100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Keto friendly/low&no carb pasta🍝 3 easy recipes 1-3 ingredients, 2 new recipes

    And I thought that this might be interesting ?
    What 2000 Calories Look Like on Most Popular Diets
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Ringo (puppy) is adorable and cuddly and playful. But he has no boundaries—-jumps in other dogs’ faces (so I supervise when he’s loose w Oscar!).
    Tired today because puppy cried all night. He’s doing well with potty training! I always appreciate that. He has a few people that want to meet him. So hope for him that he finds his new family!
    Next up, the tiny babies are 1-week old today. They get fixed at 8 weeks then they move to my house.
    Jan- with the keto diet, do you test for your ketone levels? I just bought sticks and they say where the “optimal level “ is...i was much higher...and they don’t say if higher is bad. I’m going to ask the nutritionist tomorrow. So last night i ate carbs to bring my level down.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I have the keto sticks,Val. Even when doing well I am like the square next to neutral. I would think if you were higher it would be good. Best ask..since I am not for sure!! Good luck with Ringo. I am sure he will settle in soon. Or maybe if you sleep with him and cuddle, lol... :D

    Loved the two video's, Roger. Interesting pasta..I will have to try. I had pancakes and syrup for dinner. I ate so little today I got to make 2 batches! I had my bullet coffee and it carried me to 6 pm. With my cleaning I never missed my food! Craving are almost gone. Glad to be back on keto!! I did enjoy that chicken, but boy did I crave carbs after eating it!! Lost 5 of the 6 lbs I had gained from it, thankfully.

    Cool about the deer!! :)

    Val, sorry about that boss..hope someone else sets him straight!!

    To bed..late as usual. :| ...Take care all!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some Humor is posted

    I'm back home from walking and 10 cents was found. The Temperature out the door was 37 degrees. However I suspect that may not be accurate as the snow I tested was crunchy as it was yesterday

    Who Didn't See this coming ?
    Panera Bread's Socialist 'Pay What You Want' Experiment Fails Miserably

    Smuggler's rare eggs hatch into exotic vultures at UK bird sanctuary

    Diet Drinks Linked To Increased Stroke Risk & Heart Attacks

    A record number of Americans are 90 days behind on their car payments
    More than 7 million Americans are at least 90 days behind on their auto loans, according to the New York Fed.

    WATCH: Video shows man steal 69-year-old’s purse, groceries in South Fulton

    Florida man accused of being fake doctor claiming to cure diabetes

    NASA rover finally bites the dust on Mars after 15 years

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ringo (puppy) is adorable and cuddly and playful. But he has no boundaries—-jumps in other dogs’ faces (so I supervise when he’s loose w Oscar!).
    Tired today because puppy cried all night. He’s doing well with potty training! I always appreciate that. He has a few people that want to meet him. So hope for him that he finds his new family!
    Next up, the tiny babies are 1-week old today. They get fixed at 8 weeks then they move to my house.
    Jan- with the keto diet, do you test for your ketone levels? I just bought sticks and they say where the “optimal level “ is...i was much higher...and they don’t say if higher is bad. I’m going to ask the nutritionist tomorrow. So last night i ate carbs to bring my level down.
    Hi Val
    No Boundaries :( I believe You will train that out of Ringo.

    The Potty Training is more important IMO FWIW.

    Be careful with those darn Carbs they be a trigger based on my experience with them. And in my case the effects seem to linger for a few days where they cause cravings.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!!

    I have the keto sticks,Val. Even when doing well I am like the square next to neutral. I would think if you were higher it would be good. Best ask..since I am not for sure!! Good luck with Ringo. I am sure he will settle in soon. Or maybe if you sleep with him and cuddle, lol... :D

    Loved the two video's, Roger. Interesting pasta..I will have to try. I had pancakes and syrup for dinner. I ate so little today I got to make 2 batches! I had my bullet coffee and it carried me to 6 pm. With my cleaning I never missed my food! Craving are almost gone. Glad to be back on keto!! I did enjoy that chicken, but boy did I crave carbs after eating it!! Lost 5 of the 6 lbs I had gained from it, thankfully.

