Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    I managed to get to 8700 steps for the morning despite the weather being on the warm side. It was 79 to 80 degrees depending on whether You believe my Remote readout of 79.4 or the local Cable news channel display of 80 degrees :) Either way it was OK until part way into the walk. I wonder if the Coffee contributes to feeling warm?
    They say that today will be the hottest of the year so far :( Well above the average for us. Not as bad as further south or west, still slightly under 100 degrees.

    I managed to hit 10.3K steps by Bedtime yesterday, It has been a while since I managed that. I suspect I will match or exceed that today :)

    Both my Brother and I have noticed that Sugars make us feel warmer too. Therefore The only Sugar before my Morning walk is the 1/2 Banana I eat before I leave the house. In the Winter I eat the entire thing.

    Have a Really Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-Thanks for the songs, I have always liked both of them. :)
    Vix-I always take my ipad on vacation, most places have wifi that you can connect to. The weather will be the same when you come home. We are about to start a 6 day heat wave.
    Irene-Good job on the cleaning. Enjoy your haircut and highlights.
    I worked overnight, ran some errands on my way home and then had a nap. I am trying to work up some ambition to do a little house cleaning.
    Have a pleasant day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I agree many places have free WiFi, You do have to watch out for Criminals spoofing a free WiFi location however so that they can spy on banking log-ins.

    I have found that amobition is somewhat lacking when it comes to one of my least favorite things to do, Cleaning and Yard Work :)

    I am glad You enjoyed the songs.
    good morning, we went for our walk and it was warm but it is done now I am relaxing not sure what we are going to do today we just might stay home it is going to be a hot one today. I did get in 6600 so I am doing good. Jo those over nights are tough it seems to be the weekends when you are doing them are they easier for you?

    Hi Irene
    I have to agree it was warm but tolerable. I seem to handle the heat better with the weight loss too. Also see my comment on sugar which seems to help too. Not just Sugars, Empty Carbs such as breads too.

    Congratulations on Your Walk
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    .Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am working overnights on friday and saturday. I actually like going in and working when no one else is in my department. It is usually really busy during the day on the weekends with more people scheduled, which makes it kind of chaotic. I am going home before most of the other workers come in. :)
    Did grocery shopping and had a nap so far today. It is too hot to do anything outside.
    Roger-congrats on getting 10.3K steps.
    Vix-Did you fly or drive to Florida? Have a safe trip home.
    Tomorrow my daughter and I are going to the beach at 6am and walk then we are going out to breakfast.
    We want to be home before it gets really hot. We walked a lot on the beach last year, but just haven't found the time to do it this year. It is about an hours drive. It is a nice relaxing walk, quiet and listening to the sound of the waves.
    If I ever hit the lottery, I want to buy a place right on the ocean.
    Have a good evening and stay cool. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    .Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am working overnights on friday and saturday. I actually like going in and working when no one else is in my department. It is usually really busy during the day on the weekends with more people scheduled, which makes it kind of chaotic. I am going home before most of the other workers come in. :)
    Did grocery shopping and had a nap so far today. It is too hot to do anything outside.
    Roger-congrats on getting 10.3K steps.
    Vix-Did you fly or drive to Florida? Have a safe trip home.
    Tomorrow my daughter and I are going to the beach at 6am and walk then we are going out to breakfast.
    We want to be home before it gets really hot. We walked a lot on the beach last year, but just haven't found the time to do it this year. It is about an hours drive. It is a nice relaxing walk, quiet and listening to the sound of the waves.
    If I ever hit the lottery, I want to buy a place right on the ocean.
    Have a good evening and stay cool. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I always did like Night work too.

    That does sound like a fine way to kill the morning :)

    I know what You mean it is supposed to be 97 degrees today and even this morning was a warm 80 degrees at 6:10 when I looked at the cable news channel temperature that they run in the bottom of the screen :(

    I am hoping tomorrow is OK, The Predicted high is 94 however they are also saying that the Humidity will be higher. I need to get out with the backpack and stop at the Grocery Store for some Bananas and Assorted Fruits.

    Have a Good Sunday
    And Thank You for the Kind words
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    For those of You with a Shoprite nearby the Circular that starts today and runs through Saturday had some Super Coupons in it. Example with a $25 dollar purchase, Butter at 2 for $3, 5 pound bag of Potatoes for $1, SR Brand canned Chicken or Solid White Tuna as a Buy 10 and pay 77 cents per can any over 10 will be $1 each, a Good price and Chicken legs and Thighs for $0.29 a pound. It doesn't get cheaper. As always with their Circular You also need their key tag.

    I managed to be at 10.1K steps by bedtime yesterday. So far today I am at 7900 steps, I would have gone further except for my Grocery Store stop where I picked up a refrigerated food that I wanted to get in the Refrigerator despite that I wrapped in in a hand towel. I also Picked up two green pears, Five Bananas, a Apple, and a Nectarine to bring my on hand fruit in balance with the Banana quantity. I eat an apple a day at lunch, Keeps the Doctor Away :) The other fruit joins orange I had and the Apples I had on hand.

