100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Beautiful picture, Val. Is that a park close to where you live? So glad the appt. went well!! Good to get those pesky things out of the way. So many people neglect doing that.

    Roger, I was so shocked you found money the other day! Hope you find more, lol!! :) I just handed her some treats when she came in the door. I think she would eat the whole bowl at one sitting otherwise!!

    Interesting articles, especially about the genocide that caused a mini ice age. Hard to believe.

    I can attest to Muslims becoming Christians after the harshness of Islam. Our friend in our church is from Pakistan and they have started a Christian school. But they are always in danger and must keep a very low profile. It is frightening.

    It reached 77 degrees today and will be in the 80;s on Thursday. Too warm, though nice. Our flowers and trees have been caught by a "late" frost more often than not especially in the last several years.

    Take care, and no one work too hard!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I have a suspicion the money may be tied to more people being out and about with the warmer weather ?

    You could just put a couple of treats on a plate when May is outside and see how that works, Possibly even let that be seen on the way out ?

    I found the cause of the Mini Ice age hard to believe too.

    The conversion to Christianity is something that never occurred to me, You would be more likley to see that.

    I have a suspicion that a late frost may be why the Apple trees out back only had one apple last year.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    When we first moved to San Antonio we lived in an apartment. The walking trail i was on connects my old apartment with my doctor’s office. 8 years ago, I regularly went on that trail...but it’s about 10 miles from my current house. It was drizzling and a bit muddy so on the return trip, i walked on the sidewalks. Plus, a guy let his Doberman loose, and I didn’t want a repeat injury. My reason to have my illness/death papers drawn up...when i had sepsis, I was helpless and none of my people could legally act on my behalf. Fortunately Emily has a credit card on my account so she could make all necessary purchases but it was an issue for disability paperwork. Plus that event forced me to face the reality of my mortality.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Roger, you are rolling in money! :#

    May May did so good yesterday coming in with the treats. Today about a third of the way thru the day, she was stopping dead again even with treats. At one point she would not come in and she had been out a while. I opened the door and she was afraid to come thru the entire door. I do not know what has mixed her up, but it is really strange. I know horses learning curves can be 2 steps ahead and one back..Sounds like May. Geez..I wonder if they have dog psychiatrists in Montgomery...Good grief...she goes to her regular doc Friday, maybe he will have some answers.. :|

    Val, you are just wise to get things organized, no matter your age or condition!! :)

    Today was for nutty articles. Read them with amusement and horror!

    I did better today..Chinese Thursday. Always a challenge!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2019
    I just posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 39 degrees. Yesterday in the evening into earlier this morning there was some rain that had ended at some point in time before I left the house, Things were wet but not super wet so it was OK for walking.

    GM mosquitoes: playing with God or the only way to wipe out malaria?

    Pew: Actively Religious People More Likely to Be ‘Very Happy’

    Gut feeling: study links depression to digestive bacteria

    Women’s brains are 'four years younger' than men’s, study finds
    Analysis of metabolic brain age may explain differences in cognitive decline rate

    New Jersey’s Gas Tax Jumps For 2nd Time In 2 Years

    ‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey
    ELIZABETH, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — New Jersey is one of the highest taxed states in the country.

    A shockingly large majority of health news shared on Facebook is fake or misleading

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    When we first moved to San Antonio we lived in an apartment. The walking trail i was on connects my old apartment with my doctor’s office. 8 years ago, I regularly went on that trail...but it’s about 10 miles from my current house. It was drizzling and a bit muddy so on the return trip, i walked on the sidewalks. Plus, a guy let his Doberman loose, and I didn’t want a repeat injury. My reason to have my illness/death papers drawn up...when i had sepsis, I was helpless and none of my people could legally act on my behalf. Fortunately Emily has a credit card on my account so she could make all necessary purchases but it was an issue for disability paperwork. Plus that event forced me to face the reality of my mortality.
    Hello Val
    That made for a lot of walking, if I understood You correctly, 10 miles each was ?

    If I had Your experience with a dog I would also be leery of a off leash dog. Around here they are required to be on a leash unless in a fenced in yard, Is that Your area too ?

    That makes sense to me, if You are incapacitated someone must decide what to do. Is Emily old enough to do that legally ?

