Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-Enjoy your Zumba. Happy Friday to you.
    Irene-that's ok, I didn't explain it very well.
    I did get a new water dispenser. The old one was all most 10 years old.
    Today is grocery shopping, transplanting a patio tomato plant into a bigger pot and weeding my flower bed.
    Also washing the kitchen floor.
    I walked 3 miles with Leslie this morning. :)
    Have a great day. :)

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, It sure got cold here actually put the fireplace on it is in the 40's here time to get my huddie back out. Didn't get to walk yet but want to get my food shopping done first .Vix enjoy your Zumba class it sounds like fun. Roger what are you up to?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    8400 steps today, Slightly chilly so I wore and extra light layer. In my area yesterdays rain seems to have been a non event. When I looked out the window at 7PM the street was wet but under the trees it was still dry and the rain had stopped. Todays forecast is for some rain later, once again that mythical .1 inch of it. Currently we are near a 6 inch rainfall deficit for April.

    No Tilling yesterday as my brother was not in the mood, maybe today.

    While I was walking Yesterday the Boston Blackie show was from the War Years, I know for two reasons :)
    The show was about Blackie breaking up a Nazi ring that was sending departure information to Submarines regarding the sailing of Convoys and a commercial looking for Sailors to man the Merchant marine fleet to carry goods to the war.

    Have a Nice End of the Week Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Thanks, Irene...I'm looking for more herbal teas. :)
    Roger, it's a TJMaxx/Home Goods, but I think even the regular TJs have a small section of specialty items, and they change what they have a lot....I probably won't be able to find this tea there again.
    I think I got dizzy because I made it a little too hot and stayed in a little too a little dehydrated....I was fine after having 3 glasses of cold water. :)
    I think by the time I get through the eliminations, I will have vegetables including legumes, herbs, nuts, seeds, and non-red meat and eggs that are hormone and antibiotic free. At that point, after 3 days, I can start adding things back in one at a time, once a day for 3 days. Hopefully I will learn if/how certain foods affect me. I am also keeping a temporary journal. I don't know how good I am at that, but I think any glaring changes will stand out.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Off to zumba this morning....literally happy dance. :)
    Happy Friday. :)

    Hi Vix
    I am not sure I could do what You are doing in Your elimination diet plan :)

    That is a good idea, keeping a journal, I keep one that I record my mornings weigh-ins in and I also make a note of other things such as money found, I also note Off Plan things such as a Lunch with friends at the Diner or Chinese Buffet in. That lets me see why I may be retaining water or whatever. I have a different one for steps that I stopped using, I get the FitBit reports via email and the weekly summaries are good enough for that.

    I suspect that You are right it should show any culprits. I think You are saying add one item back in an then three days later add another one?

    Enjoy Your "Happy Dance"
    sorry jo I thought you were talking about washing machines.
    good morning, It sure got cold here actually put the fireplace on it is in the 40's here time to get my huddie back out. Didn't get to walk yet but want to get my food shopping done first .Vix enjoy your Zumba class it sounds like fun. Roger what are you up to?

    Hi Irene
    I could have been wrong with my guess, however that was what popped into my head as we used them in a couple of different places I worked over the years.

    It was a bit chilly, but I got out anyway. I ended up going out a little early since I woke up early. Talked to a couple of crossing guards on my walk. Watched the a Police car set up for a speed check in the 25 MPH while flashing area near the school :)

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Vix-Enjoy your Zumba. Happy Friday to you.
    Irene-that's ok, I didn't explain it very well.
    I did get a new water dispenser. The old one was all most 10 years old.
    Today is grocery shopping, transplanting a patio tomato plant into a bigger pot and weeding my flower bed.
    Also washing the kitchen floor.
    I walked 3 miles with Leslie this morning. :)
    Have a great day. :)
    Hi Joanne
    10 years is getting older, OTOH I expect appliances to last for many, many years.

    You seem to have a lot of energy today, 3 miles and plan to wash the kitchen floor. That being something I dread doing.