    Today the weather was 74 degrees out the door at 6:20, a bit more humid so more less the morning felt the same as yesterday. Later today the Humidity is supposed to arrive and go high along with a forecast temperature of 97 for Monday. Saturday highs were in the 97 to 98 degree range here in NJ.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Always nice to be back and sleep in one's own bed. :) ( We flew to Florida, don't like long rides so much anymore).
    Not much planned for today....watered the plants, will do laundry.
    Sounds like it was possibly even hotter here than in Florida this past week! I unintentionally got a little burn on my shoulders, even though I pretty much try to avoid the sun and put sunscreen on when I knew I'd be out in it. There was one day when I forgot the sunscreen.
    Sounds like you all had a busy week.
    I like vacations, but I'm always happy to get home. :)
    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    hi all, welcome back home Vix glad you had a nice vacation, it is always nice to come home.Yesterday it reach 101 here just way too hot for me.Right now it is 91 but it is still early. We did get out at 6 am for our walk I found 2 cents and dis 8800 steps which is good for a sunday well have a nice afternoon
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Welcome back Vix. I love going on vacation, but love coming home even more.There is no place like home and your own bed. :)
    With the walk we took today and going to work for 5 hours, I got 23,000 steps in today so far. There was a nice breeze down by the water.
    Roger- I don't have a shoprite near me, but those price are good.
    Hi Irene.
    My husband turned the sprinkler on to water the trees in the back yard. We must have 50 little birds enjoying the spray.
    Enjoy the day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Always nice to be back and sleep in one's own bed. :) ( We flew to Florida, don't like long rides so much anymore).
    Not much planned for today....watered the plants, will do laundry.
    Sounds like it was possibly even hotter here than in Florida this past week! I unintentionally got a little burn on my shoulders, even though I pretty much try to avoid the sun and put sunscreen on when I knew I'd be out in it. There was one day when I forgot the sunscreen.
    Sounds like you all had a busy week.
    I like vacations, but I'm always happy to get home. :)
    Enjoy your Sunday.

    Hi Vix
    It was fairly hot but not terrible due to lower humidity levels, I suspect You are back just in time for the worst day of the heat wave :)

    I hope Your Sunburn clears up speedily.

    Have a Good Evening
    hi all, welcome back home Vix glad you had a nice vacation, it is always nice to come home.Yesterday it reach 101 here just way too hot for me.Right now it is 91 but it is still early. We did get out at 6 am for our walk I found 2 cents and dis 8800 steps which is good for a Sunday well have a nice afternoon

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on Your walk and Your found money. The only money I found lately is a bunch of quarters when I was gong through a drawer in the Lamp Table in the living Room.

    I hope tomorrow is OK but I am pessimistic

    Have a Nice Night
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Welcome back Vix. I love going on vacation, but love coming home even more.There is no place like home and your own bed. :)
    With the walk we took today and going to work for 5 hours, I got 23,000 steps in today so far. There was a nice breeze down by the water.
    Roger- I don't have a shoprite near me, but those price are good.
    Hi Irene.
    My husband turned the sprinkler on to water the trees in the back yard. We must have 50 little birds enjoying the spray.
    Enjoy the day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    Wow 23,000 steps, I am impressed and in awe of that. That has to be in the range of some sort of marathon distance.
    My Brother came back from the store with two waters at $1.50 each and a Big tray of legs, he really wanted Thighs but they were substituting Tyson and he will not touch Tyson products :)
    % cans of the house Brand 5 ounce Chicken for me and 5 cans of Solid Pack Tuna for him at 77 cents a can. That is a great price as I see it. I need to see if I can get there before the sale ends and get more chicken, he is possibly interested in it if the can looks good when I open one.

    How nice of You to be running a bird bath.
    Enjoy the Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    Good morning, we got up at 3am and did our walk it was 78 it was a little on the warm side we walked a little over an hour so my steps are only at 6400 but I have all day to get to 10 k which shouldn't be a problem . Right now it is raining glad we got done before it started to rain . It really is raining hard.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Sunny here!
    Going to yoga-lates today. I'll see if I like it, I wish they had left the yoga class alone. This is a combination of yoga and pilates...I don't especially like pilates, but willing to try something new.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-you were up early!
    Vix-I have tried doing pilates at home following a dvd. I found it to be hard.
    Roger-did your brother get a rain check for the chicken? Our walk on the beach was 3 miles both ways and then we walked about 1/2 a mile both ways to get to breakfast, plus the miles I put on at work. Most days I do 10-15K.
    Today is doing a few errands and a little house cleaning. I have already cleaned 1 bathroom and did 2 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed and did 45 minutes of walk with Leslie.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm at 7982 steps currently, Yesterday when I checked before retiring I was over 10K steps, 10,003 to be exact o:)
    The weather today is predicted to be the highest Humidity of the heat wave. It was 80 degrees at 6AM :( There is a forecast for Thunderstorms around the state later in the afternoon. South of me in the Trenton / South Jersey the weather report was showing rain at 6AM too, They said mainly south of I-195. When I left the sky was dark and threatening looking by the time I returned home it was clearing and the sun was breaking through and it was feeling uncomfortable and the breeze had died. When I left out the door at 6:25 despite the temperature and humidity it was comfortable with a nice cooling breeze.