    Cool about the deer!! :)

    Val, sorry about that boss..hope someone else sets him straight!!

    To bed..late as usual. :| ...Take care all!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    I am curious, some type of Pancakes and Syrup that are Keto friendly ? I know when my brother whips up a batch from scratch they are not low calorie or low carb and according to him only Real Maple Syrup is edible :wink:

    Carbs have that effect on me too, Yesterday I had Chinese Takeout Chicken Wings and this morning my mind is wandering as to what foods I can go get or have delivered. Be Strong Roger ! I did Pick up a side order of Italian Sausage yesterday. The Sliced sausage is perfect for use in sandwiches and I intend to get several days of a mid day snack sandwich out of it and the Tomato Gravy AKA Sauce is tasty on its own and will likely be an addition to a meal for me.

    Buttons61 10 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/14/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    You found a dime. Yay!!! :)

    The keto pancakes taste pretty good. They don't leave you with a taste for more carbs. They are not low calorie as you get 2 small to medium size pancakes for about 250 calories, more or less. I use sugar free Carey's syrup which may be a local brand. It tastes pretty good. Add a dollop of real butter and it is really good!! It has almond flour, B.P.,cream, oil, egg, vanilla nd some swerve for sweetness. They are a little fragile, but doable!!! :#

    Yep, I am real carb sensitive! Still fighting a bit of carb craving withdrawal, but getting manageable again. I was worth that fried chicken!! The at home version dipped in almond flour is a good substitute though. It tastes close to breading! I need to remember that! Ha Ha!!

    So much for peoples intelligence with Panera bread. The thought may have been nice, but people aren't. ;) The thoughtful ones have a hard time supporting the jerks...

    Hard to believe so many people are behind in their car payments. I guess I am just thankful I am not..It would scare me!!

    Have a pleasant day!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Ringo slept very well last night...in a crate next to my bed. No crying—went right to sleep. Whimpered softly above midnight so i took him out to potty, then back to bed. I got up at 5, and took him out again.
    Re him jumping on others...he’s a stubborn little fellow! We’re working on manners.
    He is such a cuddly baby!
    Met with my nutritionist. She’s happy with my progress and what I’m eating. She said to not worry about the high ketone levels because we know why it’s happening. I know I’m super carb-sensitive...so when i “ate carbs” to lower it, i inly had 1/2 a low-carb tortilla and a teaspoon of taco sauce (that brought me to the low end of optimal.
    I told her that when i ate kale and spinach...my net carbs exceeded the limit...but she had said those were unlimited. She said i can really ignore the carbs in the veggies on the unlimited list. I can either log them and ignore the number or eat them without logging thrm. But not to worry.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/15/2018 100%

    I'm back home from walking and 2 corroded pennies were found. The Temperature out the door was 36 degrees.

    Governments urged to stockpile antibiotics for a future flu pandemic

    Russia May Fine Citizens For Being Overweight

    They’re big, furry and could destroy the Delta. California has a $2 million plan to kill them

    Behavior at Age 6 May Predict Adult Income
    Boys with high levels of inattention later earned an average of about $17,000 less a year, while prosocial behaviors predicted higher incomes.

    Vodka company CEO scratching his head over Newfoundland iceberg water heist

    The great Equifax mystery: 17 months later, the stolen data has never been found, and experts are starting to suspect a spy scheme

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    You found a dime. Yay!!! :)

    The keto pancakes taste pretty good. They don't leave you with a taste for more carbs. They are not low calorie as you get 2 small to medium size pancakes for about 250 calories, more or less. I use sugar free Carey's syrup which may be a local brand. It tastes pretty good. Add a dollop of real butter and it is really good!! It has almond flour, B.P.,cream, oil, egg, vanilla nd some swerve for sweetness. They are a little fragile, but doable!!! :#

    Yep, I am real carb sensitive! Still fighting a bit of carb craving withdrawal, but getting manageable again. I was worth that fried chicken!! The at home version dipped in almond flour is a good substitute though. It tastes close to breading! I need to remember that! Ha Ha!!