    Death comes to all of at some point, the trick is to not let is rule Your life. It is like an airplane, "Take offs are optional, Landing is not" :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Roger, you are rolling in money! :#

    May May did so good yesterday coming in with the treats. Today about a third of the way thru the day, she was stopping dead again even with treats. At one point she would not come in and she had been out a while. I opened the door and she was afraid to come thru the entire door. I do not know what has mixed her up, but it is really strange. I know horses learning curves can be 2 steps ahead and one back..Sounds like May. Geez..I wonder if they have dog psychiatrists in Montgomery...Good grief...she goes to her regular doc Friday, maybe he will have some answers.. :|

    Val, you are just wise to get things organized, no matter your age or condition!! :)

    Today was for nutty articles. Read them with amusement and horror!

    I did better today..Chinese Thursday. Always a challenge!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Just curious is there a alternative door You could use as a test to see if it is something about that door or something else ?

    I have actually heard of Shrinks that treat dogs, Methinks that would be very expensive however.

    I found the Hospital Bill, the Boomerang Plane that returned three times and the Addicts outnumbering students. SF :(

    For Chinese if You were to order Beef, Chicken, Pork or Shrimp Moo Shu and have them hold the 4 thin pancakes and the rice it is reported to be a Low Carb Chinese Meal and at least here the Takeout portions are large enough to get more than a meal from it. Basically a Vegetable dish in a tasty sauce. Oh Oh, now I'm making myself want some, So tasty IMO :(

    Good Luck at the Vet Tomorrow
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Did okay I think for Chinese. It was a buffet but I ate mostly crab, chicken, spare-ribs and some cucumber. I will see tomorrow, lol... :D

    I used my firepit outside for the first time. It was awesome. Really pretty with a dura flame log in it. Safe and out in 2 hrs. Easy clean up. A 65 degree nite under the stars!! pretty perfect.

    I will try another door and see what happens.. just to test. Good idea!

    Headed to read, and sleep!!

    Take care!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    When we first moved to San Antonio we lived in an apartment. The walking trail i was on connects my old apartment with my doctor’s office. 8 years ago, I regularly went on that trail...but it’s about 10 miles from my current house. It was drizzling and a bit muddy so on the return trip, i walked on the sidewalks. Plus, a guy let his Doberman loose, and I didn’t want a repeat injury. My reason to have my illness/death papers drawn up...when i had sepsis, I was helpless and none of my people could legally act on my behalf. Fortunately Emily has a credit card on my account so she could make all necessary purchases but it was an issue for disability paperwork. Plus that event forced me to face the reality of my mortality.
    Hello Val
    That made for a lot of walking, if I understood You correctly, 10 miles each was ?

    If I had Your experience with a dog I would also be leery of a off leash dog. Around here they are required to be on a leash unless in a fenced in yard, Is that Your area too ?

    That makes sense to me, if You are incapacitated someone must decide what to do. Is Emily old enough to do that legally ?

    Death comes to all of at some point, the trick is to not let is rule Your life. It is like an airplane, "Take offs are optional, Landing is not" :wink:

    Have a Good Day

    Sorry for my clumsy wording. I drove the 10 miles yo the doctor. The walking path only connects my doctor’s office with my former apartment complex.

    We have leash laws. San Antonians don’t respect the law. Drunk driving is illegal but we have very high drunk driving rates. Texting and driving is illegal but 90% of drivers do it.

    Embis only 16. She needs to be 20 before she is legally aloud that responsibility. So my paperwork is written with one friend as the primary responsible party, then Em with the caveat that it’s after her 20th bd, then two additional alternates.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting some more humor in a couple of minutes

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 43 degrees. I heard rain hitting the Window AC a little after midnight. When I left the house it had ended and then as I neared the house a light rain started up.

    Forget standing desks: to stay healthy, you've got to move all day
    If you want to dedicate yourself to a lifetime of good habits, don’t start at the gym. Start at the office

    Man's defense in double murder death penalty case: Scientology made me do it

    Sitting in front of the TV for two hours a day raises your risk of bowel cancer by 70%, scientists declare amid sharp rise in cases
    Study looked at sedentary behaviours of nearly 90,000 US women
    Two hours a day was associated with a 70% increased risk compared to less
    Findings were independent of participants weight and level of exercise

    OUTTA SPACE Nasa’s real ‘Wall-E’ mysteriously disappears after Mars fly-by – and sister spacecraft ‘Eve’ is missing too

    Manhole explosions happen in New York City Too not just Atlanta
    10 ‘very large explosions’ send smoke into the air, shut down major Midtown streets

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Did okay I think for Chinese. It was a buffet but I ate mostly crab, chicken, spare-ribs and some cucumber. I will see tomorrow, lol... :D

    I used my firepit outside for the first time. It was awesome. Really pretty with a dura flame log in it. Safe and out in 2 hrs. Easy clean up. A 65 degree nite under the stars!! pretty perfect.

