Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    hey I actually got my 10,000 steps in it has been a while since that happened of course now my knee hurts .Vix good luck with your dog wood I don't have any but they are just beautiful I love those trees.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    We just bought the pink dogwood last year. I think it didn't make it, but will still give it another couple of weeks with this crazy weather. The white one out front is gorgeous and loaded with flowers. There is a cherry tree out in front of our development that came to life a full month after the
    It didn't rain today and the sun actually came out for a while.
    Be careful with your knee, Irene.
    I went to the pottery studio today for a couple of hours and threw a couple of bowls. It was fun.
    I also put blueberries/fruit back in my diet today. Yum. I missed fruit.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, happy mothers day Vix and Jo
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!
    My daughter came over this morning and cooked me breakfast. :) We then went on a walk around the neighborhood.
    The sun was shining earlier but now it is overcast and starting to rain.
    Nothing else planned for the rest of the day, just taking it easy.
    Have a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is raining outside, once again :(
    Right after I wrote that I looked outside and the rain had stopped so I geared up with my Backpack & the Umbrella strapped to it. I got on block and it started drizzling, then another block and I stopped under a woody leafy lightning rod AKA Tree and put up the umbrella. By the time I got to the Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee and was ready to leave it had stopped so I strapped on the Umbrella and did not need it again on the walk. I stopped at the Supermarket for Bananas, Apples and a Orange. That will hold me for a couple of days when I will stop again for more fruit as I have decided that this spring & summer I will buy less more often so as to not have things go to ripe before using them. I checked and the 10% Senior discount is on Wednesdays so that will be my shop heavier day :)

    I ended up with 8800 steps.

    Happy Mothers Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    It is still raining here off and on.
    Vix-I agree with Roger, I think your dogwood should have bloomed by now. Does it have any buds on it?
    Irene-You are a trouper, walking even when your knee hurts.
    I just got home from work and don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. I think I will be lazy for the rest of the afternoon.

    Hi Joanne
    Now that I am home from my walk I think I may be lazy myself. I plan to go re-capture a VHS Family tape, I was not happy with the way it came out, much to bright and washed out looking. I could adjust that in the encoding to DVD and BluRay, however I would lose Dynamic range that way so I can recapture it and adjust the settings in the capture device to capture it darker to start with. IMO that will give better results. That will just be a simple start it capturing and do something/nothing else.

    Happy Mothers Day
    hey I actually got my 10,000 steps in it has been a while since that happened of course now my knee hurts .Vix good luck with your dog wood I don't have any but they are just beautiful I love those trees.

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on getting 10k steps, I am not surprised the knee hurts.

    It is now nearly 11AM and the sun is shining, Whee!

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    We just bought the pink dogwood last year. I think it didn't make it, but will still give it another couple of weeks with this crazy weather. The white one out front is gorgeous and loaded with flowers. There is a cherry tree out in front of our development that came to life a full month after the
    It didn't rain today and the sun actually came out for a while.
    Be careful with your knee, Irene.
    I went to the pottery studio today for a couple of hours and threw a couple of bowls. It was fun.
    I also put blueberries/fruit back in my diet today. Yum. I missed fruit.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    That may explain it, How long was it planted and was it planted in the ground?

    It sounds as if You have been busy :)

    Good Luck with the fruit being back in Your diet.

