Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well I will be getting my test next Monday at 10 and then I will have to go back 3 hours later and take another test so it looks like most of my day will be spent at the hospital I will just be glad when they figure out what to do. I do have another dr apt this afternoon not sure why but maybe just to check how things are going. Jo happy that you will be seeing your son and his family again how long are you going for? We already made plans to Indian lake we love going there. Roger I think it is awesome that you do your shopping on your walks I have Annie so I can't stop anywhere .Vix it sounds like your dog wood is coming along I would just let it go and maybe it will grow.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    8400 steps so far so things could be worse. The weather is warmer than yesterday, by the time I was headed on the inbound leg towards the Grocery Store I was down to a Pocket T-Shirt and could feel the Sun on me.

    Since today is Wednesday, 10% Senior Discount Day, I stopped at the Grocery Store for a box of Cereal and some Fuji Apples and Black Plums. If I could have thought of anything else I needed I would have grabbed it then as the 10% off is on Wednesdays only, Oh well.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Jo, yay for your trip to England! :)
    Raining again this morning.
    We're having a reception for our art show at the senior center this morning. Never been to one before, so that should be fun.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Vix
    I did see that to the south of me it was raining, it does look like I shall see none of that however and they seem to be backing off on Fridays rain duration too.

    Enjoy the Art Show Reception
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well I will be getting my test next Monday at 10 and then I will have to go back 3 hours later and take another test so it looks like most of my day will be spent at the hospital I will just be glad when they figure out what to do. I do have another dr apt this afternoon not sure why but maybe just to check how things are going. Jo happy that you will be seeing your son and his family again how long are you going for? We already made plans to Indian lake we love going there. Roger I think it is awesome that you do your shopping on your walks I have Annie so I can't stop anywhere .Vix it sounds like your dog wood is coming along I would just let it go and maybe it will grow.

    Hi Irene
    The Doctor appointment today could be a physical to be sure You will be good to go for Monday's testing.

    I do my shopping while walking as I do pass a Grocery Store, a Produce Store and a Dollar Store so why take the car out for what I can put into my backpack. Plus this way I get fresher fruits, This is the time of year that the Bananas go riper than I like them fast. FWIW I do get my Milk at the dollar store, One quart of 1%, 2% or Whole milk for a Dollar and they keep unopened and unrefrigerated for almost a year too so I know they are safe to carry in the backpack even in the summer.

    I do want to get to CostCo one of these days for several of their big backs of frozen vegetables however and that one I will drive too.

    Good Luck Monday, a shame it will eat up a day however if it resolves things it should be worth it.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening;
    Sunny and in the 70's today. I puttered in the yard a little after work.
    We grilled steak and ate on the deck tonight.
    Irene-good luck on Monday. We will be going to England for 14 days. Besides visiting my son, there is so much that we haven't seen over there.
    Roger-Do you think you spend more shopping daily, rather than just once a week?
    Vix-How was the reception?
    Enjoy your evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Irene, good luck with your test next week. Glad you are making plans for vacation. I know you love going to the lake. Sounds so peaceful. :)
    Roger, we've got gray and fog today, but I think it's supposed to be a little warmer. :)
    Jo, your trip sounds like so much fun. There does seem to be so much to see there. :)
    The reception was fairly quiet, but I did enjoy meeting some of the other contributors. Some of the work is really good. My class is on Thursday, and I got to meet some of the Wednesday class. It was nice.
    Looking forward to class today. Hope to start on something new. :)
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning Vix ,Jo and Roger, well my drs visit was a follow up of what the other dr thinks , he thinks I will need a knee replacement so he went over some of the things that can go wrong like blood cloths (hope that is how it is spelled) I have mixed feelings he did say it is major surgery we will know more after the test . Well I gained 2 pounds since last week so I really need to get out and walk more or just get away from the food. Jo it sounded like you really enjoyed your deck last night . I actually finished planting some flowers I bought a couple of weeks ago so now my deck is looking pretty. well I need to get Annie out for a walk talk to you later
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked again, Summer weather is upon us, I wore a Pocket T-Shirt, and did not bother with gloves and it was fine while walking. Tomorrow I think I'll hit the 7-Eleven for my coffee, Bank for spending Money :) and the Grocery Store for Bananas. I can not think of anything else I need at the moment. Maybe CostCo on Monday.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Sunny and in the 70's today. I puttered in the yard a little after work.
    We grilled steak and ate on the deck tonight.
    Irene-good luck on Monday. We will be going to England for 14 days. Besides visiting my son, there is so much that we haven't seen over there.
    Roger-Do you think you spend more shopping daily, rather than just once a week?
    Vix-How was the reception?
    Enjoy your evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It is supposed to be in the 70s today here too. Yesterday we planted the rest of the Gladiolus my brother had decided to buy. Not super impressed with the size or quality, as some of them were small and two of them were dried out desicated and looked like last years had gotten mixed in.