    I will try another door and see what happens.. just to test. Good idea!

    Headed to read, and sleep!!

    Take care!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Well, except that the ribs were likely not a dry rub it sounds OK, I tend to head for the Chicken Broccoli or Beef Broccoli and go heavy on them at the same time letting much of the sauce drain off as that leave enough for taste IMO.

    Dura Flame, That would be the brand You see everywhere for sale :smiley: God that You enjoyed it and first time too.

    Good Luck with another door and the Chinese foods reaction at the scale
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    When we first moved to San Antonio we lived in an apartment. The walking trail i was on connects my old apartment with my doctor’s office. 8 years ago, I regularly went on that trail...but it’s about 10 miles from my current house. It was drizzling and a bit muddy so on the return trip, i walked on the sidewalks. Plus, a guy let his Doberman loose, and I didn’t want a repeat injury. My reason to have my illness/death papers drawn up...when i had sepsis, I was helpless and none of my people could legally act on my behalf. Fortunately Emily has a credit card on my account so she could make all necessary purchases but it was an issue for disability paperwork. Plus that event forced me to face the reality of my mortality.
    Hello Val
    That made for a lot of walking, if I understood You correctly, 10 miles each was ?

    If I had Your experience with a dog I would also be leery of a off leash dog. Around here they are required to be on a leash unless in a fenced in yard, Is that Your area too ?

    That makes sense to me, if You are incapacitated someone must decide what to do. Is Emily old enough to do that legally ?

    Death comes to all of at some point, the trick is to not let is rule Your life. It is like an airplane, "Take offs are optional, Landing is not" :wink:

    Have a Good Day

    Sorry for my clumsy wording. I drove the 10 miles yo the doctor. The walking path only connects my doctor’s office with my former apartment complex.

    We have leash laws. San Antonians don’t respect the law. Drunk driving is illegal but we have very high drunk driving rates. Texting and driving is illegal but 90% of drivers do it.

    Embis only 16. She needs to be 20 before she is legally aloud that responsibility. So my paperwork is written with one friend as the primary responsible party, then Em with the caveat that it’s after her 20th bd, then two additional alternates.
    Hi Val
    Your area sounds like You see a lot of scofflaws, How are the accident rates from the DWI and Texting ?

    I had a suspicion that might be the case with Emily, Three Alternates sounds as if You have all the bases covered. Hopefully none of that will be needed. I am curious as to how Your hernia treatment works out, I have not gone to the doctor about it but I suspect I could have one :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Yesterday our temps were in the upper 70s, today in the 30s. I met Em’s teachers today. One man is a complete jerk! Traditional Turkish Muslim. I’m fine with that...except when he ordered me to “calm down.” I had asked for Em’s schedule. Parents were told to go to homeroom to get the schedule. After his remark, I responded, you will treat me with respect and courtesy. His next line was “i gave a problem with Emily.” I said “in homeroom???” He started babbling. I was perplexed. Half way through his babble, he hands me the schedule...at which time I discover he’s also her chemistry teacher. I asked him what topic they are working on. He said “she knows.” I said “I don’t know; would you please tell me what the current topic is?” He responded “tammel”. Mind you my degree is biochemistry and I previously worked as a chemist. I had no clue. I said I hadn’t heard of that but I imagine many things have changed since i was in college. I said I’d google it so I could help Em. He was upset and kept saying tammel, tammel. Then he wrote on the board THERMAL. OMG no wonder my child who doesn’t already know chemistry is having trouble. He was so gruff and pompus. As i was leaving i fave him a glimpse of my credentials...I said i no longer work as a chemist, i now work with chemical weapons and nuclear material. His mouth dropped open and he was finally silent. I’m so angry that em is forced to be around that jerk.