    So much for peoples intelligence with Panera bread. The thought may have been nice, but people aren't. ;) The thoughtful ones have a hard time supporting the jerks...

    Hard to believe so many people are behind in their car payments. I guess I am just thankful I am not..It would scare me!!

    Have a pleasant day!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    I seem to be finding more money now that the weather is somewhat warmer.

    I had a feeling You did Keto Pancakes and Sugar free Syrup. I tried several Sugar Free Syrups when I Bought a Large amount of NS Pancake mix from someone on the Old NS forums, I did not find one that I liked even when I tried Brand names. I ended up putting a packet of sweetener into the Mix and adding some Maple Extract and I liked that better, they tasted like a Maple Syrup Pancake.

    The Panera Bread results do not surprise me, There have been other experiments doing the same thing and they all ended up closed.

    The amount of people behind in car payments was surprising, However when I think about some of the Car dealers advertisements where they say "No Credit, No Problem, We can get You approved" Then I am not surprised that people that have poor or no credit may be behind on their car payments. They likely have more important things in their lives such as Dining Out and a Movie :wink:

    Car Payments would scare me TBH any more. I pay enough every month with the Utility bills :smiley:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ringo slept very well last night...in a crate next to my bed. No crying—went right to sleep. Whimpered softly above midnight so i took him out to potty, then back to bed. I got up at 5, and took him out again.
    Re him jumping on others...he’s a stubborn little fellow! We’re working on manners.
    He is such a cuddly baby!
    Met with my nutritionist. She’s happy with my progress and what I’m eating. She said to not worry about the high ketone levels because we know why it’s happening. I know I’m super carb-sensitive...so when i “ate carbs” to lower it, i only had 1/2 a low-carb tortilla and a teaspoon of taco sauce (that brought me to the low end of optimal.
    I told her that when i ate kale and spinach...my net carbs exceeded the limit...but she had said those were unlimited. She said i can really ignore the carbs in the veggies on the unlimited list. I can either log them and ignore the number or eat them without logging them. But not to worry.
    Hi Val
    That sounds as if it is working, Stubbornness may be a harder problem, Good Luck with it.

    Wow that little bit dropped You that much, You are very sensitive from the sound of it. When I say I am Carb sensitive I mean that they leave me with cravings for a few days.

    Even unlimited can be bad if taken to an extreme, IMO You are right to ask about them. The Problem with green vegetables happens when they interact with certain medications.

    Congratulations on this:

    hope4change_val 30 minutes ago
    lost 0.9 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 14.2 lbs so far.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Processed sugars trigger my “Hoover switch” so I turn into a vacuum and est everything not nsiled down. So I’m sensitive that way too!
    I got my grocery shopping done early and gooked and portioned for the week! Washed my car (driveway). Started weeding my backyard...it will be a multi day effort because I really let it go. Took a lovely nap with Ringo...yep, I’m smitten, and I know you’ve heard that with every foster ive had.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    good morning!!

    pretty sunny day! We are due for a week of rain now...Bummer!!

    Roger, you have found money again!! maybe with the warm weather more people are walking!

    The giant rodents in California are good eating in lower Louisiana! I had gater and frog legs and love crawfish..Thank goodness no rodent!! :s

    I love that Val!! The hoover switch!! (not that you have it..). The name cracked me up. I sympathize!!

    Aw!! Sweet Ringo. Glad he is doing better!! He is so lucky to have a foster, especially you!!! :)

    Cooked for church today for tomorrow so I can play hookey next weekend, lol...

    I needed to clean my car..that did not happen!! :#

    Have a good Sunday all!! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 28 degrees. I did see a small herd of deer 6 or 7 of them ahead of me crossing a street near the house.