    Spending more, I doubt it, Any sales on items last a week for example so if I do need to buy a quantity to save then I do that however. For example Buying more frequently the fruit and lettuce stays in better condition with less waste so....

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Irene, good luck with your test next week. Glad you are making plans for vacation. I know you love going to the lake. Sounds so peaceful. :)
    Roger, we've got gray and fog today, but I think it's supposed to be a little warmer. :)
    Jo, your trip sounds like so much fun. There does seem to be so much to see there. :)
    The reception was fairly quiet, but I did enjoy meeting some of the other contributors. Some of the work is really good. My class is on Thursday, and I got to meet some of the Wednesday class. It was nice.
    Looking forward to class today. Hope to start on something new. :)
    Have a great day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    When I was out walking I could feel the heat from the Sun and it is shining brightly from a cloudless sky here.

    You do seem to keep Your days filled up with activities :)

    Enjoy the Day
    good morning Vix ,Jo and Roger, well my drs visit was a follow up of what the other dr thinks , he thinks I will need a knee replacement so he went over some of the things that can go wrong like blood cloths (hope that is how it is spelled) I have mixed feelings he did say it is major surgery we will know more after the test . Well I gained 2 pounds since last week so I really need to get out and walk more or just get away from the food. Jo it sounded like you really enjoyed your deck last night . I actually finished planting some flowers I bought a couple of weeks ago so now my deck is looking pretty. well I need to get Annie out for a walk talk to you later

    Hi Irene
    I am guessing from the fact that You are here You were not the big winning ticket in the lottery.

    Hmm.... Blood clots could be a problem, OTOH any surgery has risks and I have a suspicion that with all the lawsuits they feel that they have to warn against even the remotest possibilities. Do You only need one knee done? The other is OK or are they going to test both knees just to be sure. When a family member needed both knees done it was suggested to have both done at the same time.

    Congratulations on getting out walking despite the pain.
    Good Luck
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Irene-Dr.'s have to inform you of any potential risk with surgery. I have known many people that have had replacements and didn't have any problems. Good luck.
    Sunny and in the 70's again today. I am loving this weather. :)
    Enjoy the day! :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, I always have mixed feelings about medical procedures. Maybe you can get more answers after your tests on Monday. Wishing you the best.
    Roger, another foggy, gray, damp day here.
    Jo, enjoy your weather! How nice is that! :)
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, happy Friday the 13th! I have some running around today doing grocery shopping then getting my hair done high lights and style I will be good for 8 weeks . Thanks everyone for the input . I only have problems with my left knee . No Roger I never even buy lottery tickets I didn't even know it was high. Our weather here yesterday was beautiful it 81 but I under stand this weekend is going to get cold again vix we are going threw the same weather but it was nice to see the sun yesterday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    The weather outside was in the high 50s when I left the house, No sunshine today, There is rain in the forecast for later. We planted some Tomatoes, Peppers and a second Fig tree Wednesday and a Oregano & Sage plant along with some Basil Seeds Yesterday, I did water them however today's rain will hopefully water them in more thoroughly.

