Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking 5200 steps. As I approached the Quick Chek my Phone rang, It was my brother asking did You forget You need to drop the car off today? Oops, I sure did, This is the second back window where the Mechanism has failed. I suspect it is due to the fact that they only get used if I hit the button by mistake :) It went down a little way and would not go up or down, The motor was running. This is the same thing that happened to the other rear window.

    Two of the Raspberries fruits are starting to show color, Four had fruit altogether out of 10, I suspect that is not too bad for the first year in the ground and they are mostly growing great too.
    You can see the amount of color so far in this shot.

    That is a Yard Stick between the Raspberry an the Blackberry plant on the right.

    Two of the three Apple trees had flowers and I see no fruit set however.

    Some of the oddities I have been picking up while walking :) Two of what look like Chuckie Cheese Tokens? and something with a hole in it.

    Have a Great Friday & the Start of the Holiday Weekend for many.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Vix sorry you had to go and change all your pass words. We actually have a app that keeps all of our pass works and all the different loggins it is keeper it really works for us you might want to think about. found 12 cents today
    good morning, we went for our walk and I found a penny .Not too much planned today just the food shopping and stopping off at bbb to return some stuff. Jo hope you get off of nights soon I know how hard it is. Roger I notice yesterday that it has the yellow flowers on it so I guess we are doing ok so far.Vix what do you have planned for today?

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on Your finds and getting out walking.

    I had thought about a program for Usernames and Passwords, OTOH I use three or four different computers for different things. Two for Forums depending on whether I am on the Main floor or in the basement, The basement one is also what I use for Video Captures, Editing and Authoring to DVD or BluRay disks. I like using that one down there as it runs cooler down there and video conversion runs up the heat output from it. Then I have a Acer Laptop that I only bring out to use for Financial work on the Internet. It gets updated and never even does email. Then I have a Toshiba laptop that I keep up to date as a backup in case of a problem with one of the forum use computers.

    Have a Nice Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Sorry your email was compromised. :( What a pain to have to change all your passwords.
    Roger- I also have a notebook with all my passwords and user names and security questions. With so many site that you need passwords for I have a hard time remembering them all.
    Irene-I have that app on my phone. Sorry you had to waste a trip to the car dealer.
    Congrats on finding 12 cents.
    I worked overnight last night, so slept most of the day. I will be doing the same tonight.
    Have a good night. :)

    Hi Joanne
    The other reason I use a notebook is that some sites I use infrequently so there is no way i would remember the passwords.

    I hope the overnight work ends soon.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Thanks for the sympathy....I keep a notebook too. I didn't change my user names, just my passwords.
    Roger, I got the notification from CSID, which is a service provided by the gov't for all employees whose records were stolen by the Chinese a year or so ago. I think we have the service for a couple of years. I kind of miss the old days when things weren't so out there.
    Saw the rheumatologist this afternoon...said he thinks I'm doing well, and making good choices. He took a bunch of tests to make sure things are ok. It was somewhat reassuring as I've not been feeling that great lately and was starting to worry. Worry for me could be causing some of the problems...we talked about stress relief.
    Jo, working nights is so hard. Hope you get a few days off after your night shifts to catch up.
    Irene, I try not to store too much on my computer, would rather have my passwords elsewhere, though they're probably captured anyway.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    The Internet is a handy resource, it just needs caution. From what I see there are too many people out there using simple passwords or using the same username and password for every site. The Same password is bad idea simply because if any site gets compromised all of Your sites are accessible that way. I also find it bizarre that "password" and '123456" are so common that they make all of the most common password lists that I have seen followed by variations on 123456.

    keeping the only copy on Your computer is a recipe for disaster, when I was working a fair portion of the work was getting as much back off of a bad hard drive as I could and Virus removal. Now that Ransomware is so prevalent the problem is worse if You do not have a good backup. BTW if You leave the backup attached to the computer the backup copy gets encrypted too. I have seen reports where some Police departments and Hospitals ended up paying to get their data back.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, I have my zumba gold class on Friday mornings, then a massage this afternoon. I do have to do some food shopping too and some cooking. Hubs has a poker game tonight and is supposed to bring the food. And we're going to a bbq tomorrow and I'm bringing a side dish. Looks like a nice day outside. Again a pretty full day.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Happy Friday. :)

    Hi Again
    It sounds as if You have a full day planned!