    A simple I hope question. Does anybody know what the flower in the picture is? You can get a idea of scale by looking at the Electric meter I left in the picture at the top.

    In a humorous vein as well as it is so true.

    Have a Good upcoming week

    Back later, I want to get the other computer started converting a video capture.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning, we got up at 3am and did our walk it was 78 it was a little on the warm side we walked a little over an hour so my steps are only at 6400 but I have all day to get to 10 k which shouldn't be a problem . Right now it is raining glad we got done before it started to rain . It really is raining hard.

    Hi Irene
    I saw that it seemed as if You were in the rain area when I looked at the weather report earlier.
    I was OK with the weather until near the end of my walk.

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Sunny here!
    Going to yoga-lates today. I'll see if I like it, I wish they had left the yoga class alone. This is a combination of yoga and pilates...I don't especially like pilates, but willing to try something new.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Since I have never tried either I have no opinion as to like or dislike :)

    The powers that be seem to make changes just to have a change IMO

    Have a Nice Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-you were up early!
    Vix-I have tried doing pilates at home following a dvd. I found it to be hard.
    Roger-did your brother get a rain check for the chicken? Our walk on the beach was 3 miles both ways and then we walked about 1/2 a mile both ways to get to breakfast, plus the miles I put on at work. Most days I do 10-15K.
    Today is doing a few errands and a little house cleaning. I have already cleaned 1 bathroom and did 2 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on the bed and did 45 minutes of walk with Leslie.
    Have a great day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    No Rain check for two reasons, 1. They were substituting Tyson for the Perdue Thighs and 2. He used the Coupon for the Legs. His main reason for wanting thighs was that they are easier to Bone out.

    You seem to have a much higher Energy level than I do or else more get to it-ness.

    Enjoy The Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Roger, it looks like hibiscus. They're always pretty, and very large flowers. :)
    Irene, glad you got your walk in before the rain and more heat.
    Jo, pilates is hard....simple yoga is also now hard enough for me. I skipped/modified a lot of the positions/moves in the class this morning. I'll see how I feel next week, may just go to the pool instead, too bad they don't have a class at the same time, but I can do a few laps or something. It's just supposed to be this way for the summer, then back to regular classes.
    Roger...funny....nacho friend!
    I need to go out and get some avocados, pumpkin seeds, celery, maybe some nuts. Oddly enough, with all the calories in avocados, seeds, and nuts, they do seem to be my friends. :wink:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    Vix after I get my knee fixed I want to try yoga it looks fun. Just found out one of our friends dog has cancer. Annie and her our the same age I feel so bad
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    edited July 2016
    Aw, sorry about your friend's dog, Irene.
    Yoga is good. It can be fun, some of it is similar to PT. Just remember not to do anything if it hurts. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Roger I think the plant is a Rose of Sharon. It looks similiar to the one I have in my yard. Mine hasn't bloomed yet.
    Irene-Sorry about your friends dog.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, it looks like hibiscus. They're always pretty, and very large flowers. :)
    Irene, glad you got your walk in before the rain and more heat.
    Jo, pilates is hard....simple yoga is also now hard enough for me. I skipped/modified a lot of the positions/moves in the class this morning. I'll see how I feel next week, may just go to the pool instead, too bad they don't have a class at the same time, but I can do a few laps or something. It's just supposed to be this way for the summer, then back to regular classes.
    Roger...funny....nacho friend!
    I need to go out and get some avocados, pumpkin seeds, celery, maybe some nuts. Oddly enough, with all the calories in avocados, seeds, and nuts, they do seem to be my friends. :wink:

    Hi Vix
    I have heard three votes for Rose of Sharon and two Hibiscus. I have Rose of Sharon in the backyard and see them walking and they are a much smaller blossom so You could be right. Thanks

    I hear a thunderstorm approaching and I just heard rain hit the AC unit in the window. I think I might get off and turn off the power supply AC feed just in case.

    Good Luck with Your Shopping
    eku0 wrote: »
    Aw, sorry about your friend's dog, Irene.
    Yoga is good. It can be fun, some of it is similar to PT. Just remember not to do anything if it hurts. :)
    Good Advice, Pain is natures way of saying stop that
    Vix after I get my knee fixed I want to try yoga it looks fun. Just found out one of our friends dog has cancer. Annie and her our the same age I feel so bad

    Hi Irene
    Are You getting an afternoon Thunderstorm to go with this mornings rain?

    Sorry to hear about Your friends Dog. it is always tough

    Have a Nice Evening
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon,
    Roger I think the plant is a Rose of Sharon. It looks similiar to the one I have in my yard. Mine hasn't bloomed yet.
    Irene-Sorry about your friends dog.

    Hopefully Your will bloom soon.

    Oh Oh Better go now the lights just dimmed momentarily