    All the other teachers were great. One teacher that em said she’s having trouble with is actually quite nice...they just misunderstood each other. So I told him about what works best for her and her about what works best for him. So I'm confident that will resolve well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor will shortly be available to view

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 29 degrees. Yesterday afternoon the wind gusts started and this morning while walking the wind gusts and hence the wind chill were still ongoing making it only semi comfortable walking.

    I am hoping that the rest of the day goes better than this morning has started out, I went to print something out and Got a Replace Toner message in the printer :(
    Luckily when I bought it I chose to get a spare toner at a discount with the printer so I will be installing that later, Oh well. The starter toner has lasted a long time so...

    These are the worst cities to live in America. Is yours one of them?

    Millennials prefer music from 20th century ‘golden age’ to the pop of today,

    200-year-old lost city discovered under South African foliage

    'Frozen and unresponsive' cat pulls off extraordinary recovery after being trapped in huge snowbank

    Mutant squirrels? Seldom seen breed in east NC capable of ‘glowing pink,’ experts say

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    I looked at the article You linked. Here in NJ refusing a breathalyzer test is a automatic ticket and loss of license. From the article I inferred that it is different in Texas since it mentioned The Austin Police Department held a No Refusal Initiative from May 24 to June 11, in which detectives assisted officers in applying for blood search warrants when suspects under arrest for DWI refused to take a breath or blood test
    Yesterday our temps were in the upper 70s, today in the 30s. I met Em’s teachers today. One man is a complete jerk! Traditional Turkish Muslim. I’m fine with that...except when he ordered me to “calm down.” I had asked for Em’s schedule. Parents were told to go to homeroom to get the schedule. After his remark, I responded, you will treat me with respect and courtesy. His next line was “i gave a problem with Emily.” I said “in homeroom???” He started babbling. I was perplexed. Half way through his babble, he hands me the schedule...at which time I discover he’s also her chemistry teacher. I asked him what topic they are working on. He said “she knows.” I said “I don’t know; would you please tell me what the current topic is?” He responded “tammel”. Mind you my degree is biochemistry and I previously worked as a chemist. I had no clue. I said I hadn’t heard of that but I imagine many things have changed since i was in college. I said I’d google it so I could help Em. He was upset and kept saying tammel, tammel. Then he wrote on the board THERMAL. OMG no wonder my child who doesn’t already know chemistry is having trouble. He was so gruff and pompus. As i was leaving i fave him a glimpse of my credentials...I said i no longer work as a chemist, i now work with chemical weapons and nuclear material. His mouth dropped open and he was finally silent. I’m so angry that em is forced to be around that jerk.
    I am sorry and I know this is not PC, however a teacher should speak clear concise English.

    Wow, You are very qualified and likely know a lot more than I :wink: I only have a 2 year degree :smiley:

    It is so nice that You could put him in his place. I can see why Emily is having trouble. As I was reading Your post I was thinking Tammel, what the heck is that ? How can anyone learn Chemistry from him ?
    All the other teachers were great. One teacher that em said she’s having trouble with is actually quite nice...they just misunderstood each other. So I told him about what works best for her and her about what works best for him. So I'm confident that will resolve well.
    That is real good that at least You could resolve the problem with the second teacher. Where Your daughter goes to school can they pick the class and teacher for subjects ?

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning.

    Well, it appears it will be a long couple weeks!

    May May went to the vet and got most of her shots. I think she must be missing one. The list she needed and what they gave were listed differently. She got a 4 in 1, bordetella (sp?) and her rabies but she should have got 7, not 6. I need to find what all was in the 4 in 1. I am thinking she is missing her lepto- something. lol. It is fine because getting so many shots at once is a lot to me. The vet checked her limping leg.Her dog had it too.. the knee problems. She felt it was not torn and might be fine with weeks of leash only walking. Her operated leg was good. She sneaked in her wellness, tooth check and heartworm and fecal. May got something for pain. All for the small price of $220.00. Lord has prices went up. I actually was afraid it would be more....I still need to go back for follow up , missed shot and some more heartworm/flea preventative.. That was enough billing for one visit so do not mind the extra trip. And so far has not been another 3500 for surgery on the other hind leg. It will be a problem as she may never again get the freedom of the back yard. There is little to prevent her running or tearing that knee. No ball playing either. I would guess. And she is only 4. Bless her.