    Charlie Munger says California, Connecticut have been 'stupid' for driving rich people away
    "It's been serious. Driving the rich people out is pretty dumb if you're a state or a city," Munger tells CNBC's Becky Quick in an interview. "There are a number of places that have shot themselves in the foot; Connecticut, California, New York City."

    Tampa man reported income of $18,497; IRS sent him a refund check for $980,000
    A man in Tampa, Florida, reported he had received $18,497 in wages on his 2016 income tax return.
    He also fraudulently claimed that he withheld $1 million in income taxes that year, which led to a tax refund of $980,000.

    New drug raises hopes of reversing memory loss in old age
    Toronto researchers believe the drug can also help those with depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s

    For retailers who say "no cash,'' Philadelphia says no dice: bill bans cards only

    Widow, 81, sole resident of remote island disputed by South Korea and Japan

    http://www.brain-sharper.com/entertainment/blazing-saddles-tb/?utm_campaign=Blazing Saddles MJ NV3 En - Desktop USA&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=associatedpress-apnews&utm_term=Gene+Wilder's+Funniest+Line+In+Blazing+Saddles+Wasn't+In+Script&utm_content=https://prod-pubplus-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/f800435b-6c26-44bc-969f-de85990c663e.jpg

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Processed sugars trigger my “Hoover switch” so I turn into a vacuum and est everything not nailed down. So I’m sensitive that way too!
    I got my grocery shopping done early and cooked and portioned for the week! Washed my car (driveway). Started weeding my backyard...it will be a multi day effort because I really let it go. Took a lovely nap with Ringo...yep, I’m smitten, and I know you’ve heard that with every foster ive had.
    Hi Val
    I like that term, Hoover Switch, So True here too and Too many Carbs also.

    Beat the crowd at the store ? Having the weeks foods ready to use is a handy thing, I used to do that when I was brown bagging it. I would go Sunday and either find things in the Hot Food Section and or other items that I could prep ahead and if possible freeze so I could grab and go as I headed out the door for work.

    That has the ring of truth, Re Ringo.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    good morning!!

    pretty sunny day! We are due for a week of rain now...Bummer!!

    Roger, you have found money again!! maybe with the warm weather more people are walking!

    The giant rodents in California are good eating in lower Louisiana! I had gater and frog legs and love crawfish..Thank goodness no rodent!! :s

    I love that Val!! The hoover switch!! (not that you have it..). The name cracked me up. I sympathize!!

    Aw!! Sweet Ringo. Glad he is doing better!! He is so lucky to have a foster, especially you!!! :)

    Cooked for church today for tomorrow so I can play hookey next weekend, lol...

    I needed to clean my car..that did not happen!! :#

    Have a good Sunday all!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    Snow in the forecast for this week, Tonight into Monday and Wednesday at a minimum :(

    You might be right about the better weather, if so this upcoming snow will slow that down.

    Pass on Rodents here too.

    Thinking ahead with the cooking, smart :wink:

    Clean the Car, What's that ? Seriously are You talking the interior or exterior ? Either way do they have car detailing that is reasonably priced where You are ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2019
    How to Make Cheesy Crispy Eggs | Keto Brunch Recipe

    Low Carb CHEESECAKE BATTLE - The BEST Keto Cheesecake Recipe!

    EASY LOW CARB PIZZA! - Fast Keto Pizza Recipe

    And last but not least
    Low Carb HASH BROWN SHOWDOWN! Cauliflower vs. Radish vs. Turnip vs Spaghetti Squash - Keto Hashbrown

    Whee, Cheesecake and Pizza :wink:
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning.

    Another pretty day. Guess the rain will start this week. Long church day, but ate keto..so a good thing.

