Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Irene, I really like coffee too. :) Hope you get some good news on Thursday. I'm not very happy with my Drs right now. My GP's supposed to call me back on Monday. The info they sent to the insurance co, is not what he told me.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    I know they have some fig trees in this area, not many, but last summer I bought some locally grown figs. We are only slightly warmer than NJ. Maybe they do wrap them in the winter. Maybe I'll add fruit back in first....or maybe coffee!

    Hi Vix
    I did run across this interesting to me anyway article
    Muzychko going against tradition, grows figs in New Jersey
    AFP Correspondent
    Flemington — Figs are not your typical New Jersey crop.
    Even in the warmest parts of the state, the fig can’t survive without a good amount of winter protection.
    So exactly what is Bill Muzychko doing?
    Well, he’s growing figs — several hundred varieties bearing a crop of more than 5,000 figs each season — on his Hunterdon County property. Muzychko grows fig varieties originating from around the world.
    His orchard isn’t a permanent one.
    It moves into the barn each November, and back out again in April.

    Maybe Your locally grown figs get the same treatment. I also saw this, who knew :)
    Figs are almost deer proof, as the deer are allergic to the latex compound in the plant.
    No other pests or diseases have bothered Muzychko’s crop.

    I wonder if they bother people with allergies?

    Have a Good Day
    good morning, It is raining here so the mulch will have to wait another day. Well yesterday we went and paid off our jeep what a great feeling we still had like 3 years to go but felt it would be smarter to just pay it off. George really wants me to stop working but not too sure about that I have always worked so it is something to think about I have to admit it is nice not working of course it would be better if I was pain free. I am so looking forward to hearing what the Dr says on Thursday well nothing really planned for today maybe we will go for a ride not sure how long the rain is suppose to stay. Vix I always thought tea had more caffeine in it than coffee. I love my coffee I drink hazelnut most of the time I like flavor coffee. Roger you sure are getting a lot to plant do you have a lot of place to plant ? sounds like fun I enjoy gardening . Jo did you find any wicker furniture ?

    Hi Irene
    It started out as a drizzle around 6:30 and was a steady rain later and currently at 3:30PM the street is drying out. I think there may be more rain later, I did not check the forecast lately.

    Room, Well we have a decent sized patio in the back yard with growing beds around it, Another along the other side property line and a fair sized shed and still have some room left for grass back there too. Flower / garden beds depending on mood on either side of the porch. I think of the lot as small OTOH I think it is a little large when I get out there to mow it.

    I am glad You enjoy flavored coffee, I see lots of types of flavored hot coffees available in the 7-Eleven and Quick Chek when I stop in on the outbound leg of my walk for my Daily coffee :)
    If the Hazelnut coffee tastes anything like Nutella I doubt I would like it. OTOH I have been proven wrong many times!

    I wish I had retired before I ended up with the aches and pains I do get. You have to evaluate for Yourself however. I took into account the years I would need to have in before going for social security and even then I did end up going a year early when the Job closed and therefore I get somewhat less money each month from them.

    Not wanting car payments is why I drove my 1988 Pontiac until a couple of years ago. It still ran reliably so I kept using it, I drove it for 8 years to one job, not to mention the last 16 years of work where I drove 4-6 minutes to work depending on the traffic lights I was only putting 3 thousand miles more or less on it each year. I was under the less than 2.5 mile commute insurance rate :)

