Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, did you know moth balls are illegal in trenton not sure if it is all of nj or just trenton you can't put them in the yard to keep animals out of your yard I think it must hurt them or something.Not much going on today we did walk and I found another penny.It looks like rain today nothing planned for today maybe take Annie for another walk.All my flowers on my deck have died from the hot sun not sure if I am going to get new ones or not.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    I don't like bugs in my house
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited June 2016
    I think mothballs have been outlawed in a lot of places. They are a lot of things that were common when we were children! I kind of liked the smell of mothballs. What a ditz.'s the website:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2016
    I did 6400 steps today so far + 1 cent and I picked up 2 Bananas on my walk, allergies are really bothering today when outside. The weather itself was OK outbound and it drizzled on me twice when leaving the X-Rays office and Acme.

    We had rain last night in the evening and it appears that more fell in the overnight hours and then I got lightly rained on when leaving two of today's three stops. I combined all my running around for one loop around today, even the optional stops. The DMV registration renewal did not have to be done before the end of next month and the sale prices at the Acme are good through Thursday. While there I picked up some Lean Pockets for lunches, Lean Cuisines for Dinner and a bottle of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce for $1. Then I made a extra unplanned stop at the Dollar store for a $1quart bottle of UHT Milk for the shelf as I have almost finished the open one and put the back up quart in yesterday.

    I hope I can get it used before it expires on May 27, 2017 :) They usually have 1%, 2% and Whole milk and $1 a quart is a decent price IMO.

    Have a Great Week
    eku0 wrote: »
    I put aquarium gravel in some of my indoor plants today....I have those little gnats. I read online that they breed in houseplant soil, so if you cover the soil with aquarium gravel or coarse sand, it breaks their breeding cycle. I also put out little jars with vinegar and dish soap, covered with cellophane with very small holes in it. That's supposed to attract them and they're supposed to drown. There was one more trick where you cover a bright yellow piece of paper with petroleum jelly, and put it on a popsicle stick in a plant....that's supposed to attract them too, and then they get stuck in the petroleum jelly. I haven't done the petroleum jelly one....I'm hoping the other 2 tricks work. :smiley:
    (I don't like any bugs IN my house !)

    Hi Vix
    I hope those remedies work for You, I do think that there are Bugs and Bugs that get into the house. Spiders do not bother me nearly as much as those dirty Disgusting Flies. We seem to get one or two flies in from outside every day when the doors are opened to leave or return, especially when bringing in groceries.
    eku0 wrote: »
    I think mothballs have been outlawed in a lot of places. They are a lot of things that were common when we were children! I kind of liked the smell of mothballs. What a ditz.'s the website:

    Hi Again
    Interesting read. I guess I'll pass on putting Moth balls (Crystals) in the holes by the shed. I used them last when we had some critter tearing open the garbage at the curb and scattering it around. I was putting it in the plastic Bag with the garbage and that did seem to do the job with that problem.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    good morning, did you know moth balls are illegal in Trenton not sure if it is all of nj or just Trenton you can't put them in the yard to keep animals out of your yard I think it must hurt them or something.Not much going on today we did walk and I found another penny.It looks like rain today nothing planned for today maybe take Annie for another walk.All my flowers on my deck have died from the hot sun not sure if I am going to get new ones or not.
    I don't like bugs in my house

    Hi Irene
    I wonder if it all Moth Balls or the ones illegally imported?
    From here
    "Illegal pesticides can sometimes be found for sale from street vendors or in small neighborhood stores.
    They are often much more toxic than pesticides registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and can hurt you and your family as well as the targeted pests. They exist in many forms, including illegal flea and tick repellents for pets, antibacterial cleansers, mothballs, and other products that claim to get rid of household pests.
    Across the country, EPA has initiated an effort to protect consumers from these products
    However, consumers may unknowingly purchase these illegal products. Sometimes the illegal products may look similar to and make the same claims as their legal counterparts, but these products have not been thoroughly tested. And since the products are unregistered, their labels
    have not been reviewed for clear directions and safety warnings."

