Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-those caterpillars can be a nuisance. I have seen them while out walking in the woods, but thankfully not in my yard.
    Vix-I love blueberries. They were on sale last week as a bogo. I have 1/2 a container left. This week I bought raspberries and cherries.
    Irene-Sorry your knee is hurting,but good for you getting in your steps.
    We walked 5.2 miles this morning, approximately 12,000 steps. I am now at 16,000 steps and 6.8 miles. I am trying to shoot for 20,000 by the end of the day.
    It is getting overcast here and the rain is supposed to start some time tonight.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I was out this morning between my walk and Breakfast spraying those pests where they crawled to overnight. They have been a pest on the new Apple trees, I knocked them off and killed them for a day, them I used a Green(ish) Spray and the Insecticidal Soap works best.

    I have a 99cent container of Blackberries in the Refrigerator to use with Dinner and some Cherries I picked up at the same time the other Day for use with Dinner Monday and Tuesday. I have two Jazz Apples to use with the next two Lunches too. Tomorrow I will need to pick up a few Bananas and a few Apples while walking as I will be using the last Banana before I leave for tomorrows walk :) Part of my plan to buy fruit more often and in smaller quantities to keep it fresher in the house. I also still have some Clementines and Navel oranges in the Frige. We picked up two bags of the oranges using a coupon with each key tag at the ShopRite 99 cents for a 4 pound bag of them seemed like a good price to me :) we also picked up two cases of S/R water the same way at 99 cents. We also have a Corned Beef that was 99 cents a pound waiting to be cooked from the previous weeks shopping. It is hard to get any kind of beef for 99 cents a pound !

    You are definitely out-walking me. Yesterday I was only around 12K steps, today will most likely end up around 10K steps.

    We had some rain overnight so no need to water, Yea!

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    We call them tent moths here, same thing. They can be really distructive and they are hard to get rid of. Last year we had some Japanese beetles that ate most of the leaves off our red maple before we found them, but it came back pretty well this year, except for the very top.
    It's been raining here all day, just lightly, but non-stop.
    I think blueberries are my favorite! The only downside is the blue lips. :blush:
    I found a quarter in the street today, walking from the pottery studio to the car.
    Irene, good for you for getting a walk in. Hope your knee starts feeling better. Are you going back to the doc this week?
    Roger, what do you do with Jerusalem artichoke? It looks a little like fresh ginger root, which I've just started using recently. (I also love ginger!)

    Hi Vix
    I think they are from the Gypsy Moth, I'm not totally sure. They have pretty much killed off th neighbors wild Cherry Tree after hitting it for more several years in a row.

    Those darn caterpillars ate some of the leaves on the new apple trees down to bare stems before I noticed them doing it. I Think I caught them before they did to much damage.

    Congrats on the 25 cents found.

    I do not know what my brother plans to do with the Jerusalem artichokes, He decided to grow some and try them this year. It is possible that he got that idea from watching the Iron Chef TV show. I have seen them used there sometimes.

    OK, I just did a quick look on the Internet and from here:
    Roasted Jerusalem Artichokes (or Sunchokes)
    Recipe by: qwertycook
    "This is a super-easy way to cook these vegetables if you've never tried them before and by far my favorite. Jerusalem artichokes, or sunchokes, are starchy tubers like potatoes and turnips. When roasted, the skin becomes flaky and the flesh becomes tender, but the taste of a sunchoke is slightly nutty and sweet. Cooked sunchokes are best when eaten within 2 days. When raw, they store well in your fridge's vegetable bin, wrapped loosely in a paper towel. Enjoy!"