    Yesterday we had a high of 80 and the living room got warm enough that I turned on the Wall AC to cool it down :)

    Enjoy the End of the Work Week and have a Great Friday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon,
    Irene-Dr.'s have to inform you of any potential risk with surgery. I have known many people that have had replacements and didn't have any problems. Good luck.
    Sunny and in the 70's again today. I am loving this weather. :)
    Enjoy the day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    That was my feeling too, To much litigation these days. A Ladder company should not have to put stickers on the top rung or the Platform on folding ladders saying not a step however I am sure that someone sued because they were not marked in the past.

    I hope Your weather today is good for You too. Today it may hit 70 if we are lucky, a 10+ degree change from Yesterday.

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, I always have mixed feelings about medical procedures. Maybe you can get more answers after your tests on Monday. Wishing you the best.
    Roger, another foggy, gray, damp day here.
    Jo, enjoy your weather! How nice is that! :)
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    So far only a grayish looking day, the Rain is supposed to move in this afternoon with Thunderstorms too, At least we are not having fog too.

    Mixed feelings is regarding medical procedures is like calling totaling Your car a fender bender. I try and avoid anything medical including the dentist if at all possible.

    Have a Good Day, Stay Dry
    good morning, happy Friday the 13th! I have some running around today doing grocery shopping then getting my hair done high lights and style I will be good for 8 weeks . Thanks everyone for the input . I only have problems with my left knee . No Roger I never even buy lottery tickets I didn't even know it was high. Our weather here yesterday was beautiful it 81 but I under stand this weekend is going to get cold again vix we are going threw the same weather but it was nice to see the sun yesterday.

    Hi Irene
    I had not noticed that today was Friday the 13th. It is a good thing I am do not have Triskaidekaphobia:)
    Anybody remember a Movie called "Saturday the 14th"?

    Stay Dry while doing Your running around.

    I do not track the lottery either, however every time it gets high the TV news covers it including News12 the Cable News Channel.

    The weather forecast I saw shows that we will be in the 60s for a high for the next week, quite a difference from Yesterday, however much more friendly to the Electric Bill than running a couple of 220 Volt AC units and still not needing the heat to run so much better all around as far as I am concerned.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    It is nice to see the sun once in a while! Don't think that's happening today.
    I was lucky my dentist called me back today, it's his day off, but my gum is sore and my face is starting to swell a little. He called in a prescription for me, and I'll get in to see him on Monday.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening;
    Vix-I hope it is nothing serious with your tooth and you get some relief from the prescription.
    Roger-Our weather was in the 70's and it was a little muggy and cloudy. We had a few sprinkles around 4pm.
    Irene-happy Friday the 13th to you too.
    I skyped with my son today. He was home alone and it was nice to have a one on one conversation.
    I just finalized my NS order. I think this will be my last one. I know enough now about how to eat healthy, so I am going to try it on my own.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning! So's sunny this morning! Yay!
    Jo, glad you had some one on one time with your son. And congratulations on taking the leap off of NS. It's a bit harder, but the food tracker here is a big help. I don't think I'm going to add anything else back into my diet until I'm through the course of antibiotics. No rush.
    I made some lentil soup last night. Experimented a bit and added more vegetables. It will probably become one of my regulars.
    No set plans for today....may go to the pottery studio for a little while.
    I'm just so happy there's some sunshine! May just go sit out on the deck for a while. :)
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, it looks like it is going to be a great sunny day here . We went for a nice walk already have in 9000 we took it slow so my knee doesn't hurt too much. Yesterday it rained a lot so maybe today it won't but my flowers and grass is looking nice. Vix hope you are feeling better good luck at the dentist on Monday. Jo glad you got to spend some time talking to your son I know you enjoyed that.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking + 1 cent, Mailed off a payment, Went to the Bank for money, Staples for My brothers ink cartridges, Walmart for a second belt, CostCo for Frozen Bulk vegetables and all three types of Paper Goods, and The Acme Grocery Store for some frozen that is on sale to use for Dinner. I am now home and at 10,700 Steps so far and it isn't even Noon :)

    The Weather is heating up outside, the Living Room is up to 74 degrees already.