    I suspect that being lazy at heart I would have just planted in the larger pot from the star.

    Enjoy the day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Zumba is always fun. :)
    Weather is still chilly and gray. May go grocery shopping in a little while. Out of salad veggies. Looks like a grocery shopping day for the ladies here. :wink:
    Jo, you always sound so energetic! I was tired getting through zumba this morning and still feel tired and achy, even though it lifts my mood.
    Roger, you're still walking...not so lazy. Yes, I wil add thinks back in one at a time. Add one in, eat that one once a day for 3 days, then add in another and repeat. I have one more day before I have to give up coffee/caffeine. Then only 2 more categories after that.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Vix-I only have energy in the morning. I have a 30-45 minute nap most afternoons and I don't usually do anything after5pm.
    Roger-I bought a small tomato plant and planted it in a larger pot with a cage that I had from last year. It was cheaper to buy the smaller plant. I was being frugal. :)
    Irene-It was chilly here, my heat came on a couple of times.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Zumba is always fun. :)
    Weather is still chilly and gray. May go grocery shopping in a little while. Out of salad veggies. Looks like a grocery shopping day for the ladies here. :wink:
    Jo, you always sound so energetic! I was tired getting through zumba this morning and still feel tired and achy, even though it lifts my mood.
    Roger, you're still walking...not so lazy. Yes, I wil add thinks back in one at a time. Add one in, eat that one once a day for 3 days, then add in another and repeat. I have one more day before I have to give up coffee/caffeine. Then only 2 more categories after that.

    Hi Vix
    Our weather here has a raw feel to it, I'm not sure if it is due to front that had moved through or what, Only into the 50s today however.

    Good Luck giving up the Coffee, I missed it for two days in the past and had one of the worst headaches I have ever had, Lack of caffeine caused it. A large Coffee and voila it was cleared up.

    Have a Nice evening
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Vix-I only have energy in the morning. I have a 30-45 minute nap most afternoons and I don't usually do anything after5pm.
    Roger-I bought a small tomato plant and planted it in a larger pot with a cage that I had from last year. It was cheaper to buy the smaller plant. I was being frugal. :)
    Irene-It was chilly here, my heat came on a couple of times.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Chilly here too, In fact I can hear the heat going right now :)

    I thought You had bought a small plant and out it into a small pot first or started Your own from seed, OOPS!

    Have a Good Night

    P.S. Nothing wrong with being frugal and saving money. That is why we saved the hanging baskets from last year, Now we can buy cheap sets of flowers and fill them ourselves.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Nice sunny day.
    Roger-I save the hanging baskets and replant them.
    We are going to a consignment shop to look at wicker furniture for our deck. I want real wicker or ratan that I can paint. The wicker resin products fall apart after being in the sun for too long.
    Have a wonderful day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning.
    Chilly, foggy, gray here this morning. Still had 2 cups of coffee this a.m. I'll see what happens tomorrow without it. I can have some tea (lower caffeine) if it really bothers me and then wean off of that over the 3 days.
    I am having plain greek yogurt this morning. It's ok. I usually have the kind with the fruit in it, but went fruitless, so.........
    I still have caffeine and dairy to give up, and toxins in toiletries and household products(which will be the hardest to replace, and I might not get/give up all of them!) I'm already thinking about what I want to add back in first.
    No special plans for today. At least I seem not to be as exhausted as yesterday. :)
    Happy Saturday! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, My knee is hurting today and I haven't even been out side yet it must have to do with the cold weather and it is damp out. I will be taking it easy today not a lot going on just a trip to the bank and a trip around the lake Annie loves the water so she will be going swimming .Vix glad you are feeling a little better . I went and bought some mulch now I need to put it in my front yard hopefully some time this weekend .
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    8400 Steps + I found a nice shiny quarter during my walk. Today is a dark and dreary outside and the forecast for Sunday is for rain.