    I'm posting a few humorous pictures since I have the Website I use open for the image above anyway :)

    Enjoy the Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    There are a lot of vegetables and fresh herbs I never tried....I guess I'll get around to them eventually. I get in a rut sometimes eating the same old things. I was really glad I tried fresh ginger in a recipe, it's now one of my favorites. Lentils are becoming one of my goto soup staples because you don't have to add stock to make the soup.
    It's another gray day here, off to yoga class this morning and massage this afternoon. Also want to stop at the superWalmart to see if they still have the bed buddy warmers. I've been sleeping with mine and would like an extra.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    The sun is just starting to come out. I have been working in the yard since 6:30. Pulled out some juniper bushes that
    around my weeping cherry tree out in front of the house. I have around 2 feet of gravel on either side of the driveway and it was loaded with weeds, now it is weed free. :) I just came in to eat breakfast.
    I am also doing a 12 hour glucose test on Vinny today. I have to take a blood sample every 2 house, so I will not be going far from the house today. He has an appt. on Wed. and the vet wants to see how he is doing. Sophie also has an appt. that same day for her annual shots. It should be fun taking 2 cats to the vet by myself. I usually take one at a time.
    Roger-I have never tried Jerusalem artichokes. They look good. I am going to see if we can order them at my store.
    Vix-Enjoy yoga and your massage.
    Time to take Vinny's blood sample and get back to my yard work.
    Have a great day. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, it looks like it is going to rain again, oh well not like I can do anything about it. After awhile it starts to get to you. My plans for today is to get a mani/ pedi oh I am so looking forward to it. This afternoon I have drs apt that is it for today hope everyone has a nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I dropped off a home made Banana Chocolate/Chocolate Chip/Walnut Loaf while I was walking. My brothers idea to get rid of that temptation :)
    9100 Steps and 11 Cents. Today's weather is beautiful and since I was wearing my backpack I stopped at the grocery store for 4 Bananas, 3 types of Apples and a Green Pear.

    While walking I was listening to Richard Diamond and one of the Commercials was for Camel Cigarettes. They said in that commercial that over 1/2 of the price of a pack was Taxes, Federal Taxes of 8 cents and 3 or 4 cents state taxes. They sure were a lot cheaper back then :)

    Have a Good Week
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    There are a lot of vegetables and fresh herbs I never tried....I guess I'll get around to them eventually. I get in a rut sometimes eating the same old things. I was really glad I tried fresh ginger in a recipe, it's now one of my favorites. Lentils are becoming one of my goto soup staples because you don't have to add stock to make the soup.
    It's another gray day here, off to yoga class this morning and massage this afternoon. Also want to stop at the superWalmart to see if they still have the bed buddy warmers. I've been sleeping with mine and would like an extra.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Is it really a rut if You enjoy eating it?
    In the past I know I could easily have eaten French Fries and a Cheeseburger every day for lunch :)

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    The sun is just starting to come out. I have been working in the yard since 6:30. Pulled out some juniper bushes that
    around my weeping cherry tree out in front of the house. I have around 2 feet of gravel on either side of the driveway and it was loaded with weeds, now it is weed free. :) I just came in to eat breakfast.
    I am also doing a 12 hour glucose test on Vinny today. I have to take a blood sample every 2 house, so I will not be going far from the house today. He has an appt. on Wed. and the vet wants to see how he is doing. Sophie also has an appt. that same day for her annual shots. It should be fun taking 2 cats to the vet by myself. I usually take one at a time.
    Roger-I have never tried Jerusalem artichokes. They look good. I am going to see if we can order them at my store.
    Vix-Enjoy yoga and your massage.
    Time to take Vinny's blood sample and get back to my yard work.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    You have been busy !
    I know that we tend to weed the day after some rain so that the roots pull out better. Did You have a landscape fabric under the gravel? Even that is not a perfect solution. We put some under the mulch last year and the Morning Glory roots popped through anyway and sprouted morning glories.