    Is the Holiday Weekend starting a day early for You? Traffic seemed light this morning.

    Have a Great Time with all those acticities
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    hey remember when I was saying my flowers on the deck died?well went out today and somehow they are a live again it might have to do with the rain we have been having. We just got done with a real bad storm I guess I won't have to water the grass today ya for me. I did stop and got my nails done a pretty red for the 4th .Vix sounds like you real busy day planned.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good evening;
    Only one more overnight and I am off for 2 days and then back to my regular schedule 5am-1pm.
    Irene-great that your plants didn't die, they just needed a good drink of water.
    Roger-your plant are doing great. I think my tomato plant is a goner, no tomatoes or flowers. I keep watering it and hoping.
    Vix-Stress can wreck havoc on the body and mind. I am happy you got good feedback from the dr.
    I am having a family cookout on Sunday, about 30 people. It should be fun.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member glad your flowers are alive...Yay! Fun that you got your nails done in red. :)
    Jo, I'll bet you'll be glad to get back to your regular schedule....much better. Your cookout sounds like fun. I made a marinated salad to bring to our friend's cookout tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. We don't see them very often. It'll be nice to relax and catch up.
    Roger, it's good that you keep up with all the computer stuff....I just let it go once I retired. I do keep separate passwords for everything. It was just so much simpler when we didn't have to do that.
    Anyway....have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking today 6000 steps + 1 cent from yesterday. The something with a hole in it that I posted a image of Yesterday turned out to be a penny. I used a fine Emory cloth on it and was able to see Lincolns head after sanding off some of the corrosion.

    Todays weather was decent around 76% humidity and 68 degrees when I left the house. Yesterday we heard thunder several times throughout the day but no significant rain until around 9PM. No watering needed today. My Brother brought home some nice looking Portulaca's AKA Moss Rose. They were in a 6 pack that cost a whole Dollar :) I pulled out the last left over hanging basket and put four of them into it and two near the ones in the ground. That makes four hanging baskets for three spots. One will sit on the front Stoop. Now one Geraniums, One Petunias and one Begonias and now one Portulaca.

    Today's plan is a picnic on the lawn from here:
    My Thoughts on this as of now are eat my Hot On NS Plan dinner at home ahead and take a Cold Protein Shake, 100 calories, a Nice Apple or Tangerine and for later in the evening a nice tasty NS Dessert, possibly the Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Nut Bar 200 calories or the Vanilla Shortbread Cookies 160 calories. Since I do not want to eat my brothers low calorie items he plans on taking, IE Potato Salad with real Mayo & Egg and Macaroni Salad using home made Pesto that has fresh Basil from the garden and Chicken Leg Quarters. My Other Option would be to hit the Burger King for 2 Whoppers using the Coupon for Buy One Get One Free. 630 calories each or 470 each without Mayo. If I did that I would go the No Mayo route and combine the meat and throw out one Bun and eat the Lettuce and Tomato as a salad. Going that route could make it usable as a lot of the calories must be coming from the Large Bun :)

    Let's not forget to mention the Rear Passenger Window Repair on the Buick $207 :(

    Have a Great Start of the 4th of July Holiday Weekend.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hey remember when I was saying my flowers on the deck died?well went out today and somehow they are a live again it might have to do with the rain we have been having. We just got done with a real bad storm I guess I won't have to water the grass today ya for me. I did stop and got my nails done a pretty red for the 4th .Vix sounds like you real busy day planned.

    Hi Irene
    We had some rain last night however where I am we did not have severe weather, nothing even near what I saw on the news that some parts of NJ had with power lines and trees down.

    Plants are like that, I had grandparents that used to hang geraniums upside down in the basement over winter and they said the plants came back the the next year when planted. I never tried it myself FWIW.

    I was thinking no watering needed until at least Monday here too.