    I got the Roto-tilling done yesterday while my brother dug the raised growing beds. Today looks like a planting day. The Two Rhubarb plants were delivered yesterday and their are some other plants coming today. If We get them planted today the rain overnight into Sunday should water them in nicely. After todays delivery the only plants left to be delivered will be the Sweet Potato plants. All of the Raspberry plants are leafed out as are the three Columnar Apple Trees, Two of the Apple trees are leafed out enough that they are either in bloom or showing flower buds. The Third one was slower to leaf out so who knows if it will bloom too Two kinds of a Red Apple and One Yellow Apple planted. We have a Shady spot earmarked for the Rhubarb plants that should work fine. I remember that my grandparents Rhubarb plants were in a shady spot under a Fruit tree.

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Nice sunny day.
    Roger-I save the hanging baskets and replant them.
    We are going to a consignment shop to look at wicker furniture for our deck. I want real wicker or ratan that I can paint. The wicker resin products fall apart after being in the sun for too long.
    Have a wonderful day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    So many things deteriorate from sunlight....
    Some printed things fade from sunlight, Some plastics too, some plastics just go brittle from age even. I accidentally stuck my hand into a small fan a few years ago that was several years old. I hit the plastic cover and it just shattered and the fan blades did the same thing when they hit my fingers. I barely felt it, the only thing that was hurt was the fan and I threw the remains away and replaced it with a different brand :)

    I hope Your weekend has better weather than I seem to be in for.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Chilly, foggy, gray here this morning. Still had 2 cups of coffee this a.m. I'll see what happens tomorrow without it. I can have some tea (lower caffeine) if it really bothers me and then wean off of that over the 3 days.
    I am having plain greek yogurt this morning. It's ok. I usually have the kind with the fruit in it, but went fruitless, so.........
    I still have caffeine and dairy to give up, and toxins in toiletries and household products(which will be the hardest to replace, and I might not get/give up all of them!) I'm already thinking about what I want to add back in first.
    No special plans for today. At least I seem not to be as exhausted as yesterday. :)
    Happy Saturday! :)

    Hi Vix
    excluding the foggy part You seem to be having similar weather.

    What You could do is switch to a different coffee blend. I have a can of 1/2 regular coffee and 1/2 decaf that is sold that way.

    I suspect that most Greek Yogurt may have sweeteners to make it taste better?

    Not feeling as exhausted is good.

    Good luck with the rest of Your elimination plan. Maybe rubber gloves when using cleaning products?

    Have a Nice Day
    good morning, My knee is hurting today and I haven't even been out side yet it must have to do with the cold weather and it is damp out. I will be taking it easy today not a lot going on just a trip to the bank and a trip around the lake Annie loves the water so she will be going swimming .Vix glad you are feeling a little better . I went and bought some mulch now I need to put it in my front yard hopefully some time this weekend .

    Hi Irene
    We Tilled in the Mulch from last year, next is to put some Nitrogen to replace what the decomposing wood robs from the soil as it decomposes.

    I would not be surprised if it was the changing weather, I know my Brother feels it in his joints anymore.

    When Do You hear regarding the second opinions regarding the Knee Replacement?

    Enjoy The day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Chobani is pretty good as far as not having additives. I also found a less expensive brand, taste of Inspirations....the plain nonfat yogurt contains skim milk and live active cultures...that's all. I guess it's a little sweet (barely) because milk is a little sweet. 80 cal, 15g of protein, 6g of carbs in a 5.3 oz container.
    Roger, you reminded me....I have some decaf in the fridge if I get desperate! :smiley:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    roger I go next thursday for my second opinon really looking forward to it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Chobani is pretty good as far as not having additives. I also found a less expensive brand, taste of Inspirations....the plain nonfat yogurt contains skim milk and live active cultures...that's all. I guess it's a little sweet (barely) because milk is a little sweet. 80 cal, 15g of protein, 6g of carbs in a 5.3 oz container.
    Roger, you reminded me....I have some decaf in the fridge if I get desperate! :smiley:

    Hi Vix
    I will have to look closer at the Chobani, those calories and protein look pretty good to me.