    Good Luck with the Testing and Vet
    good morning, it looks like it is going to rain again, oh well not like I can do anything about it. After awhile it starts to get to you. My plans for today is to get a mani/ pedi oh I am so looking forward to it. This afternoon I have drs apt that is it for today hope everyone has a nice day

    Hi Irene
    Locally here it was a great morning. In the upper 50s when I left the house, In between dropping off the Loaf an the Grocery Store I shed the thin outer long sleeve shirt and finished my walk in just a pocket T-Shirt. There was some heat from the sun already even though I was home by 9AM.

    Enjoy the Mani-Pedi and Good Luck at the Doctors
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    The sun came out! Yay! It's actually beautifully out for now. :)
    Roger, I like to pull out a new recipe every once in a while, just to try something different. Although I'm usually happy with my big salad lunches. :)
    Jo, wow, so much yard work! Hope things go well with Vinny today.
    Irene, have fun at your mani-pedi! And good luck with the doctor this afternoon.
    I am looking forward to my massage. :)
    Enjoy your day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Sunny and supposed to get up to 80 today....the heat is here.
    Have a happy day.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well I have an apt to talk about surgery on my knee it looks like I will be getting a knee replacement ,I also have a tear in my acl so hopefully I will be fixed soon . I have mixed feelings not crazy about getting a new kneed but I can't go on with the pain .Jo hope everything goes good at the vet . Vix did you enjoy your massage ? Roger it looks like it is going to be a nice day here.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I stopped at the 7-Eleven as they have the cheapest Coffee on the outbound of my walk +7400 steps. It drizzled very lightly for a few blocks on the way to get my coffee, then on the inbound as I was starting the last three blocks it started drizzling again, it was a little heavier by the time I reached the house, Not enough to make it worth pulling the Umbrella out of he pocket however. Then around the house to Kill more Tent caterpillars, especially the ones that had climbed onto the new Apple Trees :)

    The rain is not hard enough to get the ground under the trees wet yet.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    The sun came out! Yay! It's actually beautifully out for now. :)
    Roger, I like to pull out a new recipe every once in a while, just to try something different. Although I'm usually happy with my big salad lunches. :)
    Jo, wow, so much yard work! Hope things go well with Vinny today.
    Irene, have fun at your mani-pedi! And good luck with the doctor this afternoon.
    I am looking forward to my massage. :)
    Enjoy your day.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Sunny and supposed to get up to 80 today....the heat is here.
    Have a happy day.

    Hi Vix
    We get into the Mid to upper 80s starting tomorrow for four days according to this mornings weather forecast.

    There goes the Electric Bill through the roof with the AC unit running.

    Today is a dark and drizzly day, The good side of that is we will not need to water the garden :)

    Have a Nice Day
    good morning, well I have an apt to talk about surgery on my knee it looks like I will be getting a knee replacement ,I also have a tear in my acl so hopefully I will be fixed soon . I have mixed feelings not crazy about getting a new kneed but I can't go on with the pain .Jo hope everything goes good at the vet . Vix did you enjoy your massage ? Roger it looks like it is going to be a nice day here.

    Hi Irene
    I can see how You would have mixed feelings, OTOH since it should alleviate the pain.

    I had Knee surgery on my knee for torn cartilage and was so much better afterwards, The PT afterwards was a nuisance however the knee stopped hurting and I was able to get rid of the elastic knee brace afterwards.

    I'm Glad Your day looks good, dreary looking right now here.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Today is gray,rainy and chilly.
    Vinny's glucose numbers were very good, most of the day it was below 100. I will bring the numbers to the vet tomorrow and we will proceed from there. I am hoping that he can come off the insulin.
    Irene-I believe you will be glad once you have the knee replacement.
    Roger-happy caterpillar hunting. :) Last night I still had 1,500 steps to meet my goal, so I was jogging through the kitchen into the dinning room, then the living room until I got all my steps in. :)
    Vix-send some of that heat up here. I am sitting here with a sweater on and a kitty on my lap.
    Have a good afternoon. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016