    Good Luck with the Doctor Thursday, You might mention that the pain keeps You from a good nights sleep and off Your feet as much as possible BTW.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Still raining here.
    That's interesting about the figs, Roger, must be a lot of work getting them in and out of the barn.
    Hi Irene and Jo!
    Have a happy day, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, Roger your yard sounds really nice . My yard here is pretty small , waiting till we move back to Browns Mills our yard is a lot bigger . With my knee I really can't plant much but hopefully soon. I normally don't buy coffee out if I do I go to dunkin donuts so I try and stay away from there. Our weather here looks like it is going to rain all week. I am looking forward to going to the Drs hopefully he can help me, I am tried of not being able to do things. Vix I agree that is a lot of work taking figs in and out of the ground every year. Vix hope they can get you back to where you want to be I will have a cup of coffee for you. hey Jo hows it going?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    8900 steps while walking today, I also stopped at the produce store for a couple of Pears and Three Larger Mushrooms for my my Brother. It is slightly cooler than yesterday so I added a flannel jacket, Unbuttoned. I did carry the folding umbrella in my pocket just in case. It is dreary looking out and foggy in parts of NJ. There is a fine mist in the air that collected on my jacket. The Local bank time & Temperature display showed 7:39 and 46 degrees, The Time was off too :)

    Only Two more Boston Blackie episodes to listen too, so tomorrow I will have to decide what to switch to mid walk.

    Have a Nice Monday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Still raining here.
    That's interesting about the figs, Roger, must be a lot of work getting them in and out of the barn.
    Hi Irene and Jo!
    Have a happy day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    From the article it says
    Muzychko has designed his own hand cart system to easily move the trees. Even his oldest trees are able to be readily moved each season.
    His moveable orchard contains trees from one through six years of age, and more than 230 varieties of the common fig.

    No rain yet that I have seen here, although the weather forecasts say chance of spotty showers today hence my taking a Umbrella along while walking.

    Have a Nice Day
    good morning, Roger your yard sounds really nice . My yard here is pretty small , waiting till we move back to Browns Mills our yard is a lot bigger . With my knee I really can't plant much but hopefully soon. I normally don't buy coffee out if I do I go to dunkin donuts so I try and stay away from there. Our weather here looks like it is going to rain all week. I am looking forward to going to the Drs hopefully he can help me, I am tried of not being able to do things. Vix I agree that is a lot of work taking figs in and out of the ground every year. Vix hope they can get you back to where you want to be I will have a cup of coffee for you. hey Jo hows it going?

    Hi Irene
    This Year to help with kneeling my brother bought a folding kneelers seat and it does help, kneeling on the padding and using the side bars to get up does make it easier.
    From the Jung Seeds site
    If your knees get cold, wet, dirty and stiff when planting or weeding, give this handy, lightweight kneeler a try. Flip it one way to use it to kneel on, using the two side bars as helpful supports to get you off your knees. Flip it over and it becomes a seat

    I suppose the yard is a decent size, not as large as the yards in the older parts of town however it is large enough.

    I agree the weather forecast could be better, OTOH it is NJ and thus subject to change. I can actually go through Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds for coffee and only come out with a black unsweetened coffee. Quite a different result from when I started working on losing the overweight, then I would have bought lots of junk foods.

    Good Luck
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    really like that Roger I will have to look into that
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    It has been raining here all day and is quite chilly. Now I don't have to go out and water the flowers.
    Roger-cool kneeler seat.
    Irene-good luck at the dr.
    Hi Vix.
    Nothing much going on here.
    Have a good day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So far no walk today and I am not sure if I will get out for a couple of reasons. It is raining outside and the second reason is I'm tired. I was up and down all night. I have requested my brother not to tempt me by asking if I would like Chinese if he goes for any and not to even mention it until he is back thus removing temptation :) It makes me retain water for several days.

    I had planned to go to the banks on my walk today too. Now I will have to see how the morning is going and take into consideration what the weather forecasts show to decide if I want to make coffee or go later if the rain departs. The first one I looked at today shows rain this morning and tomorrow as well as rain every other day for the next week.

    Temperatures are showing warmer than yesterday, yesterday it was in the 40s when I went out the door, today in the 50s already.

    Have a Great Tuesday, Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    really like that Roger I will have to look into that

    Hi Irene
    I am guessing Your weather is just as poor as mine today.

    I tried the Kneeling bench and it did make it more comfortable kneeling. I have knees that yell, complain and hurt when I kneel directly on them on a hard surface. I have used pillows in the past, this worked easier and made getting up easier too.

    I suspect I am lucky that my knees are OK when I walk. They only pain me if I stand still for too long or kneel on them then they hurt pretty bad.