    I arranged the living room so she can at least see the backyard when she is snoozing in her doggie bed. The extra walking on my knee is a little rough, but also has helped my arthritis overall, so that is good. Still a work in progress as we progress. Especially Sunday. leaving her for 6 or seven hours won't work. I may hit Sunday school, skip church and head back for small group lunch and meet. Or just hit church..but I really would miss our early Sunday class and really love them all. Life change again here and adjustments! :)

    Oh lord, Val...I would not like that man for a teacher. You might could work around the language, but not his attitude. Our Pakistani friend teaches and still has quite an accent. He is brilliant and speaks about 6 languages as well as holding several PhD's. But he is so kind and humble and speaks slowly and distinctly. He would never act that way. if there is communication difference he always says it a different way and makes it a learning experience for himself and actually his person listening because he is so kind and just an awesome human being. That guy just sounds like a jerk. They come in all nationalities and colors. I know I am preaching to the choir!! :# my guess is the whole class would like to move!! Such a shame as parent involvement can be lacking. He should be appreciating those who care! Hope it gets better. Good job with the other teacher. Sure he appreciated it. <3

    Roger, some funny stories and funny funny weather!! There goes my heating bill raising again!!!

    Take care, Jan
    P.S.- It does solve the dog door phobia for the present as she can't use it a while anyway. The leg or back might have caused the phobia to begin with, then escalate.. :*
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Jan - they’ve stopped automatically vaccinating for leptospirosis. Thats now only recommded for pups and if your adult dog is exposed to livestock. So if your area has livestock then get that, otherwise not required. Pups are also usually vaccinated for corona virus. And most adult dogs don’t need that.
    Yes, any human that desires to communicate would describe the word that wasn’t understood. Like “reactions when you add heat” that’s what thermal chem is. Not brain surgery!
    He treats the students worse than he treated me. He’s the only chem teacher. The administration are all Turkish men so I assume they will defend him.

    Roger - only at the beginning of each year, the kids pick their classes. But no clue about the teachers. Then the school tries to accommodate the selected classes. Kids rank their preferences for electives. Since the school is small you don’t always get your first or second elective.

    I don’t usually whip out my degree and experience but that jerk pissed me off! And ..there’s no text book, he gives no hsndouts, and he collects the kids’ notes st the end of each class. There is no way for thrm to get help! 🤬🤬

    My day today was busy but pleasant. Of our five pups and two dogs, three pups and a dog got adopted. And we picked up a mama and her six newborn pups! And while we were in the middle of nowhere, Maggie got a flat tire! It was 35 degrees out. Thankfully two uoung men from a mobile home came out and did it for us!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did post more humor

    I'm back home from walking and one shiny dime was found. The Temperature out the door was 23 degrees.

    I hope You enjoy the show. Lucky me, the toner change took around 5 minutes, the Brother is a little more work than a HP for example. You need to pull the Toner unit, remove the toner portion and replace it with the new toner unit then put the entire assembly into the printer.


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    Miracle treatment or dangerous drug? Indonesia cashes in on Kratom

    Artificial Intelligence Study of Human Genome Finds Unknown Human Ancestor
    The genetic footprint of a “ghost population” may match that of a Neanderthal and Denisovan hybrid fossil found in Siberia

    A few Interesting Links




    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning.

    Well, it appears it will be a long couple weeks!

    May May went to the vet and got most of her shots. I think she must be missing one. The list she needed and what they gave were listed differently. She got a 4 in 1, bordetella (sp?) and her rabies but she should have got 7, not 6. I need to find what all was in the 4 in 1. I am thinking she is missing her lepto- something. lol. It is fine because getting so many shots at once is a lot to me. The vet checked her limping leg.Her dog had it too.. the knee problems. She felt it was not torn and might be fine with weeks of leash only walking. Her operated leg was good. She sneaked in her wellness, tooth check and heartworm and fecal. May got something for pain. All for the small price of $220.00. Lord has prices went up. I actually was afraid it would be more....I still need to go back for follow up , missed shot and some more heartworm/flea preventative.. That was enough billing for one visit so do not mind the extra trip. And so far has not been another 3500 for surgery on the other hind leg. It will be a problem as she may never again get the freedom of the back yard. There is little to prevent her running or tearing that knee. No ball playing either. I would guess. And she is only 4. Bless her.
    Hi Jan
    That is a lot of shots to me.

