

  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I walked up a mountain and beat my fastest time record by 10 minutes. I last went up there almost 2.5 years ago.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    1) The skinny pants I only just got up the courage to start wearing are getting loose.
    2) I no longer mind photos of myself that aren't from waaaay above chin level.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Up until recently I have had some great losses on the scale so I never thought to post in this thread. Now I'm apparently stuck at 160-161 lbs (happens every time). So this weekend I did tons of yard work and playing with nieces and nephews, causing me to forget about doing laundry. I woke up this morning wondering what to wear to work, so I grabbed a pair of black dress pants out of my closet, I haven't worn them in about 2 years since I had gained weight. They slid right on and buttoned up no problem, back down to a size 10 :) I have the same pair in a six 6 that is my ultimate goal, half way there!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Just got back from Goodwill. I actually bought things that look girly!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    For me, I'm glad to be so mentally adapted that I just take the setback-type things in stride. Friday, I had my doctor's office confirm my lowest medically recorded weight from my file. It was not in 2006-2008 as my pictures suggest, but rather in 2010. My biggest takeaways are A) that it is nice to celebrate the changes I've made due to the swelling/bloating, inflammation, and irritation my former eating habits provided (I'm only 30 pounds lighter now than my current profile picture comparison) and B) that it didn't cause me a heart attack or binge episode to confirm than not only was might highest medically recorded weight 319 (instead of the estimated 335 I remembered from somewhere), but that that weight was actually in 2010 (not with the swollen pictures), and that it reduced my total weight loss overall on my ticker here.

    It utterly blows my mind that I looked 50-100 pounds heavier at a lighter weight due to the way my body reacted poorly to all the carbs and junk I was eating....
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Up until recently I have had some great losses on the scale so I never thought to post in this thread. Now I'm apparently stuck at 160-161 lbs (happens every time). So this weekend I did tons of yard work and playing with nieces and nephews, causing me to forget about doing laundry. I woke up this morning wondering what to wear to work, so I grabbed a pair of black dress pants out of my closet, I haven't worn them in about 2 years since I had gained weight. They slid right on and buttoned up no problem, back down to a size 10 :) I have the same pair in a six 6 that is my ultimate goal, half way there!

    I am stuck in that weight range too! Wth?! I had the opposite happen this morning. My lovely fiance ironed my pants for me. When I went to put them on they were skin tight. I thought that I had really gained a lot over the weekend. Turns out he couldn't find my size 10 and just ironed the size 8 instead. Such good intentions. I was just happy the 10s weren't tighter.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    Up until recently I have had some great losses on the scale so I never thought to post in this thread. Now I'm apparently stuck at 160-161 lbs (happens every time). So this weekend I did tons of yard work and playing with nieces and nephews, causing me to forget about doing laundry. I woke up this morning wondering what to wear to work, so I grabbed a pair of black dress pants out of my closet, I haven't worn them in about 2 years since I had gained weight. They slid right on and buttoned up no problem, back down to a size 10 :) I have the same pair in a six 6 that is my ultimate goal, half way there!

    I am stuck in that weight range too! Wth?! I had the opposite happen this morning. My lovely fiance ironed my pants for me. When I went to put them on they were skin tight. I thought that I had really gained a lot over the weekend. Turns out he couldn't find my size 10 and just ironed the size 8 instead. Such good intentions. I was just happy the 10s weren't tighter.

    Lol OMG I would've died if that happened, glad they were the wrong ones :)
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    The other day I caught myself jogging up a steep hill carrying a 40lbs of library books! What the heck! It's not like I'm bursting at the seams with extra energy, it's just that daily life doesn't seem like such a physical slog any more.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just got back from my dental cleaning. Not nearly as prolonged and painful as last time, and the hygienist said that my gum pockets were smaller. I.e., my gum health is improving. Fewer carbs for those pesky bacteria, perhaps.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    edited May 2015
    Last night I get home and was "reminded" by my DDs that "we have a 4H thing tonight!" We have to be there in 45 minutes. Oy. Needless to say I did not get supper until about 8:30 last night BUT was able to resist that tray of cookies so generously offered. And I was hungry, but not ready to chew my arm off hungry.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    For me, I'm glad to be so mentally adapted that I just take the setback-type things in stride. Friday, I had my doctor's office confirm my lowest medically recorded weight from my file. It was not in 2006-2008 as my pictures suggest, but rather in 2010. My biggest takeaways are A) that it is nice to celebrate the changes I've made due to the swelling/bloating, inflammation, and irritation my former eating habits provided (I'm only 30 pounds lighter now than my current profile picture comparison) and B) that it didn't cause me a heart attack or binge episode to confirm than not only was might highest medically recorded weight 319 (instead of the estimated 335 I remembered from somewhere), but that that weight was actually in 2010 (not with the swollen pictures), and that it reduced my total weight loss overall on my ticker here.