    P.S. All fruit is not equal FWIW. I understand that grapefruit interferes with Blood Thinners for example. I could also be wrong.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Hi Irene, Jo, and Roger!
    Jo, cool that your daughter came and celebrated with you. My children both texted me! My daughter and son in law are on vacation in Europe, and my son and his girlfriend are in Michigan for her brother's graduation. We'll celebrate when they all get back. :)
    I went out this morning to take another look at the pink dogwood. There are a couple of leaves coming out on the trunk, about 4 or 5 inches from the ground, so it's still alive, if barely. If nothing happens on top, we can trim it down and will have a smaller tree for a while.
    It's beautifully sunny, but windy here today, so will probably go for a walk in the park later after things dry out a little.
    Wishing you all a wonderful day. :smile:
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Blueberry protein shake for breakfast. Yum. It's a little sunny out this morning. Off to yoga in a little while.
    Have a great day. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well yesterday when Annie and I were out for our walk we got stuck in the rain . It was a big rain storm but I had my rain coat on so I was ok . For today I have some paper work to drop off at the drs and going to get my nails done I also have some house work to do. Annie wants a walk so you know if I want any piece I will take her for her walk. Hope you all have a nice day Jo that was nice of your daughter come over and made breakfast for you. WE went for a nice ride to ft.Dix and Annie got to swim in the lake.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    It is overcast, but the sun is trying real hard to peek out.
    Errands today, bank, local hardware store to have some screens repaired and if it doesn't rain a walk.
    I already walked 3 miles with Leslie this morning.
    Have a wonderful day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    7500 steps so far + 2 cents. There is this big brightly glowing thing in the sky that is throwing a lot of heat out there :)
    It has been absent when walking for a while too. The Plan for the day is to Mow the grass later and then maybe go to Lowes, depends on my mood and how I feel after mowing.

    Have a Great Week
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Irene, Jo, and Roger!
    Jo, cool that your daughter came and celebrated with you. My children both texted me! My daughter and son in law are on vacation in Europe, and my son and his girlfriend are in Michigan for her brother's graduation. We'll celebrate when they all get back. :)
    I went out this morning to take another look at the pink dogwood. There are a couple of leaves coming out on the trunk, about 4 or 5 inches from the ground, so it's still alive, if barely. If nothing happens on top, we can trim it down and will have a smaller tree for a while.
    It's beautifully sunny, but windy here today, so will probably go for a walk in the park later after things dry out a little.
    Wishing you all a wonderful day. :smile:
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Blueberry protein shake for breakfast. Yum. It's a little sunny out this morning. Off to yoga in a little while.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Vix
    Signs of life, I wonder why that is what happened to it?

    Breakfast is a Jimmy Dean Delights sandwich at 250 calories today, I already had my Banana and will be having a NS Chocolate Protein Shake with the sandwich. If I want a Blueberry Shake I take a NS Vanilla Protein Shake and Throw in Frozen Blueberries from the freezer, I could use fresh if I bought them but the Frozen ones have been there for a while and I hate to waste them :)

    It sounds as if Your Children are having a good time

    Enjoy the Sun and Yoga
    good morning, well yesterday when Annie and I were out for our walk we got stuck in the rain . It was a big rain storm but I had my rain coat on so I was ok . For today I have some paper work to drop off at the drs and going to get my nails done I also have some house work to do. Annie wants a walk so you know if I want any piece I will take her for her walk. Hope you all have a nice day Jo that was nice of your daughter come over and made breakfast for you. WE went for a nice ride to ft.Dix and Annie got to swim in the lake.

    Hi Irene
    Yesterday was weird weather IMO. Good thing You had Your Raincoat, I took a Umbrella strapped to my Backpack with me Yesterday since I was planning on stopping at the Grocery Store for Bananas anyway.

    Enjoy the upcoming walk
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It is overcast, but the sun is trying real hard to peek out.
    Errands today, bank, local hardware store to have some screens repaired and if it doesn't rain a walk.
    I already walked 3 miles with Leslie this morning.
    Have a wonderful day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    Local hardware stores seem to be a vanishing breed around here. Lowes and Home Depot have killed most of them off. We do still have a Lumber Yard nearby that has hardware however.

    3 miles already, You must have gotten out early!

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Sounds like everyone's busy and getting your walks in! Yay!
    Roger, I have a vanilla pea protein mix that is mostly natural ingredients, add almond milk and frozen blueberries. Sometimes I put chia seeds or other things in the vanilla to change it up. I just decided to use blueberries this week. :) Love blueberries!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Sounds like everyone's busy and getting your walks in! Yay!
    Roger, I have a vanilla pea protein mix that is mostly natural ingredients, add almond milk and frozen blueberries. Sometimes I put chia seeds or other things in the vanilla to change it up. I just decided to use blueberries this week. :) Love blueberries!