    Have a Great Weekend
    eku0 wrote: »
    It is nice to see the sun once in a while! Don't think that's happening today.
    I was lucky my dentist called me back today, it's his day off, but my gum is sore and my face is starting to swell a little. He called in a prescription for me, and I'll get in to see him on Monday.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning! So's sunny this morning! Yay!
    Jo, glad you had some one on one time with your son. And congratulations on taking the leap off of NS. It's a bit harder, but the food tracker here is a big help. I don't think I'm going to add anything else back into my diet until I'm through the course of antibiotics. No rush.
    I made some lentil soup last night. Experimented a bit and added more vegetables. It will probably become one of my regulars.
    No set plans for today....may go to the pottery studio for a little while.
    I'm just so happy there's some sunshine! May just go sit out on the deck for a while. :)
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I hope the prescription works for You, A sore mouth can be debilitating.

    I prefer not having anything planned sometimes. That is how I vacationed in the past. Beyond deciding on a final destination I would freelance the route as the mood struck me, often getting off of the beaten path, AKA Interstate Highways :) That was how I found some of the best BBQ heading down to Florida and also how I ran across the Battleship I toured one year.

    If I said I stopped using the tracker would that be hard to believe, I just stick to the NS plan for food items and timings. Not necessarily NS foods of course although I have a bunch of Shelf Stable that is getting old and needs to be used before it goes bad. Some of it like the Shelf Stable Pizzas and Muffins and cookies are not nearly as long lived as the Lunch cups and Dinners in the Plastic trays.

    Enjoy the Weekend
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Vix-I hope it is nothing serious with your tooth and you get some relief from the prescription.
    Roger-Our weather was in the 70's and it was a little muggy and cloudy. We had a few sprinkles around 4pm.
    Irene-happy Friday the 13th to you too.
    I skyped with my son today. He was home alone and it was nice to have a one on one conversation.
    I just finalized my NS order. I think this will be my last one. I know enough now about how to eat healthy, so I am going to try it on my own.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    You could test the waters and do what I did to see how it goes and keep NS in reserve just in case if You have a decent cost plan. I'm not sure how long You have to drop them to get New Customer Deals. What I did as soon as my last order was delivered was go online and delay the next one as far ahead as I could. In this case it ended up in July. I have a feeling that since I have a bunch of the NS Gift cards that I bought at 60% of face from CostCo that may be the way to go by ordering every three months for now at least until they are used up. I have looked at the other maintenance plans they offer and this ends up pretty close. While I was at the Walmart today I noticed that they has the 5 day S/S box of meals & Snack for $39.98 to keep in mind as a backup. Not to mention QVC sells NS too. Not to mention that if I buy at the next sale via CostCo they also sell the Weekends on Your Own Plan.

    Have a Nice Day
    good morning, it looks like it is going to be a great sunny day here . We went for a nice walk already have in 9000 we took it slow so my knee doesn't hurt too much. Yesterday it rained a lot so maybe today it won't but my flowers and grass is looking nice. Vix hope you are feeling better good luck at the dentist on Monday. Jo glad you got to spend some time talking to your son I know you enjoyed that.

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on that walk. So far today is looking sunny here too. I do need to get out and prop up the Iris off of the sidewalk that runs to the driveway.

    Possibility of rain today and I think tomorrow too, we shall see.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    It was nice this morning, but raining all afternoon. I did end up going to the pottery studio, but I didn't manage to make anything new. I did glaze 2 little bowls I made, so it wasn't a complete loss.
    After I got home we went to Walmart. Some of our plants didn't come back from last year, so Pete bought a few butterfly bushes to replace them. They're pretty when they bloom. :)
    Have a good evening. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening;
    It was a beautiful sunny day. My daughter and I went for a walk about an hour ago. There was a nice breeze.
    So far today I have 21,000 steps. I am trying to get as many steps as I can in order to beat my daughter-in-law.
    I bought some petunias and coleus plants. Tomorrow I will plant them.
    Roger-I usually get a delivery every couple of months. I just used the last of the Costco cards on this order, so I thought this would be a good time to venture out on my own.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    Have a great evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Happy Sunday.
    It is sunny and cool this morning.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning,haven't done anything yet still drinking my coffee. I had one of those nights where I was having problems sleeping . Not sure what we plan on doing today it did rain a little last night but never bother me well have a great day.