Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, the name of the ring is called ring and it goes right over your door bell for more info you can go to ring .com we really like it ,it is really safer not only that if you aren't home you can answer it and no one knows you are not home. As far as going back to work George wants me to quite not sure still thinking about it.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, the name of the ring is called ring and it goes right over your door bell for more info you can go to ring .com we really like it ,it is really safer not only that if you aren't home you can answer it and no one knows you are not home. As far as going back to work George wants me to quite not sure still thinking about it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking earlier, 3 stops during the walk + 8200 steps.
    Now after trip to the lumber yard to price items I am up to 9200 steps :)
    Today's weather has started out nice and is supposed to be in the 70s for a high.

    I'm not saying I'm less than impressed by the News out of the New York TV stations however, When they call the image below a Bulldozer............. ??
    However to me this is a Bulldozer not the Excavator shown above :)

    Currently I am running a file recovery program on a external drive from my Brother, It got corrupted by a power outage, That is the likely cause anyway. The Deep Scan portion took from Noon to almost 7AM. Now it is recovering to a different external drive and then I'll try and see if I can fix the old drive. Currently Windows thinks it needs to be formatted and will not run chkdsk on it.

    Have a Nice Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Just got home from work and am now doing laundry. I have the soaker hose going to water my plants in the side yard.
    Roger-Sorry to say that the pork roll doesn't appeal to me. I also try not to eat processed meat.
    Irene-Good job getting your walk in. Are you planning on going back to work in the near future?
    Vix-What do you do in body flow class?
    Irene-that feature on your phone to see who is at the door sounds cool. What is the actual name of it?
    Enjoy your day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    If I said I do not worry about processes foods as such, I do tend to look at the amount of sodium however since I tend to retain water easily.

    We still need to run the soaker hoses in the garden out back. I already have a Y fitting on the Spigot to feed the two soakers and be able to control the flow individually to them.

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Jo. I need to do laundry too. I'm just home from getting my hair cut and roots colored. Body flow is a combination of yoga, tai chi, and pilates. It's not so easy right now, I'm modifying a lot of moves .
    Irene, the phone thing for the door does sound cool. Did you have to hook something up to your door bell?
    Roger, we have a covered porch too, no storm door needed for storms...we had a storm door at our old house, it helps in the bad weather. I like Jo's idea too for keeping solicitors out. :)

    Hi Vix
    Laundry is something I do every 10 days or so as I keep a deep stock of clean clothes on hand to allow that to happen. We have a High capacity Washer :)

    What I do when I leave the front door open onto the porch for fresh air is lock the Aluminum Storm Door, Just in case.

    good morning, the name of the ring is called ring and it goes right over your door bell for more info you can go to ring .com we really like it ,it is really safer not only that if you aren't home you can answer it and no one knows you are not home. As far as going back to work George wants me to quite not sure still thinking about it.

    Hi Irene
    I think that may be the one I have seen advertised on the TV. It would not work for me since neither of us has a smart phone, Only basic Flip Phones, They do not do Internet.

    As for not working or working......
    Pros for not working, No more pressure, no more living a life ruled by the work schedule or Alarm Clock, No Commuting!
    Cons, Lowered Income? I am worrying that this current push for a $15 a hour minimum wage will have a impact on how my fixed income lasts. As well as Employment levels. Wendy's has already said they are planning to got to Automated Ordering and I have seen demonstrations of a Burger maker from McDonalds that eliminates workers too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7200 steps and 1 Cent today. The Weather is warming up already too. I picked up some Blackberries at $0.99 and some Cherries and two Bananas since the weather is warming up.
    Before I left I turned off the heat as it was running and today is supposed to be in the mid 70s, We should not need it and may even be done with the heat until fall :)

    Have a Nice Friday

    Hi Vix
    I hope so, I already have My running done for today. Yesterday I got my Brothers Hard Drive repaired, then I came up to this computer and son of a gun, My External drive here has a problem too, great!

