Baby Steps



  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    My baby steps is to continue with breakfast, water intake, healthy choices when eating out, and cooking.

    I'm going to add 2 exercise sessions this week, 20mins each.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Good for you MdwasCT. The exercise gets easier. If you have a smart phone , see if you can't find a steps tracker app to log your steps. That is also very motivating .
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    I'm afraid I did not meet my baby steps this past week.
    1.Drink 1/2 my weight in oz of water.
    2. Incorporate more veggies in my diet.
    3. Get to the gym 3x
    4. and I am going to add doing some research for finding a dietitian or nutritionist
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Cindy - You have kept your baby steps in mind and that is half the battle. I have a few suggestions. Water - I hate it! I have been drinking lemon flavor Seltzer Water no sodium, no calories and green iced tea (homemade no additives or sugar). According to what I have read both can be counted as water. The taste of both takes a little getting used to, but now I am hitting my water goals pretty consistently and running to the bathroom a lot! :\ I to am working on the veggies, when I get home from the grocery store, I cut up the broccoli and cauliflower, and clean everything so all the girls and I have to do is grab it and use it. We have been eating more because it is ready to go and there is no added prep time. Getting to the gym, I think you have this one covered this week with the extra snow removal ;) Your doing an awesome job!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Alice I do have a smart phone but can't take it into work. Slowly but surely I'll get my exercise in.

    Cindy don't get discouraged, you got this!

    Mystic good tips on the unsweetened tea and veggie prep.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I actually have no problem drinking water...I like it! When I get bored, I put fresh lemon or lime slices in it...sometimes mint leaves too! I love the idea of prepping the veggies ahead of time. Unfortunately since I am back on the overnight shift I haven't gotten as good with that stuff again! But that is definitely going to be a priority to help me get back on track with the veggies! CONSISTENCY is my main goal! I need these things to become HABITS! I'm actually LOVING working out with my daughter so the gym isn't an issue it's time! We live in a small town, the gym is actually in the city where I work so I have to add a little hour to the time available for the drive there and back! I hate that everything seems to get in the way some times but that is life I suppose! I am definitely NOT going to get discouraged! You ladies are AWESOME and truly inspire me daily to want to keep achieving this healthy journey and my ultimate goals!!!
    Thanks for being so WONDERFUL!!! Have a FAB_U_LOSS night my friends!!!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I totally agree about creating good habits Cindy. I want them to become a lifestyle because I don't want to get the point where I have to count calories again. Exercise and the right food is definitely working for me, slowly but surely!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race my friend!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all
    My baby step for this week is to resume tracking my food. I really had trouble tracking while travelling do I gave up. but even if it is not very accurate I need to resume tracking so I am more conscious of what I'm eating. I'm going to change my privacy settings so my diary is visible so I feel more accountable to post as I eat. Thx everyone! Let's all have a great week!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    I didn't lose any pounds this week :( but I didn't gain any either :) I am still at 246 and my inches stayed the same as well. I know my week was pretty calorie dense. I ate more protein on the days I worked with the dumbbells and had a couple of major meals (guests over). I think I need to make some adjustments. I have not been weighing my food and ordered a scale on Thur. it should be here tomorrow or Wed. That should help as well. My baby step for this week is learning to use the scale and weigh everything I am eating :)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I admire how you logged in each day and took stock of what you achieved good or bad barlovo. It's a great baby step.

    Cindy, with all that snow did you manage to find a dietician?

    A week goes by so fast and we are already at the beginning of February.

    My baby steps this week are
    1. eat nutritionally balanced each day - 50 carbs, 20 fat, 30 protein
    2. 10 000 steps 4 times this week
    3. Park Run on Saturday
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    barlovo wrote: »
    Hi all
    My baby step for this week is to resume tracking my food. I really had trouble tracking while travelling do I gave up. but even if it is not very accurate I need to resume tracking so I am more conscious of what I'm eating. I'm going to change my privacy settings so my diary is visible so I feel more accountable to post as I eat. Thx everyone! Let's all have a great week!!

    I have my diary public, I hate it, but it definitely makes me think twice before I put something in my mouth. I don't want anyone thinking I eat nothing but fast food & candy bars. :(
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    barlovo wrote: »
    Hi all
    My baby step for this week is to resume tracking my food. I really had trouble tracking while travelling do I gave up. but even if it is not very accurate I need to resume tracking so I am more conscious of what I'm eating. I'm going to change my privacy settings so my diary is visible so I feel more accountable to post as I eat. Thx everyone! Let's all have a great week!!

    Barlovo; I have to track every thing and weight everything. Happy Tracking!
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Liz; that's the only way that keeps me accountable is tracking and weighing. Sorry you didn't lose. One thing Stace and I have been doing is drinking 8 ounces or 14 ounces of green tea daily and I swear it works. I've read that it burns and addtl 80 calories a day from speeding up your metabolism.

    Alice; wow that's such low carbs. I have trouble staying under 150 but this site says I can have more however I know the less carbs the higher weight loss. Learned that one a long time ago so I understand why you do it but dang how do you do that lol
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    aaliceinw~I did not even have a chance to look yet. Not so much because of the snow...more because my work partner is still in OK at training. So I am still working 7 days a week. I work overnights and have insomnia and my sleeping has been terrible lately. Between that and the snow I've been pretty exhausted!

    Noodle~I did the same thing! Holds me completely accountable!

    I have gotten good with my water and my step this week. I will continue to try for more veggies and looking into a dietician or nutritionist!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    We are awesome baby steppers! Our lives are changing for the good with every step!

    My baby steps this week are to continue on my current path of healthy choices, water intake, and add the big E, exercise. I want to add at least two, twenty minute workouts this week.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Karen, I hate water so I make green tea ice tea and drink about 3/4 of a gallon a day :) I brew it like sun tea on the counter. I do need to weigh my food though, I am not getting it accurate measuring it in cups and spoons. It will be a new experience. The girls will be fine with it (they each cook twice a week). It is going to be hard on my husband Mark when he comes in off the road (he is an OTR driver). He loves to cook. I'll weigh and he can cook :)

    Barlovo - Welcome home!

    Cindy and Noodle - When you make it public, can only people on MFP see it or can others?
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Lol Karen! Sorry I should have added the % sign. And I got it the wrong way around, it's 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    MdwstQT~ We sure are!!! Every positive change is a small victory towards winning this war against fat and poor health!

    Liz~ I have my settings set so only my friends here on MFP can see it. If you go to the food tab and go into settings you can set it to what you would like. Some people put theirs out there for everyone but I only want my friends to have mine available for them to see.

    aaliceinw~ How do you change your settings for your percentages?