Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member kept needing to be restarted, more and more often.
    We also got a walk in the park this morning, hasn't started raining yet. It was humid, but there was a pretty nice breeze. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good evening;
    It has been raining here all day. Hubby painted the ceiling and I painted the woodwork, tomorrow the walls.
    Hubby will probably do it. He told me I am a terrible painter. :p He doesn't like to paint, so if we need any more done we will probably hire someone.
    I am still deciding what to do with the room after it is painted. Right now it has an elliptical and a bowflex machine in it. I am thinking of turning it into another bedroom.
    The woodwork is white and the walls are ivory. I had some left over paint from when we had the halls done a few years ago.
    Enjoy your evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Jo, that sounds pretty. Our walls and woodwork is all off white. After painting all the rooms in the old house before selling it, I think we're done with painting too. Will probably hire someone when the time comes.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, we got our walk in so I am good for a couple of hours I will take a short around 9am. We had a bad rain storm last night it poured. No plans really for today
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Plan on finishing painting this morning and then the rest of the day will be free. We have nothing planned yet.
    We had rain all day yesterday. Today the sun is shinning. :)
    Have a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    We have sunshine this morning too.
    I'm starting my 2nd pottery wheel class this morning. :)
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking starting at 6:50 until 8:25 +17 cents, all pennies from within a 6 foot stretch of sidewalk & 7100 steps so far. The Overnight Temperatures dropped by a whopping 0.3 degrees from 1:30 to 6AM, It seems Summer is here now. 66 degrees when I left, The Living Room was 77 degrees so I turned on the Wall AC before I left to get a start cooling that floor of the house. It is supposed to be in the upper 80s later on today for a High, Likewise for tomorrow :( There Goes the Electric Bill with two 220 Volt AC units and one 110 volt AC running today.

    Breakfast shortly, a Frozen NS Cinnamon Roll Again and a NS Vanilla Protein Shake to finish the breakfast. The Banana was eaten before I went out the door. I stopped at the local Grocery Store for an assortment of Apples, 1 Gala, 1 Fuji & 2 Granny Smith. I picked up three greenish Bananas and four Navel oranges at the ShopRite Yesterday so I am good for fruit for three more days on Bananas and 4 more days after today for Other fruit.

    Have a Great Week

    More later
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: » kept needing to be restarted, more and more often.
    We also got a walk in the park this morning, hasn't started raining yet. It was humid, but there was a pretty nice breeze. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, that sounds pretty. Our walls and woodwork is all off white. After painting all the rooms in the old house before selling it, I think we're done with painting too. Will probably hire someone when the time comes.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    We have sunshine this morning too.
    I'm starting my 2nd pottery wheel class this morning. :)
    Enjoy your day! :)

    Hi Vix
    That is one of the ways they can go bad. That is why I replaced one too.

    Today was a great day to go walking, slightly warm when the sun was on me so I stayed on the shady side of the street as much as I could, otherwise nice and comfortable.

    The Back bedroom we had someone in to paint it when it was done recently, The Wall needed some repairs so we did it that way, The same person fixed the ceiling in the Laundry room where the sheetrock had come off from when the roof was leaking some years back. It was just to high to do ourselves.

    Enjoy Your Pottery Class and Sunshine
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    It has been raining here all day. Hubby painted the ceiling and I painted the woodwork, tomorrow the walls.
    Hubby will probably do it. He told me I am a terrible painter. :p He doesn't like to paint, so if we need any more done we will probably hire someone.
    I am still deciding what to do with the room after it is painted. Right now it has an elliptical and a bowflex machine in it. I am thinking of turning it into another bedroom.
    The woodwork is white and the walls are ivory. I had some left over paint from when we had the halls done a few years ago.
    Enjoy your evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I turned the back bedroom into a Exercise room and a semi library with a couple of bookcases.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Plan on finishing painting this morning and then the rest of the day will be free. We have nothing planned yet.
    We had rain all day yesterday. Today the sun is shinning. :)
    Have a great day. :)

    It sounds as if You had worse weather than we did. It only rained for around a hour or so.

    good morning, we got our walk in so I am good for a couple of hours I will take a short around 9am. We had a bad rain storm last night it poured. No plans really for today

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on the walking. It sounds as if Your rain was worse than what I saw here a bit north of You.