    Enjoy the Holiday weekend
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Only one more overnight and I am off for 2 days and then back to my regular schedule 5am-1pm.
    Irene-great that your plants didn't die, they just needed a good drink of water.
    Roger-your plant are doing great. I think my tomato plant is a goner, no tomatoes or flowers. I keep watering it and hoping.
    Vix-Stress can wreck havoc on the body and mind. I am happy you got good feedback from the dr.
    I am having a family cookout on Sunday, about 30 people. It should be fun.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    You can see the sum total of my holiday plans in the link in my previous post so far. Maybe Monday I'll put the grill up and do a couple of Hebrew National 97% fat free hot dogs to go on a 60 calorie wrap with some ketchup and 40 calories of Cheese and 40 calories of Pre-Cooked SR bacon as my Holiday Splurge :)

    Your cookout sounds like fun, I am sure we do not even have near 30 people left in NJ that we could invite to one, They have mostly moved out of NJ, the #1 for Taxes state.

    Have You tried feeding the Tomato plant, it might need some nutrients?

    Have a :) Day
    eku0 wrote: » glad your flowers are alive...Yay! Fun that you got your nails done in red. :)
    Jo, I'll bet you'll be glad to get back to your regular schedule....much better. Your cookout sounds like fun. I made a marinated salad to bring to our friend's cookout tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. We don't see them very often. It'll be nice to relax and catch up.
    Roger, it's good that you keep up with all the computer stuff....I just let it go once I retired. I do keep separate passwords for everything. It was just so much simpler when we didn't have to do that.
    Anyway....have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Marinated Salad? Could I ask what is in the salad and the marinade?

    Back in the 90s I agree things were mush simpler and then the Internet appeared. I remember buying software called "Internet in a Box" to use with Windows 3.11 which had no Internet capabilities built in. From Wikipedia:
    Internet in a Box (IBox) was one of the first commercially available Internet connection software packages available for sale to the public

    The IBox software included the Winsock and TCP/IP stack that were needed to connect a computer running Microsoft Windows to the Internet in 1994

    I was somewhat ahead of the crowd back then I had internet in 1994 and I even had a multidisk CD changer drive for the computer. Now I lag as I have simpler needs :)

    Have a Nice Weekend
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning,went for a nice walk this morning the weather was awesome nice little breeze got in 8000 steps. We really had a nasty storm yesterday high winds and a lot of rain , the thunder had Annie really upset she sat in my lap she weighs 75 pounds so we just sat there until it passed she is doing better today.Tomorrow we are heading up to the poconos for two days we will be back on monday george has work on tuesday and I have a drs apt he has to sign off for my operation .There will be a party at my sisters house on Sunday and I will be visiting my Moms grave when ever we go up I always stop by and say hi to her.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-have fun in the Poconos. I am glad Annie is feeling better. :)
    Roger-Picnic on the lawn sounds like fun. Are you going to stay for the fireworks? I am going to try and stay awake this year. I can see them from the upstairs window in the guest room. Most of my family live an hour away or farther. We don't see other often, so this is a good chance to catch up with everyone.
    Vix-have a great time at the cookout. Care to share you marinated salad recipe?
    Everything is just about set for tomorrow. I am cleaning house today and doing laundry. Tomorrow morning I will prep the veggies and marinate the shrimp, put the drinks on ice, shuck the corn and make tomato/basil/mozzarella skewers. Hubby will do the cooking on the grill.
    Have a great 4th of July weekend. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited July 2016
    It's kind of late, but I'll post the recipe tomorrow.
    Enjoy your company, Jo.
    Have fun in PA, Irene.
    Enjoy the picnic, Roger.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning,
    I am up, showered,dressed and ready to start the day.
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Enjoy your gathering today, Jo. :)
    Here's the marinated salad recipe....(make sure you turn your stove fan/vent on while cooking the has a really strong smell).