    It utterly blows my mind that I looked 50-100 pounds heavier at a lighter weight due to the way my body reacted poorly to all the carbs and junk I was eating....

    I think this is the low carbing factor that blows my mind as well. I have not lost a pound in three months but people swear that I have. Seven months ago (when I actually started Keto eating as a way of life) I was 20 pounds heavier yet my appearance seems to be more like a 40 pound weight loss. The fact that that my pain level dropped from 7-8 to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale is still the Keto results that is most meaningful to my older body. Like Arete mentioned I too am doing tasks today without thought that once caused dread in the past. I expect there are many good things going on inside that we are not aware of that is making life easier for us.

  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    edited May 2015
    Holy cow, in a week and a half of LC my gums have made almost a complete turnaround from 20+ years of being chronically inflamed to absolutely perfect for days and days now. My dentists and I have never been able to make it better at all! It's so weird to not be spitting blood every time I brush my teeth! And my mouth feels so much cleaner all the time. It's really strange!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited May 2015
    11 weeks ago I had an HBA1c taken that showed I was in a pre-diabetic state (and a follow up oral glucose tollerance test that confirmed the same, though they don't usually do those here now). I had the same test October 2013 that showed the same thing. This week my HBA1c is now normal! It went from 48 to 36. 41-49 is prediabetic, 40 and under is normal, 50 and over is diabetic.

    I had gestational diabetes 2.5 years ago and my dad has early onset type 2, so I'm quite chuffed that I am heading in the right direction. Some of it is from weightloss but I bet mainly from this WOE. I have a blood glucose metre at home and I have tested pre and post meals today and my readings have never gone over 5.2mmol which is faaaaaaabulous.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Holy cow, in a week and a half of LC my gums have made almost a complete turnaround from 20+ years of being chronically inflamed to absolutely perfect for days and days now. My dentists and I have never been able to make it better at all! It's so weird to not be spitting blood every time I brush my teeth! And my mouth feels so much cleaner all the time. It's really strange!

    minties82 wrote: »
    11 weeks ago I had an HBA1c taken that showed I was in a pre-diabetic state (and a follow up oral glucose tollerance test that confirmed the same, though they don't usually do those here now). I had the same test October 2013 that showed the same thing. This week my HBA1c is now normal! It went from 48 to 36. 41-49 is prediabetic, 40 and under is normal, 50 and over is diabetic.

    I had gestational diabetes 2.5 years ago and my dad has early onset type 2, so I'm quite chuffed that I am heading in the right direction. Some of it is from weightloss but I bet mainly from this WOE. I have a blood glucose metre at home and I have tested pre and post meals today and my readings have never gone over 5.2mmol which is faaaaaaabulous.

    As is this!!!!

    Keep it up Ladies, y'all are totally rocking it!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Anyone else seem to notice less bug bites? Spring is giving way to summer temps and humidity here, and despite three nights in a row outside (by the pond and marsh) fussing with my telescope, I have not been bitten once! I'm normally a magnet for mosquitoes. It's surreal (and surely I've just jinxed it by mentioning it).
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I had to google the bug thing. Acetone (which is one of the ketones you'll excrete through breath and skin) is both used as a bug repellant and to sooth the effects of bug bites. Whodathunk?!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I have noticed the bug thing. Folks around me being bit.... But I am nope.... I guess tasting or smelling bad to mosquitoes is a good thing.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I've also been told (no sources provided) that mosquitoes prefer fruit-eaters, especially those who eat bananas. I have, for years, avoided bananas in the Summer for perceived effect. But it didn't completely save me. That all my exposed and nearly-exposed skin isn't bumpy and red this morning is pretty much a miracle for me.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Wow that is cool about the bug thing. I know my keto breath kept my partner quite repelled haha!

    My waist this morning was 97.5cm. Down from 127cm on Jan 4th. Woop woop! Despite my weight being the same for 6 days in a row (thanks, major doms) my waist shrank heaps.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    Anyone else seem to notice less bug bites? Spring is giving way to summer temps and humidity here, and despite three nights in a row outside (by the pond and marsh) fussing with my telescope, I have not been bitten once! I'm normally a magnet for mosquitoes. It's surreal (and surely I've just jinxed it by mentioning it).

    I remember the summer before I was diagnosed as T2, I was a Major Target for those biting ants! Yet, since I went wheat free in 2013 and now low carb this year, not having to smack mosquitos every evening is a pleasant relief.