    My day is shaping up to be a lazy day so far now that the days walking is done. My Brother is outside doing the mowing as it is his turn, next week will be my turn :)

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    hi well got my steps in 12,433 so now I can just do what ever. Just got off of the phone with NS they have this special if you spend $150.00 which I did you can get 7 turbo shakes free so I called and after waiting for a half hour someone finally picked up any way I am getting them free. Of course that was after I told them that I can cancel and reorder but just glad I will be getting them I will let you how they are. Jo how much longer are you on nights? Vix what are you going to make?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hi well got my steps in 12,433 so now I can just do what ever. Just got off of the phone with NS they have this special if you spend $150.00 which I did you can get 7 turbo shakes free so I called and after waiting for a half hour someone finally picked up any way I am getting them free. Of course that was after I told them that I can cancel and reorder but just glad I will be getting them I will let you how they are. Jo how much longer are you on nights? Vix what are you going to make?

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on the Achievement, 12K+ steps, Wow.

    The Price on those Turbo shakes has kept me from ordering them to try. I await Your Verdict on how they taste.

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    hey Roger all I know is that they are chocolate but when I get them I will let you know how they taste
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited June 2016
    Roger and Irene....good job on the walking!
    I did my PT exercise this morning before going to class. Since this is my wheel class, I am just practicing making cylinders and bowls and carving the footings and dipping them in glaze. It looks a lot easier than it is to make a cup or bowl! :)
    I made myself a banana protein shake with chia seeds this morning....lots of fiber and protein, and sweetness from the banana. :) Big salad lunch, salmon and veggies for dinner. And extra dark chocolate for dessert. :)
    Have a good night, everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Went for my walk early, before it gets too hot, and before I leave for clay co-op. It's a sunny day and there is a nice breeze for now.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking starting at 6:25 until 7:55 and 7100 steps.
    69 degrees when I left, The Living Room was 77 degrees on my return so I turned on the Wall AC. It is supposed to be in the mid 80s later on today for a High, Tomorrow will be cooler. There is a chance of rain later today and at some point Wednesday. It was not too bad walking as I was out the door somewhat earlier than yesterday and once again I stayed on the shady side where possible. It was starting to feel somewhat warm when I had to walk in the sunshine.

    Breakfast shortly, Cereal 110 calories with 4 oz of 1% milk 50 calories and sweetener and a NS Coffee Protein Shake to finish the breakfast. The Banana was eaten before I went out the door.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    hey Roger all I know is that they are chocolate but when I get them I will let you know how they taste

    Hi Irene
    They better taste real good and do a good job at what they are charging for them normally.

    The Description is not much help, everything the describe is described in glowing tasty terms. Sometimes the reality is way different. I will say that some things I used to not care for taste better now. I suspect that my taste buds are changing more than it is the food changing as the ones I now like have not been reformulated as far as I can tell.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger and Irene....good job on the walking!
    I did my PT exercise this morning before going to class. Since this is my wheel class, I am just practicing making cylinders and bowls and carving the footings and dipping them in glaze. It looks a lot easier than it is to make a cup or bowl! :)
    I made myself a banana protein shake with chia seeds this morning....lots of fiber and protein, and sweetness from the banana. :) Big salad lunch, salmon and veggies for dinner. And extra dark chocolate for dessert. :)
    Have a good night, everyone.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Went for my walk early, before it gets too hot, and before I leave for clay co-op. It's a sunny day and there is a nice breeze for now.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Did the PT exercise help with the Wheel Class? I like the way the Banana adds sweetness to the Vanilla Protein shake too.
    I could be remembering wrong but isn't the Dark Chocolate the one that is supposed to be better for You?

    The hotter weather moving in is why I have been getting out walking earlier too.
    There was a slight breeze, more would have been better BTW.

