1::+1:
    Flexibility :+1::+1:
    Diet :-1::-1::-1:

    I would have been extremely shocked to find everything okay!
    They are impressed with the workouts - we have discussed sustainability because ideally, it is actually what I need to be doing in order to lose weight but practically, it could lead to burnout.

    New baby step goals coming soon!
  • grooszeczka
    grooszeczka Posts: 113 Member
    I'm new here and I'd like to join your group if that's ok with you :smile:

    My name is Agnieszka ( Agness) I'm from Poland and it's my first time dieting with MFP.
    I'm in love with this app and site and people because everyone is so nice to each other:)

    It's hard for my to lose weight because i like to eat my feelings out...
    I've always been dumpy but I've decided that it has to stop. I want to feel good with myself!
    So here I am doing my baby steps, hopefully with You guys :wink:

    My baby step for this week is not to eat after 9 p.m. and i've managed to do that yesterday and today!

  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Welcome Agness! You can definitely join in! We's LOVE to have you! Awesome baby steps and glad you are achieving your goals already! :) Jump right in...try playing the 10 Things You didn't know about's just a way to get to know each other!!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Welcome Agness . Very nice to see you here. I hope you like as much as us and have as much fun too :D Awesome for your baby step. Keep it up my dear.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    My new baby steps for this week is to start going to the gym again! I started tonight...I went and worked out with my 17 yr old daughter! WOW do I feel old LOL! But I kept up! B)
    I did 10 minutes on an elyptical, and 35 minutes on the treadmill...alternating my speed between 2.5-3.5 and my incline from 3.0-8.0!!! I'm feeling VERY ACCOMPLISHED!!!
    Hope your all having a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!! <3
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Awesome Cindy! That is fantastic. You'll just be melting away
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    My baby step for this week is to shift my calories so I eat more in the morning. I hope that having a bigger breakfast will reduce my hunger and cravings later in the day. It's an experiment!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hi Barlovo. That's a great baby step but it will depend on what you eat. Some foods are slow burning and others are faster, so you might find that you eat more and feel empty an hour later. I'm too new and know too little about nutrients or diets to assist, so you might like to ask the question directly on the other parts of the forum?
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hi Ladies. I hope you had a fantastic weekend?

    Having seen the dieticians this week, I have learned that I have to completely change the way I eat, what I eat and my calorie intake - which is far too low so my baby steps this week will focus more on diet and nutrition.

    Weekly Baby Step Challenges
    1. Eat three meals a day at the table (the reason why at the table is because otherwise I will forget to eat)
    2. Attain my protein count for the day
    3. Attain my calorie count for the day
    4. Complete five hours of exercise (I've reduced it to try to balance calories in / calories out so that I have the energy to do the workouts and have two rest days)

    I have been trying since Thursday but this is much harder than exercising for me.

    Challenges This Week
    Eating 3 meals a day!
    I get my first check in tomorrow at Curves.
    I go back to work tomorrow.

    My affirmation for this week:
    I am balanced and I respect my body.

    I'd love to hear your steps, affirmations and challenges for the week. It makes it easier to encourage each other. So please share :D

    Have a fantastic week in the meantime.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi aaliceinw thanks for your suggestion and for asking about specifics. I am working with a nutritionist, which I would recommend to anyone who is changing the way they eat.

    My usual breakfast is 6oz non-fat yogurt, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen fruit, and 1/4 cup sugar-free cereal. This morning I started eating a 7oz cup of 2% yogurt instead. I'm hoping that adding some fat to my breakfast will help me feel full longer. It's about 50 calories more, but if it helps me follow my food plan, it's well worth it!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    edited January 2015
    Agness good job with not eating after 9pm. You can do this, never forget that. We get in our heads and fill it up with junk. Once we get our minds healthy, the rest will follow!

    Cindy you go girl, 45 minutes of exercise is excellent! You better feel accomplished and proud! Yaaay.

    Alice great steps and awesome affirmation!

    Barlovo have you thought about healthy snacking between meals?