    05/24/2016 100%

    No walking today :( Yesterday I was fine until sometime between noon and 2PM. I got up from my chair at then and my ankle was hurting like the dickens. It does feel much better this morning however It is still a little sore so I am taking the day off from walking. I have no clue what happened or why either, One of life's little mysteries :)

    Enjoy Your Wednesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon,
    Today is gray,rainy and chilly.
    Vinny's glucose numbers were very good, most of the day it was below 100. I will bring the numbers to the vet tomorrow and we will proceed from there. I am hoping that he can come off the insulin.
    Irene-I believe you will be glad once you have the knee replacement.
    Roger-happy caterpillar hunting. :) Last night I still had 1,500 steps to meet my goal, so I was jogging through the kitchen into the dinning room, then the living room until I got all my steps in. :)
    Vix-send some of that heat up here. I am sitting here with a sweater on and a kitty on my lap.
    Have a good afternoon. :)

    Hi Joanne
    You could have my heat too, it is easier to dress to be warm than to dress to be cool in 88 degrees as is forecast for today. Plus Sweaters are cheaper to run then either the AC unit or the furnace :)

    My Ankle is feeling much better this morning than it was yesterday in the afternoon so I went out the back door and did a quick sweep killing off the crawling critters, especially the one in the Apple tree and the Raspberry Plant. Who knows I may even get a few Berries this year as a couple of the larger ones seem to have flower buds starting to show and Jung did mention that You might get a few berries the first year. My Brothers Sweet Potato Plants finally showed up in the mail yesterday and he spent the early evening Planting them. Many were planted in the garden and some are potted up to be given to a neighbor and a friend. I felt bad that I could not be helpful, however I was not moving very good yesterday afternoon into evening.

    If I am slightly short on steps I have been known to walk back and forth the width of the house for a couple of minutes to make up the shortfall too.

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well today my knee is really hurting so I won't be getting too many steps init is also 78 here already I think it is going to be a hot one today.But I did get in 5000 steps in so that is ok .I had the cheese and mac with turkey sausage last night it was horrible I ended up putting it in the garbage I am glad I only got one of them .Trying to stay on track since I really can't exercise.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Irene
    I am sorry to hear That You are really hurting today Good Luck tomorrow.

    I actually did not find that one to be too bad, I have two more on the shelf that I will be eating and will probably re-order in the future. Everybody has different tastes and this proves it.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Hi all.
    Irene, sorry your knee is hurting, good that you can take it easy. I only know a few people who had knee or hip replacements, and they're all happy they did. :)
    Roger, sorry your ankle was hurting...sometimes it just happens from holding it or leaning on it differently. Good that you're feeling better today.
    Jo, Glad Vinny's numbers were good. :) It's supposed to be in the 80s the rest of the week, wishing some heat up to you! :) Luckily, my house stays pretty cool for a while.
    Went to the dentist this morning...gum is ok, but there is a flap I may want to see a perio about. They might be able to do something to make it easier to keep clean and prevent future infections. He said it looks fine for now. Went for a walk around the neighborhood and cleaned the bathrooms this morning. I'm thinking I may work on some of my potted plants (they need new dirt) if we don't go anywhere this afternoon.
    Have a happy day, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Thanks for the warm weather. My thermometer is reading 81 degrees and there is a slight breeze.
    Roger-I hope your ankle feels better soon.
    Irene-Take it easy today and rest that knee.
    I got my frozen portion of NS today. Now I can hopefully get back on track.
    Almost time to go to the vet. Wish me luck getting them into their carriers.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good luck getting 2 cats to the vet, was always a chore just getting one in a carrier! Hope they're both fine. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well Jo what did the vet say hope it is good news. Hey thinking about trying some of the frozen what do you think about the frozen? Now that I am home all the time I should be home for the delivery and not have to worry if someone stills it.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, the frozen somehow sounds more appetizing, but I have no experience with it.
    Another hot day today, so far sunny.
    Painting/drawing class today. And chiropractor this afternoon.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    I decided to sty home today instead of walking as I did have a little bit of pain last night towards the end of the day in my ankle. Tomorrow I get back out, hopefully early as we head into summer temperatures. Latest forecast that I saw this morning is for 80s thru Tuesday.
    The front porch thermometer is already showing 73 degrees at 7:30. My prime walking temperature is around 60 :)

    Time for Caterpillar patrol after I finish with MFP and before Breakfast. Them Things can move pretty fast.