    Grandma's marinated salad:
    1 cauliflower separated into florets
    1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, cut up
    2 carrots sliced
    1 red pepper coarsely chopped
    1 green pepper coarsely chopped
    2 small red onions sliced into rings
    4 1/2 ounces of black olives
    1 1/2 cups white vinegar
    1/2 cup oil
    1 tablespoon sugar
    2 cloves garlic, split or chopped
    salt, optional
    1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

    At least one day before serving, combine cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, red and green peppers, onions, and olives in a bowl.
    Combine vinegar, oil, sugar, garlic, salt and crushed red pepper in a small saucepan.
    Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    Pour marinade over vegetables, and cover bowl. Refrigerate one or more days, stirring occasionally.
    Makes about 10-12 servings.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My Brother & I went to the Picnic on the lawn yesterday and finally saw the Fireworks, I say finally as the Ball game went into extra innings and they paused the game after 11PM and did the Fireworks, then it looked like they were getting going again, we left and were on the way home at 11:30. During the Interval I wandered into the Target an ended up buying a Jance paperback called "Dance of the Bones" one of the books featuring J. P. Beaumont at 15% off and on the way out I saw a Starbucks so I had a hot Coffee. Thus the 6Pm to 10Pm ran 6Pm to 11:30Pm :) They were nice enough to keep the Historic Van Horne House open as well *kitten* handing out goodie bags from the Unity Bank. The Weather was surprisingly cool to where everybody was feeling a chill by the time the Fireworks went off. If I has realized it would be that chilly on July 2nd I would have dressed warmer.

    I ended up over 11K steps yesterday and was somewhat sore today after getting a late start walking I did 3500 steps and One Cent. The weather seemed OK heading out however I did start to feel warm on the return leg.

    What I did for food yesterday was eat my Dinner at Lunch time and my lunch at the Picnic. I ended up with was a NS Grilled Chicken sandwich with a smear of Lite Mayo on the the buns which I toasted lightly before reassembling the sandwich and 1 1/2 slices of shopRite Precooked Bacon, A Tangerine, A Chocolate ready to drink Protein Shake by Muscle Milk 100 calories from CostCo, Fresh cauliflower courtesy of my brother likewise the Carrot sticks and Celery bites. Dessert was the NS Vanilla Shortbread Cookies. They came around with a tray of Brownies and Ginger Cookies while we were there, I ended up with one of each :( FWIW I also had a Bottle of Frozen water to keep the foods cold and a chilled one to drink.
    I almost forgot to mention that I sampled my brothers Home made Potato Salad and Macaroni Salad with Home Made Pesto using Basil from the Garden instead of Mayo. On the good side the scale was kind to me this morning.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning,went for a nice walk this morning the weather was awesome nice little breeze got in 8000 steps. We really had a nasty storm yesterday high winds and a lot of rain , the thunder had Annie really upset she sat in my lap she weighs 75 pounds so we just sat there until it passed she is doing better today.Tomorrow we are heading up to the poconos for two days we will be back on monday george has work on tuesday and I have a drs apt he has to sign off for my operation .There will be a party at my sisters house on Sunday and I will be visiting my Moms grave when ever we go up I always stop by and say hi to her.

    Hi Irene
    I ended up with a short walk as I did not get to bed until midnight from the Picnic :)

    Have You tried those Blankets they sell that are supposed to help comfort the dog in situations such as Thunderstorms? I guess it could be worse, I have heard of someone that Bought a pair of expensive Pointers for hunting and the first time he fired a weapon they fell to the ground in a panic and lay there shaking :) They are advertising those blankets here on some channel and I remember someone saying they helped over on the Old NS forums.

    Enjoy the Poconos
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-have fun in the Poconos. I am glad Annie is feeling better. :)
    Roger-Picnic on the lawn sounds like fun. Are you going to stay for the fireworks? I am going to try and stay awake this year. I can see them from the upstairs window in the guest room. Most of my family live an hour away or farther. We don't see other often, so this is a good chance to catch up with everyone.
    Vix-have a great time at the cookout. Care to share you marinated salad recipe?
    Everything is just about set for tomorrow. I am cleaning house today and doing laundry. Tomorrow morning I will prep the veggies and marinate the shrimp, put the drinks on ice, shuck the corn and make tomato/basil/mozzarella skewers. Hubby will do the cooking on the grill.
    Have a great 4th of July weekend. :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning,
    I am up, showered,dressed and ready to start the day.
    Enjoy your day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    Did You make it to see the Fireworks?
    It sounds as if You will be busy with the Prep work.