    More Information in that link.

    Evidently they are being imported in Pet Products such as
    " Illegal Pet Products , including foreign -labeled, unregistered versions of the common pet products Advantage and Frontline, have been illegally imported and sold throughout the U.S. Though registered for use in other countries, some foreign - labeled versions have omitted important warnings, especially those pertaining to children, and overseas companies often give doses in metric units, which can cause Americans to accidentally over - dose or under - dose pets.

    last summer I had to water the hanging plants every morning when I returned from walking. I suspect that they were root bound when we bought them. The water went right through them. The ones we planted in the same pots from small 4 pack trays this year in potting soil seem to be good for several days after being watered. Two days later they still feel moist. Maybe that is what got your flowers on the deck?

    Have a Nice Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon;
    I didn't know mothballs were illegal. I know a few years ago we sold them in my store. I will have to check to see if we still sell them.
    I don't like any kinds of bugs.
    I have to water my container plants every day. The squirrels have eaten all the tomatoes off of my patio plant. :'(
    Vix-thanks for the tip on putting aquarium gravel in house plants. I will give it a try. Right now I have aluminum foil covering some of my plants because the cats like to dig in them.
    It is overcast today and humid,but no rain.
    Have an enjoyable afternoon! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    We had dark clouds this afternoon, and then it rained fairly hard and the sun came out while it was still raining.
    I've got my 6 month check up with the dentist tomorrow. It'll be nice to get a good teeth cleaning.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, last year when we would walk by this one house you can smell the moth balls ,haven't walked by that way lately . For today I need to take George's truck in there was a recall on the air bags so I will take care of that which shouldn't take too long. My weight is starting to come back down which I am happy about. Any more I am happy if I get 10,000 steps in Jo I see you have beaten me again good job. Today so far I only have in 7303 steps but it is early. Vix good luck at the dentist. Roger hope you are feeling better.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    We had enough rain last night that we will not need to water for a couple of days :) OTOH the humidity was 96% nearby us this morning and many parts of the state started out with visibility under 1 mile. Therefore despite the temperature being in the 60s I worked up a sweat walking 5K steps and some pain and a runny nose from some sort of allergy.

    On a different note I was watching a episode of Chopped recently where they mention Ezekiel Bread. From Google: Ezekiel 4:9 products are crafted in the likeness of the Holy Scripture verse Ezekiel 4:9 to ensure unrivaled honest nutrition and pure delicious flavors.
    From Here:
    Source of Complete Protein - Rated 84.3% as efficient as the highest source of protein (comparable to that of milk or eggs)
    Contains 18 Amino Acids - Including all 9 essential amino acids
    Increased Digestibility - Sprouting breaks down
    starches in grains into simple sugars so your body can digest them easily.
    Increased Absorption of Minerals – Sprouting breaks down enzyme inhibitors, so your body can more easily absorb calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.
    Increased Vitamin C - Sprouting produces vitamin C.
    Increased Vitamin B - Sprouting increases the vitamin B2, B5 & B6.
    Great source of Fiber - Combining sprouted grains and legumes gives a good amount of natural fiber in each serving.
    And from Here:
    Why Ezekiel Bread is The Healthiest Bread You Can Eat

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    I didn't know mothballs were illegal. I know a few years ago we sold them in my store. I will have to check to see if we still sell them.
    I don't like any kinds of bugs.
    I have to water my container plants every day. The squirrels have eaten all the tomatoes off of my patio plant. :'(
    Vix-thanks for the tip on putting aquarium gravel in house plants. I will give it a try. Right now I have aluminum foil covering some of my plants because the cats like to dig in them.
    It is overcast today and humid,but no rain.
    Have an enjoyable afternoon! :)

    Hi Joanne
    I am not sure if they are illegal from my research via the Internet as much as that there are plenty of illegally imported ones including in pet products. It seems that some of the imported ones have never been tested for safety.

