100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger - Yes...lots of discrimination against the non-Muslims at this school. They established this charter school system. And thus they staff with their own. Just the chem guy is nuts, the others are workable.
    Wednesday all five of the 8-week old pups plus two adults are getting fixed and then distributed to their adopters. I’ll probably take the two unspoken for pups so Maggie can concentrate on the new mom and babies.
    Thankfully i know how to change a tire... but i was so happy that two young strong males arrived. They were friends of the girl who found the mom and babies.
    Jan - i made egg rolls inna bowl (keto recipe)...and it was super yummy!!!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Roger, so glad you have found a dime!! You are flying now!!

    Walking May and Church have kind of kicked my butt today!! :D

    Snow flurries..I would not mind seeing one or two..for just a few minutes on one day!! :#

    Heading for bed!! Tuckered out!! All that walking!! ;) ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting humor shortly to avoid triggering the spam filter I space posts out

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 29 degrees. I decided to walk and the footing was OK, I could hear the surface I was walking on making crunchy noises OTOH. I was careful to keep checking traction periodically as I walked.

    Diet, Yesterday was not great for me, My brother picked up some of the hot foods at the Grocery Store. One meatball, I do not know how they managed it but the darn thing was tough. One over a inch thick slice off of a big meatloaf, How they could call what was entirely Ground Beef meatloaf in a gravy with onions is beyond me, And a Thin Cut Pork Chop in a gravy with button mushrooms. Ha no wonder the scale was up 0.5 pounds this morning, I just looked at the receipt and that weighed 1.23 pounds and guess who ate it all yesterday :( Yup You guessed it.

    Clueless man tries to bathe feet in Yellowstone hot spring
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    Looking For A Doomsday Bunker? This One Is For Sale In Vegas For $18M

    Could women in white sway Venezuelan soldiers blocking aid?

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger - Yes...lots of discrimination against the non-Muslims at this school. They established this charter school system. And thus they staff with their own. Just the chem guy is nuts, the others are workable.
    Wednesday all five of the 8-week old pups plus two adults are getting fixed and then distributed to their adopters. I’ll probably take the two unspoken for pups so Maggie can concentrate on the new mom and babies.
    Thankfully i know how to change a tire... but i was so happy that two young strong males arrived. They were friends of the girl who found the mom and babies.
    Jan - i made egg rolls inna bowl (keto recipe)...and it was super yummy!!!
    Hi Val
    If I staffed like that with a 100% non minority staff for example I would likely get sued, they get a pass from the sound of it. Is this the best school for Your daughter or ?

    It sounds like things are moving good with the new dogs and puppies, Congratulations.

    I also know how to change a tire OTOH unless it is dangerous where I am I prefer to call AAA these days and let them come out to do it.

    Egg Rolls in a Bowl, Does not sound like a true Egg Roll :smiley:

    I ran across these, Maybe You and Jan can get some use or ideas from them.

    Low Carb SHIRATAKI NOODLE Review & Taste Test - Tips for the BEST Shirataki Noodle Recipe!

    Easy Keto Peanut Butter Cookies | Nutter Butter Copy Cat Recipe

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Roger, so glad you have found a dime!! You are flying now!!

    Walking May and Church have kind of kicked my butt today!! :D

    Snow flurries..I would not mind seeing one or two..for just a few minutes on one day!! :#

    Heading for bed!! Tuckered out!! All that walking!! ;) ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    More work for You now that You have to walk Your dog an a leash rather than letting May out in the yard while You watch :(

    Snow flurries are OK as long they do not stick, today we are getting a coating where I am unfortunately.

    Get a good rest and have a nice day, Hopefully the videos are of interest.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The public schools here are bad. Although imperfect, this is a decent school plus Em has good supportive friends.
    I tripped over Duke and fell on my butt and back...and now sore.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Loved the keto recipes, Roger!! I love the high falutin guy!! Actually you did not weigh much more for what you ate...I do hate if I use calories for something not as good as I thought!

    Glad you were safe with your walking!! I love crunchy snow!! :)

    Val, interesting makeup on that charter school. I would not have thought. I also would have thought the public schools better. I do kind of think rich when I think Texas..so assumed most schools pretty good.

    I saw the egg roll in a bowl keto, just had not tried it yet. Glad you liked it. I do need to do more more recipes and not just meat and broccoli, lol...Good luck with the pups!

    My lug nuts are on so tight you almost need a pro to get them off!! lol... <3

    Raining all evening to beat the band!!