    Thank You
    roger I go next thursday for my second opinon really looking forward to it.

    Hi Irene
    Thank You for the Information

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I woke up early and decided to try and beat the rain that is in the forecast, It had started to drizzle by the time I reached the Quick Chek for my coffee so obviously I did not beat the rain. I put up the umbrella on the way back out the door and ended up with 7900 steps and somewhat tired from being up early :)

    We got another shipment of plants yesterday and put them in the ground right away so that they could be well watered in by todays rain. One Fig Tree and on Reisling Pixie Grape and supposed to ship in May are the Sweet Potatoes. The grape is supposed to stay small and
    Pixie® Grapes
    Also called dwarf grapes

    Grow miniature clusters of wine grapes in as little as 12 weeks! These dwarf grape vines mature into compact, 18- to 24-inch tall plants with an 8- to 12-inch spread. Pixie® Grapes are natural dwarf grapes — not genetically modified or genetically engineered. Whether you choose to grow these dwarf grapes outdoors or in containers indoors, a simple trellis helps to keep them upright under the weight of fruit clusters. These grape varieties are ideal for juices and wines, but can be eaten fresh for a quick, convenient snack. They also make a great gift for do-it-yourself wine connoisseurs! And, if limited space has previously kept you from growing your own wine grapes, raise your glass to Pixie® Grape vines — perfect for patios, balconies, and other small spaces.
    Have a Great Sunday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Roger, you are getting quite a farm! :) Those grapes look good. :)
    The stats I gave on the yogurt were for the store brand.
    Chilly and raining here too.
    Supposed to be caffeine free today, but am having 1 cup of chai tea to ease into it. Tea has much less caffeine than coffee. Also forgot to buy a lemon. Will go get one today.Weight loss has stalled again. Will see what happens when I drop out dairy.
    Nothing much planned for today.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Roger, you are getting quite a farm! :) Those grapes look good. :)
    The stats I gave on the yogurt were for the store brand.
    Chilly and raining here too.
    Supposed to be caffeine free today, but am having 1 cup of chai tea to ease into it. Tea has much less caffeine than coffee. Also forgot to buy a lemon. Will go get one today.Weight loss has stalled again. Will see what happens when I drop out dairy.
    Nothing much planned for today.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    That is more on my brother than me, I would not even have the Raspberry plants and Blackberry plant if he had not been ordering anyway.

    One of the Interesting things about the grapes is that they can be grown in containers as can the Columnar Apple Trees, We planted them in the ground however as in containers they need to be sheltered from the winter.

    It is on my brother to do to winter prep on the Fig Tree, I believe where we are they have to be insulated and wrapped for the winter.

    From the Internet
    He originally planted trees in the ground and wrapped them every fall in layers of burlap and old carpeting. Now he's gone exclusively to pots, which can be sheltered in an unheated garage or outbuilding during the winter.

    Good Luck dropping the Caffeine
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    I know they have some fig trees in this area, not many, but last summer I bought some locally grown figs. We are only slightly warmer than NJ. Maybe they do wrap them in the winter. Maybe I'll add fruit back in first....or maybe coffee!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, It is raining here so the mulch will have to wait another day. Well yesterday we went and paid off our jeep what a great feeling we still had like 3 years to go but felt it would be smarter to just pay it off. George really wants me to stop working but not too sure about that I have always worked so it is something to think about I have to admit it is nice not working of course it would be better if I was pain free. I am so looking forward to hearing what the Dr says on Thursday well nothing really planned for today maybe we will go for a ride not sure how long the rain is suppose to stay. Vix I always thought tea had more caffeine in it than coffee. I love my coffee I drink hazlenut most of the time I like flavor coffee.Roger you sure are getting a lot to plant do you have a lot of place to plant ? sounds like fun I enjoy gardening .Jo did you find any wicker furniture ?