    Those tree Rats can be destructive. Have You considered some sort of fencing enclosing the Tomato plants, I am sure You are growing them for Human food, not Squirrel food.

    I have a suspicion that the reason I do not have to water every day this year is we planted the hanging pots with plenty of soil around the plants. When We dumped them pots last year they were mostly root and very little soil left.

    eku0 wrote: »
    We had dark clouds this afternoon, and then it rained fairly hard and the sun came out while it was still raining.
    I've got my 6 month check up with the dentist tomorrow. It'll be nice to get a good teeth cleaning.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Our decent rain came in around 9PM here from the west as is usual.

    Good Luck at the Dentist
    good morning, last year when we would walk by this one house you can smell the moth balls ,haven't walked by that way lately . For today I need to take George's truck in there was a recall on the air bags so I will take care of that which shouldn't take too long. My weight is starting to come back down which I am happy about. Any more I am happy if I get 10,000 steps in Jo I see you have beaten me again good job. Today so far I only have in 7303 steps but it is early. Vix good luck at the dentist. Roger hope you are feeling better.

    Hi Irene
    I gather that Moth Balls are really only safe to use in the house in a airtight enclosure.
    From The Internet
    Mothballs are nearly 100% active ingredient, and the active ingredient may be either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Each active ingredient can cause different health effects if the exposure is high enough. Mothballs slowly turn from solids to toxic vapor. When you smell mothballs, you are inhaling the insecticide

    TBH In some ways the AirBag recall seems to be a witch hunt. IMO is is nigh unto impossible to make a 100% safe inflator that is also 100% effective. Add in who knows what effect aging has on them and ........

    Good job getting the steps and the weight coming down too.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Hi all.
    Went to body flow class this morning and dentist this afternoon. Teeth are good except for what I went to the perio for. It's nice to have them professionally cleaned. :)
    Beautiful day today.
    Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy it.
    Good job on all the walking, all of you! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning,we got our walk in it was actually really nice a little breeze. Well yesterday when I went to have George's truck fixed they didn't have the part for the air bags I will be getting a note in the mail when they have it why would they set up an appointment if you don't have the part oh well not much you can do. Vix good job with the dentist I love the way my teeth feel after they clean them.Yesterday I got a lot of house work done I actually scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom so today I plan on cleaning another room as long as my knee doesn't hurt too much Jo I am still waiting to see tomatoes grow on my tomatoe plant .
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Irene, those air bag parts are tricky. My dealer never got them until the 2nd recall was issued this past year. There was a previous recall about 3 years ago...but no parts available.
    I got a notification yesterday that my email account had been compromised, so I spent a lot of time yesterday, changing all my not fun.
    Painting class this morning, then an appt with my rheumatologist this afternoon. So it's another fairly full day. Looks nice out...sunny.
    Enjoy your day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    5200 steps today including a few steps in the Grocery Store. I picked up Three Tangerines, 4 Cameo Apples, 3 Bananas and two Navel Oranges. The weather today is somewhat better than yesterday, somewhat cooler and a little lower humidity thus it was somewhat more comfortable while walking.

    Somewhat of a NSV last night, I pulled the suit I bought in 1995 out of the closet to try on and I did not remember being that heavy back then. I must have been however as it was way to big so now I have no suit to wear when needed :( Now I need to do something(s) I hate doing. Spend money and shop for anything :)

    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Went to body flow class this morning and dentist this afternoon. Teeth are good except for what I went to the perio for. It's nice to have them professionally cleaned. :)
    Beautiful day today.
    Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy it.
    Good job on all the walking, all of you! :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Irene, those air bag parts are tricky. My dealer never got them until the 2nd recall was issued this past year. There was a previous recall about 3 years ago...but no parts available.
    I got a notification yesterday that my email account had been compromised, so I spent a lot of time yesterday, changing all my not fun.
    Painting class this morning, then an appt with my rheumatologist this afternoon. So it's another fairly full day. Looks nice out...sunny.
    Enjoy your day. :)

    Hi Vix
    I do not even know if the Air bags in our cars here are being recalled, Both cars are from 1999 and 1998 :)

    I am sorry to hear that Your email was compromised, Did the Notification come from Your email provider, IE Internet provider or someone like Gmail? BTW I hope You are using a individual passwords for for every website and email. I actually use a small notebook with Usernames, Passwords and responses to the Personal questions they ask for. As an example none of them have the true Mothers maiden name, each one is different.

