Phase 2 strolling thread!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today, so far:

    Br: cottage cheese with hemp hearts and coconut flakes
    Lu: sweet tomatoes salad, and a little of that sugar free chocolate pudding stuff
    Sn: roast chicken breast
    Di: the plan is edamame pasta with pesto.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    B: eggs, cheese, salsa, coffee, fresh orange
    S: joes mean green
    L: veggie burger lettuce wrap
    Di: salmon edamame salad and newman's own
    De: popcorn, cantaloupe

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    B: eggs, cheese, salsa, coffee, fresh orange
    S: joes mean green
    L: veggie burger lettuce wrap
    Di: salmon edamame salad and newman's own
    De: popcorn, cantaloupe

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    I recently read that folks are using NORI as a wrap. I've tried lettuce, but now can't wait to try nori!
    Salmon edamame sounds awesome!.

    My day so far:

    Breakfast: poached egg, smoothie of just avocado greens, and ginger/turmeric
    snack: nuts
    Lunch: baked rainbow trout with a little butter and lemon, and some left over broccoli
    snack: dark chocolate
    Dinner plan: zucchini crust pizza with pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, onions
    Dessert plan: chardonnay
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    B: eggs, cheese, salsa, coffee, fresh orange
    S: joes mean green
    L: veggie burger lettuce wrap
    Di: salmon edamame salad and newman's own
    De: popcorn, cantaloupe

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    I recently read that folks are using NORI as a wrap. I've tried lettuce, but now can't wait to try nori!
    Salmon edamame sounds awesome!.

    My day so far:

    Breakfast: poached egg, smoothie of just avocado greens, and ginger/turmeric
    snack: nuts
    Lunch: baked rainbow trout with a little butter and lemon, and some left over broccoli
    snack: dark chocolate
    Dinner plan: zucchini crust pizza with pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, onions
    Dessert plan: chardonnay

    LOL I did not put in should read...salmon, edamame, salad and newman's own You're funny.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Today's Plan:

    B: scrambled eggs, salsa, cantaloupe, coffee
    L: veggie burger lettuce wrap, hummus and carrots, peach
    S: Joe's Mean Green
    Di: baked chicken, corn salsa, dark leafy green salad with Newman's Own, plum
    De: peach and pistachios
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Tough day. We had to put one of our precious pups down today.

    Br: left over zucchini crust pizza
    Lu: blue cheese and olives (in between vet visits)
    Dinner: chicken caesar salad
    otherwise: lots of chardonnay

    Very hard to let him go, but he was suffering.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    I'm so sorry...(((((((((lots of hugs and understanding...they are doubt about it))))))))))))) <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited June 2015
    Grilling veggies in the house these days...last night was baby portabellas, red onions, yellow squash and zucchini with brown rice. Protein was baked chicken. So good. Having the leftover veggies and rice for lunch and probably dinner as well. Not sure. Not moving very fast today.

    B: eggs, salsa, cantaloupe, coffee
    S: mean green
    L: grilled veggies and rice and veggie burger, peach
    S: plum
    Di: might be a frozen selection
    De: popcorn

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Br: poached egg with pesto and some avocado
    Lu: sushi
    Sn: none
    Di: roasted chicken wings and salad
    De: chardonnay

    Br: 1 poached egg with pesto and some cottage cheese
    Sn: almond butter
    Lu: chef salad
    Di: Not sure. Family is visiting
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    I'm so sorry...(((((((((lots of hugs and understanding...they are doubt about it))))))))))))) <3

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    I'm ready for another tighten things up...looking at July 1st. Only thing is I need to add fruit (apples and oranges) to my veggie drinks.

    But I love when u lead a reboot...I am solid on the money into it. What do you think?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    I'm ready for another tighten things up...looking at July 1st. Only thing is I need to add fruit (apples and oranges) to my veggie drinks.

    But I love when u lead a reboot...I am solid on the money into it. What do you think?

    Alas, I'm in Europe most of July! I can give you moral support, but I'll be hotel hopping and just trying to stay the course!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    How exciting! Your support is always welcomed! Thanks!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    How exciting! Your support is always welcomed! Thanks!

    It's just a work trip, nothing "fabulous". Regardless, I'll be here, just a bit "asynchronously" as I'll be 8hrs ahead :smile:
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited June 2015
    Great to hear...I still have not unpacked my food scale (can't seem to find it...darn)...decided time to buy another cuz things are getting a bit "loose" as far as measuring goes. Really into grilling veggies right now. Grilled veggie salad has so many playing around with ingredients.

    Protein...still very lean...chicken and fish and veggie burgers. Using brown rice for a few days right now...but on July 1st...only will use the apples or oranges to sweeten freshly made juice...also some frozen fruit to make green smoothies.

    Really have about 8 - 10 pounds to go...and I will be extremely happy. Wearing my smallest jeans right now...but, lots of fluffy stuff going on round the middle.

    I have noticed that since I starting juicing (and really just making two kinds...Joe's Mean Green and a Carrot/Orange combo) cravings seem crushed. Only thing is the head games if someone were to put down a s'more in front of me...I am sure I would cave. But that is about it...not interested in anything else. So that's a good thing.

    I just need to work on amounts again...and make that a priority.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Great to hear...I still have not unpacked my food scale (can't seem to find it...darn)...decided time to buy another cuz things are getting a bit "loose" as far as measuring goes. Really into grilling veggies right now. Grilled veggie salad has so many playing around with ingredients.

    Protein...still very lean...chicken and fish and veggie burgers. Using brown rice for a few days right now...but on July 1st...only will use the apples or oranges to sweeten freshly made juice...also some frozen fruit to make green smoothies.

    Really have about 8 - 10 pounds to go...and I will be extremely happy. Wearing my smallest jeans right now...but, lots of fluffy stuff going on round the middle.

    I have noticed that since I starting juicing (and really just making two kinds...Joe's Mean Green and a Carrot/Orange combo) cravings seem crushed. Only thing is the head games if someone were to put down a s'more in front of me...I am sure I would cave. But that is about it...not interested in anything else. So that's a good thing.

    I just need to work on amounts again...and make that a priority.
    Glad the juicing is going well for you!

    I'm hovering around 3-4Lbs from my happy weight. I'm good with that for now, as menopause has ramped ramped RAMPED up. It's been three months since my last period, and I can feel my body changing. So keeping weight OFF is good enough for me right now!

    I've been eating fewer grains the last few months and that seems to help keep the number on the scale closer to my happy weight. :drinker:
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hmmmmmmmm...not sure I can do P1 again...thinking twice about it now.

    Today's Menu:\

    B: Joe's Mean Green
    L: TJ reduced guilt ziti and fresh peach
    S: Hummus (kalamata and artichoke) with carrots
    Di: chicken, grilled veggies, brown rice, grapes
    De: pistachios and tea
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Sunday: (lost my fit bit btw...not replacing it anytime soon).

    B: eggs, salsa, coffee, orange
    S: joes mean green
    L: veggie burger lettuce wrap...left over grilled veggies, peach
    Di: TJs mini pizza, grapes
    De: celery and peanut butter

    This whole thing may change...we'll see.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Oh, too bad about your fitbit!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Menus are getting crazy...using up what is in the freezer...not all great's hot and still ten pounds from goal...keeping it ok...but not perfect least til pay day.

    B: Ezekiel toast and 1T natural PB
    L: TJs reduced guilt stuffed shells, orange, grapes
    S: Joe's Mean Green
    D: grilled veggies, tilapia, brown rice
    De: popcorn, frozen juice thingy