    When I was walking today I ran across a box next to the sidewalk marked free :) Being cheap er frugal I Picked up the sealed cr2032 batteries and a battery operated wall clock, The Clock seems to be working fine and will be hanging in the basement on a wall near this computer I use in the basement. I am using this computer since the basement is cool and I am waiting for the Ground Floor to cool off since I did not run the AC there until I returned from walking and it will take a while for the cool air to reach the front bedroom where the other computer is located through the open doors :)

    Enjoy the Clay Co-Op
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, I got my steps in I did 11,115 of course it took 2 walks but happy to say I did it woke up this morning with a bad back but took some aleve feeling so much better.Not much planned for today just at lunch time hubby and I will go vote take care all
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, I got my steps in I did 11,115 of course it took 2 walks but happy to say I did it woke up this morning with a bad back but took some aleve feeling so much better.Not much planned for today just at lunch time hubby and I will go vote take care all

    Hi Irene
    I have been trying a Acetaminophen and Aspirin combo and that seems to work for me. I am somewhat frugal so I am using the jumbo bottles from CostCo :)

    Congratulations on Getting in all those steps
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-nice job getting in all those steps. Is your knee feeling any better? I only work a couple of nights, I am now back to my 5am-1pm. I like this shift the best.
    Roger-I have been known to pick things up from the curb that people put out.
    Vix- Your food for the day sounds yummy.
    The painting is all done. I hung curtains today and am waiting for hubby to rehang the door and then I will attach the mirror back on the door. Sometime this week I will work on the floor. I need to strip the old wax off and start fresh.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Nice walking, everyone! WTG!
    Jo, you are always so industrious! Your house must shine. :)
    I took an Alleve this morning too, Irene....I was pretty stiff from pottery class yesterday.
    Roger, the PT just helps in general, mostly for my neck and lower back/legs.
    I usually add either frozen banana or frozen blueberries to my shakes, makes them taste more like a milkshake. :)
    Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you. I've been buying Lindt 85% cocoa, extra dark chocolate. Seems to have the least amount of additives and no artificial ingredients. It's not very sweet, but not quite bitter either.
    I am craving sweets today....had some raisins.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-nice job getting in all those steps. Is your knee feeling any better? I only work a couple of nights, I am now back to my 5am-1pm. I like this shift the best.
    Roger-I have been known to pick things up from the curb that people put out.
    Vix- Your food for the day sounds yummy.
    The painting is all done. I hung curtains today and am waiting for hubby to rehang the door and then I will attach the mirror back on the door. Sometime this week I will work on the floor. I need to strip the old wax off and start fresh.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Congratulations on getting the painting finished. I took the lazy way out and used a mirro designed to hang on the door with hooks over the top, the side benefit is no holes in the door and easy to move elsewhere. Plus it was pretty inexpensive :)

    As a rule of thumb if someone puts it out with a sign saying free it should be in good shape, otherwise who knows. I did have to put a new battery in the clock, Big deal, I buy the Duracells in quantity packs at CostCo and always have 10 or 20 on hand of the AAA and AA size for remotes, several 9volt for the Alarm clock battery backup and C & D cells for flashlights.

    Good Luck with the floor
    eku0 wrote: »
    Nice walking, everyone! WTG!
    Jo, you are always so industrious! Your house must shine. :)
    I took an Alleve this morning too, Irene....I was pretty stiff from pottery class yesterday.
    Roger, the PT just helps in general, mostly for my neck and lower back/legs.
    I usually add either frozen banana or frozen blueberries to my shakes, makes them taste more like a milkshake. :)
    Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you. I've been buying Lindt 85% cocoa, extra dark chocolate. Seems to have the least amount of additives and no artificial ingredients. It's not very sweet, but not quite bitter either.
    I am craving sweets today....had some raisins.
    Have a good evening, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I have been known to eat Bakers Chocolate, it is even more bitter than the Dark Chocolate :)

    If I am craving sweets I have been know to eat a Skinny Cow Cone at 160 calories for one or more of my snacks instead of the NS ones. OTOH some of the NS Frozen Desserts are pretty tasty too.

    Have a Good Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day today! :)
    I had a little glass of wine last night, probably shouldn't have done that....I think it might be the sulfites that cause some hand swelling. I'll have to check the ingredients on some organic wine in future. :)
    Body flow class today. Appt with the periodontist this afternoon, and meeting a friend for dinner. Busy day.
    Have a happy day, everyone. :)