    I'm glad to hear that it was not worse, I know it was still a pain in the neck. In my case I would probably only have to change the Password for the compromised site as they all have different Usernames and passwords.

    Enjoy the Painting Class and Good Luck at the Rheumatologist
    good morning,we got our walk in it was actually really nice a little breeze. Well yesterday when I went to have George's truck fixed they didn't have the part for the air bags I will be getting a note in the mail when they have it why would they set up an appointment if you don't have the part oh well not much you can do. Vix good job with the dentist I love the way my teeth feel after they clean them.Yesterday I got a lot of house work done I actually scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom so today I plan on cleaning another room as long as my knee doesn't hurt too much Jo I am still waiting to see tomatoes grow on my tomatoe plant .

    Hi Irene
    I agree, the weather was not bad especially considering that Tomorrow is the start of July which along with August are the months I have always considered the hottest months.

    We have plenty of Tomatoes on the plants, All Green however. My brother is still waiting for the Zucchini plants to go into production, They have plenty of flowers, pretty much all male flowers that produce no zucchini however. I have some Raspberries on the plants I put in this spring. They are not the biggest looking ones I have seen, OTOH for the first year not too bad.

    You have more energy than I, I hate getting down on my knees and have to use something to get back up anymore. I guess I could use my brothers kneeler he bought for use in the garden. It has a padded kneeling spot that is several inches off of the floor and handles on the side to help get up. It is also usable as a seat. Folds up for easier storage too.

    Good Luck with your Tomato Plants
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    Vix sorry you had to go and change all your pass words. We actually have a app that keeps all of our pass works and all the different loggins it is keeper it really works for us you might want to think about. found 12 cents today
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Sorry your email was compromised. :( What a pain to have to change all your passwords.
    Roger- I also have a notebook with all my passwords and user names and security questions. With so many site that you need passwords for I have a hard time remembering them all.
    Irene-I have that app on my phone. Sorry you had to waste a trip to the car dealer.
    Congrats on finding 12 cents.
    I worked overnight last night, so slept most of the day. I will be doing the same tonight.
    Have a good night. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Thanks for the sympathy....I keep a notebook too. I didn't change my user names, just my passwords.
    Roger, I got the notification from CSID, which is a service provided by the gov't for all employees whose records were stolen by the Chinese a year or so ago. I think we have the service for a couple of years. I kind of miss the old days when things weren't so out there.
    Saw the rheumatologist this afternoon...said he thinks I'm doing well, and making good choices. He took a bunch of tests to make sure things are ok. It was somewhat reassuring as I've not been feeling that great lately and was starting to worry. Worry for me could be causing some of the problems...we talked about stress relief.
    Jo, working nights is so hard. Hope you get a few days off after your night shifts to catch up.
    Irene, I try not to store too much on my computer, would rather have my passwords elsewhere, though they're probably captured anyway.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, we went for our walk and I found a penny .Not too much planned today just the food shopping and stopping off at bbb to return some stuff. Jo hope you get off of nights soon I know how hard it is. Roger I notice yesterday that it has the yellow flowers on it so I guess we are doing ok so far.Vix what do you have planned for today?
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, I have my zumba gold class on Friday mornings, then a massage this afternoon. I do have to do some food shopping too and some cooking. Hubs has a poker game tonight and is supposed to bring the food. And we're going to a bbq tomorrow and I'm bringing a side dish. Looks like a nice day outside. Again a pretty full day.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Happy Friday. :)