    Only $220, Yikes and Only 4 ? I know I would feel that amount for a doctor visit, Thankfully Medicare and the Supplemental pay for most everything except eyeglass prescriptions and eyeglasses or dental.
    I arranged the living room so she can at least see the backyard when she is snoozing in her doggie bed. The extra walking on my knee is a little rough, but also has helped my arthritis overall, so that is good. Still a work in progress as we progress. Especially Sunday. leaving her for 6 or seven hours won't work. I may hit Sunday school, skip church and head back for small group lunch and meet. Or just hit church..but I really would miss our early Sunday class and really love them all. Life change again here and adjustments! :)
    Would it really be bad to miss the small group lunch :wink:

    Life is a continuous series of adjustments.
    Oh lord, Val...I would not like that man for a teacher. You might could work around the language, but not his attitude. Our Pakistani friend teaches and still has quite an accent. He is brilliant and speaks about 6 languages as well as holding several PhD's. But he is so kind and humble and speaks slowly and distinctly. He would never act that way. if there is communication difference he always says it a different way and makes it a learning experience for himself and actually his person listening because he is so kind and just an awesome human being. That guy just sounds like a jerk. They come in all nationalities and colors. I know I am preaching to the choir!! :# my guess is the whole class would like to move!! Such a shame as parent involvement can be lacking. He should be appreciating those who care! Hope it gets better. Good job with the other teacher. Sure he appreciated it. <3

    Roger, some funny stories and funny funny weather!! There goes my heating bill raising again!!!

    Take care, Jan
    P.S.- It does solve the dog door phobia for the present as she can't use it a while anyway. The leg or back might have caused the phobia to begin with, then escalate.. :*
    I agree, You can take the fool out of the country, You can not take the fool out of the person.
    Fool AKA Jerk :wink:

    I think that part of the way he is comes from the way he was raised and if he is a Muslim some of them think women do not need to be taught anything beyond enough to read the Koran, I could be wrong of course.

    As You say to many parents can not be bothered to take an interest in what is happening in their schools.

    This winter so far. Knock Wood, We have not really needed the snow shovels, Only the once in November. Cold or wet that is a different thing. Possibility of flurries overnight.

    I had not thought of that, You could be onto something with the leg.

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. State and Federal income taxes are filed via the Free online Turbotax and have been accepted by both.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Jan - they’ve stopped automatically vaccinating for leptospirosis. Thats now only recommended for pups and if your adult dog is exposed to livestock. So if your area has livestock then get that, otherwise not required. Pups are also usually vaccinated for corona virus. And most adult dogs don’t need that.
    Yes, any human that desires to communicate would describe the word that wasn’t understood. Like “reactions when you add heat” that’s what thermal chem is. Not brain surgery!
    He treats the students worse than he treated me. He’s the only chem teacher. The administration are all Turkish men so I assume they will defend him.

    Roger - only at the beginning of each year, the kids pick their classes. But no clue about the teachers. Then the school tries to accommodate the selected classes. Kids rank their preferences for electives. Since the school is small you don’t always get your first or second elective.

    I don’t usually whip out my degree and experience but that jerk pissed me off! And ..there’s no text book, he gives no handouts, and he collects the kids’ notes st the end of each class. There is no way for them to get help! 🤬🤬
    Hi Val
    What the Heck, I never heard of a class with no textbooks, no handouts and what type of teacher collects the kids personal property, Notes in this case. You will see my thoughts as to a possible why to Jan. The Administration are all Turkish, What type of area are You in, could there be a type of prejudice at work ?

    FWIW I would have done the same thing with that teacher so...
    My day today was busy but pleasant. Of our five pups and two dogs, three pups and a dog got adopted. And we picked up a mama and her six newborn pups! And while we were in the middle of nowhere, Maggie got a flat tire! It was 35 degrees out. Thankfully two young men from a mobile home came out and did it for us!
    That was nice of those young men to do that, so many people these days just pretend not to notice if they even notice. That would be the theme in one of the images I posted in humor today. Luckily I can call AAA as long as I have cellular thanks to my brother and the Family plan.

    It sort of sounds as if You went backwards, 4 dogs adopted and 7 picked up :wink:

    Have a Nice Day