    Interesting articles..still reading!! Take care...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more Humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees. I decided to walk and so far the snow in the forecast has not made its appearance. According to this mornings weather forecast Only Central and North NJ will see snow that turns to sleet and rain with the south NJ areas seeing rain. It looked as if we are in the 1 to 3 inch of snow before the changeover.

    Kentucky sheriff suspends all law enforcement over lack of funding

    Power grid serving 65 million may be at risk in East, Midwest

    Siesta no more? Why Spanish sleeping habits are under strain
    Spaniards eat later and stay up longer than their European neighbours because of the siesta. But now that’s under threat

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The public schools here are bad. Although imperfect, this is a decent school plus Em has good supportive friends.
    I tripped over Duke and fell on my butt and back...and now sore.
    Hi Val
    I guess a decent school like where Emily is is better than a bad school. In NYC a bad school is one where You can both, get hurt and not educated. I guess it is a sign of how bad things are that they have to have metal detectors and every now and then call the police for guns or knives :(

    I'm sorry to hear that happened, Hopefully no problem beyond being sore. Furry Trip Hazards do not realize what can happen when they run around happy to see You.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Loved the keto recipes, Roger!! I love the high falutin guy!! Actually you did not weigh much more for what you ate...I do hate if I use calories for something not as good as I thought!

    Glad you were safe with your walking!! I love crunchy snow!! :)

    Val, interesting makeup on that charter school. I would not have thought. I also would have thought the public schools better. I do kind of think rich when I think Texas..so assumed most schools pretty good.

    I saw the egg roll in a bowl keto, just had not tried it yet. Glad you liked it. I do need to do more more recipes and not just meat and broccoli, lol...Good luck with the pups!

    My lug nuts are on so tight you almost need a pro to get them off!! lol... <3

    Raining all evening to beat the band!!

    Interesting articles..still reading!! Take care...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Being that it was mainly Proteins I was down this morning back to where I was Sunday Morning so that was Good to see.

    I actually love walking across graveled areas that also go crunch underfoot, I wonder what that means, Second Childhood ? :smiley:

    It seems that public schools everywhere are not what they used to be or what they should be anymore :(

    Looking out the window I see that the forecast snow has started, later than forecast, hopefully also a lesser amount.

    The Lug Nuts are due to two causes IMO, The impact guns used when putting the tires on and in my case the fact that they are on there without being removed for many years. My old Pontiac when I got a flat I could not mount the spare so being close to home I drove home on the shredding tire and rim and had a hack of a time getting the Lug nuts loose. They had been on there for years.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Not too sore today. Glad of that.
    I made fat bombs today. (Keto) im not really sure what i think. It does feel decadent.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Val, so glad you are okay after the fall..more or less! Not an easy thing to experience anymore!! <3 Some fat bombs are better than others!! They are decadent! I like they fill you up for a long time!!

    Good articles Roger!! Finally caught up..That would be a bad way to go..falling into a geyser or thermal pools... :s
    Hope you avoid the sleet!!

    Having trouble being strict on my keto..I had yogurt today while out and after ordering realized it was not greek, and had sugar. Also having a fried chicken attack....MUST do better, and I always do better at home!! Duh..me!!

    I have an MRI scheduled for my knee next Tuesday at 7 am..ugghh on the time.. :D

    My bipap quit in the middle of the nite last nite!! Well, got to bed at 2 am and it quit at 4 am. Woke me up as It was hard to breathe. I had not lost power, so afraid the machine died. Luckily when I carried it in it was the power cord, and she gave me a free one. No charge. I could not sleep without it!! So on 2 hrs sleep, did the dr appt, went to lunch with a friend, and got the bipap fixed and stopped for no no fried chicken for dinner, lol... Then slept with my trusty bipap from 5 pm to 7pm, could not wake and got up at 9pm. So watching TV and reading awhile and hopefully will sleep still tonite!! What a mixed up day!! :)

    It does remind me I need a consult form one of my Dr and possibly a new machine as mine is over 10 years old. Never had one problem till the cord. Kind of impressed by the durability in this day and age!! Works well..but they say replace it, lol...healthcare, lol...