    So I know what I will be doing later on. I doubt the drive is bad, just not showing as partitioned and formatted :(

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    I went to zumba today. It's a pretty day outside, all sunshiny and warm. Going to spend a little while looking up possible vacations, no other plans. Just can't sit at the computer for too long.
    Enjoy your day. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening;
    I have the next 3 days off...nothing planned yet.
    Roger-sorry you are having problems with your computers. It is good that you know how to fix them. I would either call my son or take mine to be repaired if I had a problem.
    I plan on buying some cherries tomorrow. They are $2.88 per pound, down from 6.99.
    Vix-Good luck planning your vacation.
    Enjoy the weekend. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    I have been up since 4 am. The cats are fed, laundry done, kitchen and bathroom floors washed. I am just waiting for hubby to finish breakfast and then we are going to walk at Borderland State Park.
    Have a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Jo, you've put in a whole day already! Enjoy your walk (and your 3 days off!). That's early to be up on a weekend!
    I have a terrible time trying to plan vacations...I think I have a block! One of my least favorite things to do.
    It's raining here again. Going to the pottery studio this morning, still have some studio time left and our last class of this session is Tuesday. We signed up for another session starting in June.
    I bought some fresh Florida blueberries on sale. Love blueberries. :)
    Have a great weekend everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    8700 steps + 1 cent from walking this morning. The weather is cooler today and clouded over with some rain in the forecast. The rain is forecast to start in South NJ and move into my area in the afternoon. I can't complain as we are still under where we should be for rain this year.

    My Patio is being invaded by Tent Caterpillars. I have to keep killing them off of the Apple trees we planted, before I noticed them they had decimated several of the leafs on them. They keep trying to cocoon up under the overhang around the back door and along the door as well as the same thing on the Shed. Not to mention around the outside back door trim and the bottom of the siding. The newly planted apple trees seem to be where they head for a snack, they do not seem to be bothering the Raspberry plants or the Blackberry plant.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Garden report, considering that they were planted this year, I was surprised to see blossoms on the Apple trees and what appear to be flower buds on some of the Raspberry plants.
    We now have pulled some of the larger radishes this morning to thin out the row. Size from 3/4" to 1". Nice and crispy and not hot like they get later in the year. One of the two Rhubarb plants has pushed leafs above the surface and my brother thinks the Jerusalem Artichokes pictured below are coming up. They are planted in the raised bed in the front growing area on each side of the porch. I pictured them just in case.
    eku0 wrote: »
    I went to zumba today. It's a pretty day outside, all sunshiny and warm. Going to spend a little while looking up possible vacations, no other plans. Just can't sit at the computer for too long.
    Enjoy your day. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Jo, you've put in a whole day already! Enjoy your walk (and your 3 days off!). That's early to be up on a weekend!
    I have a terrible time trying to plan vacations...I think I have a block! One of my least favorite things to do.
    It's raining here again. Going to the pottery studio this morning, still have some studio time left and our last class of this session is Tuesday. We signed up for another session starting in June.
    I bought some fresh Florida blueberries on sale. Love blueberries. :)
    Have a great weekend everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Friday was sunny and TBH a little warm.

    I think I like Raspberries and Blackberries better than Blueberries, Cherries are better IMO too. However it is all a matter of taste. Blueberries are better in Pancakes and Muffins, and believe it or not I love them in Bagels too.

    You seem to be getting Your rain earlier than I, Stay Dry
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    I have the next 3 days off...nothing planned yet.
    Roger-sorry you are having problems with your computers. It is good that you know how to fix them. I would either call my son or take mine to be repaired if I had a problem.
    I plan on buying some cherries tomorrow. They are $2.88 per pound, down from 6.99.
    Vix-Good luck planning your vacation.
    Enjoy the weekend. :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    I have been up since 4 am. The cats are fed, laundry done, kitchen and bathroom floors washed. I am just waiting for hubby to finish breakfast and then we are going to walk at Borderland State Park.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I am a bit puzzled by the My external drive, It works perfectly in the basement and is detected when plugged into this computer but with no contents detected. I have backed it up using the basement computer and am thinking about cleaning off a different drive and putting the contents on that drive to see if it works. if so then that makes two backups and I will try zeroing it out and then creating a new partition and a fresh format and see if that works as a test. I have gone and got that started now.

    I made a living for years at a computer store recovering data, removing Viruses and general repair, upgrades and assembling new computers. In the repair area I even fixed motherboards that had bad capacitors, Bad capacitors were a problem for many name brands over a period of years. I will solve this problem :) It was just easier when I worked and access to more tools and spares.

    You have been busy already.