    Stay Warm & Dry
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    It has been raining here all day and is quite chilly. Now I don't have to go out and water the flowers.
    Roger-cool kneeler seat.
    Irene-good luck at the dr.
    Hi Vix.
    Nothing much going on here.
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Yesterday felt raw outside, today is 10 degrees warmer according to the weather forecast I looked at earlier.

    So true, Our water bills have been what I consider high and that is with out watering. The Water bill came and is even higher, I attribute that to the watering i did when we planted the Raspberries, Onions and Columnar Apple Trees. Since I tend to doing things the easy way I use a sprinkler for that until we get the drip hoses in place. I have one that has an adjustable pattern so I use it set to a straight line of spray and let that run 30 to 40 minutes and then shift it several times for complete coverage. I figure that simulates a steady soaking rain.

    Have a Nice Day, Stay Warm & Dry
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning,well it is raining here so I am staying put for a while I will get out later I don't mind walking in the rain nothing planned today .
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Rainy, gray again. Hubs cut the lawn and did trimming yesterday afternoon when we had a nice sunny break in the weather. Lots of rain in the forecast. Cooler here today than yesterday.
    Lots of pottery for me today.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning,well it is raining here so I am staying put for a while I will get out later I don't mind walking in the rain nothing planned today .

    Hi Irene
    I ended up walking today, just a later than usual start. I was leaving the house at the time I am usually home from the walk at this time of day. The rain had stopped when I looked out the window at 9AM as I was finishing breakfast so I geared up and left. I did take a umbrella hung on my backpack just in case it started raining again as I do not trust NJ weather :) It did start to drizzle as I was on the inbound leg between my two bank stops, Not enough to make it worth unfurling the umbrella however.

    Have a Nice Walk
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Rainy, gray again. Hubs cut the lawn and did trimming yesterday afternoon when we had a nice sunny break in the weather. Lots of rain in the forecast. Cooler here today than yesterday.
    Lots of pottery for me today.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I was looking out the Window and thinking that the lawn could use mowing here. However I think it will have to wait until a dry day, Maybe Thursday.

    According to this mornings weather broadcast it is warmer, OTOH it really did not feel warmer with the Misty rain falling.

    It looks like more rain tomorrow too and then every two days for a while more.

    Enjoy the Pottery Today
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    oooh....the sun just broke through for a couple of minutes. :) We have lots of gray rainy days in the forecast. Hubs mowed yesterday because it was getting long and doesn't look like another good mowing day for a while.
    Hope you get some sunshine too. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Rainy here too.
    I found 11 cents today walking to my car.
    I just chased Vinny around the house to give him his insulin shot. I didn't catch him. I will try again in a little while.
    He is usually good about it.
    I was just about to leave work today and the manager asked me to do a few things before I left. I ended up with 2 hours of OT.
    Irene-did you get out for your walk?
    Vix-What are you making in pottery?
    Enjoy your evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    eku0 wrote: »
    oooh....the sun just broke through for a couple of minutes. :) We have lots of gray rainy days in the forecast. Hubs mowed yesterday because it was getting long and doesn't look like another good mowing day for a while.
    Hope you get some sunshine too. :)

    Hi Vix
    I did not see Sunshine, OTOH it was less gloomy later in the day. The rain has ended for now, the street and sidewalks are drying off :)

    I think I can get out Thursday and mow, unless tomorrow looks OK. I think I saw rain in the forecast for Wednesday, I'm not sure what time the rain is supposed to arrive however, Maybe tonights weather forecast will enlighten me.

    Have a Nice Evening
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Rainy here too.
    I found 11 cents today walking to my car.
    I just chased Vinny around the house to give him his insulin shot. I didn't catch him. I will try again in a little while.
    He is usually good about it.
    I was just about to leave work today and the manager asked me to do a few things before I left. I ended up with 2 hours of OT.
    Irene-did you get out for your walk?
    Vix-What are you making in pottery?
    Enjoy your evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    No money found for the last two days, I had hoped that the rainy weather would actually help with that. I had my best days on rainy days in the past.