    Be safe all!! ..Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 35 degrees. I decided to walk after checking traction underfoot. Due to the slush I did wear the insulated waterproof boots that have a decent grip on the surface due to a deep tread pattern.

    https://moneywise.com/a/ch-b/people-cant-flee-these-us-cities-fast-enough?t=The American Cities Where People Just Don't Want To Live Anymore&amp;utm_campaign=1513041&amp;utm_source=taboola&amp;utm_medium=Desktop&amp;utm_term=hearstlocalnews-sfgatecom&amp;utm_content=134861242
    The American Cities Where People Just Don't Want To Live Anymore

    Saudis Are Hiding the Real Location of Mount Sinai, Bible Researchers Claim

    Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'
    Exclusive: Insects could vanish within a century at current rate of decline, says global review
    Why are insects in decline, and can we do anything about it?

    Dog DNA testing takes off, and generates debate

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    Chicago Is The Most Corrupt American City: Report

    French mayor issues 'barking ban' in village following complaints about rowdy dogs

    Heaven has a wall: Grocery store ad mailer stirs controversy

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Not too sore today. Glad of that.
    I made fat bombs today. (Keto) im not really sure what i think. It does feel decadent.
    Hi Val

    Fat Bombs ?

    I'm glad to hear You are not too sore, You deserve some good luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Val, so glad you are okay after the fall..more or less! Not an easy thing to experience anymore!! <3 Some fat bombs are better than others!! They are decadent! I like they fill you up for a long time!!

    Good articles Roger!! Finally caught up..That would be a bad way to go..falling into a geyser or thermal pools... :s
    Hope you avoid the sleet!!

    Having trouble being strict on my keto..I had yogurt today while out and after ordering realized it was not greek, and had sugar. Also having a fried chicken attack....MUST do better, and I always do better at home!! Duh..me!!
    Hi Jan
    We did not really avoid the sleet in some parts of NJ the driving was miserable, I did not see cars having trouble around here.

    That would be why I always bought the Greek Yogurt. A Fried Chicken Attack , Hmm...
    Home made or something like a Popeyes or KFC attack. As You know Fried Chicken is not Keto friendly due to the breading if nothing else on it like a BBQ Sauce.

    I find that not going past or into anywhere with food works better for me to. Today is run to the banks, Plural.

    SSI should arrive so off I go to replenish my wallet as it is down to $20 and change. So far no notice from the bank the it has arrived. Hmm...
    I have an MRI scheduled for my knee next Tuesday at 7 am..ugghh on the time.. :D

    My bipap quit in the middle of the nite last nite!! Well, got to bed at 2 am and it quit at 4 am. Woke me up as It was hard to breathe. I had not lost power, so afraid the machine died. Luckily when I carried it in it was the power cord, and she gave me a free one. No charge. I could not sleep without it!! So on 2 hrs sleep, did the dr appt, went to lunch with a friend, and got the bipap fixed and stopped for no no fried chicken for dinner, lol... Then slept with my trusty bipap from 5 pm to 7pm, could not wake and got up at 9pm. So watching TV and reading awhile and hopefully will sleep still tonite!! What a mixed up day!! :)

    It does remind me I need a consult form one of my Dr and possibly a new machine as mine is over 10 years old. Never had one problem till the cord. Kind of impressed by the durability in this day and age!! Works well..but they say replace it, lol...healthcare, lol...

    Be safe all!! ..Jan
    Is the knee bothering You ? or is this just a routine follow up ?

    It sounds as if You got lucky that it was just the power cord. I'm curious when You say cord is only a wire or does it have one of those black power adapters built in, To me that would be more likely. I'm sorry to hear you need one of those, so far so good here.

    You got a lot done on little sleep, Congratulations.Good going avoiding the Fried Chicken as that can be a powerful craving.

    If I said I am from the school of "If it isn't broke, don't fix it" :wink:

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. I just got the email notice from the bank and the SSI is now in the account and available, Whee :smiley:
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Cold start of the day in the 30's. It is supposed to warm to 70. LOL!! You have been cold a while now. Glad your footing walking was good!! You are smart to keep up with what to wear with your weather!!

    My Bad!! I did stop for chicken last nite. My "no no" chicken was not at all clear, sorry!! I meant it as no no ..like I can not have it!! I did anyway, lol!! :#

    Believe it or not, it was just the power cord.There is a smaller one hooked up to the actually power source, then cords from the power source to the unit. Unless she really liked me and did not tell me!! However the power cord part with the power source looks the same. Grateful!! I can not sleep upright on my couch for nite, though I can for naps, which are usually not intended. I have to stretch my legs and back.

    Funny, my bank is off line at the moment also. Hopefully my SS deposit is going in today. It has been pending for about 5 days!