    Have a Great Cookout
    eku0 wrote: »
    It's kind of late, but I'll post the recipe tomorrow.
    Enjoy your company, Jo.
    Have fun in PA, Irene.
    Enjoy the picnic, Roger.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I did, we chatted with people too.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Enjoy your gathering today, Jo. :)
    Here's the marinated salad recipe....(make sure you turn your stove fan/vent on while cooking the has a really strong smell).

    Grandma's marinated salad:
    1 cauliflower separated into florets
    1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, cut up
    2 carrots sliced
    1 red pepper coarsely chopped
    1 green pepper coarsely chopped
    2 small red onions sliced into rings
    4 1/2 ounces of black olives
    1 1/2 cups white vinegar
    1/2 cup oil
    1 tablespoon sugar
    2 cloves garlic, split or chopped
    salt, optional
    1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

    At least one day before serving, combine cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, red and green peppers, onions, and olives in a bowl.
    Combine vinegar, oil, sugar, garlic, salt and crushed red pepper in a small saucepan.
    Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    Pour marinade over vegetables, and cover bowl. Refrigerate one or more days, stirring occasionally.
    Makes about 10-12 servings.

    That remark regarding the Hood Vent lets us out. We do not have one in our older kitchen.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited July 2016
    Haha...I've done it without venting...just a vinegary, garlicy smell. I don't mind it, but my family does.
    Enjoy the day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning!
    Happy 4th of July!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out and did 4500 steps and a stop at the Grocery Store for 3 Bananas 49 cents a pound, 3 Navel oranges 5 for $1.99, 2 large tangerines 40 cents each and 3 Cameo Apples selling for 99cents a pound. Temperature out the Door was in the lower 60s, a Possibility of Rain Tonight.

    Two of the Bananas went into the refrigerator for Wednesday & Thursday and the third one is on the Counter for Tomorrow Morning.

    Breakfast today was a Banana before walking, Post Raisin Bran 11o calories with 4 ounces of 1% milk 50 calories and Sweetener and a Premier Protein Vanilla Shake, 30g Protein and 160 calories :) I also pulled the 97% Fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs for Later on with a 60 calorie Honey Wheat or Whole Wheat wrap, Cleaned the Grill and generally made ready for later on.

    Have a Great 4th of July
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Haha...I've done it without venting...just a vinegary, garlicy smell. I don't mind it, but my family does.
    Enjoy the day. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Happy 4th of July!
    Hi Vix
    Happy Holiday!

    I like the image You posted, so Appropriate!

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    BTW, here is a recipe for Beer Bread. I suspect it would work with Gluten Free Flour too.
    Easy Beer Bread Recipe
    This recipe should only take 10 minutes to prepare. The longest part is greasing the bread pan. The beer you use will determine how much the bread will rise and the density of the bread. I experimented with 10 different beers over the holidays and i list them below in the order i thought made the best bread. Everyone loved these breads.

    1. Youngs double chocolate stout
    2. Guiness stout
    3. Sam adams chocolate bock
    4. Dunkelweiss - Dark Wheat Beer
    5. Sam adams old fezziwig ale
    6. Oskar Blues Ten Fidy Imperial stoudt
    7. Ommegang - Hennepin Farmhouse Saison
    8. Magic Hat - Circus Boy THE Hefeweizen
    9. Anchor Steam Christmas Ale
    10. Sam Adams Winter Ale

    Preheat oven to 375
    3 Cups Self Rising Flour
    1/2 Cup Sugar
    12oz Beer None of that light crap.
    Mix Sugar and flour in a large bowl, add beer. Mix with a wooden spoon until nice and sticky. Grease (butter) bread pan. pour in batter and use back of spoon to smooth out batter. Bake for 40-50 minutes or till a butter knife inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool at least 10 minutes before removing from pan.

    I used Becks dark beer, comes out good

    I'm not sure where he found it TBH. Ithink he just uses the Becks as it works. The Bread is very tasty too.