    Did You remember to thank Vinny for the exercise in that chase? :)

    Will they pay those two hours as overtime or just let You off early another day?

    Enjoy the Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Jo, you sound really busy! I'm trying to make cylinders and bowls in the wheel class. Definitely not easy, and I'm having some issues with pain in my hands and from sitting in that sort of hunched over position. So far I have 2 toothpick holders (haha), a couple of lopsided handleless cups, and a couple of small bowls. We just glazed the first ones today, and they will be fired, and then done. I am learning things though, and that is good. :)
    Roger, there was a huge rainbow in the sky as we were driving home from pottery class this evening. The closer we got to my house, the more it looked like it was coming directly from my house, but when we got there, it was gone. I took it as a hopeful sign. :)
    Irene, hope you had a nice restful day.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is raining outside so here I am instead of out walking. I hope / Expect to be out later walking. The weather forecast says better conditions later.

    Some recent news from here:
    100-Year-Old Runner Breaks World Record At Penn Relays
    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) –– There are many wonderful stories at the Penn Relays, but, this year, one woman is inspiring many. She’s 100 years old and still pounding the turf.

    The 122nd Penn Relays at Franklin Field in West Philadelphia brought together athletes from all corners of track and field, but the record-breaking performance by 100-year-old Ida Keeling was perhaps the biggest highlight.

    Weird News from Thursday Here:
    Lunchroom Lunacy: ISD cops investigate $2 bill spent on school lunch
    Thursday, April 28, 2016 10:59PM
    When you think of felony forgery your thoughts might turn to Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde shooting it out with the Texas Rangers.

    Not for some local school cops. For one day, public enemy number one when it came to forgery was 13-year-old eighth grader Danesiah Neal at Fort Bend Independent School District's Christa McAuliffe Middle School.

    Now 14, Daneisha was hoping to eat that day's lunch of chicken tenders with her classmates using a $2 bill given to her by her grandmother when she was stopped by the long arm of the law.

    "I went to the lunch line and they said my $2 bill was fake," Danesiah told Ted Oberg Investigates. "They gave it to the police. Then they sent me to the police office. A police officer said I could be in big trouble."

    Not just big trouble. Third-degree felony trouble.

    All I can say is summed up here

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, you sound really busy! I'm trying to make cylinders and bowls in the wheel class. Definitely not easy, and I'm having some issues with pain in my hands and from sitting in that sort of hunched over position. So far I have 2 toothpick holders (haha), a couple of lopsided handleless cups, and a couple of small bowls. We just glazed the first ones today, and they will be fired, and then done. I am learning things though, and that is good. :)
    Roger, there was a huge rainbow in the sky as we were driving home from pottery class this evening. The closer we got to my house, the more it looked like it was coming directly from my house, but when we got there, it was gone. I took it as a hopeful sign. :)
    Irene, hope you had a nice restful day.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Currently it is raining so I am delaying or canceling my walk for the day, delay is my preference as they show some rain through Sunday in the forecast when I looked at it earlier today.

    I would think cylinders would be tough and short ones easier than tall ones too.
    being hunched over does not sound comfortable to me. One the good side You do not have to do it day after day to earn a living.

    I have had small backyard rainbows this year already. They appear in the mist around the water from the sprinkler :) They are pretty however no matter where they are or what size.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    Update: I got out walking +8100 steps shortly after I posted above since the rain had stopped.
    I picked up a couple of Gala Apples and a Green Pear and four Bananas at the local Grocery store. I learned something too, I have been wasting money there. I noticed that the person in front of got a 10% Senior Citizen Discount, So I asked and got one too. That falls into the category of Who Knew :) I never expected a Grocery Store to be doing that.

    Oh Well
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited May 2016
    Well cool, Roger...10% discount! :) Glad you were able to get out for your walk.
    I went to body flow class this morning. Need to go to the library this afternoon. Nothing else planned for today.
    Have a good day. :)