    Have a Nice Thursday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Irene, sorry your knee is hurting, good that you can take it easy. I only know a few people who had knee or hip replacements, and they're all happy they did. :)
    Roger, sorry your ankle was hurting...sometimes it just happens from holding it or leaning on it differently. Good that you're feeling better today.
    Jo, Glad Vinny's numbers were good. :) It's supposed to be in the 80s the rest of the week, wishing some heat up to you! :) Luckily, my house stays pretty cool for a while.
    Went to the dentist this morning...gum is ok, but there is a flap I may want to see a perio about. They might be able to do something to make it easier to keep clean and prevent future infections. He said it looks fine for now. Went for a walk around the neighborhood and cleaned the bathrooms this morning. I'm thinking I may work on some of my potted plants (they need new dirt) if we don't go anywhere this afternoon.
    Have a happy day, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good luck getting 2 cats to the vet, was always a chore just getting one in a carrier! Hope they're both fine. :)

    Hi Vix
    I have no clue why it just started to hurt, Right now It feels fine, however I decided to rest it one more day to be safe. If it acts up tomorrow when I go walking a least I can call my brother to come rescue me.

    Do You plan to repot in a larger pot or just top off the pots?

    My Brother bought a Rosemary plant and is still not sure where he wants to plant it.

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Thanks for the warm weather. My thermometer is reading 81 degrees and there is a slight breeze.
    Roger-I hope your ankle feels better soon.
    Irene-Take it easy today and rest that knee.
    I got my frozen portion of NS today. Now I can hopefully get back on track.
    Almost time to go to the vet. Wish me luck getting them into their carriers.

    Hi Joanne
    Did Your order include some of the new Frozen Dinners? I see that they added a new one since my last order.
    Black Bean Polenta Enchilada with White Meat Chicken 250 calories
    Want to spice things up? Our whole wheat enchiladas combine the flavors of chicken, black beans, polenta, chile verde sauce and cheddar cheese, with a kick from Anaheim peppers, jalapenos and garlic.

    I suspect it may be too hot for me, however I did order one to try and I think I'll try it tonight since I expect my delivery to be here this afternoon. I am hoping it isn't a repeat of the "Sesame Ginger Chicken" which was to hot for me and my brother described as bland :)

    I ended up liking the Beef Broccoli with Orzo so of course that was showing low inventory and I could not order it. I suspect it may have been more popular than they expected.

    I hope You had good luck getting everybody to the Vets and all is well.

    Have a Good Day
    good morning, well Jo what did the vet say hope it is good news. Hey thinking about trying some of the frozen what do you think about the frozen? Now that I am home all the time I should be home for the delivery and not have to worry if someone stills it.

    Hi Irene
    I ordered some NS frozen yesterday A La Carte since I am overstocked on some things and as a result of that I delayed my next order. So this order is to tide me over by bringing Lunches into balance. Free Shipping over $50 on A La Carte Frozen, I Ordered $110 worth and they threw in a $10 discount, I'm not sure why and I used a gift card from the last CostCo sale which brought my cost down to $60 for the $110 of food. See my post above to Joanne where I ordered the latest new frozen dinner.

    Hmm.... I ordered Yesterday Morning and I see this today.
    6:17 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery CARTERET, NJ

    Someone stealing my delivery is not a huge worry for me as the FedEx driver (UPS to) both follow the Address where the second line says deliver inside of front porch. That Also keeps them dry on rainy days.

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    I ordered frozen before and someone took it right off my porch