    I really do not see how a restaurant or retailer could turn down either cash or cards. Where is common sense? I know you are relieved the no cash is not in force. That seems just dumb to be...cash is money!! :#

    Loved the keto clips, all of them. I can not wait to do the egg one especially, asI feel I will use that alot. radishes that are baked are delious as opposed to raw to me. I am not fond of too peppery a radish, and that is all we get down here. One time I found a pink sweet radish..but never saw them again. Miss hash browns too..so what is not to love? Always can eat cheesecake- both looked yummy. I like his videos as you get the best of the best recipes. There are some awful ones, especially the old first attempts at stuff!! :D

    Thanks for finding them!!

    Just needed to vacuum the car floor. They always get really dirty due to leaves. Also I never seem to have quarters lately as I am lazy and go to the car wash!! Their machine takes 4 quarters. I was too lazy to do my own shop vac job....maybe tomorrow!!

    Take care!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 35 degrees. The possible snow in the forecast has not made an appearance, Possibly North of here. The Rain started before 10PM and is still falling.

    Titanic II taking shape as £125 MILLION exact replica of disaster ship built in China

    U.S. Student Debt in ‘Serious Delinquency’ Tops $166 Billion

    From Echo to Ring doorbell and Fire TV, are you comfortable Amazon with controlling your smart home?

    Men Who Can Do More Than 40 Push-Ups Far Less Likely To Develop Heart Disease

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2019
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning.

    Another pretty day. Guess the rain will start this week. Long church day, but ate keto..so a good thing.

    I really do not see how a restaurant or retailer could turn down either cash or cards. Where is common sense? I know you are relieved the no cash is not in force. That seems just dumb to be...cash is money!! :#

    Loved the keto clips, all of them. I can not wait to do the egg one especially, as I feel I will use that alot. radishes that are baked are Delicious as opposed to raw to me. I am not fond of too peppery a radish, and that is all we get down here. One time I found a pink sweet radish..but never saw them again. Miss hash browns too..so what is not to love? Always can eat cheesecake- both looked yummy. I like his videos as you get the best of the best recipes. There are some awful ones, especially the old first attempts at stuff!! :D

    Thanks for finding them!!

    Just needed to vacuum the car floor. They always get really dirty due to leaves. Also I never seem to have quarters lately as I am lazy and go to the car wash!! Their machine takes 4 quarters. I was too lazy to do my own shop vac job....maybe tomorrow!!

    Take care!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on eating Keto at church I'm sure the food selection was loaded with non keto temptations.

    I shall be very unhappy if I have to limit where I shop if they will not take cash in the future. Paying cash is one of the methods I use to control spending, When You can just wave a credit or debit card as You spend that makes it easy to overspend. I can see one reason to go cashless, I shall explain :wink: If You do not accept cash the crooks are less likely to rob the place. They claim that going cashless is faster, I do not know, I do know that people can order Duncan Donuts coffees and have them waiting when they get there in the pickup area as the App handles the payment at the time of the order occurring.

    I agree many of the radishes tend to get hot, I'm not sure about all of the varieties such as Watermelon Radishes.

    And I thought that maybe the Pizza or Hashbrown recipes would be more interesting, The Cheesecake looks like an involved process, Maybe as a once in a blue moon type food ?

    Today we got lucky and all that is falling here is rain and not snow, possibility of Snow on Wednesday too :(

    I get my rolled coins from my brother, he always puts his change in a coin jar at the end of the day and then rolls them up, I use exact change when I buy my coffee so I use my coins and tend to not get that many to start with.

    Rechargeable Vacuum for the car, Sort of like the old Dustbuster :smiley:


    In Store price, I suspect it could pay for itself quickly ? Sale price I suspect.
    BLACK+DECKER DUSTBUSTER Quick Clean Cordless Hand Vacuum, HNV115J06
    Average rating:3.0397out of5stars, based on151reviews151 reviews
    Walmart # 573551783

    Options here on Amazon too from $11.80

    Have a Good Day and Congratulations on this
    Buttons61 6 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/17/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal


    Hi Val