    My knee is the one I hurt about 3 weeks ago in my daughter's car getting out. It is just not healing. I am sure I am on it too much. Not a lot of choice when I am on my own but can't afford a maid, lol!! :)

    I do plan to be all keto today!! Still, I lost some of what I put on!! Yay!!

    Behave all!! ....Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    We got six dogs and pups spayed and neutered. Everyone is adopted except for Ringo, so he’s with me. He’s cute but a real jerk. And he misses his brother...so he’s crying and barking (except when i hold him.
    Fat bombs are a high fat keto treat. The recipe i made was a block of cream cheese, 1/2 cup keto Almond butter, 1/4 coconut oil, and salt. Fat is a satiating treat.
    I received keto test strips. I exceed the weight loss level ketodis and smnin the unhelpful range. This will be harder because i need to add some carbs back but not too much. Ugh.
    Found out today that The angry guy still things he’s my boss. So we’ll see what happens.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have just posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees. However I suspect that may not have been accurate as the snow I tested was crunchy. Before I forget, Yesterday I could see Deer tracks in the snow going across the front yard and today I could see them in the left over snow in a Playground I passed while walking.

    There were also a couple of Snow Flurries yesterday afternoon.

    Yesterday my brother did his usual Wednesday Shopping. He brought home the on Sale Ham, and two of the on sale Jimmy Dean Bacon. One for each of us, in the next few days I will bake the bacon off to be portioned into some frozen and some to be used, I do feel a BLT on Rye in my future. The Ham will be going into the freezer since we just defrosted a Corned Beef and he wants to defrost and slice up the Homemade Pastrami that is in the freezer, that way we can set up the slicer and do both at the same time and portion them out to be frozen after being Vacuum Sealed. That will save one setup and cleaning of the slicer.

    Discovery of the oldest evidence of motility on Earth

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    Love bread but can’t have it? Researchers tackle carbs, gluten in bread
    Researchers and food companies around the world are trying to develop bread without side effects or with health-enhancing components, using newly developed enzymes, novel ingredients and gene editing.

    Medical Expenses Contribute To Two-Thirds Of Bankruptcy Filings In U.S.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Cold start of the day in the 30's. It is supposed to warm to 70. LOL!! You have been cold a while now. Glad your footing walking was good!! You are smart to keep up with what to wear with your weather!!

    My Bad!! I did stop for chicken last nite. My "no no" chicken was not at all clear, sorry!! I meant it as no no ..like I can not have it!! I did anyway, lol!! :#
    Hello Jan
    You are having a heat wave compared to here :wink:

    Oh, Sorry, I misunderstood, I hope it was as tasty as You expected it to be.

    I let my brother do the grocery store run Yesterday, I call that avoiding temptation. We swapped runs, I did the banking for both of us and he did the shopping for both of us.
    Believe it or not, it was just the power cord.There is a smaller one hooked up to the actually power source, then cords from the power source to the unit. Unless she really liked me and did not tell me!! However the power cord part with the power source looks the same. Grateful!! I can not sleep upright on my couch for nite, though I can for naps, which are usually not intended. I have to stretch my legs and back.

    Funny, my bank is off line at the moment also. Hopefully my SS deposit is going in today. It has been pending for about 5 days!

    My knee is the one I hurt about 3 weeks ago in my daughter's car getting out. It is just not healing. I am sure I am on it too much. Not a lot of choice when I am on my own but can't afford a maid, lol!! :)

    I do plan to be all keto today!! Still, I lost some of what I put on!! Yay!!

    Behave all!! ....Jan
    There are not to many better prices than free :smiley:

    If mine had been pending for 5 days, I would be down there checking in person as well as asking why they are offline.

    Have You tried an ace bandage on Your knee, I did that in the past when I hurt my knee and had to keep working.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    We got six dogs and pups spayed and neutered. Everyone is adopted except for Ringo, so he’s with me. He’s cute but a real jerk. And he misses his brother...so he’s crying and barking (except when i hold him.
    Fat bombs are a high fat keto treat. The recipe i made was a block of cream cheese, 1/2 cup keto Almond butter, 1/4 coconut oil, and salt. Fat is a satiating treat.
    I received keto test strips. I exceed the weight loss level ketodis and smnin the unhelpful range. This will be harder because i need to add some carbs back but not too much. Ugh.
    Found out today that The angry guy still things he’s my boss. So we’ll see what happens.
    Hi Val
    That is quick work that only one is left already. Cute but a jerk, I would have thought those were opposites ?

    I am sorry to hear that Angry Guy is still Your Boss, Good Luck with that.

    Thank You for the feedback.