    Hi Vix
    I have used in the past Strawberries, Blueberries and often Bananas when they get really ripe and softer than I like to eat directly.

    Originally I bought the Frozen Blueberries to add to the NS Pancake mix. I had a lot of it to use up that I had bought from another person really cheap via the old NS forums. I also used Vanilla Extract and Maple Extract along with some Sweetener packets to have some variation in taste. The Maple & Sweetener especially made them taste as if the Pancake had Maple Syrup on it. I bought the Jumbo Pure Via Stevia Sweetener at Costco. I'm still using the box of 800 packets although I am finally getting towards the end, I may have to buy more in a few months :)

    I had also received some of the NS Discontinued Blueberry Pancake Mix and the Discontinued Chocolate Chip Pancake mix. I can make a decent version of both of them, I use dark Chocolate FWIW.

    If I'm not being Nosy what does the Vanilla Protein Mix You buy cost and where at? The NS ones are $51.50 for 28 as I remember the price off of the top of my head. That means I am using $1.83 a day for the NS protein Shakes.

    Thank You
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Hi all;
    After my errands, hubby and I went to Borderland State Park and walked another 3 or so miles. I also found a penny.
    Roger-we had been going to home depot until a True Value hardware store opened in our town. I think they are franchised.
    Have a good evening.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited May 2016
    Roger, I was using Olympia labs lean and healthy vanilla, but can no longer find it. I think the company may have changed its name and just ordered this from Amazon (the vanilla one)
    It's 23 servings, 25 grams of protein per serving, ( I usually use half a scoop so I double the number of servings). Costs way less than NS.
    Sounds like a good walk, Jo!
    Have a good night :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Clay day for me. Rainy day.
    Hope you all have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was walking once again + 6700 steps :)
    Yesterday ended up different from what I had in mind, No Mowing, Lowes, Dragged out Rototiller and tilled more ground instead. Mowing probably starting in the next hour after I have the rest of my Breakfast, So far only the Banana before walking. Cloudy outside today and so far a comfortable temperature with a forecast high in the upper 60s.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Hi all;
    After my errands, hubby and I went to Borderland State Park and walked another 3 or so miles. I also found a penny.
    Roger-we had been going to home depot until a True Value hardware store opened in our town. I think they are franchised.
    Have a good evening.

    Hi Joanne
    I think You are right with the franchise, On my last job one of our customers was a True value owner of the franchise. True Value may own a few that I do not know.

    One cent is more than I found today :)

    Nice day outside too.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I was using Olympia labs lean and healthy vanilla, but can no longer find it. I think the company may have changed its name and just ordered this from Amazon (the vanilla one)
    It's 23 servings, 25 grams of protein per serving, ( I usually use half a scoop so I double the number of servings). Costs way less than NS.
    Sounds like a good walk, Jo!
    Have a good night :)

    Hi Vix
    Thank You for that answer, I had looked at Amazon to find a cheaper Protein Shake and all of the ones I found were more expensive, I guess I gave up too soon :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Sunny and in the high 60's.
    I just got home from work and I am sitting here contemplating whether to go work in the yard or read a book.
    We booked our flight to England in Sept. It will be nice to see my son and his family.
    Have a nice evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    In case You missed it, Expected Forum Downtime 5/14/16

    BTW with the Mowing and more yard work today I am currently at 11,000 steps :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Sunny and in the high 60's.
    I just got home from work and I am sitting here contemplating whether to go work in the yard or read a book.
    We booked our flight to England in Sept. It will be nice to see my son and his family.
    Have a nice evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It has been cloudy all day and starting around 11AM we did get some intermittent spritzes of rain, not enough to get the ground wet even just enough to be threatening.

    Of the two choices Reading a book will use less calories but be much more enjoyable.

    Have a Good Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Jo, yay for your trip to England! :)
    Raining again this morning.
    We're having a reception for our art show at the senior center this morning. Never been to one before, so that should be fun.
    Have a great day. :)