    Have a Good Saturday
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, knee is really hurting today going to have to take something I try and not take anything during the day . Went for a walk a slow one at that but I did get in 7846 steps which is pretty good for me . I haven't been able to put the steps in because of my knee hopefully soon that ends . I am thinking about taking yoga classes after my knee gets better always wanted to learn but I do have to wait. It looks like it is going to rain here that is ok so my grass will get watered I am trying to get rid of some bare spots we have. Not sure what we have planned for today . Vix I love blueberries. I had some in my cereal this morning it really was good . Jo the park sounds nice. Roger I never heard of tent caterpillars are they different from other caterpillars?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, knee is really hurting today going to have to take something I try and not take anything during the day . Went for a walk a slow one at that but I did get in 7846 steps which is pretty good for me . I haven't been able to put the steps in because of my knee hopefully soon that ends . I am thinking about taking yoga classes after my knee gets better always wanted to learn but I do have to wait. It looks like it is going to rain here that is ok so my grass will get watered I am trying to get rid of some bare spots we have. Not sure what we have planned for today . Vix I love blueberries. I had some in my cereal this morning it really was good . Jo the park sounds nice. Roger I never heard of tent caterpillars are they different from other caterpillars?

    Hi Irene
    Maybe this will help
    The have eaten most of the leaves off of the Wild Cherry Tree in the neighbors yard behind the house and is where they are coming from. They Move pretty fast too.

    Hmmm.... I do have some frozen Blueberries in the freezer I could try adding to my cereal when I switch back to it, Currently I am eating some Hot NS breakfasts, Pancakes Yesterday, Waffles today and their Omelet or French Toast tomorrow. When I open the Quart of Milk for cereal I stay with the cereal until the milk is used up that way as I hate to waste it and the only use for it is in my cereal. I use the UHT 1% and My brother will not touch Skim or 1% milk :)

    Congratulations on that walking distance

    Hopefully they can fix the knee and You get the Insurance OK for the procedure
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-those caterpillars can be a nuisance. I have seen them while out walking in the woods, but thankfully not in my yard.
    Vix-I love blueberries. They were on sale last week as a bogo. I have 1/2 a container left. This week I bought raspberries and cherries.
    Irene-Sorry your knee is hurting,but good for you getting in your steps.
    We walked 5.2 miles this morning, approximately 12,000 steps. I am now at 16,000 steps and 6.8 miles. I am trying to shoot for 20,000 by the end of the day.
    It is getting overcast here and the rain is supposed to start some time tonight.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    We call them tent moths here, same thing. They can be really distructive and they are hard to get rid of. Last year we had some Japanese beetles that ate most of the leaves off our red maple before we found them, but it came back pretty well this year, except for the very top.
    It's been raining here all day, just lightly, but non-stop.
    I think blueberries are my favorite! The only downside is the blue lips. :blush:
    I found a quarter in the street today, walking from the pottery studio to the car.
    Irene, good for you for getting a walk in. Hope your knee starts feeling better. Are you going back to the doc this week?
    Roger, what do you do with Jerusalem artichoke? It looks a little like fresh ginger root, which I've just started using recently. (I also love ginger!)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good Sunday morning, oh Roger I have seen them not in my yard but in the woods hope you can get rid of them. I skipped my walk this morning too much pain I guess I over did it during the week so now I am hurting at least I go to the drs tomorrow and then on wednesday hopefully they know what they are going to do. I need to get this taken care of so I can start walking again all this sitting around is going to make me gain weight. My girlfriends son passed away so I am going to visit her today he was only 51 he is only 9 years younger than I such a shame he had an heart attack I will find out more when I visit her ,it isn't even 2 years since her husband has passed I fill sorry for her .
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-sorry for your girlfriends loss. It is terrible when you lose a child. I will pray for her.
    Good luck at your dr. appt. tomorrow.
    I have been to the flea market this morning and out to breakfast. I had a veggie omelet, ate some and took the rest home. I will be able to get 2 more breakfasts out of it.
    There were not too many vendors at the flea market. I think it was because of the weather.
    It is very overcast and occasional sprinkles here.
    Nothing else planned for the day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I stopped for Coffee on the outbound leg at 7-Eleven and McDonalds for a Large Decaf and the Dollar Store for a Quart of 1% Milk to keep a decent amount of it on the Pantry shelf on the inbound leg + 8500 steps. I'm pretty sure I can use up the milk on cereal before it expires on April 11, 2017 :)

    The Weather was in the Mid to upper 50s when I went out to start my walk, The Rain has passed for now and things are drying out.

    My Brother picked up some Insecticidal Soap yesterday and it works pretty good on the Tent Caterpillars.

    Have a Really Nice Sunday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, so sorry for your loss. Sympathies to your friend and her family.
    Jo, flea market sounds fun. Out to lunch with the kids today...celebrating missed mother's day and 2 birthdays. :)
    Roger, good luck getting rid of the tent caterpillers.
    Raining here again....just rain and clouds expected all day.
    Have a good day, everyone.